Jagged Warlord

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It is said that Tao Yunhe's regiment was beaten with heavy casualties. Tao Yunhe retreated to the vicinity of Nancai Village. After counting the number of people, good guy, there are only half of a regiment left.Tao Yunhe is a proud and arrogant person, since he joined the army, he has never suffered such a big loss.Tao Yunhe took out his gun and pressed it against his temple, "I'm sorry for the brothers who died, I, Tao, can only apologize with death."

A few guards rushed forward and snatched Tao Yunhe's gun at once, "You can't do it, victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs, you can't do this."

At this time, a sentry suddenly heard shouting, "Who is it?"

The Beiyang Army, still in shock, thought it was the SS who were chasing them, and some timid ones were so frightened that their legs trembled.

"We are from the No. 30 Regiment of the Eighth Division, are the brothers from the 29 Regiment in front?" Someone shouted from the opposite side

"Tuan Zuo, reinforcements are here." The guard shouted happily at Tao Yunhe, but Tao Yunhe was not happy. Tian Jinzhang, the head of the No.30 regiment, had had quarrels with him on weekdays. He had just lost a battle today, so why didn't he take the opportunity to sarcastically sarcasm himself?

Sure enough, Tian Jinzhang came to Tao Yunhe on a horse, condescending, raised his whip, and said with a smile: "What's the matter, brother Xiaoxuan, didn't you go to Langfang to make a train? Why did you stop here? Haha!"

Tao Yunhe straightened the military cap on his head, managed to force a smile, and said, "Don't worry about Brother Yan Ting, but I don't know why Brother Yan Ting is here?"

Tian Jinzhang smiled gloatingly, and said, "I don't want to come either, but the military order is hard to disobey, and Tao Yunhe obeys the order." Tian Jinzhang took out a piece of paper from his arms, and read aloud: "Tao Yunhe is not good in battle, and the commander will be dismissed at discretion." One post, demoted to battalion commander. The 29th Regiment's troops were reduced to the 29th Battalion, which was temporarily managed by Tian Jinzhang of the [-]th Regiment. Li Changtai, the commander of the [-]th Division."

"What?" Before Tian Jinzhang finished reading, the soldiers of the 29th regiment were in an uproar.

Tao Yunhe said angrily: "Impossible. I, Tao Yunhe, did not take down Langfang Station, but the main force of my 29th Regiment is still there. Give me half a day to take down the station. It is impossible for the division to dismiss me because of such a trivial matter." .”

Tian Jinzhang threw the Taoist hand to Tao Yunhe, and said: "I don't have the courage to pass on the order of the master. This is the warrant written by the master himself. You can take a look."

Tao Yunhe grabbed the piece of paper in the air, held it in front of his eyes and took a closer look. It was indeed written by Li Changtai himself, and it was stamped with a seal, so it must not be a fake. "Master seat~~" Tao Yunhe felt sad from his heart.

The soldiers of the 29th Regiment chattered, "It's not fair. Our regiment has won so many battles, is it because of this time that we were dismissed?"

"This master seat is too confused!"

Tian Jinzhang shouted loudly: "Bold, you dare to say that the teacher is not a soldier?"

"Even in front of the division commander, I want to complain for our regiment commander." The soldier scratched his neck.

"You mother, dare to talk back to me?" Tian Jinzhang drew a gun from his waist and pointed it at the stubborn soldier.

"How dare you!" Tao Yunhe was furious, and he immediately drew his gun at Tian Jinzhang in a daze, "Don't move~"

"You don't want to move either~!" The other soldiers of the 29th Regiment pointed their guns at the soldiers of the 29th Regiment without hesitation, and the other party also raised their guns and pulled the bolt to aim at the officers and soldiers of the [-]th Regiment.

Tian Jinzhang shouted loudly: "Tao Yunhe, do you want to rebel?"

