Jagged Warlord

264. Domestic aircraft

The officers and soldiers of the No. 20 Eighth Division of the Shandong National Defense Army, who had driven dozens of miles overnight, were a little tired at first, but they all let out deafening shouts and cheers watching this spectacular scene.

Amidst the sound and flames, the Japanese defense team was completely stunned, and figures were scurrying around.The carriages of those radiation heavy teams were even more frightened and ran wildly, and the carriages and horses were lifted into the sky by huge air waves from time to time.This burst of rapid firepower has exerted the greatest lethality!The Japanese army never thought that such a large force would appear on Huangdao!

Before the sound of the guns subsided, the two regiments of the No.20 Eighth Division of the National Defense Forces mainly attacked the vanguard, and the other two regiments also served as the reserve team, launching a second wave of attacks 15 minutes after the main regiment launched the attack.The machine guns and mortars supporting the infantry were also fully fired, and bullets and shells rushed at the Japanese like a violent wind and waves.

Lieutenant General Kenichi Oshima, commander of the Qingdao garrison, was sleeping when suddenly there was a knock on the door of his bedroom.

"Baga!" He was frowning and wondering who was being so impolite, when he saw his chief of staff, Xiangxi Hyogo, almost knocking open the wooden door with his body.Xiangxi Hyogo rushed in wearing only Japanese-style pajamas, and was probably woken up on the bed: "Your Excellency, the defenders of Huangdao have an urgent call. They were raided by a large force of the Chinese Army and are now in the middle of a deadly battle. Glue The original telephone line on the economic line is no longer available, and the security forces along the line are completely unable to contact us, and the Chinese are launching a full-scale attack on us.”

"Nani?" Ken Oshima was taken aback, "I didn't expect this Li Mohan to be so crazy?" Ken Oshima calmed down and asked, "Xiang Xijun, didn't you say that there will be reinforcements coming from the country? Where are they now? ?”

Xiangxi Hyogo said: "The two divisions have assembled in Hiroshima, and it is estimated that it will take at least four or five days to reach Qingdao."

"Oh!" Kenichi Oshima breathed a sigh of relief. With the current strength of the Japanese troops around Qingdao, it would be no problem to hold for a month.As long as the reinforcements arrive, these Chinese people should look good. "Notify all the troops to shrink their troops and gather around Qingdao."


That night, the No.18 Division of the Japanese Army in Huangdao suffered a tragic blow.In addition to the heavy losses of the army on land, several small warships and many transport ships were sunk on the sea.Shells fired from heavy howitzers fell around the warship, and the water column rose and fell one after another.A transport ship loaded with ammunition exploded.It becomes the most spectacular torch on the sea.

The destroyers fired blindly with their 120mm guns but the shells didn't know where they fell.The National Defense Forces have more than a dozen 150mm heavy artillery to cover the sea.Shrapnel flew on the ship's surface, and Japanese naval officers and soldiers were also killed or injured.They hurriedly lit a fire and anchored in the area of ​​the pier, but they couldn't move for a while, and they suffered overwhelming blows like the army on the shore.

While fighting on the shore, several submarines approached the battle area quietly.They are the newly formed Chinese submarine force.The submarine they used was a German U-boat secretly obtained by Xin Ci for Li Mohan, and Li Mohan gave suggestions on how to improve this submarine based on the information he had learned about German submarines during World War II.With the joint efforts of Chinese, German, American and Austrian-Hungarian experts, the performance of this submarine has been improved.

At present, there are very few qualified submarine crews, and it is estimated that a dozen submarines can be put into battle if they are fully loaded. Each submarine is also equipped with two to three German submariners as technical advisors.

The German consultant knew the submarine crew and the captain to adjust the position and direction of the submarine and prepare for the torpedo launch in Chinese that was at least understandable.

The observer quickly replied: "North by east 23°, distance 260, one gunboat, the target is confirmed!"

"Fix the depth, get ready for two torpedo launches!" the captain Wang Dafa ordered.

"Fix the depth! Get ready for two torpedo shots!" The torpedo commander repeated the order.

The two torpedo soldiers quickly installed fuzes on the torpedoes, and after marking the depth, sent two torpedoes into the No. [-] and No. [-] torpedo tubes respectively, and closed the latch heavily to lock the torpedo tubes.

"No. [-] is ready!" a torpedo soldier reported.

"No. [-] is ready!" Another torpedo soldier reported.

"Report, two simultaneous torpedo launches are ready!" The torpedo captain reported to the captain Wang Dafa

"Let go~!" Wang Dafa shouted loudly.

"Two torpedoes~ launch!" the torpedo commander ordered

"Yes~!" Two torpedo soldiers quickly pulled the launcher

Hiss~ hiss~ two torpedoes swam towards the Japanese gunboat like two ghosts

"The No. [-] torpedo has been launched!"

"The No. [-] torpedo has been launched!" The torpedo soldier reported

"Observe soldiers, report the situation!" Wang Dafa shouted

After the torpedo left the torpedo tube, it was out of human control, so everyone was nervously waiting for the results of the observers.Due to the random flying of shells over there, the listening device equipped on the submarine is useless, and the attack effect can only be determined by the sight of the observers.


The observer clearly saw two explosions on the waterline of the gunboat, and the gunboat was blown to pieces, so he shouted loudly: "Hit the target."

"Long live!" The submarine soldiers cheered, and the German technical consultant was also very happy. After all, these people are all his students. The students have good grades, and the teacher has a good face.

