Jagged Warlord

248. Talk about feelings

Please use to visit this site.On the last day of July, Zhou Mingshun, who had been in the United States, came back. He also came with some overseas students who aspired to return to China, children of overseas Chinese, and a group of mysterious guests. They were personnel from the US government and military. They came to China. The purpose is to discuss with Li Mohan about China taking over the leftovers from the US military after the war

The United States is a country that often needs to deal with a large amount of surplus military supplies. It is said that this is also a major secret of the United States today. The military industry of the United States reached its peak during World War II. Its military production scale once exceeded 50% of the world's total military production. It is so natural. There are many leftovers. For example, the United States produced a total of 40 planes during World War II. Once they are no longer used, even where to put them is a problem.

Although it is still during the First World War, the huge industrial production capacity of the United States has already begun to emerge. There is an organization in the United States called W. W is the English abbreviation of "War Property Management Agency", which is responsible for managing the astronomical post-war surplus materials. It was valued at more than 340 billion US dollars at the time, which is equivalent to 3400 billion US dollars now. It is not an easy task for any government to absorb such a huge amount of military supplies in a short period of time. for a while

In addition to munitions, the U.S. Army's leftover supplies also include flashlights, candles, medical bandages, jamming aluminum tape, sewing machines, medical equipment, military blankets, meat grinders, repair tools, and tracked combat vehicles that are easier to use and cheaper than tractors. Cargo lifts, locomotive tire trailers, aircraft parts, medical equipment, repair tools, and a host of unnamed paramilitary supplies

Although the war is not over yet, everyone can see that the Germans must be defeated, so the Yankees also plan to find a home for the military surplus piled up in their warehouses. If the war is over, the old countries such as Britain and France will also take it. Large quantities of military surplus were shipped to China for sale

Of course, what Li Mohan wanted was more than these oceans. He also ordered a large amount of industrial equipment from the United States. Zhou Mingshun used oil and railways as bait to lure the Rockefeller Foundation to negotiate with the American Remington Company. Remington was very happy to sell the gun manufacturing equipment. Especially the technical information is only limited by the U.S. arms embargo policy against China, which is not difficult. The Chinese are the best at taking advantage of loopholes. With the help of Franken, a fairly qualified broker, Zhou Mingshun asked one of his managers to obtain a Colombian nationality. Then registered a trading company in Colombia, and in the name of industrial equipment, Colombia exported materials to China and bought a full set of pharmaceutical production equipment by the way.

In addition to military equipment, there are also large-scale hoisting equipment at docks and ports; spinning machines, drawing machines, looms and other textile machinery related to cotton spinning and wool spinning, as well as the latest complete sets of manufacturing technology and related equipment. Both military and civilian machine tools, forging presses, electric welding machines are also included in the additional purchases. Chemical raw materials such as nitric acid, water, and sulfuric acid are used in aircraft manufacturing. Canvas, glue, wood, and special aluminum. These materials that rub against the embargo are also purchased in large quantities.

One hundred Curtiss aircraft engines have also completed the purchase of 506085-caliber seam steel pipes and special steel pressure-resistant gas metal container manufacturing facilities through a Colombian trading company. Sewing machine production lines and leather processing equipment have been added to the purchase list intermittently.

Li Mohan also asked Bethlehem to increase the annual export volume of scrap steel from 200 tons to 300 million tons on the grounds of insufficient construction, increase the proportion of high-melting point steel, and purchase two sets of electrolytic aluminum equipment with an annual output of 5 tons. It's a little strange because it's understandable to increase the purchase of scrap iron and steel, but electrolytic aluminum is very confusing because electrolytic aluminum is not a new technology, and large-scale industrial aluminum smelting equipment is far less complicated than steel plants. The most scarce thing in China's industry right now is steel. Why is the prime minister? What about electrolytic aluminum technology[

Zhou Mingshun became a wealthy boy in the United States for a while, and spent a lot of US dollars. In addition to these equipment, Zhou Mingshun also specially bought a lot of very old ships in the United States according to Li Mohan's request. The ships dismantled in China's ship breaking yards may not be a big deal to the Americans, but they are a good copycat template for the Chinese shipbuilding industry. In addition to the cargo ships, there are eleven large ships, including four decommissioned warships with all weapons removed, three tugboats, and four large freighters.

Of course, these old ships can’t be empty. The fleet’s stowage is also very particular. The ballast is mainly steel and equipment, and the sailors are a large number of unemployed German sailors stranded in the United States and a large number of recruits. Children of overseas Chinese and Chinese workers in the United States who want to return to China

Zhou Mingshun landed in Tianjin and was taken to Beijing by special train. Once he arrived in Beijing, Li Mohan immediately arranged for Zhou Mingshun to go to the Presidential Palace. After receiving the condolences from the President, Zhou Mingshun was immediately arranged to go to the Congress Hall to tell everyone about his experience in the United States.

"To sum up, one word is strong," Zhou Mingshun said: "After I arrived in the United States, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, how could I have imagined that Shanghai would be such a powerful and wealthy country in the world? I landed in San Francisco on the west coast of the United States and started from the train. As we travel eastward for a long time, the deeper we enter the heartland of the United States, the feeling becomes stronger and stronger. When we reach the east coast and witness the prosperity of New York, we are immediately stunned by the rolling traffic. We go to the Great Lakes to visit the factories in the United States. The chimneys are surrounded by stretches of factory buildings, and the farms in the United States went deep into the farms in the United States, and they went to the homes of ordinary workers. This country is too powerful and rich.”

An ordinary worker in a Ford factory earns five dollars a day, which is as much as a middle peasant’s family working for a year. The ordinary worker who visits lives in a foreign-style building, milk, beef, bread, radio, electric light, and telephone. Life is better than that of our landlords or big landlords. It is said that there are millions of families like the rich America. Only by visiting the United States and experiencing this country up close can we know how powerful the country is. The United States is too powerful and rich.

Zhou Mingshun said: "However, there are also poor people in the United States, but after thinking about it for a long time, I finally figured out the difference between the poor people in the United States and our poor people in China. You can be called poor if you have enough food and clothing; the poor in the United States also have enough to eat, and there are homeless and beggars on the street, but even the homeless and beggars don’t worry about getting enough to eat. I found that there are many charity places on the streets of the United States. According to those Workers say that they are unemployed and have relief funds that are barely enough to buy bread. Once these poor people are no longer poor, they will eat beef and milk, live in a bungalow, listen to the radio, and even drive a car. This is not just one or two, but thousands of poor people. "

If it was placed before the Sino-Japanese War, many people would say that Zhou Mingshun worshiped foreigners, but after the lessons of Sino-Japanese War and Gengzi, Chinese people blindly xenophobic and became extremely xenophobic, so listening to Zhou Mingshun's words, it seems natural

Zhou Mingshun said: "Let me first talk about the wealth and strength of the United States that I think is very important because most of the resources it needs can be produced in the country, not to mention steel. The rich coal and iron ore resources in the Great Lakes region have created this. Many iron and steel enterprises in the same area have also contributed to the steel industry in the United States. Japan is only self-sufficient in resources such as coal, copper and zinc, but its iron ore is all imported from our country. For example, iron ore is from our Hanyeping Company. The price of imports is still very low, and our country’s own steel production is still very low, but it is wrong to sell a large amount of high-quality iron ore to the Japanese.”

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