"I~ I want to see the teacher." Tao Yunhe replied loudly

"Master, you can see him whenever you want?" Tian Jinzhang said

Before the words fell, a gunshot was heard, and a bloody hole appeared in Tian Jinzhang's chest. Tian Jinzhang swayed from side to side, and fell headfirst off the horse.

All the people present were stunned and were at a loss for a moment.

"Who fired the gun?" Tao Yunhe shouted

The soldiers of the 29th regiment looked at each other, not knowing what happened.

blah blah blah

The soldiers of the 29th regiment fired at the soldiers of the [-]th regiment first, and they shouted: "Tao Yunhe rebelled, Tao Yunhe killed regiment leader Tian."

Feeling being bullied, the soldiers of the 29th regiment were not to be outdone, and immediately fired back.

"Don't shoot~don't shoot~!" Tao Yunhe knew that he was accused of rebellion by shooting himself, but now he can no longer control the situation.Several guards kept Tao Yunhe, and forced him to hide behind their own troops to protect him.

And on a big tree more than 600 meters away, a sniper covered in leaf camouflage was silently watching all this.

As a result of the battle, Tao Yunhe's men were few and weak, and they were beaten back steadily by the [-]th regiment. In desperation, Tao Yunhe actually put all his eggs in one basket and brought the few remaining troops to Langfang to surrender to Wuwei State.

Soon after, Li Mohan in the Prime Minister's Office received a battle report from the front, saying that Tao Yunhe's Department of No.20 Ninth Regiment of the Eighth Division of the Beiyang Army and Tian Jinzhang's Department of the [-]th Regiment of the Eighth Division of the Beiyang Army were engaged in a firefight. News of the surrender to Langfang.

Li Mohan was at the time of employing people at this time, so he immediately took Guo Side to Fengtai to meet Tao Yunhe.

Tao Yunhe was covered in gunpowder and blood, and the soldiers under him were also in a panic. They jumped off the SS military truck and were discussing in twos and threes, whether it was worth it to surrender this time.

"The Prime Minister is here." While they were discussing, the guard called out loudly.

"It's Captain Tao, right? You've worked hard." Li Mohan warmly held Tao Yunhe's hand as soon as he met him, "How is it? Is there enough clothes? Is there enough food? Is there enough medicine? The wounded soldiers have all been bandaged and treated. No?"

Tao Yunhe was taken aback for a moment, and a few seconds later, he actually shed two hot tears.He choked up and said, "I, Tao Yunhe, came to vote poorly. The Prime Minister didn't ask how many soldiers, horses and ammunition he brought, but asked the soldiers whether they had food and clothing, and whether they had medicine. Compared with Li Changtai's ruthlessness, the world is so cold."

The other soldiers on the side first heard Li Mohan's talk, and felt that this young prime minister was really unreliable, mother-in-law.Hearing Tao Yunhe's interpretation now, I immediately felt that Li Mohan really loves soldiers like a son.

Tao Yunhe is a temperamental person. He raised his hand to touch his tears, turned around and said to the team of less than 300 people left behind him, "Listen up, brothers of the 29th regiment. From today on, I, Tao Yunhe, will be loyal to Li Mohan and Li Mohan." Prime Minister, if you brothers are willing to continue to follow our Tao Yunhe, you can stay, if you don’t want to, you can put down your gun and leave.”

Most of the soldiers have followed Tao Yunhe since the first day they joined the army. Naturally, they had no objection and shouted: "Allegiance to Chairman Li." .

Li Mohan recruited the No. 20 Ninth Regiment of the Eighth Division of the Beiyang Army, but he didn't dare to send them to the battlefield immediately.Although Tao Yunhe cried like it was real, who knew if it was real?Therefore, Li Mohan finally decided to transfer Tao Yunhe to Lingyi, a front far away from the Eighth Division.Li Mohan ordered Tao Yunhe's troops to start from Fengtai, go south along the Beijing-Hanzhou Railway, and go to Gaobeidian to stop Cao Kun's Department of the Third Division of the Beiyang Army going north.Of course, he wouldn't just send one of them. Behind Tao Yunhe, there were two battalions of the SS garrison led by Shang Jinghuan.It's called defense, but it's also surveillance.

