Jagged Warlord

256. Old to New

Yunnan Province is the first area to defend the country against Yuan, and almost all the main force in protecting the country is the Yunnan Army.At that time, the guards were divided into three groups: the first army was led out of Sichuan by Cai E; the first army was led by Li Liejun to develop to Hunan and Guangdong and Guangxi via Guizhou;

All the military expenses during the war of defending the country against Yuan were spent in Yunnan.Yunnan was originally a co-pay province. In today's terms, it is a household in need of financial transfer.When the soldiers are not in use, they still have to rely on the central government's co-payment. During the period of protecting the country, in order to protect the country against the enemy, the military is the first. The whole province sends troops and pays.However, after the end of the war against Yuan, the problem of military pay was not resolved. In addition, Cai E went to the north, and the Dian army lost a powerful spokesperson, so the Dian army outside the province became a lone army.

Cai E's army left in Sichuan was first led by Luo Peijin, and later by Gu Pinzhen.The generals in Sichuan opposed the Dian army stationing in Sichuan. Therefore, during the five years after protecting the country, the Sichuan army has always adopted a hostile attitude and continued attacks on the Dian army staying in Sichuan.The Yunnan army has been in Sichuan for a long time, and they also have the heart to return home.To be honest, Yunnan expanded its army too quickly during the period of protecting the country and defeating Yuan.After Yuan Shikai's death, these troops were not properly settled, one stayed in Sichuan and the other stayed in Guangdong.People may think that Tang Jiyao has ambitions and wants to occupy Sichuan. In fact, these troops are outside, and Tang Jiyao may not be able to control them. However, Mr. Tang hopes that they will develop outside the province and not return to Yunnan, because Yunnan cannot afford so many financially. It is very dangerous for the soldiers who have soldiers and the generals who have soldiers in their hands at the same time to say that they turn their faces.Therefore, Tang Jiyao implemented the policy of weakening Sichuan and strengthening Yunnan, but this policy made Sichuan people very angry.

He was opposed by Xiong Kewu, a power faction in Sichuan, so Tang Jiyao ordered Xiong Kewu to be dismissed from the post of commander-in-chief of the Sichuan Jing Army, and Lu Chao and Liu Xiang were appointed as the chief and deputy commanders of the Sichuan Jing Army, and the commander of the First Army of the Sichuan-Yunnan Army Gu Pinzhen and Zhao Youxin, commander of the Second Army, joined forces with the Qian army to attack Xiong Kewu.Lu Chao and others elected Gu Pinzhen as the "commander-in-chief of pursuit".Gu led three brigades of Jin Handing, Tian Zhonggu, and Hu Ruoyu of the Yunnan Army, two brigades of the Guizhou Army, and Tang Mingde's division of the Sichuan Army pursued Xiongbu and drove Xiong Kewu to northern Sichuan.In the winter of the same year, Xiong Kewu contacted various departments of the Sichuan Army to attack Chengdu, Chongqing and southern Sichuan respectively. On October 1918, 10, when Luzhou fell, Army Commander Zhao Youxin jumped off the wall in panic and was killed by pursuers.The Zhao army was under the command of Gu.The Dian army withdrew from Chengdu.The situation has changed, so Gu Pinzhen returned to Yunnan on the grounds that "soldiers are tired of war", and the troops gathered in Bijie and Zhaotong.

When the Dian army withdrew from Sichuan, there was 900 million yuan in military pay that had not been paid. This was the responsibility of Tang Jiyao, governor of Dian. Tang had asked the Guangzhou government for help, but Sun Yat-sen was also struggling in Guangdong, so he was powerless to help.Tang Jiyao approached Andison, the representative of the American businessman, and allowed the American businessman to organize Mingxing Company to mine in Yunnan.After the news came out, people inside and outside Yunnan unanimously opposed it. American businessmen did not dare to invest for this reason, and Tang Jiyao's plan to raise funds and pay salaries could not be realized.

At that time, there was a latent aversion to Tang Jiyao both inside and outside Yunnan, because Tang Chong trusted his cousin Jiyu. Tang Jiyu's original name was Jiyu, nicknamed Tang San Blind Man.People from Yunnan called him Tang San, and Tang Jiyao obeyed him. He planned to give up the position of governor, but because his subordinates objected, he appointed Secretary-General Zhou Zhongyue as governor, but Tang San still served as the chief of staff of the Yasukuni Allied Forces and the commander of the Kunming garrison. , the power was overwhelming for a while, which made the Yunnan army quite dissatisfied.

