Jagged Warlord

207. Langfang Railway Station

Since the railway was opened in Langfang, this place has become a strategic point between Tianjin and Beijing.After Li Mohan entered the capital, the first thing he did was to send a battalion of troops to Langfang to garrison.

"Set up the machine guns, and dig the foxholes a little deeper!" The eighth battalion of the garrison stationed in Langfang is a second-line force that has been in the army for less than half a year. Most of the company commanders, platoon leaders, and squad leaders have just graduated Or among the recruits who graduated early, only battalion commander Wu Weiguo and trainer Ouli who was in charge of political training were veterans.

Battalion Commander Wu Weiguo arranged three infantry companies in a crescent formation around the station, the heavy machine guns in the machine gun company were distributed to each company, and the mortar platoon was left at the battalion headquarters for fire support at any time.

The trainer, Ollie, is a hardcore member of the National Party. While smoking a cigarette, he has a submachine gun in his hand.

Wu Weiguo saw it and asked, "Old Ou, don't the trainers all have twenty rings? Where did you get a submachine gun?"

"Don't worry about it." Oli pulled the bolt a few times, raised it again, squinted his eyes and aimed at the distance. "With just such a small number of people, if you want to defend Langfang Station, you can't do without risking your life."

Wu Weiguo stopped talking, but secretly took stock of his family property in his heart. A squad of the SS had one light machine gun, a platoon had three, a company had nine, and three infantry companies had a total of 27 light machine guns.The machine gun company has twelve heavy machine guns and six mortars.Although there is only one battalion of troops, the firepower output is definitely not worse than that of a regiment.

A company of sniper Converse was lying on the top of the water injection tower of the station, and used the scope of the sniper rifle to detect the distance from time to time. The water injection tower is the commanding height of this area and the only shooting position that can block the side of the carriage. After entering the station, I can also provide fire cover for my comrades.As the best sniper in the company, Wang Kuangwei took his comrade Liu Chan to guard this position without hesitation.


After taking the attention of the eyes away from the target hole, while relaxing the eyes, Converse took a deep breath at the same time, "Huh?" Suddenly, Converse saw a black line on the distant horizon that seemed to be moving.He couldn't see clearly, and after closing his eyes for a few seconds, he continued to look into the distance with the scope.

"No, it's the Beiyang Army." Converse finally saw more and more figures wearing Beiyang Army uniforms on the other side of the scope.

"Little Kuang, how's the situation?" The platoon leader happened to be under the water injection tower, shouting at Kuang

"The number of enemy troops is not known yet, but there are many." Converse replied to the platoon leader, and began to describe the enemy's passing direction and weapon equipment in sign language.

"No artillery?" The platoon leader felt a lot relieved after seeing Converse's sign language indicating that he did not find the enemy carrying artillery.They are a battalion-level garrison force and do not have dedicated artillery. The largest caliber artillery is the [-]mm mortar of the battalion's machine gun company.If the Beiyang Army brought a few mountain artillery or field artillery even as small as [-] mm, he would have to squat in the anti-aircraft hole and be beaten without the ability to fight back.

"Two heavy machine guns?" The platoon leader continued to read Converse's sign language

For those who have never experienced war, they would think that war is wonderful, so when they heard that the Beiyang army was coming, the recruits in the company were not only not afraid, but excited.

"Company commander! Look there, those Beiyang soldiers in gray uniforms are hiding behind the bushes. If they surround us, we will start a massacre! Photon and I haven't had a chance to fire two shots yet." While wiping their guns, the two recruits were joking with the company commander.

"Don't be so fucking nonsense. If they come up, it will be a problem whether we have enough bullets. Fill the magazine with me." The company commander Hao Min is a veteran. Because of his low education level, he has never been promoted to a cadre. , he was on fire.

