Jagged Warlord

242. Attacking Hubei

At the same time that Li Mohan took Anhui, the battle in Hubei also started. The people in charge of attacking Hubei were the Sixth Division of the SS and the Sixth Division of the former SS, which was expanded from Shao Jianfeng, the former commander of the Third Mixed Brigade of the SS. The Seventh Division of the SS, which was expanded by Yang Yunlong, the commander of the Fourth Mixed Brigade.

Facing them was the Second Division of the Beiyang Army, the division commander Wang Zhanyuan, with two infantry brigades, a cavalry regiment and an artillery regiment under his command.Prepared as follows:

Chief of Staff of the Second Army Division: Yang Yinrong

Commander of the Third Infantry Brigade: Liu Dingchen

Commander of the Fifth Infantry Regiment: Pan Shouzheng

Commander of the Sixth Infantry Regiment: Guan Jiyun

Commander of the [-]th Infantry Brigade: Zhu Tingcan

Commander of the Seventh Infantry Regiment: Cui Pei

Commander of the Eighth Infantry Regiment: Wang Maoshang

Commander of the Second Cavalry Regiment: Nan Yuanchao

Commander of the Second Artillery Regiment: Peng Dequan

The main battlefield where the two armies fought was in the Wushengguan area where Henan and Hubei meet.

Wushengguan is located at the junction of Henan and Hubei provinces in the Jigong Mountain Scenic Area of ​​Xinyang City, Henan Province in the Central Plains. It is one of the nine famous passes in Chinese history. It was called Zhiyuan and Lishan in the Spring and Autumn Period. After Qin unified China, it was changed to Wuyang. Guan, which was renamed Wusheng Pass in the Southern Song Dynasty.Jigong Mountain in Xinyang, Henan Province is located at Wusheng Pass, one of the nine famous passes in China. It is known as a geomantic and shui treasure land with "green divisions in Henan and Chu, air pressure in song and balance, and three rivers in front". Geologically, it is Tongbai in the eastern section of Qinling fold mountain system. The east-west junction of the mountains and the Dabie Mountains, the geographical midpoint of the north and south of China, and the watershed between the north and the south of China.For thousands of years, Wushengguan has been a battleground for military strategists looking north to the Central Plains and south to Jianghan.

Although Wang Zhanyuan had never fought against the SS, he had heard of the strength of the SS, so he dared not be negligent.The Beiyang Second Division, which has always been known for its powerful combat effectiveness, also fought a defensive battle for the first time. The trenches were dug round after round, and the bunkers were densely covered with fortifications.From the perspective of Wang Zhanyuan's generation, Wang Zhanyuan's formation was quite satisfactory. If the SS wanted to break through head-on, it would have to pay a huge price.

However, Wang Zhanyuan was facing Shao Jianfeng and Yang Yunlong. They were nurtured by Li Mohan's advanced military thinking, and they didn't fight Wang Zhanyuan according to the routine at all.

Humming like bees and whizzing over the mountain, looking up at the two planes that came to serve as artillery observation, the SS soldiers kept waving their hands, and some even took off their helmets and knocked on their heads. .

On the other side of the line, the soldiers of the Second Division of the Beiyang Army set up their machine guns on the line in a serious manner, waiting for the SS to come to kill them.But what they waited for was bombs falling from the sky. SS reconnaissance planes discovered and bombed the artillery positions and forward positions of the Second Division of the Beiyang Army.

Jigong Mountain, 7 kilometers to the northeast, is 744 meters above sea level, overlooking Zhiwusheng Pass.Therefore, Shao Jianfeng, the commander of the Sixth Division of the SS, set up his headquarters here. Holding a Zeiss telescope in his hand, he saw the fire clouds rising from the positions of the Beiyang Army. He laughed and said, "Wang Zhanyuan is an old-fashioned figure after all."

Peng Dequan, the commander of the Second Artillery Regiment, remembers jumping to his feet. He picked up a rifle and beat it into the sky, shouting: "If you have the ability to fight with real swords and guns? What kind of skill is hiding in the sky and throwing bombs? You have the guts!" Come down."

As if hearing Peng Dequan's challenge, a reconnaissance plane swooped down at a low altitude after a circle, and fired at Peng Dequan's direction with machine guns, frightening Peng Dequan to run around and crawl around.

