Although the 3 overseas Chinese laborers came from all over the country, the officials in charge of evacuating overseas Chinese received a secret order from the Prime Minister's Office to resettle these Chinese laborers in the Northeast, at Jiangdong 64 Tun and Hailanpao, to achieve permanent The purpose of recovering these places.

Jiangdong 64 Tun is China's inherent territory. It starts from the mouth of the Jingqili River on the opposite bank of Heihe Town, Aihui County, and goes south to the opposite bank of Holmojin Tun in Sunwu County, covering an area of ​​3600 square kilometers.In the "Aihui Treaty" signed between the Qing Dynasty and Tsarist Russia, the northern bank of Heilongjiang was assigned to Russia.However, due to the large number of Chinese Qing Dynasty residents living in Jiangdong 64 Tun, this place was specifically assigned to China's management when demarcating the boundary, forming a contradictory historical problem of the separation of sovereignty and management power, that is, the sovereignty is in Russia, and the management power is in China, which has planted the historical disaster. .

When the Boxer Rebellion occurred in 1900, the Qing government had no time to take care of the situation in Northeast China, so Russia sent troops to create the Jiangdong 64 Tun Massacre and the Hailanpao Massacre, and called the Gengzi Russian disaster.

The Russian soldiers drove all the detained Chinese to the bank of the Heilongjiang River, which was called "crossing the river". In fact, they drove the arrested people into the river and drowned them alive.According to records, when the escorted team arrived at their destination, the Russian soldiers with bayonets surrounded the crowd, opened up the river bank, and kept compressing the encirclement.The officers waved their sabers and yelled frantically: Anyone who disobeys orders will be shot immediately!

The crowd was crushed into the turbid current of Heilongjiang like an avalanche.Some desperately tried to push aside the flow of people and get out; some trampled on women and babies who had been pushed down, trying to escape.These people were either kicked into the air by the horseshoes of the cavalry, or knocked to the ground by the bayonet of the cavalry.Immediately, the Russian soldiers fired at the same time, the sounds of gunfire and cursing mixed together, the miserable feeling was indescribable, it was a scene of hell.When the women threw their babies on the shore, and begged to save their babies at least, the Cossacks caught the babies, picked them on their bayonets, and cut them to pieces. Through this bloody massacre, China Those with serious injuries died on the shore, those with minor injuries died in the river, and those who were not injured were thrown into the water and drowned.Most of the 'corpses' piled up on the bank were still alive, and they were all thrown into the river without thinking, and a raft of half-dead people floated on the water surface, tumbling to the east. The "Hailanpao Massacre" continued until July 1900, 7, killing more than 21 Chinese people. Only a few people managed to escape by swimming to the other side. On July 7, the Amur authorities announced that all the Chinese in Hailanpao City had been wiped out.

While the Amur authorities carried out the Hailanpao massacre, they also sent troops to Jiangdong 64 villages and carried out multiple raids on Chinese residents.The Russian soldiers drove the residents of the villages to gather in a large house and set fire to them. Most of them were burned to death.The Russian soldiers fired along the village again, destroying all the houses and shooting the residents, killing thousands of people in Bordotun alone.

In the end, the Russian army forced those who had not crossed the river, regardless of men, women, old and young, farmers, craftsmen, merchants, merchants, and all walks of life among the people, into the river. There were only six to seventy people who survived the water, and the rest were forced to drown in the river. Among them, the floating corpses covered the river for several days.By the 70st, the Russian army had destroyed all the villages of Chinese residents. This Jiangdong 21 village massacre claimed the lives of more than 64 Chinese residents.More than ten days after the incident, the corpses of countless victims who drowned at the bottom of the Heilongjiang River floated to the surface and flowed down the river. There was an oil layer floating on the surface of the river, and the river water was strangely fishy.

To resettle these more than 3 Chinese to Jiangdong 64 Tun and Hailanpao, it is necessary to provide them with houses, food, weapons and other necessities of life.The provision of weapons is very simple, and there are many arsenals in the interior.But where do these other things come from?Li Mohan's countermeasure is very simple - steal from the Russians.

