Jagged Warlord

260. "Operation Plan Against Japan" Launched

For Japan, he has the same advantages and disadvantages as the United Kingdom-Japan is an island country.As an island country, although Japan has the natural advantage of being isolated by the sea to avoid being attacked by the enemy army, it inevitably needs a navy strong enough to protect itself and the safety of overseas routes, even if it has no overseas colonies.This advantage and disadvantage are twin brothers, which is why in the original history, even if Japan later expanded its army to several million and aggressively invaded the Chinese mainland, it still had to maintain a large navy.

If Japan does not have enough navy, then the United States can send a random fleet to block Japan. Even if Japan has a huge army, it will only end up sitting still.Therefore, even if Japan can give up the army, it must not give up the navy. Compared with the army, the navy is the real foundation of Japan's survival. This is what Britain and Japan must bear as island countries.

This is why Li Mohan believes that his compromise may be exchanged for another compromise.I will definitely organize Japan's expansion to the mainland of China, but at the same time, I will take the initiative to limit China's navy so that it will not threaten Japan's interests on the sea.In this way, Japan will have no worries, because it is impossible for China without a powerful navy to pose a threat to the Japanese mainland across the Sea of ​​Japan.Since 1895, the gap between the navies of China and Japan has been vast. This 20-year gap may take several 20 years to catch up before they can barely keep up.

If Japan gives up developing on the mainland, then Japan can rest assured that it will go all out to develop at sea, and this has become Japan's last and only choice.And this will lead to Japan's inevitable confrontation with Britain and the United States in the end, and it will never stop, with no room for retreat and reconciliation. This is completely different from the current situation where China and Japan confront Japan and there is still a retreat.Since then, Japan's goal can only be placed in Nanyang. The reason is very simple. If it loses the mainland, restricts the army and develops to the sea, then Japan will only have to build a large fleet.Once Japan puts its main source of revenue on the fleet, its fleet will far exceed the size of the Japanese navy in history.

In this way, just to maintain the existence of these fleets, Japan will be forced to develop in the South China Sea and the East Pacific Ocean.These places are British and American colonies. Unless they are willing to completely abandon the Nanyang colonies, or even give up their own security, it is impossible to show greater interests to buy Japan against China.And even if the United Kingdom and the United States really have the courage to abandon the Nanyang colonies, just imagine that at this time, Japan has a huge fleet built and maintained with most of its financial resources. If it wants to fight China, it must develop an army. However, its financial resources are not enough to support both the army and the navy. So he had to reduce the fleet.Faced with the threat of superior naval forces from Britain and the United States, will Japan be willing to abolish its martial arts?What if the British and American navies stab Japan in the back when Japan invades China?

Thinking about it from another angle, from a deep-seated point of view, the confrontation between Japan and China is not inevitable, but the confrontation with Britain and the United States is.At the Paris Peace Conference, countries such as Britain, the United States, and France did not think highly of the Japanese, and gave the Japanese a considerable stimulus in terms of national sentiment.Of course, before the 18th century, navigation technology was not enough to support Japan's development in Southeast Asia and other places. At this time, the mainland policy of going to China via North Korea was Japan's only choice, and its confrontation with China was inevitable. At this time, the relationship between Japan and China was Natural predators.But changes in navigation technology have changed this, and now Japan has a better choice in Nanyang, so the root cause of China's unending death has disappeared.If geopolitics is ignored, and only from the perspective of resources, China and North Korea can only provide raw materials such as grain, cotton, and soybeans, while Nanyang has oil, rubber, and tin that Japan continues to develop.

The opposite example is Europe. Before the 18th century, China and Europe were not enemies, because they could not pose a threat to each other, and only had trade interests. Therefore, in the short term, they had common interests and were complementary relationships.But after the 18th century, the development of navigation technology made it possible for Europe to colonize China, so it naturally became a natural enemy.If we look at the example on land, before the [-]th century, Russia and China went through a small-scale war to confirm the border, and have lived in peace ever since.However, the development of railways after the [-]th century gave Russia the power to send a large number of troops to the Far East to develop its power. At this time, Russia and China were transformed from peaceful neighbors to unending natural enemies.

Choosing the wrong strategic direction will bring you the wrong enemy.The most classic example is right in front of us. Before World War I, Britain adhered to its traditional policy and originally chose Germany as an ally to fight against Russia, the largest land power in Europe.However, Kaiser Wilhelm II did not want to follow Bismarck's advice, and did not know how to pass the time. Instead, he built a large-scale high seas fleet. The expansion of his naval force posed a threat to Britain, and finally forced Britain to compete with Germany in shipbuilding and win over France. Russia came to fight against Germany, and finally formed the pattern of this European war, causing Germany to fall into the abyss of failure.

For China, land power is fundamental.In Li Mohan's view, this was at least before 1930-1935.Even in the worst case, China is blocked by the United States, Britain and Japan, as long as China has laid a solid industrial foundation, it can expand its industry on the basis of this foundation, relying on the world's largest manpower reserve and the vast domestic market is enough Protect yourself, and even threaten the other party to some extent, so as to prevent the enemy from landing.There is a good example of this situation in Li Mohan's plane space.