"Damn it, you're too deceitful, fight me back." Peng Dequan got up in disgrace.

"Sir, our guns can't go that far," replied the soldier

"Fire a few shots first to build momentum." Peng Dequan said

As a result, the Beiyang artillery also began to counterattack here, but the SS didn't see it at all, because the 75mm field artillery made by Nissan or Germany couldn't hit that far at all. Apart from completely exposing the location of their artillery positions, there was nothing to do. any sense.

Soon, an SS reconnaissance plane flew over the SS position, and the pilot dropped a metal can while flying at low altitude.Immediately a soldier picked up the metal can and sent it to the artillery command post.The technicians at the command post calculated the shooting parameters with the fastest speed and the calculation machinery imported from the United States.

"Hey, are you at the front? I'm the command post, and I'm passing on the shooting elements to you now." After the new artillery elements were locked, they were immediately sent to the front line by phone. The use of the new combat method made the artillery much more efficient. After a while, The artillerymen began to shake the handles according to the new Zhuyuan. When all the artillery squads gave the signal that they were ready, the signalmen screamed and fired at the top of their lungs, and at the same time waved down the red flag in their hands.

The scene of dozens of heavy artillery roaring at the same time is unimaginable, especially the more powerful 120mm howitzer, which will shake the surrounding dust every time it is fired.During the battle, all distracting thoughts disappeared, and the gunners kept going back and forth between the ammunition and the gun positions, and the gunners pulled the bolts and covered their ears again and again.At the forefront, the infantry waiting to attack were all dumbfounded. It turned out that our cannons had reached such a terrifying level. Fortunately, I was on the side of the SS. If it was on the side of the Beiyang Army, I am afraid that they would be directly bombed. His bones are gone.

The soldiers of the Beiyang Second Division even yelled at them. How could they have suffered such hardships? They used to bully others all the way with the help of artillery. How long has it been?It was my turn to be hit by the shells, and the loess fell on my body layer after layer. In the blink of an eye, all the soldiers in the trench became unkempt, but this was already considered good, and many unlucky ghosts were directly dropped by the shells. In the trenches, even the whole body could not be found.

"Fucking his grandma, what does Peng Dequan of the Artillery Regiment do?" The nearest to the SS position was the Eighth Regiment of Infantry, Fourth Brigade of the Second Division, and its commander Wang Maoshang was jumping and cursing while hiding in a concealed work place, " Why don't you fight back? Didn't you say that there are [-]-life heavy artillery imported from Germany?"

"Hey, hello, brigade? I'm the eighth regiment~ hello~!" The telephone soldier shook the phone desperately, but he couldn't get through. "Report to the head, the phone line may have been blown off."

"Blown up? Then why are you still standing there? Hurry up and send someone to fix it." Wang Maoshang scolded angrily, "Do you still want me to teach you?"

The crazy shells of the SS were still raining down in front of the Beiyang Second Division's position, and the ten-kilometer-wide front was covered by dust and gunpowder smoke, and it was impossible to see anything clearly.The artillery cluster composed of more than 50 large-caliber howitzers poured more than 30 shells on the first line of defense of the Second Division of the Beiyang Army during a full 10000 minutes of suppression!The machine gun forts that threatened the infantry were blown away in the explosion, the earthworks were blown through by shells, and the infantry was suppressed so much that they could not hold their heads up.

"Hey, it's really boring." Shao Jianfeng moved the division headquarters a little bit, watching the Beiyang Army being beaten so helplessly, he couldn't help but feel a little bored.However, he was not bored enough to reduce the intensity of firepower, so he insisted on the requirement of 30 minutes of firepower coverage.One is to clear the obstacles for the infantry, and the other is that the powerful artillery can cause great psychological pressure on the enemy soldiers, forcing them to be restrained in the subsequent attack.

After 30 nightmarish minutes, the artillery fire finally began to weaken. When the Beiyang soldiers climbed out of the trenches one by two, the SS infantry began to fight again. A large number of mortars and machine guns became a new round of nightmare.

The Eighth Infantry Regiment of the Fourth Brigade of the Second Division of the Beiyang Army was the first unlucky ghost to fall under Shao Jianfeng's sword. In less than an hour, the SS broke through the position of the Eighth Regiment of the Beiyang Army. There was a tear in the position.

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