The Beiyang Army near Langfang Station is the No. 20 Ninth Infantry Regiment of the Eighth Division of the Beiyang Army under Li Changtai. The head of the regiment is Tao Yunhe, whose name is Xiaoxuan.Perhaps because of his professional background, Tao Yunhe believed that Li Changtai's sending his own regiment to fight against the garrison battalion in Langfang was simply killing chickens with a bull's knife.Therefore, Tao Yunhe didn't even prepare for firepower, and directly ordered a battalion of infantry to overwhelm them.

The ancestors of the Chinese have summed up long ago, what is meant by arrogant soldiers must be defeated, and Tao Yunhe is like that.A battalion of the Beiyang Army opened up the front line and rushed towards the station with guns on their waists. The machine gunners carried heavy machine guns and followed closely behind the infantry, ready to provide fire support at any time.

Suddenly, the soldiers of the Beiyang Army heard a strange sound coming from the air, and before they could react, they saw bullets raining down from the sky.

"Lie down~ Disperse!" The squad and platoon commanders in the Beiyang Army shouted quickly.However, these bullets fell from the sky, and general tactical actions such as lying down cannot reduce the probability of being hit by bullets.As a result, many Beiyang soldiers lay on the ground, still getting several bullets in their backs.

A company commander of the Beiyang Army, who was lucky enough to escape the bullet, looked into the distance. He checked the distance with his own eyes. His position was nearly a thousand meters away from Langfang Station. How did the SS shoot at such a distance?

"It must be a blind cat who caught a dead mouse." The Beiyang army didn't believe this evil and continued to move forward.


Another rain of bullets fell from the sky. Some soldiers of the Beiyang Army were shot from their shoulders and shot out from their wrists, causing huge and terrifying wounds.

"Lie down!" The officers of the Beiyang Army still yelled to lie down in vain, and as a result, whether they were lying down or not, the Beiyang soldiers all went to the next piece.

"It's really evil." The Beiyang officer put his pistol on the brim of his hat, and the platoon leader next to him asked, "Company commander, why are we still rushing?"

The company commander of the Beiyang Army scolded: "Fuck you, hide first." As a result, the soldiers of the Beiyang Army hid behind trees and stones wisely.After a long time, the opponent's machine gun did not fire again.

A telegraph soldier risked his waist and ran to the company commander, saying: "Company commander, the commander got angry and scolded battalion commander Jiang severely, saying why he was advancing so slowly."

Company Commander Beiyang had no choice but to bite the bullet and come out from behind the stone, shouting: "Brothers, go ahead and show the prestige of our Eighth Division."

"Roar~" The Beiyang soldiers came out from behind the trees and rocks again, and continued to advance bravely.This time, advancing to a distance of more than 500 meters, the SS machine guns did not fire.

In fact, as a second-line force, there are not many opportunities for the garrison to practice heavy machine gun indirect shooting tactics.The two shots just now were purely due to the impulsiveness and itchy hands of the recruits.

"Bastard, who told you to shoot?" Wu Weiguo came to the machine gun position and cursed: "How much is your indirect shooting score usually? Just met a few people, and a heavy machine gun position opened fire?"

The machine gunner was so scolded that he didn't dare to look up, "Commander, we know we were wrong."

Wu Weiguo called for Hao Min, the company commander on the side, pointed to his nose and said, "Hao Min, you are also a veteran, take care of these new recruits under your command."

"Yes." Hao Min quickly stood at attention and saluted.

"Company commander, the Beiyang soldiers are coming up." A squad leader shouted

"Grandma, you're finally here." Hao Min said to Wu Weiguo: "Battle Commander, you go to the back and hide for a while, we'll leave this place to us."

"Fart." Wu Weiguo scolded, "I'm the battalion commander, how can I back down in battle."

"That's good. I want your protection?" Hao Min didn't argue with Wu Weiguo, but just grabbed a rifle and handed it to Wu Weiguo, "Master Battalion Commander, we will fight later, I don't have time to greet you."

"Grandma." Hao Min pulled the breech, raised the rifle in his hand, aimed at a distance and fired.

