Jagged Warlord

231. Snipe and Clam Competing

It is said that Li Mohan's development in the north went smoothly. First of all, Jiang Guiti, the governor of Rehe, one of the members of the warlord regiment, took the initiative to cancel the previous so-called independence, and sent a telegram to the capital to plead guilty.Li Mohan and Li Yuanhong did not embarrass him too much. In view of the needs of the situation, they just sent a stern telegram to reprimand Jiang Guiti.At the same time, he asked Jiang Guiti to send his sons to the capital to listen to him. In fact, he wanted to take his sons as hostages.Jiang Guiti knew that he was not Li Mohan's opponent, so he had no choice but to follow suit.Later, He Zonglian, the governor of Chahar, followed suit and sent his son He Fengyao to the capital to serve as a so-called attendant military officer.

Immediately afterwards, a mutiny broke out in Suiyuan Province. Wang Pihuan, commander of the Suiyuan Mixed Brigade and Commander of Koubei, took advantage of the Suiyuan Metropolitan Jiang Yanxing's visit to Beijing, and took the opportunity to join forces with Lu Zhankui to kill Zhang Fengchao, deputy chief of the Metropolitan Administration and deputy commander of the Metropolitan Administration, and usurp the The capital unified the power, and was suppressed by Cai Chengxun within a few days, causing Suiyuan to be in chaos.In view of the fact that Jiang Yanxing, the original governor of Suiyuan, was from Duan Qirui's side, Li Mohan took the opportunity to dismiss Jiang Yanxing's post of Suiyuan Metropolitan Unity, and positioned Wang Pihuan's usurping power as an uprising to expel the public enemy of the country, and at the same time sent troops to Suiyuan. Far, to help Wang Pihuan fight against Cai Chengxun.With the addition of the new force of the SS, Cai Chengxun's Beiyang Army was completely vulnerable. Cai Chengxun was quickly defeated and fled to the south.

After the SS entered Suiyuan, Wang Pihuan lost the value of using it.However, Li Mohan is not someone who crosses rivers and demolishes bridges. Wang Pihuan graduated from the third phase of the Japanese Army Non-commissioned Officer Academy. After returning to China, he served as a teacher at the Beiyang Accelerated Armed Forces Academy. In the current situation where military education talents are scarce, he can barely be regarded as a talent. .Therefore, Li Mohan promoted Wang Pihuan, who was already a lieutenant general, to be a general of the army, and then got him to Beijing to retire.

As for Lu Zhankui who usurped power together with Wang Pihuan, Li Mohan was determined not to reuse him.It's not that Li Mohan cares about Lu Zhankui's bandit background, and Lu Zhankui once colluded with Outer Mongolia separatists.After the invasion of foreign countries, the Great Mongolian State sent the staff officer of the Mongolian army and the Mongol of Rehe as the "Xuanfu Envoy of Inner Mongolia" to instigate Inner Mongolia to respond to the invasion of foreign countries. After ** got acquainted with Lu Zhankui, he provided Lu Zhankui with weapons and ammunition. Lu Zhankui quickly expanded his team to 1000 people and attacked local gentry and wealthy households in Wuchuan, Taolin, Guyang, Darhan, Maoming'an and other banners and halls. , Seize the traffic arteries, loot the government and industrial and commercial persons.

In the sixth year of the Republic of China (1917), Jiang Yanxing, the capital of Suiyuan, appeased Lu Zhankui's troops, organized Lu Zhankui's 1 people into a cavalry brigade, appointed Lu Zhankui as the brigade commander, and stationed in Longxingchang and Dashetai areas in Wuyuan County.Since then, because the troops continued to commit crimes, people have asked the Suiyuan Metropolitan Administration to transfer Lu Zhankui's brigade, but to no avail.The people also recommended Duan Luzhuang, the treasurer of Dashengkui, and Rongxiang, the general manager of Tumote Banner, to write letters to Beijing.Li Jingquan, a member of the Suiyuan Kuomintang, and others proposed the case of impeaching Suiyuan Dutong.At that time, Jiang Yanxing, the governor of Suiyuan, was working in Beijing. Wang Pihuan, stationed in Suiyuan, took the opportunity to collude with Lu Zhankui to kill Zhang Fengchao, the chief of the Suiyuan Metropolitan Administration, and steal the power of the Suiyuan Metropolitan Administration.

