Jagged Warlord

229. Unify 1 thought

After winning Fengtian, Song Huanzhang immediately arranged new personnel appointments. Feng Delin finally became the governor of Fengtian as he wished, and Lin Changmin, Li Yuanhong's political aide, served as the governor of Fengtian.Tang Yulin was promoted to the commander of the 27th Division, but now this 27th Division is not the original 27th Division, but Tang Yulin is still very useful.

There was also an episode in which Tang Yulin immediately planned to settle accounts with Wang Yongjiang after he became a teacher.Unexpectedly, Song Huanzhang had already taken Wang Yongjiang away one step ahead of him, and arranged for him to take the train to the capital directly.Song Huanzhang also warned Tang Yulin that Wang Yongjiang is a person that the Prime Minister values ​​very much, and your grievances will be wiped out here.

Although Tang Yulin is a rough person, he is not stupid. Anyway, Wang Yongjiang has been transferred from Fengtian, so he can't do anything wrong.

It is said that after Zhang Zuolin surrendered, he was sent to the capital by a special train, and Li Mohan personally went to the train station to meet him.When Zhang Zuolin got off the train, Li Mohan went up to him and shook hands to say hello, "I have admired Shuai Yu's name for a long time, and seeing him today, I admire him even more."

Zhang Zuolin was very embarrassed, he could only say: "The Prime Minister made such a face, I, old Zhang, can only do it around, dare not not come."

Li Mohan laughed and pulled Zhang Zuolin into his car, and Zhang Zuolin's family arranged another big car.The convoy left the train station and drove directly to a mansion in the western suburbs.When he arrived at the destination, Zhang Zuolin got out of the car and saw that a large vermilion lacquer plaque had been hung on the lintel of the mansion, on which were written two large gilt characters - Zhang Fu.This mansion looked newly built, and it was more than double the size of his mansion in Fengtian.Next to this house is a mansion of about the same size, which is written as Zhao Mansion.

Li Mohan pointed to Zhang's mansion, and said to Zhang Zuolin: "This will be your residence in Yuting from now on, and the person living next door is Zhao Zhouren (Zhao Ti's word is Zhouren)."

When Zhang Zuolin thought about it, it was a good thing. The two lost marshals became neighbors, sympathizing with each other.

Li Mohan led Zhang Zuolin to visit the mansion again, and then led Zhang Zuolin into the back flower hall.There was a box in the middle of the main room in the back flower hall, Li Mohan opened the box and showed it to Zhang Zuolin.I saw stacks of banknotes neatly filled inside, and there were some documents on top.Li Mohan picked up the document and told Zhang Zuolin that it was the equity certificate of Zhang Zuolin holding the shares of Huashang Company, and that Zhang Zuolin could enjoy dividends as a shareholder of Huashang Company every year in the future.

"Yuting, you are not young. There are too many things outside, you can be a rich man and enjoy family happiness, isn't it good?" Li Mohan looked directly at Zhang Zuolin, making Zhang Zuolin very uncomfortable.

Zhang Zuolin had no choice but to reply with a smile: "The Prime Minister is very considerate of me. I think I, Zhang Zuolin, came from a humble background. Thanks to the Prime Minister's respect for me, how can I not know the good and the bad? It's just that I enjoy the blessings here, and I don't know how I am. Help the old guys, what's the Prime Minister's plan?"

Li Mohan smiled slightly and said: "Don't worry about this, I can still trust your Yuting's picky vision. As long as your old subordinates are safe and loyal to the country, I will hire them according to their ability. As for your children, the rights they should enjoy Not at all. For example, Xiaoliuzi, is he 16 this year? Whether he will go to college or a military academy, whether he will be a university student or a general in the future, it is up to him to choose, and it will not be affected at all."

"Okay!" Zhang Zuolin breathed a sigh of relief, "Then my old Zhang will thank the Prime Minister on behalf of our family and those old brothers."

Subsequently, a large number of Zhang Zuolin's former minions in Fengtian, such as Liu Dongge, Li Yunong, Tao Yungong, Fang Kexian, Zhang Chengjiu, Sun Baijie, Guan Haiqing, Zeng Youji, Dan Guohuan, Yang Yuting, Wang Shuhan, Du Banlin, Yuan Jinkai, Chang Yinhuai and others They were all loaded onto trains and transported to the capital.

At the beginning, Yuan Jinkai, Chang Yinhuai and the others were a little nervous. They discussed whether it would be bad for them if Li Mohan wanted to drag them to the capital.Only Du Banlin was calm, he said: "If you want to kill us, you can kill us in Fengtian, why go all the way to the capital? If you believe me, I dare say, this is to reuse us. "

Liu Dongge, Li Yunong, Tao Yungong, Fang Kexian, Zhang Chengjiu, Sun Baijie, Guan Haiqing, Zeng Youji, Dan Guohuan, Yang Yuting, Wang Shuhan, Du Banlin, Yuan Jinkai, Chang Yinhuai and others were arranged to live in Into the Nanyuan barracks.For several days in a row, they were entertained with good wine and good meat.This made Du Banlin, who was originally full of confidence, a little bit hopeless.

The person in charge of receiving them only said that the Prime Minister was busy for a few days and would come to receive them soon.

