Jagged Warlord

219. Plan to recover Outer Mongolia 1

After discussions between Jiang Fangzhen and Yang Zude, it was finally decided that all the students from the model regiment sent by Duan Qirui should be sent to Jinan Sunwu Military Academy for further studies, so as not to conflict with the current academy of Baoding Military Academy.

"Principal Yang, I am here this time under the Prime Minister's secret order." Jiang Fangzhen took out an envelope and pushed it in front of Yang Zude.

Yang Zude opened the envelope and took a look, he was shocked. "Isn't Prime Minister Li training the troops for the war to send troops to Europe?"

"Send troops to Europe?" Jiang Fangzhen smiled and said, "Although our chairman is young, he is not stupid. Sending troops to Europe all the way to fight for those foreigners? We Chinese men will only bleed and die for our own territory."

What Yang Zude held in his hand was an official document typed out with the latest Chinese typewriter invented by Qi Xuan, a student studying in the United States in Shandong.After Li Mohan's promotion, all internal and external official documents in government agencies are typed with a typewriter, which is both beautiful and fast.

With one hand behind his back, Jiang Fangzhen pointed to the map of the Republic of China on the wall, and said, "Principal Yang, the recovery of Outer Mongolia is a great achievement that will go down in history. Its significance is comparable to that of Wei Qing and Huo Qubing, and its significance is comparable to that of Zuo Ji." Gao Pingjian. Therefore, I came to Baoding Military Academy this time to select generals for the Mongolian expedition.”

Yang Zude put away the secret order solemnly and said, "Then what can I do?"

"After all, I haven't been in school for four or five years, so I don't know much about the situation here. I hope that you will become a student with excellent academic performance. Expedition to Mongolia is hard work, and it is not something those dandies who join the army for the sake of glory and wealth can bear. "Jiang Fangzhen replied

Yang Zude was a little worried, "It's a good thing that the Prime Minister intends to recover Outer Mongolia, but is this matter fully assured? We can't do something like the Yuanjia Northern Expedition."

The Yuanjia Northern Expedition, also known as the Battle of Guabu, was a battle between the Southern Song Dynasty and the Northern Wei Dynasty during the Southern and Northern Dynasties. In 430 AD, Emperor Wen of the Song Dynasty led his army to the Northern Expedition, but it was defeated and suffered heavy losses.Because Emperor Wen of the Song Dynasty was named Yuanjia, this large-scale Northern Expedition was called the Yuanjia Northern Expedition.Years of fierce wars took place between the Northern Wei Dynasty, Daxia and Rouran.Liu Yilong, Emperor Wendi of the Song Dynasty, thought there was an opportunity to take advantage of it, so he sent envoys to ask Tuoba Tao to return the occupied places in Henan and Shandong.Originally, this was a good opportunity to regain lost ground, but due to insufficient preparations by the Song Dynasty in the Southern Dynasty, the military actions of the Northern Expedition were too hasty, so that the Song Dynasty in the Southern Dynasty was defeated.Xin Qiji, a great poet of later generations, once wrote "Yong Yu Le".The phrase "Reminiscence of the Ancients at Beigu Pavilion in Jingkou" contains the sentence "Yuanjia is so careless, the wolf is sealed off to live in Xu, and the north is visited in a hurry", which is exactly the lesson of this passage.

Jiang Fangzhen was a little unhappy. He said: "Our chairman is not Song Wendi. Besides, the Russian power in Outer Mongolia has collapsed. If we don't take the opportunity to dispatch, the Japanese will seize the opportunity. We entered Kulun before the Japanese. And we have a big barracks there—the Red City Barracks."

In 1913, China, Russia and Mongolia signed the Kyakhta Agreement, formally confirming the "autonomy" of Outer Mongolia in the form of a treaty.In the same year, Yuan Shikai ordered the construction of a super large barracks in Kulun (now Ulaanbaatar) - the Red City Barracks, which was later the well-known headquarters of the Soviet Army in Mongolia - Wulanhua - the Mongolian word "red barracks". It means that the Red City Barracks is owned by the government of the Republic of China, Mongolians are not allowed to enter, but according to the "Qakhetu Agreement", Chinese soldiers are also not allowed to enter, so what is the purpose of such a huge empty camp by old Yuan Xiu, it is really unclear easy to say.

During the First World War, Jebtsundamba suddenly became very aggressive. It was not enough for foreign countries to stand up, but he also wanted to attack Inner Mongolia. He sent troops to attack several times, and the two sides fought a few battles. , the Beiyang Army is at a disadvantage, not because of how strong the Mongolian Army is in combat, the main reason is that he can fight you, and if he can't beat you, he will retreat, but you can't chase, and if you chase him, you will cross the border, although legally speaking, it is still China's territory , but also from a legal point of view, there is Chinese territory that Chinese soldiers cannot enter. According to the "Khakhta Agreement", it is illegal for Chinese troops to operate on Chinese territory.

A cannon shot from the Aurora, the world is about to change, everyone's opportunity has come, the first to react is the Japanese, their hands stretched into Outer Mongolia.At the same time, Li Mohan also dispatched Chen!Yi (not that one) went to Kulun to serve as the guardian envoy.Leading a regiment of soldiers into Outer Mongolia, the clause in the "Khakhta Agreement" that stipulates that China shall not station troops in Mongolia was directly ignored.Chen Yi went to Kulun to negotiate with the Mongols.