Although Li Mohan characterized Wang Pihuan's usurpation of power as an uprising, Lu Zhankui must not stay.Therefore, Li Mohan falsely issued a commendation order, lured Lu Zhankui to the capital, and executed him secretly.Then it was announced that Lu Zhankui had died of a sudden illness, and the Ministry of National Defense also pretended to promote Lu Zhankui to a higher level, from major general to brigade commander to lieutenant general division commander, and his son's caretaker and so on.Immediately afterwards, Li Mohan immediately changed Suiyuan's troops and horses, disbanded and reorganized.At the same time, the SS and a part of the newly formed National Defense Forces were also sent into Suiyuan to fill the military gap there.

It is said that after Duan Qirui was unable to escape, the forces of the Beiyang faction still controlled Hubei, Jiangxi, Anhui, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other provinces, and their economic and military forces were still very large.

效忠段祺瑞的皖系实力派有浙江督军卢永祥、安徽督军倪嗣冲、福建督军李厚基、陕西督军陈树藩、湖南督军张敬尧、淞沪护军使何丰林,另有第四师师长陈乐山、第十师师长卢永祥 浙江No.17师师长陈复初、第八混成旅旅长靳云鹗、第十混成旅旅长臧致平、No.13混成旅旅长吴光新、No.15混成旅旅长贾德耀、No.20四混成旅旅长王永泉、No.40七混成旅旅长施从滨。


The two forces are evenly matched, and neither is convinced.Feng Guozhang originally took advantage of Duan Qirui's defeat and took Duan Qirui into his pocket.But after Duan Qirui calculated his power, he found that his family background is still very strong.With Xu Shuzheng fanning a small fan, how could Duan Qirui be willing to be under Feng Guozhang?What's more terrible is that the staff of both sides encouraged Duan Qirui and Feng Guozhang to annex each other.So, after coming and going, the two Beiyang veterans not only did not unite, but there was a tendency to fight each other.

There was a rumor in Nanjing that Feng Guozhang wanted to arrest Duan Qirui. Duan Qirui left Nanjing angrily and went to Anqing to fight against Feng Guozhang.

The news spread to the capital from the Nanjing Station of the Military Intelligence Department. After Jiang Fangzhen received the report, he was very happy, and secretly laughed at Feng Guozhang, you also have today.Therefore, Jiang Fangzhen offered advice to Li Mohan, imitating Cao Cao's strategy of pacifying Hebei, and not using troops against Beiyang for the time being.

It is said that Yuan Shao was defeated by Cao Cao in the Battle of Guandu and fled back to Yecheng. As a result, he died of illness in Yecheng in the seventh year of Jian'an. Infighting.Yuan Tan couldn't beat Yuan Shang, so he escaped and surrendered to Cao Cao. As a result, Cao Cao took advantage of the fisherman and easily pacified Hebei.

Li Mohan heard Jiang Fangzhen's strategy, smiled, and said, "No matter how I look at it, I think Duan Qirui and Feng Guozhang are smarter than Yuan Shao's two sons, so they shouldn't be fooled like this, right?"

Jiang Fangzhen also laughed, and said: "It's easy to know the truth, but it's difficult to do everything according to the truth. Today's Beiyang wants to compete with our National Party, so it must unite. But Duan Qirui and Feng Guozhang are both People with a strong desire for power, both of them regard themselves as the heirs of Beiyang, and they are incompatible with each other. I think even if they know the principle of the snipe and the clam fighting for the fisherman's profit, it will be difficult to give up the power in their hands."

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