Shang Jinghuan was supposed to sabotage the railway to slow down the northward march of the Beiyang army, but the Beijing envoys protested in accordance with the "Xin Chou Treaty" and sent foreign soldiers to protect the railway.Similarly, foreigners did not allow Cao Kun's troops to fight the SS in the railway annex, so the two armies fought at a place called Beidoumen three kilometers east of Gaobeidian.

Cao Kun's third division has a large number of people, fierce firepower, and artillery. It is determined to win Beidoumen.Although the number of SS troops is small, they are also well-equipped, relying on favorable fortifications, and resist tenaciously.The two sides refused to give in to each other, and the fight was in full swing.


A 75mm mountain artillery shell flew over and smashed viciously on the SS army's position, stirring up half a sky high and flying mud everywhere, and then scattered down one after another, falling on the SS soldiers.The SS garrison commanded by Shang Jinghuan has a larger proportion of veterans. Many of them participated in the battle to recover Jinan, and they can be regarded as troops who have seen the world.However, the fierce artillery preparations made many people sacrifice their lives for the country without even seeing the shadow of the enemy.

The SS soldiers who had no artillery cover finally survived the continuous sound of artillery fire, and the officer leading the team discovered that the Beiyang Army on the opposite side had already charged over in a dense manner.

"Idiot, the enemy is rushing up, where is your machine gun going?" Shang Jinghuan came to the front line and saw a young machine gunner frantically operating the machine gun, but all the bullets flew into the sky.

Shang Jinghuan kicked the heavy machine gun shooter viciously. The latter dared to be angry but did not dare to speak. Although the SS garrison troops were well-trained, they had not been tested in actual combat after all. Many soldiers were on the ground for the first time. On the battlefield, when encountering such a situation, they are naturally at a loss.

Shang Jinghuan readjusted the shooting elements of the machine gun, and Maxim's gun barrel kept pouring out firepower, and swept straight at the soldiers of the Beiyang Army who had launched the charge. , The bullet hit the sand with a "puffling" sound.However, the SS had too many light and heavy machine guns, and with the support of mortars, the offensive momentum of the Beiyang Army had been suppressed.

Both the east and west lines were fighting fiercely, and Li Yuanhong of the presidential palace was anxious like ants on a hot pot.He couldn't stand it any longer, so he went directly to the Prime Minister's Office so that he could get the battle report as soon as possible.When he heard that reinforcements from two divisions and two brigades from Shandong were on their way, Li Yuanhong finally relaxed a little.

However, Li Mohan said: "Of these two divisions and two brigades, I only plan to send two brigades to Beijing. I will send one division to Baoding, and one division to Tianjin."

Li Yuanhong was taken aback and asked, "Mohan, are you really confident that you can defend Beijing with ten battalions?"

"Of course." Li Mohan said: "I still have armored chariots that haven't been dispatched. Besides, I think we still have one person who can fight for it."

"Who?" Li Yuanhong asked hurriedly

"Feng Yuxiang." Li Mohan said: "Isn't his uncle Lu Jianzhang? Chen Shufan drove away Lu Jianzhang in Shaanxi, and Duan Qirui treated Chen Shufan kindly. This relationship should be exploitable. Besides, Feng Yuxiang is not a fuel-efficient lamp. As long as the price is right, he Will change my mind."

Li Yuanhong said: "Did he not be moved when he was given the title of brigade commander last time?"

"One moment and another moment." Li Mohan replied: "At that time, Duan Qirui was in the limelight, and Feng Yuxiang was not optimistic about your partner and me. Now the situation has become less clear, and it is also the time for Feng Yuxiang to sell. Of course , we can ask for a higher price, so why not give him the position of Lieutenant General and Commander?"

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