Jagged Warlord

193. Murphy's Law

However, in the end, Duan Qirui only approved the establishment of two divisions for Li Mohan.But Li Mohan didn't care. He still used the old method to expand his armed forces in the name of militias, police, picket teams, security joint defense teams, etc. The originally hidden arsenal and military academy also started to open with great fanfare.

The new arsenal formed by the merger of the Dexian Arsenal and the Jinan Xincheng Arsenal is called the Shandong Branch of the Huashang Arms Industry Group, which mainly produces various lengths of guns and bullets of various calibers used by the Army; The Henan branch of the group mainly produces large-caliber artillery, shells and various combat vehicles; the arsenal in Xuzhou is called Huashang Ordnance Industry Group Jiangsu Branch, which mainly produces other military supplies, such as clothing, shoes and hats, sulfonamide, etc.

[Army School] Named Shandong Sunwu Military Academy, it mainly trains army officers for Li Mohan and his SS, and short-term training for some in-service officers, so as to establish a country with modern training quality with its own officers as the backbone Party armed forces.According to this, the education system of military academies is mainly based on nurturing education, and also includes tutoring and convening education.The school system is also divided into three-year elementary classes and six-year advanced classes.

The duration of training for nurturing education is three years: the first year is the education for enlisted students. After the enlisted education expires, after passing the examination, they will be promoted to stepping, artillery, cavalry, engineering, and luggage, etc. according to their volunteers and examination results. The military student team implements a two-year formal student education, that is, officer candidate education; after the expiration, they are assigned to serve as trainees in various units for half a year, and then they can be supplemented by second lieutenant officers.

In addition to the cultivation education of regular students, the Shandong Army Military Academy also provides remedial education for mid-level and above officers and call-up education for special needs.This type of education basically belongs to the nature of short-term training courses for military officers, and most of the trainees are serving or unemployed military officers, which is also called cadet education.Students graduating from this military school will receive a Bachelor of Science and graduate with the rank of Second Lieutenant.Graduates are required to serve a minimum of 5 years in the military and 3 years in the reserves.

The above three years are the elementary class. After graduating from the elementary class, the students can choose to serve in the army or the reserve force, or take the advanced course examination.

The courses of the advanced class are mainly composed of military majors, and the schooling period is three years.In the first year, students learn basic tactical theory and regimental offensive and defensive tactics. In the second year, they study divisional tactics and command. In the third year, they study group army campaign theory and command.

The main courses offered are: Contract Tactics, Campaign Studies, War History, Foreign Armed Forces, Economics, Foreign Languages, Military Psychology, Military Pedagogy, Military Logistics, etc.The curriculum and progress of the correspondence department are the same as those of the basic department, but the teaching process mainly emphasizes self-study by students.After the trainees graduate, the implementation of the uniform distribution of the whole army.During the school period, students generally have to be promoted to one level, and promoted to 1-2 levels.After the graduates go down to the army, their position is not lower than the chief of staff of the regiment, and those with command experience can directly serve as the regimental leader.Those who have achieved excellent results and won the gold medal can choose units arbitrarily within the entire army.

The teaching method of the advanced class particularly emphasizes the comprehensive use of lectures, classroom discussions, self-study, various homework, various exercises and other forms to improve students' combat, tactical and military technical literacy, and cultivate students' independent thinking and problem-solving abilities.At the same time, it also emphasizes the use of modern teaching equipment, such as simulated command posts, laboratories, teaching centers, etc., to help students master weapons and technical equipment, train and master modern equipment, and learn to use the automated command system to command troops.

Among them, the most prominent ones are the homework forms of war chess confrontation, field trip homework and group homework teaching and learning introduced and advocated by the executive principal Jiang Fangzhen.This form of work provides the possibility to study new campaign and tactical issues, and can provide rich materials for training and writing military theory.

[Air Force Academy] The Air Force Academy is also located in Jinan. The school is located in the Shandong Sun Wu Military Academy, and it is called Shandong Aviation Technical School.After the first batch of cadets enrolled in the aviation school, they will be organized into an aviation enlistment team and receive training together with other military school cadets who enrolled in the same period.The aviation school is not only located in the same place as the military academy, but students who study the army and the air force train in the same large playground and eat in the same cafeteria. The students of the aviation school take military courses, cultural courses and engineering physics and chemistry courses In the lecture hall, the airport is only used for flight lessons, professional technical lessons, and flight practice and training. Its supervision and military instructors are also served by instructors from Sun Tzu Military Academy.When the aviation school students graduate, they can not only receive the graduation certificate of the aviation school, but also get the graduation certificate of Sun Tzu Military Academy at the same time.In today's terms, the aviation school can actually be regarded as a department or college of Shandong Sunwu Military Academy.In terms of instructors, apart from Bayuzao and others, Feng Ru, Zhu Zhuquan, Zhu Zhaohuai and others were also newly hired.