Unexpectedly, after this shot, the Beiyang army stopped advancing and retreated with a huff.

"What's the situation?" Hao Min and the entire company of soldiers were dumbfounded, so they retreated like this?

"Look, as soon as I showed off my power, they ran away in fright." Wu Weiguo triumphantly put the gun on his shoulder.How did they know that Wu Weiguo's shot accidentally killed the company commander of a company of the Beiyang Army that was attacking, and the Beiyang Army suddenly lost its officers, and then retreated.

Wu Weiguo is an officer with a strong sense of counterattack, but this time he also felt that the retreat of the Beiyang Army was a bit strange, so he didn't dare to pursue it rashly.He picked up the binoculars to roughly measure the distance, and then said to the machine gunners on the machine gun position: "You guys, the Beiyang Army has retreated, and you are just practicing indirect shooting."

The recruits machine gunners were overjoyed, and quickly began to measure and shoot Zhu Yuan, and then knocked out a chain of ammunition in the direction of the Beiyang Army's retreat.

Battalion Commander Jiang of the Beiyang Army's attacking force happened to be leading the battalion forward. Seeing the troops retreating, he drew his pistol and shouted, "Bear bag, trash dim sum. Where's your company commander? I'm going to shoot him." .”

Xiao Bing told him, saying: "Battalion Commander, our company commander is dead."

"Uh~!" Battalion Commander Jiang seemed to have punched the cotton with a fist, and he felt embarrassed when he had no one to vent his anger on. He said, "Then you can't just escape like this."

Another soldier said: "Battalion Commander, we are not fleeing back. Without the company commander, we are like losing our backbone. We are coming back to listen to your orders."

After hearing this, Battalion Commander Jiang became proud again, and said, "You want to avenge your company commander and show off the prestige of our Eighth Division. Come, all follow me."

The soldiers thought to themselves that the death of the company commander is none of our business, since the battalion commander is here, then just follow the battalion commander.

For the return of the Beiyang Army, Wu Weiguo had expected it, and the soldiers were the same. Not only were they not nervous, but they were looking forward to it.Ever since, Beiyang soldiers launched an attack on Langfang Railway Station.

Unfortunately, the company of the Beiyang Army led by Battalion Commander Jiang happened to be in the superimposed fire area formed by the side-fired machine guns of the SS. The dense rain of bullets came from the left and right directions, making it impossible for these Beiyang troops to avoid it. avoid.

With just one cigarette, this company of the Beiyang Army was almost wiped out, and only a dozen people were lucky enough to escape from the powerful firepower of the SS.

At noon, the Beiyang Army of the three companies that attacked Langfang Railway Station were all repelled, and all lost more than half of their troops.

The SS has popularized magnet telephones in the company's first-level units, and the battle situation on the front line was quickly spread to the battalion headquarters.The trainer Ouli was overjoyed when he was in the station master's office, "What Beiyang Army, I think highly of them, they ran away before the mortars were deployed."

Tao Yunhe also arrived at Yangcun near Langfang at noon. When he heard that Langfang Railway Station had not been captured, he was furious and cursed, "Where's Jiang Fu? I'm going to kill him."

The adjutant told him that Jiang Fu was dead.

"Damn it, it's really time for him to die." Tao Yunhe asked, "Is there anyone left in their army?"

The adjutant reported: "There are about a hundred more people."

"Call them up." Tao Yunhe said


……Dividing line……

After one o'clock in the afternoon, Converse was still lying on the observation post on the top of the water injection tower. After the fierce battle in the morning, the Beiyang Army seemed to have no plans to charge again.

Converse raised his rifle and looked into the distance with the scope, and seemed to see something flying from far to near, and then the whistling screams became louder and louder.

"Not good." Converse yelled: "The enemy has fired."


Before the words were finished, a shell fell near the water injection tower. The huge shock wave broke the wooden support of the water injection tower, and the whole water injection tower collapsed.

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