After the signing of the "Aihui Treaty", Tsarist Russia stepped up immigration to the left bank of Heilongjiang. In 350 alone, 620 people moved in. By 540, the number of residents in the Amur region reached 410.The immigrants are mainly Cossacks and retired soldiers, and there are very few farmers.For example, in 13.00, a total of [-] men and women peasants moved in, and [-] people were used to "replenish the Cossack army".Farmers accounted for only [-]% of the total number of immigrants.It can be seen that the immigration during this period was mainly to ensure the needs of military occupation.Not only were the immigrants unable to provide supplies for the garrison, but even their own rations had to be brought in by contractors from Irkutsk.

This kind of transportation is far less expensive and timely than on-site supplies, and the 64 villages in Jiangdong "produce a lot of grain every year, rich in the whole province", and naturally became the food supply place for the Russian colonists.French historian Yu La pointed out: "Among the semi-barbaric Russians in this area, these Chinese are the only civilized elements. They are the only local farmers, gardeners and craftsmen. Without them, (the Russians) can't even survive. It is almost impossible.” It is this kind of economic dependence that the Tsarist Russian authorities allowed the existence and development of 64 villages in “a period of time”.

Moreover, according to the unequal Sino-Russian Aihui Treaty of 64, China and Russia demarcated the border from the Ergun River along the Heilongjiang River to Haikou, the right bank belongs to China, and the left bank belongs to Russia; As far as Kormolejintun in the south, the original Manchurians are allowed to live permanently in the villages where they live, and they are still under the management of the ministers and officials of the Manchukuo. A large area of ​​territory north of Heilongjiang was assigned to Tsarist Russia, and only the permanent residency rights of [-] Chinese residents and the permanent jurisdiction of the Chinese government over these residents were retained.

Taking advantage of this loophole, Li Mohan decisively sent troops into Jiangdong 64 Tun and Hailanpao, claiming to protect the local Chinese and overseas Chinese.In addition to regaining the lost ground, Li Mohan sent troops to Jiangdong 64 Village also had economic considerations.

Light industry has always been the weakest industrial sector in the Russian Far East.There were only a few workshops in the Far East during the Tsarist Russian era, such as tanning, felting, shoemaking, and clothing making.Moreover, the industrial production of these products appeared after the October Revolution, but still on a small scale.The current food and daily necessities in the Far East of Tsarist Russia are simply not self-sufficient, and most of them have to be imported from Northeast China.Last year, Russian sugar, grain, cloth, ready-made clothing, washbasins, towels, matches, cigarettes and other small items purchased through the Northeast exceeded 500 million Chinese business tickets, and this year it may exceed 700 million.

It was Song Huanzhang's Ninth Division who entered these two places early, but then they were taken over by the SS who came one after another.After the SS took over Jiangdong 64 Village, it began to conduct extensive searches in the local area. As long as weapons or any items related to Red Russia were found in the homes of Tsarist Russians, they would be arrested on charges of promoting Red Russia.

As a result, after a week of blanket searches, almost all Tsarist Russians in Jiangdong 64 villages became criminals.So the SS, uh, was unambiguous, and heavily armed SS soldiers entered the homes and shops of the Tsarist Russians, took them away regardless of men, women, old and young, and drove all the detained Tsarist Russians to the wild mountains and mountains, and the SS soldiers with bayonets The army surrounded the Tsarist Russians, and began to execute these criminals who were popular in Russia.The SS kept compressing the encirclement, and the officers and soldiers waved their knives like killing pigs and sheep.Some Tsarist Russians desperately tried to push aside the flow of people and get out; some trampled on the women and babies who had been pushed down, trying to escape.These people were either kicked into the air by the horseshoes of the cavalry, or knocked to the ground by the bayonet of the cavalry.

But no one is relentless, because that's how Tsarist Russian Maozi treated the Chinese back then.He is not benevolent and I am not righteous, so there is no need to be polite to Tsarist Russians.The SS slashed eastward and westward, smashing corpses and bones, and the sound shook the nose. Those who were seriously injured died on the shore, those who were lightly injured died in the river, and those who were not injured were drowned in the water. The bones overflowed and covered the river. The numerous crimes committed by the victims finally got their retribution.

After the meticulous execution by the SS, all the red-hot Russian elements in the 64 villages in Jiangdong "got the punishment they deserved."As for the properties of these red-hot Russian elements, all the property was confiscated, and the food, livestock, and houses were left for the use of the Chinese citizens who maintained local order.One month later, Li Mohan announced that Jiangdong 64 villages would be upgraded to Jiangdong County under Heilongjiang, and Yao Fusheng, a patriot, would be the first county magistrate.

