Jagged Warlord

227. Purge Outer Mongolia

blah blah blah


There was loud gunfire outside

"~Living Buddha!" ​​Naren Gaowa screamed

Sarakouken shouted: "If Consul Lu Ba has the heart to protect the living Buddha, why did he lead the army out of Kulun? Living Buddha, don't listen to her demagogy, the Russians are really ambitious!"

At this time, Chelin Qimi and Sanyin Nuoyan Khan, two military generals of Jebtsundamba, also broke in, "Living Buddha, Han soldiers have invaded the palace."

When Che Linqimi and Sanyin Nuoyanhan heard that Naren Gaowa wanted the living Buddha to hide in the Russian consulate, they immediately expressed their opposition.Keeping the Living Buddha and then negotiating with the Chinese officers and soldiers is their only way out right now.Because the Chinese officers and soldiers made it clear that as long as they abandon the dark and turn to the bright in time, they can still save their lives and even their property.

Jebtsundamba said word by word in a very slow speed: "My fellow Mongolians, a few years ago, after the collapse of the Qing Dynasty, which ruled us for nearly 300 years, we tried to gain independent power and separate ourselves from the Chinese Communist Party. central power.For this reason, we did not hesitate to ask for help from Tsarist Russia and Japan.But things turned out not to be ideal.Japan is still unable to confront China and international pressure, while Russia, for its own benefit, is unwilling to allow Outer Mongolia to become independent from China. It only requires us to achieve self-government within the scope of China. As a last resort, we have embarked on the road of self-government .In fact, the domestic and foreign affairs of autonomous Mongolia are basically dependent on Russia.Now, a revolution broke out in Russia and a Soviet regime was established.They thought about it, killing and driving the Russian nobles, and they were confused all the way.This kind of red thinking also threatens the safety of our lives and property at any time.As a precautionary measure, a revolution against the Soviets spread among Mongolia.We can only unite with the Chinese government to abolish autonomy and jointly build a new Mongolia.Therefore, it is necessary for us to negotiate with the Chinese government to agree on the conditions for the cancellation of self-government. "

The gunshots were getting closer, and after a while, a group of SS soldiers with live ammunition rushed in, and the leader of the officer pointed at the blond-haired and blue-eyed Naren Gaowa, "This is a Russian spy, tied me up!" shouted the officer

"Save me~~save me~!" Naren Gaowa shouted

Sitting cross-legged on the throne, Jebtsundamba watched several Chinese soldiers drag Narengaowa out of the palace, and saw Narengaowa's begging expression. At this moment, Jebtsundamba understood that he was The time is already incapable.

"The rebels who invaded the living Buddha's palace have all been wiped out, and the living Buddha can rest assured. I am Cai Tingkai, the commander of the Anmeng Army! From now on, I will be responsible for the safety of the living Buddha's palace and the living Buddha until the day when the danger is relieved. At the same time, I also hope that the living Buddha It can appease the people and monks in Kulun City, and let Kulun restore order and tranquility!"

Before coming to Mongolia, Li Mohan repeatedly instructed Xiao Wenlong and these young officers.Jebtsundamba Living Buddha may be just a lama in the eyes of the Han people, but the status in the eyes of the Mongolians is so high that we Han people can't understand it for a while.If those fanatical Mongolians and lamas cannot be appeased, they will definitely do anything to protect their Living Buddha.At that time, the Anmeng army may have to kill, and the result can only be to sow the seeds of hatred.The only thing that can stop all of this now is this high-status Living Buddha in front of him.

"General, please rest assured that it is my responsibility to appease the believers. Besides, I have decided to return to China, and I will never make things difficult for you." Jebtsundamba, who was sitting cross-legged on the throne, heard the Chinese general in front of him say After speaking, he raised his head. Although the Chinese general's words were very sincere, Jebtsundamba could still hear the threat in his last few words.

On November 1919, 11, Batmadorji submitted a statement signed by Jebtsundamba and various members of his government to General Xiao Wenlong, commander of the Anmeng Army, declaring that he voluntarily and unconditionally renounced autonomy and requested that Outer Mongolia be returned to the Republic of China territory.