The original political system of Outer Mongolia was that the princes governed the government and the lamas disciplined them. However, during the process of "self-government", the power was also transferred to the lamas. The princes were very dissatisfied, so they hoped to use Chen Yi's power to regain power. As for the price, it was to cancel In the name of self-government, it gives the government a false face, and the situation of disguised independence will continue to be retained; Chen Yi talked with the princes for ten months, and came up with a "63 Articles on the Status of Outer Mongolia", which is to cancel the "on the basis of continuing de facto independence" In the name of self-government, but the lamas disagree, the power is in the hands of the lamas, they do not agree, the "63 Articles" are equivalent to waste paper.

In response to "Article 63", the Outer Mongolia Autonomous Government began to launch high-profile attacks on the government, and the situation tended to get out of control.Chen Yi had no choice but to call the capital to send more reinforcements.

Although the Beiyang forces and Southwest warlord forces in the Yangtze River Basin are still rampant, Li Mohan really doesn't want to miss this opportunity to recover more than 100 million square kilometers of land.Therefore, he secretly ordered Jiang Fangzhen to secretly select a group of reliable young officers in the name of inspecting the Baoding Military Academy to form the main force for the recovery of Outer Mongolia.

Yang Zude thought for a while, and said: "If we can establish such an extraordinary achievement, it will be an extremely honorable thing for the teachers and students of our Baoding Military Academy. I will go to select students."

In order not to affect the students' studies as much as possible, Yang Zude mainly selected students from the third and fourth phases of Baoding who are about to graduate.


After the selection of personnel, Jiang Fangzhen took them back to Beijing, and Li Mohan secretly received this group of young soldiers at the Prime Minister's Office.

"Do you know why I secretly transferred you from school to the capital this time?" Li Mohan asked

Some of these students, such as Zhang Zhizhong, Cai Tingkai and others, have read "My View on Nationalism" and have long been fascinated by Li Mohan. This time, seeing this young and promising hero who dominates the party, his heart is even more respectful. .

Cai Tingkai was the first to answer: "I know, it is to organize and train the army to participate in the war, to participate in Europe, and to show the national prestige of the first among us."

Others also agreed.

Li Mohan shook his head and said: "No, I brought you here from Baoding to make your name go down in history. Because you are about to do something that is of great significance to the national team—— Recover Outer Mongolia."

The young officers clamored, Zhang Zhizhong was the first to take a step forward, stepped forward, and said loudly, "Prime Minister, is what you said true?"

"Of course it is true." Li Mohan replied: "However, I can only send a brigade of troops to Mongolia this time, and the follow-up troops may not arrive until a few months later. You are going deep into the hinterland of Mongolia, and the situation is dangerous. There is no return, and it is too late for you to regret it now. You must know that the achievements of Wei Qing and Huo Qubing are not something ordinary people can build."

This group of young military officers had been locked up in school all day to study, and they had already suffocated their blood.Stirred by Li Mohan's words, blood rushed to the top of his head.

He Jian said loudly: "Prime Minister, what you said is really underestimating us. If we only want to be prosperous and rich, why should we come to join the army?"

Shang Zhen also replied loudly: "Yunqiao (He Jian's word Yunqiao) spoke our hearts."

"Okay, seeing that you are so confident, I seem to see the prosperity of the country in the future." Li Mohan snapped his fingers, and Jiang Fangzhen immediately brought over a thick piece of material, "This is the strategy for recovering Outer Mongolia. Take it and have a look."

Li Mohan's strategy for recovering Outer Mongolia was basically based on Xu Shuzheng's strategy for recovering Outer Mongolia in history.The Mongolian army first assembled in Xuanhua, then drove to Duolun on foot, and then took the 120 Dodge trucks that had been prepared before, and headed towards Kulun along Zhangku Avenue.The first step in recovering Outer Mongolia was to contact the armed forces of the Japanese army stationed in Kulun. According to intelligence, the Japanese army had [-] troops. The second step was to attack the local monks. , temptation, bribery, intimidation, psychological warfare, and military threats are all there. As long as it is effective, feel free to do it boldly; third, occupy strategic locations. Outer Mongolia threatens Siberian traffic. We occupied Kulun in the frontier territory, and could not do all the work. Therefore, Gao Zaitian and other troops were ordered to leave the main force and capture Maimai City (now Qiaktu), Uliasutai, Khobdo, Tangnu Ulianghai and other places. .To achieve rapid progress, taking advantage of the many internal strife in Russia and being caught off guard, it can be done overnight.

Li Mohan said: "The army that entered Mongolia this time is a reorganized division, but it includes recruits and new officers. The proportion of newcomers may be as high as 60.00%. In addition, it is about [-] miles from Duolun to Kulun, and the road is mostly sandy moraine. It will take five to six days for the truck to arrive, and the hardships of the journey can be imagined. In the end, even if you reach Outer Mongolia safely, you may face a series of fierce battles, and it is still unknown whether you can survive until the arrival of reinforcements. I finally Ask you once, you should think clearly."

Wu Shi also took a step forward, and replied loudly: "I don't know about others, but I, Wu Shi, swear to the sky that I will never return to my homeland. Even if I die in Mobei, I will be willing."

The most unbearable thing for young people is to be shorter than their companions. Seeing Wu Shi swear to the sky, other officers joined in one after another, "Wu Shi is right. I will never return to my hometown."

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