Jagged Warlord

266. Surrounding Qiujinzhou

The Queen Elizabeth was not in a hurry, as if it was provoking the Akitsuzu, Hikonojo Uemura ordered to catch up and sank the wrecked ship again.


The Queen Elizabeth's stern guns fired and fired a shell at the Akitsusu, which landed well ahead of the Akitsusu's bow, and the splash did not reach the Akitsusu.

Uemura Yanzhicheng frowned, and laughed wildly: "You dare to provoke us with cannons, chase after it, and sink it,"

The Qiujinzhou followed the Queen Elizabeth all the way, and the large fleet behind followed the Qiujinzhou. In fact, the Queen Elizabeth was basically an empty shell. In the Battle of Qingdao, it was dismantled and installed on land as coastal defense artillery.

Therefore, the current naval guns on the Queen Elizabeth are actually army artillery, which are directly installed on the deck of the Queen Elizabeth. Although the army artillery and naval guns are both cannons, there is a big difference. This has happened in later generations It is a matter of installing army artillery on large transport ships, but because the accuracy is too poor, it does not have much actual combat effectiveness.

The Qiujinzhou also accidentally sank the Queen Elizabeth at once, but like a cat playing with a mouse, it fired at the opponent one after another. Seeing the Queen Elizabeth dodging the shells in panic, the people on the Qiujinzhou The Japanese sailor laughed happily.

Unknowingly, the Qiujinzhou followed the Queen Elizabeth to the waters of Jiaozhou Bay, and the sailors on the Qiujinzhou could faintly hear the rumbling gunfire and flames near Qingdao.

"Hey, Kojima-san, is that the gunfire from the battle between the army and the Chinese?"

"Maybe, those idiots in the army~" the first and second mates of the Qiujinzhou were chatting aside

Hikonojo Uemura scolded: "Baga, regardless of the conflict between the army and the navy, they are all soldiers of the Empire of Japan. If they lose the battle, they will lose the face of the Empire of Japan,"

The first mate hurriedly bowed, "Hey, I know I was wrong,"

Uemura Yanzhicheng said: "Don't worry about that broken ship, let's lean towards Qingdao and give the army some artillery support,"

"Hi," the first officer hurriedly shouted into the communicator: "Change the course, the direction is northeast~"

Before the chief mate finished shouting, there was news from the observers that a large number of warships had appeared on the southeast and west seas, and the flags should be Chinese warships.

"Nani," Hikonojo Uemura immediately ordered the observers to identify him.

The fleet discovered by the Qiujinzhou is the largest lineup in China since the Gengzi year. This fleet consists of three cruisers, Haichen, Haiqi, and Haichou, and Yingrui, Zhaohe, Yongfeng, Xinxin, Xingong, and Yongji. , Yongjian, Yinglong, Yinghu and other more than ten destroyers, and these warships are all the possessions of the Chinese navy at the moment.

"Mr. Captain, what are your chances of winning this battle?" On the fleet's flagship Haichen, Morris, a female reporter from the American "Time" magazine, asked Cheng Biguang, the serious-looking fleet commander, with a notepad in one hand. Dao: "China's naval strength is very different from that of Japan. If there is a battle, will it repeat the same result as the war in 1895?"

Cheng Biguang thought that this reporter was really crow-mouthed, but he still smiled and replied politely: "Our courage and the spirit of seeing death as home are no different from those of the Beiyang Navy seniors in the Sino-Japanese War. , victory will be ours, and we will make the Japanese pay the price~,"

Although Uemura Yanzhicheng despised the Chinese navy, the Akitsuzhou did not recklessly kill the numerically superior Chinese navy. Instead, it turned its course and launched an attack on the nearest gunboat Yongfeng. On the surface of the water, there was a dull explosion sound, and the shock wave set off huge waves again, drenching the sailors on the deck.

The gunboat Yongfeng was ordered by Sa Zhenbing, ruled by the Beiyang Navy, from Mitsubishi Nagasaki Shipbuilding and Kawasaki Shipbuilding in Japan. The ship can hold 150 tons of coal and 16 tons of fresh water. The front main gun is 108 mm, and the rear main gun is 140 mm. The size of the Yongfeng ship was not the most prominent in the naval team at that time, but among the gunships of the same type in the East and the West at that time, its performance was relatively advanced, and its firepower It is stronger, but compared with the Qiujinzhou, which has 68 105mm 76-caliber Armstrong rapid-fire guns, 152mm 40-caliber Armstrong rapid-fire guns, 4 120mm heavy-duty Hotchkiss rapid-fire guns, there is a big gap. of.

The Yongfeng warship is speeding up at this time, and it is impossible to reach the highest speed in a short period of time. After a round of test firing by the enemy artillery, the next round of shelling must be more accurate. In order to pursue the highest speed, the Yongfeng It is absolutely impossible to take the zigzag route to avoid shells. The gunboat Yongfeng, which is one size smaller than the Qiujinzhou, bravely greeted it with a fearless spirit. In addition, the Yongji, which is closer to the gunboat Yongfeng , Yongjian also stepped up to meet them, planning to deal with Qiujinzhou with more fights and less.