Five days later, on November 11, Xiao Wenlong announced the announcement of the President of the Republic of China: "In view of the statement of the Autonomous Government of Outer Mongolia that it is willing to give up autonomy unconditionally and return to the leadership of the Republic of China, the President of this University is very happy and sincerely accepts , At the same time, to meet the requirements of Jebtsundamba, the former head of the Outer Mongolian government, and the princes, to return Outer Mongolia to the territory of China. The Mongolian Province of the Republic of China was established in Kulun, with General Xiao Wenlong as the governor and Chen Yi as the governor.”

Early the next morning, the gate of the Living Buddha Palace was opened, and groups of lamas in yellow robes and lamas in black robes walked out of the palace gate slowly.A yellow canopy carried on the shoulders of the lamas going forward.

"It's the Living Buddha traveling!"

The Kulun monks and Mongolian people, who had been terrified for a long time, burst into cheers that would only be blown on grand festivals and when the Living Buddha travels, while some devout Mongolians knelt down on the ground.When the lamas walked out of the Living Buddha Palace, the pious Mongolian people on the side of the road had already knelt down and bowed to the ground.When the living Buddha Jebtsundamba VIII standing under the yellow canopy walked out of Ganning Temple under the guidance of the lamas, those monks and laymen worshiped their living Buddha with great sincerity amidst the faint incense.

When the Living Buddha, whom they admired and admired in full attire, passed by, some believers would still smell the footprints of the Living Buddha who had just walked by from time to time.This grand worship ceremony is held in the open air as a backdrop for the sunshine and green bacteria.The news that the living Buddha came out of the temple to appease everyone spread throughout the city in an instant.Jeb Zumbadan, dressed in splendid attire, even touched the heads of believers kneeling on the street and blessed them from time to time with a smile on his face.But Jeb Zumbadan's mood at this moment is far from as relaxed as his expression at this moment.At least my status is still there, that's enough~~~~

Jebtsundamba stated in front of all the believers that he would only devote himself to studying Buddhism in the future and would no longer interfere in political affairs.All secular affairs are handled by the overseers and governors.

Jebtsundamba announced the abolition of self-government, but a small number of diehards still stubbornly resisted. They staged rebellions in Kebuduo, Tangnu Ulianghai and other places.

The Nationalists have never been soft on such people.The Anmeng Army immediately entered the Red City Barracks, built execution grounds and cells inside, and mobilized the masses to report separatists.A large number of upper-class princes who participated in the independence were deprived of their family property and thrown into prison, and the culprit was even sentenced to death.In the following three months, as many as 6000 to 30 people were executed for treason alone, and their homes were confiscated, imprisoned, and exiled.The culprits like Hangda Dorji were naturally unable to escape death, while Che Linqimi, Sanyin Nuoyanhan and others were given light sentences because they came to their senses at the last moment.However, capital crimes can be avoided, but living crimes cannot escape. They were sentenced to [-] years in prison and [-]% of their property was confiscated.

For these executed criminals, Jebtsundamba also performed ritual rituals for them.However, the rhetoric is that they have become evil people in this life, and they will go to hell to accept punishment. I hope they will be good people in the next life.Therefore, to draw conclusions for these separatists, you are all wicked people.Living Buddha has said so, so what could be wrong?As a result, most Mongolians planted this seed in their hearts—those who engage in separatism are evil people, and they will go to hell if they die.

Subsequently, under the leadership of the Anmeng Army Command, further reforms were carried out in Mongolia.The first is the abolition of the unity of state and religion, the separation of state and religion and the implementation of freedom of religious belief.All means of production such as land and farm animals of temples that participated in the rebellion were confiscated, and a redemption policy was implemented for the means of production of temples that did not participate in the rebellion.On the one hand, the decree explicitly protects religious freedom and patriotic and law-abiding temples, protects the freedom of the people to become monks and nuns and the freedom of monks and nuns to return to secular life, protects normal religious activities from interference, and protects historically significant temples and cultural relics.On the other hand, implement the policy of "political unity, freedom of religious belief, and separation of church and state", abolish all economic and political feudal privileges of temples, abolish feudal possession, feudal exploitation, personal slavery, and feudal management and hierarchy within temples , to guarantee the political equality of all denominations.