In fact, the blockade of China's sea routes does not make any sense. China only needs to connect the Longhai Railway with the railway in Central Asia, and then extend it forward to build the railway directly to the Middle East.Such a naval blockade against China would be meaningless.The only interest that China needs to go through the sea is the oil in the Middle East in the future, but for China, this sea route can be completely replaced by railways.This is completely different from the situation in Japan, the United Kingdom, and even the United States that must be transported by sea.

Of course, sooner or later China will have to build a considerable fleet to seek sea power. This is an inevitable step for China to realize its dream of becoming a great power.But even if he wants to build a fleet, Li Mohan must try his best to avoid confrontation with more than one powerful country at the same time.The simplest way is to wait for the Japanese to go south to Nanyang and provoke the Pacific War, and the United States, Japan and Britain started the war, killing hundreds of thousands of people, and it has reached the point of endless blood and blood, and then China will start to build a large fleet.Prior to this, Li Mohan felt that China only needed to maintain a naval force that was sufficient for defense in the coastal waters, so as to train naval personnel and prevent premature oppression and hostility from foreign powers.

Of course, if he takes a long-term view and thinks further, Li Mohan has another choice, which is to choose a maritime strategic direction other than the East China Sea.At that time, China's army was already very strong, to the extent that it could move sideways in Asia, then Li Mohan could completely annex Myanmar or Thailand, build a fleet directly facing the Indian Ocean to maintain regional sea power in the Indian Ocean, and use this regional sea power to protect the road to Middle East routes.

This is China's only overseas interest, while Japan's interests are in the direction of the South Pacific and the Eastern Pacific. If China builds a fleet in the Indian Ocean, it will not conflict with Japan. At most, it may only conflict with the United Kingdom. In the long run, it may Conflict with the United States when it becomes a global sea power.But at this time, China has the opportunity to unite with Japan to fight against Britain or the United States, instead of directly building fleets on the east coast and the Pacific Ocean, and conflicting with the United States, Britain and Japan at the same time.Li Mohan feels that the most important thing for China right now is to practice internal strength well, and he is not in a hurry to find the Japanese to avenge the Sino-Japanese War.If necessary, even cooperate with the Japanese without sacrificing national interests.Of course, if it was necessary to stab Japan in the back, Li Mohan would not hesitate to do so.

Sure enough, Makino was very pleasantly surprised by the olive branch offered by Gu Weijun.He knows that Japan does not have the ability to swallow China. Even if Japan may be able to win a few battles, compared with China, which has a vast land and a very large population base, Japan will suffer much greater losses due to its small land and dense population.Moreover, the current Chinese rulers obviously have a stronger determination to fight than the Qing government back then, and a more effective ability to control the country than Yuan Shikai.If the Chinese adopted the "Combat Plan Against Japan" that made Japan palpitate, then Japan, which was mired in the quagmire of war, might lose all the fruits of victory since the Meiji Restoration.

If there is economic support behind China, then Japan has a good chance of eating the islands in Southeast Asia.If you work harder, you may even swallow Australia in the future.In fact, the Nanyang Islands have a large population and rich resources, while Australia has a large land area with a sparse population and rich products.And although they are British territories, once Japan really has to use troops against these places, the British far away in Europe may also be powerless.For Japan, what China has is only a consumer market brought about by a huge population base, and it is still a low-end one.If Japan can occupy Southeast Asia and Australia, Japan can move a large number of immigrants upwards, thereby relieving the pressure on the population and arable land in Japan.

It's just that Makino Nobuaki is not the head of the Japanese delegation, but the head of the Japanese delegation is Saiyuanji Gongwang.After listening to Makino Shinshin's report, Xiyuanji Gongwang almost slapped Makino Shinshin twice.

"Makino-kun, the premise of these assumptions is that the Chinese have the same power as us. Even the Chinese can defeat us on land and force us to abandon the mainland policy. But can they do it? Obviously not." Xiyuan Temple Gongwang looked at Shinxian Makino disappointedly, "Weak countries have no diplomacy. But in my opinion, weak countries need diplomacy even more, so that they can survive in a world full of powerful countries. So, this time, the Chinese people have racked their brains." of."

Makino shrank his neck in self-blame, and said, "Thank you for your guidance, senior. I know I was wrong."

Afterwards, Shinshin Makino directly rejected Gu Weijun, and Gu Weijun sent the news back to China immediately.Li Mohan slapped the telegram heavily on the desk made of golden nanmu, "It seems that Little Japan looks down on me."

Li Mohan grabbed a red phone on the table, "Hey, connect me to Jiang Fangzhen of the General Staff."

Not long after, Jiang Fangzhen's voice came from the other end of the phone, "Hi, I'm Jiang Fangzhen."

Li Mohan said word by word: "Comprehensively launch the "Operation Plan Against Japan"."

Jiang Fangzhen was stunned for a few seconds on the other end of the phone, and then said: "I repeat the order: fully activate the "Operation Plan Against Japan", right?"

"Yes. The order is correct."

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