Gu Pinzhen, the commander of the Dian army who had retreated from Sichuan, entered Xuanwei via Bijie. It was rumored that Gu wanted to take Kunming and seize the seal of command.Tang also heard that the morale of the army was not stable, so he sent Governor Zhou Zhongyue to Xuanwei, intending to ask Gu Pinzhen to be the supervisor of the Eastern Defense, draw out the defense line east of Yunnan for Gu, and promised to pay salaries quickly to calm the morale of the army.When Zhou conveyed this opinion to Gu, Gu immediately accepted it, and at the same time sent a telegram to declare that he had no political ambitions, and the so-called marching into Kunming was completely a rumor.

Tang's appeasement policy had no effect, because the arrears of salary were not paid, and the morale of the army was still shaken, so rumors continued to boil.In order to appease Gu, Tang Jiyao appointed him as the supervisor of Yunnan East Defense, but at this time Gu Pinzhen already had the heart to oppose Tang.

At this time, Gu Pinzhen's old boss Cai E came, and he made a big move.

On October 1918, 10, one of the Eighth Army of the Yasukuni Allied Forces under Ye Quan had a riot in Xundian and Yiliang, Yunnan, and was preparing to attack Kunming. Tang Jiyao sent troops to suppress it.Although Tang Jiyao's provincial army defeated Ye Bu and shot the captured rebel officers on the spot.However, because Tang's army was transferred out of Kunming, the city's defenses were empty, allowing Gu Jun in Xuanwei to take advantage of the gap.

Gu Pinzhen led the army to advance towards Kunming and arrived at Yanglin, which was only a hundred miles away from Kunming. Tang Jiyao felt that he was in a hurry and had no reliable troops to refuse, so he had to send Zhou Zhongyue to Yanglin to welcome Gu Pinzhen's army into the city.Tang Jiyao announced the abolition of the General Command of the Yasukuni Allied Forces, withdrew 50 yuan in cash from Fudian Bank, and moved it to the station along with his personal money, preparing to leave.

On February 2, which was New Year's Day in the old calendar, Tang Jiyao left Kunming with a heavy heart. Escorted by his flying army captain Long Yun, he took a train on the Yunnan-Vietnam Railway to Yinan.

Tang Jiyao arrived at Mengzi first, and then left Mengzi to continue his journey. On the same day, he arrived at Old Street on the Vietnamese border. The French garrison lined up at the station to welcome him with a military salute. Tang Jiyao did not get off the train, and the train drove to Hanoi. .Tang Jiyao and his party stayed at the Grand Hotel in Hanoi. The French Governor planned to keep Tang Jiyao and others to stay in Hanoi for a short period of time. Tang Jiyao resigned and went to Haiphong the next day.

The news of Tang Jiyao's escape to Hong Kong was a big news at that time, so it attracted the attention of many parties, and the Guangzhou side also attached great importance to it. As for Tang Jiyao's own plan, it was his personal consideration.Tang Jiyao has been a powerful faction in the Southwest since the Revolution of [-], and his influence extends to Yunnan, Guizhou, and Sichuan.

In the 5th year of the Republic of China, after the success of defending the country against Yuan, his career reputation reached its peak, and his words and deeds could affect the current situation.However, since 6 years, he has suffered setbacks in both Sichuan and Guizhou. The Sichuan soldiers have been concentrating their efforts to expel the Yunnan Army from Sichuan. In fact, the Yunnan Army in Sichuan and Guangdong did not fully obey his orders. Although he served as the Southwest Military Government One of the Big Three (Sun Yat-sen, Cen Chunxuan, and Tang Jiyao) is actually nothing more than a name.From the 6th to the 9th year of the Republic of China, he was just the king of Yunnan, a warlord in one side of the separatist regime.

When the Yunnan army in Sichuan withdrew to Yunnan, Tang Jiyao was at a loss for what to do, and was finally driven away by his subordinates, which is really ridiculous.This also shows that Tang Jiyao's situation is limited, because with his prestige and power, after protecting the country, he should have sufficient financial resources in Yunnan, engage in construction, and train the army stronger, because Yunnan is remote and has not been involved in the north and south The great chaos in the past is a great opportunity to retreat and gather lessons, but Tang Jiyao easily missed this good opportunity.In the end, it was a pity that he ran away in embarrassment on New Year's Eve because he had no military expenses and forced his subordinates to defect.Therefore, he is just the king of Yunnan, a warlord of one side of the separatist regime.