The second is to abolish the land ownership system of the feudal serf owners, carry out land reform, abolish the land ownership system of the feudal serf owners, and make the serfs and slaves the masters of the land.The land and other means of production of serf owners who participated in the rebellion were all confiscated and distributed to serfs and slaves. The income of the former herdsmen who grazed the herds belonged to the herdsmen; the land and other means of production of serf owners who did not participate in the rebellion were bought by the state and distributed to serfs and slaves.[-] rent reductions are implemented in rural areas.In pastoral areas, the livestock that did not participate in the rebellion are still owned by the herdsmen, but the exploitation of the herdsmen is reduced and the income of the herdsmen is increased.At the same time, domestic slaves were liberated and personal attachments were abolished.

Because these policies, methods and measures were formulated according to the actual situation, they were welcomed by people from all walks of life, first of all poor serfs and slaves, and also won the understanding and cooperation of more upper-level people, ensuring the smooth reform of Outer Mongolia conduct.

The third part is the establishment of a patriotic unified regime. In Outer Mongolia, a patriotic unified Great Hural was established. The three-three system was implemented among members, that is, Mongolian princes and nobles accounted for one third, Han and Mongolian civilian representatives accounted for one third, and central officials accounted for three. one-third.Jebtsundamba announced that from then on he would only devote himself to the study of Buddhism and would no longer care about secular affairs.

Xiao Wenlong did not have cash to redeem the land of those princes. If these princes who can spend but not earn a lot of money suddenly, they will spend it all in a few days.Therefore, all the land that Xiao Wenlong used to buy the princes was replaced by the stocks of the Huashang Company with those princes.

Those princes were unwilling to accept the policy of redemption at the beginning. After all, the concept of land is wealth has been deeply rooted for thousands of years, and there is no high benefit. Who is willing to exchange the land passed down from generation to generation for a pile of 15-year debts?Therefore, the initial replacement work was not very smooth.So through Li Mohan's overall arrangement, Xiao Wenlong arranged for those princes to visit Shandong and Henan in shifts.Then, Jebtsundamba was brought out again, and he took the lead in exchanging part of the temple property into stocks.With the Living Buddha taking the lead, the reform of Outer Mongolia was finally carried out smoothly.

After the people's hearts stabilized, Li Mohan started his ambition. In order to win the confidence of the Mongolians, Li Mohan ordered the Shanxi people doing business in Outer Mongolia to deal honestly with the Mongolians.At that time, most of the trade in Outer Mongolia was in the hands of Shanxi people. Shanxi people often used credit to lure Mongolians, that is, instead of cash transactions, they bought what they liked first, and set a time to return it. You can get what you like in cash, so you can buy what you need and what you don't need, and Shanxi merchants have a prosperous business.

Mongolians trade with sheep instead of currency. If the price is agreed to be 100 sheep, Shanxi merchants will go to the Mongolians to take away 140 sheep at the end of the year. The Mongolian asked why they took 40 more sheep?The Shanxi businessman said: "Sheep are going to give birth to lambs! Isn't it fair to have 100 more sheep than 40 at that time?"

The Mongols were honest and thought it made sense, so they took them away. In fact, this was unreasonable. One hundred sheep needed to be fed, and the interest of 40 sheep would increase in less than a year. It was really bullying the Mongols.Li Mohan ordered the merchants in Shanxi not to exploit in this way, and also ordered the Mongolian people not to pay on credit or bear usury. Even if they owe on credit, they are not allowed to pay or ask for extra sheep when they pay the bill.

At the same time, Li Mohan also opened Huashang Bank to Outer Mongolia, the general manager is Li Zufa.And Li Mohan also sent agricultural and animal husbandry experts to Outer Mongolia to guide the herdsmen to grow Tianjin Chinese cabbage in places where vegetables can be grown.Before that, Outer Mongolia had no vegetables to eat at all.In order to develop the underground resources of Outer Mongolia, he specially hired a chemistry professor from Germany, Bartai, to conduct a long-term investigation in order to draw up a development plan.

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