Sure enough, two days later, Li Mohan brought a group of people to the Nanyuan Barracks. Yuan Jinkai found Jiang Fangzhen in the crowd and shouted: "Brother Baili, do you still recognize me, Jieshan?" In 1906, Jiang Baili Ying Qingdong Zhao Erxun, governor of the three provinces, was hired as the general counselor of the Northeast New Army Supervision and Training Office to prepare for the establishment of a new army.At that time, Yuan Jinkai was Zhao Erxun's staff member and served as the deputy chairman of the Fengtian Consultation Bureau, so the two knew each other.

Jiang Fangzhen followed his reputation, found Yuan Jinkai, and came over to greet him, "Brother Jieshan, are you coming to listen to our chairman's lecture?"

Yuan Jinkai was taken aback and asked, "The Prime Minister brought us here from Fengtian all the way to give us lectures?"

Jiang Fangzhen laughed, and asked back: "Otherwise, what do you think it is for? If you want to kill you, there is no need to bring Caishikou here."

Yuan Jinkai finally breathed a sigh of relief. Jiang Fangzhen was one of Li Mohan's confidantes. Since he said that Li Mohan brought them to the capital this time not to harm them, he probably meant to reuse them as Du Banlin said.Thinking of this, Yuan Jinkai couldn't help but feel happy. He asked: "Threesomes must have my teacher. I really live to learn. What lesson does the Prime Minister want to teach us?"

Jiang Fangzhen replied: "It's an ideological class. Our chairman said that only by unifying our thinking can we be able to act in a unified way, and then we can exert energy in one place and think in one place. Only in this way can we achieve great things and transform our country from a poor and We will build weak and backward countries into prosperous and powerful developed countries.”

Yuan Jinkai didn't quite understand it, although he had briefly read "My View on Nationalism" by Li Mohan.

At this time, Li Mohan also came over, and he greeted Yuan Jinkai, Du Banlin and others cordially, "It's really hard for you to come all the way to the capital. Are you satisfied with the food, accommodation and hospitality these few days?"

Yuan Jinkai quickly replied: "Satisfied, the Prime Minister's hospitality is comprehensive, we are flattered."

"That's good." Li Mohan waved his hand, "Let's go, let's go to the auditorium."

When everyone came to the auditorium, Li Mohan stepped onto the podium and said in a straightforward manner: "As we all know, I am a dictator who must be seized by the party, the government, and the military. Don't talk to me about democracy and freedom. I will discuss it in my book." It has already been made very clear. The current China is not suitable for that."

Du Banlin in the audience asked: "Then Prime Minister, let me ask you, are you planning to use force to unify the world, and then ascend the throne and proclaim yourself emperor, just like Yuan Shikai did?" .

Li Mohan smiled, shook his head and said: "Only an old-fashioned person like Yuan Shikai would be obsessed with the matter of becoming the emperor, so he will be eliminated by history. I am a new-style person, and I don't care about trivial details like being emperor or not." Small things. Of course, my ultimate goal is to build China into an empire that dominates the world."

Some people in the audience began to discuss in low voices, thinking that what a big deal, being the emperor has become a trivial matter in your mouth, Li Mohan.

"How could the empire have no emperor?" Someone asked boldly

Li Mohan shook his head again, "Who said that the empire must have an emperor? I plan to be in power for life, and the title~~ The head of state is good. I will do it for three to fifty years to unify the country and promote economic construction. Now, grab all the land that should be robbed and can be robbed, and then retreat. If someone is worthy of me, then I will let him succeed. Otherwise, I will return the power to the cabinet. At that time, the country will be strong, and then it will be a democratic republic. It's not too late to set up."

Another person asked: "I heard that you, Prime Minister, studied in the United States. The United States is a republic. Why do you want to be a dictator? Isn't this an enemy of the people?"

Li Mohan replied: "The people? I only see individual people, I have never seen the people. The reason why I want to be a dictatorship is that I am more capable than the so-called people. As long as these people live in the land I established In a harmonious society, just obey my leadership, fulfill your obligations and enjoy your rights. If the so-called republic cannot bring happiness to the people, just like the current Republic of China, then what is the use of this republic?"

Li Mohan added: "Of course, I think there is still a parliament, and democracy is also necessary. But right now, we can't fully liberalize it. Democracy is at the provincial level at most, and the central government is my dictatorship. In fact, even if the It is not possible to open the parliamentary election to the provincial level at once. You must have heard that some places hold council elections, and a few pieces of biscuits can buy a vote. What is the meaning of this kind of democratic republic? Do you always We can’t let old peasants who are illiterate and can’t understand the names on the ballots vote? If we don’t have the basic foundation, we start messing with the parliamentary system, then the power will only be in the hands of a few people, which is not necessarily better for the people, and it is even possible Worse, like now."

Someone asked: "So what is the prime minister's advice?"

Li Mohan said: "Promote basic education, improve education standards and literacy rates, and also improve the economic foundation, so that the people understand how important the votes in their hands are."

Someone asked: "All the dictatorships in the past have tried to fool the people and keep them from knowing about it. Prime Minister, you attach so much importance to education, isn't that the opposite of what you want to be a dictatorship?"

Li Mohan smiled and said: "It's because there are too many foolish people now, and there are many paths to choose in front of them, and they don't know which path is right to take, but I know the answer. Let them choose slowly, or a path After trying one way, one day it is possible to choose the right way. But that would cost too much, so I must act as the dictator and drive them to the right way. If one day the people grow up to be able to Kick me from my seat at the cost of wisdom and blood, then I will recognize the power of the people, admit that they are stronger than me, and I will automatically give up the virtuous when the time comes."

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