Once Tang Jiyao fell, there was no longer any force that could stop Li Mohan from unifying China.At least, you can concentrate on fighting for China's rights at the Paris Peace Conference.

After World War I, the victorious Allied Powers held a meeting to solve the problems caused by the war and to establish a post-war peace.This peace conference was held by the victorious country, and it was also a peace conference manipulated by a big country.US President Wilson, British Prime Minister Lloyd George, and French Prime Minister Clemenceau led the peace conference.At the peace meeting, the "Versailles Peace Treaty" was signed to deal with Germany. At the same time, a series of peace treaties were signed with Austria, Hungary, Turkey and other countries.They constitute the Versailles system and established the international political pattern dominated by major victorious powers such as the United States, Britain, and France after World War I.The meeting adopted a series of measures to reshape the real political situation and contain defeated countries such as Germany and Red Russia. At the same time, it attempted to establish ideal international diplomatic norms by organizing the League of Nations.

The war is over, how to share the fruits of victory?There were more than 1000 representatives from various countries participating in the Paris Peace Conference, including 70 plenipotentiaries, which were later changed to a "four-person meeting", namely US President Wilson, British Prime Minister Lloyd George, French Prime Minister Clemenceau and Italian Prime Minister Orlando.Later, because Italy played little role in the war, its contribution was almost negative, and its foundation was weak, so it was left out by Britain and France.So it actually became a "three-person conference". They are the three giants of the Paris Peace Conference and are also the masters.During the meeting, the Big Three had their own ghosts.Britain: I hope to gain maritime hegemony and colonial hegemony, and I hope that all countries on the European continent are equal in strength, that is, the balance of power on the continent.France: Hope to gain European hegemony.America: World power.As a result, a very interesting scene appeared, each country will be rivals with the other two countries, and can join forces with any of the other two countries.

The Paris Peace Conference was conducted from beginning to end under the manipulation of the victorious imperialist powers.All major issues at the peace conference are first discussed and decided by the meeting of the five major powers.First there was the "Ten-member Conference", which was composed of Wilson and Lansing from the United States, Lloyd George and Belfort from the United Kingdom, Clemenceau and Bisheng from France, Orlando and Sannino from Italy, and Komochi and Makino from Japan. . The "ten-member meeting" is a "regular official meeting" of the five major powers, and more than 60 times were held during the peace meeting.Later, the "ten-member meeting" was reduced to a "four-member meeting", that is, the heads of the four countries of Britain, France, the United States, and Italy negotiated privately on European issues in the peace meeting. Later, Italian Prime Minister Orlando left because Italy's territorial requirements were not met. At the Paris Peace Conference, the leaders of Britain, France, and the United States controlled the situation in the form of a "three-person conference".

China is one of the victorious countries. At the meeting, the Chinese representative proposed to cancel the privileges of the great powers in China. First, abandon the sphere of influence; Jurisdiction; five, the return of the leased land; six, the return of the concession; seven, the freedom of customs duties.But apart from the limited understanding expressed by the United States, it has not received the support of the great powers.

The Hall of Mirrors at the Palace of Versailles in the suburbs of Paris held the signing ceremony of the "Entente and the Peace Treaty with Germany".German Foreign Minister Müller signed on behalf of Germany.The "Versailles Peace Treaty" with Germany was established as a peace treaty with the German Allies and was signed separately after the Paris Peace Conference.At the request of the Chinese people, the Chinese delegation proposed to the peace conference to take back all the rights that Germany had occupied China's Jiaozhou Bay, Jiaoji Railway and Shandong before the war.Japan actually asked the peace conference to agree to transfer Germany's rights to invade China to Japan, and received the support of Britain and France.Due to the conflicts between the United States and Japan in the Pacific and the Far East, the United States was initially wary of Japan's ambition to invade China and expressed its support for China's proposition.Later, Japan threatened to refuse to sign the peace treaty and withdraw from the peace meeting, forcing the United States to finally give up its support for China.

The angry Chinese delegation withdrew early and refused to sign the Treaty of Versailles, which opened a new page in world history and Chinese history.

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