The Japanese garrison has only simple fortifications, and most of them are mobilized to unload and transport goods, so the line of defense is so thin that it can be said that there is no such thing.In the flames of the shell explosion, I saw groups of soldiers of the National Defense Army rushing up with shining bayonets and submachine guns equipped with 70 rounds of ammunition, and in a blink of an eye they fought with the dizzy Japanese infantry.How could they have the ability to resist being attacked so suddenly?The submachine guns and grenades of the National Defense Forces officers and soldiers exerted their greatest power in this kind of hand-to-hand combat.

On the wharf of Huangdao, there was still a large number of wounded Japanese soldiers. They survived the shelling with great difficulty, and were pulled down from the front line waiting to board a ship and return to China.At this time, the soldiers of the National Defense Forces came to kill, and hysterical shouts erupted from the group of Japanese wounded, and they all knew that the end was imminent.But being a captive is even more terrifying!More than a dozen Japanese military doctors in white coats and medical assistants, plus male nurses took pistols and filled them up one by one amidst the sound of cannonballs. These wounded also put their palms together to express their gratitude. For them, they died here is the best choice.

The raid on Huangdao completely stunned the Japanese army, and several assault troops quickly rushed through the sparse fire of the Japanese army and rushed into the pier to start a killing spree.Throughout the night in Huangdao, there were screams of dying Japanese soldiers, and the earth-shattering sound of a large amount of supplies and ammunition being burned and blown to pieces.

Originally, according to Oshima Kenichi's plan, the Japanese army was going to hold the outskirts of Qingdao and wait for reinforcements, but now it seems that the situation is not optimistic.The Chinese army came overwhelmingly, and the Japanese garrison troops from all over the country kept sending distress telegrams.According to the information obtained by Jian Oshima at a glance, the Chinese army has at least assembled more than [-] troops around Qingdao. It can be preliminarily concluded that the strategic intention is to suppress them between the Qingdao fortresses, so that these troops without ammunition and food will be able to move around Qingdao. Completely collapsed under tremendous pressure!If the situation develops to this point, I guess I will have to cut my belly to thank the emperor and the people.

Panting heavily, he roared there: "Shrink! Shrink the defense! Order the Sixth Division in the south, use the last person and the last bullet. Take out their Yamato souls. Resolutely hold it! There is our army. They will definitely come to reinforce us!"

The Japanese army was still very tenacious, and they carried out their orders very seriously.

In Yingfang Town, Jiaozhou County, a regiment of the No.17 Division of the Japanese Army faithfully carried out the orders of their division commander and the commander of the Qingdao Garrison.Launched a counterattack against the officers and soldiers of the 29th Division of the National Defense Forces approaching the barracks town with a sharp-edged charge.After several battles between the two sides, the 29th Division was desperately fought back by the soldiers of the No.17 Division because its foothold was not stable, and most of them were recruits.

During this period, the Japanese captured several Wehrmacht submachine guns.The Japanese soldiers were very impressed with this kind of weapon that swept across a large area, so they sent it to the headquarters immediately.However, after the identification of Japanese technicians, several conclusions were drawn:

This weapon is shoddy and low-tech.

This kind of weapon has a short range and low power. Although it can sweep everything, it is only suitable for recruits who lack training.

This weapon has poor long-range accuracy and is purely a waste of bullets.

All in all, this weapon belongs to the three low weapons used by low-priced, low-level, and low-quality personnel, and only countries like China will use such weapons.Ever since, these weapons were thrown into the garbage dump.

***split line***

Off the coast of Caofeidian, a [-]-ton ship just completed by the Dagu Shipyard—the Liaoning is moored quietly in the blue water, lying prone like a quiet big cat.


Suddenly, a sound of failure broke the silence, and I saw a plane whizzing past the deck of the Liaoning, and then flew steadily into the sky by upturning the bow and working overtime.

"Long live~!" Many soldiers of the National Defense Forces in military uniforms appeared on the deck of the Liaoning, waving their hats excitedly, shouting loudly, or crying bitterly.

"It's a success!" On the pier, Li Mohan stood on a high place and saw everything with a telescope, and he shouted happily: "It's a success, it's finally a success!"

Beside Li Mohan, Feng Ru, Qin Guoyong and others with haggard faces couldn't hide their excited expressions.

The aircraft that successfully took off and landed on the ship was a completely domestically produced seaplane - "Type A No. 100".This is a 3.88-horsepower, drag-in double-bladed double-wing water trainer, 9.32 meters high, 13.70 meters long, 126 meters long, with a maximum speed of 836 kilometers per hour. It has a volume of 1063 liters, a flight altitude of 114 meters, a sailing time of 3690 hours, a flight distance of 3 kilometers, a crew of 340, and can carry 2 bombs.The performance and quality of the aircraft are no worse than those made by Bayuzao and others before Meikutis and Boeing.

Qin Guoyong shouted happily: "In November 1910, American pilot Eugene Eli successfully drove a Curtiss biplane to fly away from the USS Birmingham cruiser platform; in 11, the British Navy converted an old cruiser into the world's first a seaplane carrier. Now, we Chinese also have this technology.”

Li Ruyan on the side also said excitedly: "The Japanese devils look good now, don't they have big cannons? If you have the ability to put a cannon on your head, try it~ haha!"

What Li Ruyan said is true, because the air force is a newly emerging military force in all countries in the world, so few people in the world have the concept of air defense systems or seizing air supremacy, but the backward Tsarist Russia has an alternative air defense system.

The first air defense system in human history was actually invented by Tsarist Russia specifically for the Tsar, and its purpose was to prevent domestic terrorist forces from using aircraft to launch terrorist attacks and assassinate the Tsar.

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