Li Mohan's action immediately attracted strong protest from Russian Minister Kuponsky, and Japanese Minister Hayashi Quansuke also protested with Kuponsky.Li Mohan didn't care about their protests. In later generations, a certain country talked about their protests and condemnation every day, and they didn't seem to come up with anything.This world is governed by the law of the jungle. If protest and condemnation are useful, why do we need the army?

Li Mohan asked people from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to deal with the protests of Kuponsky and Lin Quanzhu, while Li Mohan himself went to Fan Xudong's soda plant for investigation.

Fan Xudong's team is a team of scientists. Coupled with Xu Tianbao's promise to respond to requests, Fan Xudong's chemical plant has developed rapidly in the past year. After Hou Debang developed the Hou's soda production method, he has successively achieved the transformation of seven major projects. .

The first is to produce light magnesium carbonate from the brine left over from Jiuda refined salt production, which is used as a raw material for toothpaste, and magnesium chloride is extracted from the brine to be used as a lubricant for textile mills.Jiuda uses these two achievements to develop by-products and increase profits.

The second is to solve the problem of red and black alkali, study the problem of calciner scarring, realize the problem of brine refining, determine the process indicators of the whole process; determine the analysis procedures for raw materials, finished products, and intermediate control, and overcome technical difficulties for chemical plants and break through technical bottlenecks , entered into stable production and made a great contribution.

The third is to write the "Opinion Letter for the Establishment of Nitrogen Fertilizer Industry", which has a profound impact on the development of my country's nitrogen fertilizer industry, presided over the development of phosphate fertilizers and compound fertilizers in the sub-factory, and made indelible contributions to the construction of the sub-factory.

The fourth is to collect and organize the inherent techniques of fermentation and mycology in my country.Together, we will systematically and scientifically organize and summarize the rich brewing technology and experience inherent in our country, with a view to weeding out the old and bringing forth the new, and promoting the development of my country's alcohol industry.The problem of degumming of ramie has also been studied from two aspects of fermentation and chemistry, and fruitful results have been obtained. The degumming of ramie is successful, and soft and white ramie suitable for spinning and weaving is obtained.

The fifth aspect is fertilizer: the research uses seaweed and alum stone as the source of potassium fertilizer; the raw material of phosphate fertilizer is apatite mine in Haizhou; the research on nitrogen fertilizer not only participates in the technical work of Yongli Ning Factory, but also focuses on micro-organism research. The application of bacteria, such as composting and nitrate planting in rural areas.

The sixth is to refine the first piece of aluminum in old China. At the beginning, Fuzhou clay was used as the test raw material, and then Shandong Boshan bauxite shale ore was used as the raw material to test the first piece of aluminum metal in my country. It was also used to cast an airplane model as a memorial; at the same time, research on the comprehensive utilization of alunite was carried out, including lime method, potassium carbonate method, etc., as well as the utilization of sulfate and potassium salt.

The seventh is the study of water-soluble salts. The refining method of concentrated brine has been studied, and the results prove that only the use of slaked lime and carbon dioxide is simple and economical.

Fan Xudong enthusiastically said that the next step would be to commercialize aluminum smelting and dyes. Xu Tianbao clasped Fan Xudong's hands tightly, "Mr. Fan, you are a contributor to China's chemical industry, and even more so to the Chinese nation. All these will be written in " In the China Chemical Industry Journal, all the employees of Jiuda and Yongli factories will live forever and inspire future generations."

Fan Xudong was also very excited. He said: "At the beginning, foreigners refused to tell us the process of making soda. Now that we have figured out the method of making soda by ourselves, I must take revenge. Not only must we make our own soda well, but also We want to sell our red triangle alkaloids under the noses of foreigners."

"Hahaha~~" Everyone burst into laughter, Xu Tianbao also laughed and said: "What we want is Mr. Fan's ambition and arrogance. In the future, Dagu Shipyard and Jiangnan Machinery Factory will build several [-]-ton ocean-going cargo ships for the chemical plant. We not only want to get them to sell under their noses, but also sell them at a high price.”

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