【Naval School】It is planned to be located in Penglai County, named Penglai Civil Ship Technology School. Li Mohan plans to build a shipbuilding industrial park in Penglai, mainly focusing on shipbuilding and ship repairing. 200-1000 ship supporting enterprises, producing ship supporting parts, unit assembly, hatch covers, launching parts, electrical equipment, outfitting parts, sanitary equipment, heavy industry machinery, steel structures, port machinery and other ship supporting products.The name of the school sounds like a civilian ship school, but it is actually directly subordinate to the General Staff of the Governor's Mansion.Once students enter the school, they immediately join the military.The school plans to enroll 30 students in the first batch. When the students enter the school, they will undergo cultural re-examination and physical examination, and 40 students will be eliminated. The remaining 100 students will be assigned to two classes of driving and engineering.Half a year later, the college divided the driving class into driving class A and driving class B according to their academic performance, and more than 10 people with poor academic performance entered driving class B.The schooling period of driving class A and engineering class is three and a half years, and that of driving class B is four and a half years.The second phase plans to set up a pilot flight with 90 students; a new measurement class with 20 students.

The above three schools all take "responsibility, honor, country" as their school motto, and the basic requirements of military schools for their students.

Responsibility: It requires all students to voluntarily do what they should do in the spirit of service from the day they enter the school, and they all have the obligation and responsibility to perform their duties, and when performing their duties, their starting point should not be It's about getting a reward or avoiding a punishment, but out of a genuine sense of duty.

Honor: is the moral conduct required of military academies of their cadets.From the beginning of the establishment of the military academy, the "Honor Code" and "Honor System" have been formulated. The basic content of the honor code is: "Every cadet will never lie, cheat or steal, and will never tolerate such behavior."

NATIONAL: Designed to evoke a dedication to national interests and national ideals.This is the ultimate goal and the highest requirement for the military academy to train students, and it is the most essential embodiment of the basic policy of the military academy.

……Dividing line……

Murphy's theorem tells us that things tend to develop in the bad direction you think, as long as there is this possibility.Nothing is as simple as it seems; everything will take longer than you expect; things that can go wrong will always go wrong; and if you fear something will happen, then it is more likely to happen.It was a good thing, but sideways.

It is said that Youmin is very trustworthy. After leaving Jinan, he went to Weixian County to recruit his old subordinates, and then pulled a team of more than 500 people to assemble in the direction of Zhoucun. Li Mohan also sent a battalion of troops to Zhoucun to support him.It is said that in the Northeast Army of the Chinese Revolutionary Party, there are quite a few mustaches from outside the customs who came from the Northeast. They were neither willing to be disbanded nor accepted to be incorporated. In the area of ​​Jiadao, they started to rob houses and rob houses.Later, their scope of activities was further expanded, and they fled into Laoshan again.So far, they called themselves "Jiaodong guerrillas. Therefore, the local people have a very bad impression of people who speak with an accent outside the Northeast Pass.

Coincidentally, in addition to the civilian army composed of Shandong people and part of the Beiyang army from the Jiangyin Uprising, You Min's team also included revolutionaries from the Northeast.Because their team was running quietly, they didn't bring much supplies. Therefore, when they reached Gushan Village, which was more than 100 miles away from Zhou Village, the 500-member army ran out of food.On the one hand, Youmin sent people to Li Mohan's side to ask for rescue soldiers, and on the other hand, he ordered the soldiers to buy food from the villagers in nearby villages.

However, Shandong has just been hit by a military disaster, and this year’s harvest has not been very good, and some soldiers have turned the purchase of grain into forced buying or even forced robbery. Therefore, the villagers thought that the red beards in the northeast were coming again, so they exchanged ideas with each other. Connected in series to form a Lianzhuang meeting and surrounded by the Minbu.

What's more troublesome is that some people reported to Juzheng that You Min planned to drag the team to defect to Li Mohan.Juzheng was furious, and immediately ordered Wu Dazhou to come with all his troops, asking him to clean up the house with his own hands and deal with the traitor You Min.And You Min's men, who asked Li Mohan for help, also arrived at Zhoucun smoothly, and asked for help from the First Battalion of the Second Independent Regiment of the SS Army stationed here.The battalion was originally sent by Li Mohan to meet You Min, so the battalion commander Chen Dake immediately ordered the troops to go to Gushan Village to rescue You Min.

However, Murphy's Law came into play again at this time. On the way to Gushan Village, Chen Dakeying caused an explosion in an ammunition truck due to an accident, so he arrived one day later than the scheduled time. The Dazhou Department has already arrived one step ahead of them, telling Youmin's troops to surround Gushan Village.

Chen Dake immediately sent someone to get in touch with Wu Dazhou, and informed Youmin that the Ministry of Military Affairs had accepted the reorganization of the Shandong Governor's Mansion, which was already in the order of the Shandong Army, so Wu Dazhou had to be released immediately.

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