Cheng Biguang immediately ordered the three ships Yongfeng, Yongji, and Yongjian to take advantage of their small size and fast speed to fight around the Qiujinzhou and avoid the enemy's main guns. Find an opportunity to release the torpedo.

The three ships Yongfeng, Yongji, and Yongjian immediately carried out Cheng Biguang's order, while carefully avoiding shells, while taking great risks to move closer to Qiujinzhou.

The Akitsuzu continued to fire at the three ships arrogantly, and a shell hit the Yongjian. The Shitase gunpowder ignited a raging fire on the deck, and the fire stimulated Hikonojo Uemura. He shouted excitedly: "Sink! They, sink them~," but it was one-to-many after all, Hikonojo Uemura's Akitsusu was also scarred by the shells fired by Yongfeng, Yongji, and Yongjian.

The battle lasted for another ten minutes. Hikonojo Uemura suddenly discovered that the Chinese navy was already encircling himself, so he hurriedly urged the telegraph soldiers to ask the fleet for help.

The cruiser Haiqi was the first to include the Qiujinzhou in the range. The captain of the ship was Deng Haoqian, and his father was the famous national hero Deng Shichang.

On the opposite side is the enemy that made my father want to sink until his death! On the other side is the stumbling block to the rise of the Chinese nation! Yes, the fleet is not as thick as a thumb, so there is nothing to hide, but this does not mean that the navy cannot fight Japan.

"Fire~Aim at the enemy ship and fire," Deng Haoqian shouted with tears in his eyes, "to avenge the Chinese navy brothers who died in the Sino-Japanese War,"

"Roar," the sailors shouted, aiming their cannons at the Qiujinzhou.


The two 203mm main guns of the Haiqi fired shells at the Qiujinzhou. At the same time, Deng Haoqian also ordered to launch torpedoes at the Qiujinzhou. The five torpedo tubes of the Haiqi fired at the same time. The five torpedoes carried five white The tail flew towards the Qiujinzhou.

"Torpedo ~ torpedo," the Japanese sailors on the Akitsuzhou ship hurriedly fired the torpedo with rapid-fire guns after discovering the torpedo, and at the same time lowered the mine protection net, and the battleship hurriedly accelerated to avoid it.

The Akitsusu dodged two torpedoes flexibly, but due to the short distance and the high speed of the torpedoes, the rapid-fire gun and the lightning protection net only blocked the third torpedo. The mine net was destroyed and a huge wave was set off. The hull of the Qiujinzhou tilted to the left with a shock, raising the waterline. The fourth and fifth torpedoes rushing at high speed passed through under the cover of the huge wave After being intercepted by the rapid-fire gun and the lightning protection net, it directly hit the starboard side of the Qiujinzhou.

"Prepare to prevent the impact," the first officer shouted hurriedly, and at the same time stepped forward to protect Uemura Hikonojo, and all the other soldiers who heard the order immediately covered their heads to protect their bodies, and at the same time squatted down to hide in a nearby safe position.


The huge explosion sounded like a bolt from the blue, and two huge holes were blasted near the waterline on the starboard side of the Qiujinzhou. The entire battleship tilted sharply to the left, and sea water rushed in.

But in the blink of an eye, the hull of the battleship Qiujinzhou began to tilt seriously, and the Japanese sailors scrambled to lower the lifeboat, or jumped directly into the sea.

"Attention all personnel, please pay attention to all personnel, abandon the ship immediately," the voice of the first officer came from the electric horn on the Akitsuzu, he shouted three times in a row, and then stuffed the life jacket of Ichimi into the captain Hikonojo Uemura in hand

"Baga," Hikonojo Uemura slapped the first officer hard, grabbed the microphone, and shouted loudly: "I am Captain Hikonojo Uemura, the order to abandon ship is cancelled, and everyone stays at their respective combat positions. Keep fighting, repeat, stay at your respective combat stations, keep fighting,,"

Having said that, Uemura Hikonojo confronted the first officer viciously, "Yokoyama-kun, are you quite a deserter?"

"Captain, but~" the first mate distinguished: "The hull is seriously damaged, we can no longer fight,"

"Bastard," Uemura Hikonojo slapped the first officer twice, "reinforcements will come soon, as long as we persist until the end, I will be the winner,"

"Captain," the first mate wanted to make a last effort

"Chief officer, I order you to return to your post immediately," Uemura Hikonojo shouted in an unquestionable tone

"Hi," the mate gave up trying

Cheng Biguang saw that there was something going on, and was about to order the rest of the ships to encircle and try to attack the Shen Qiujinzhou, but the observers reported that a large number of Japanese fleets appeared in the east sea, which should be a large force of the Japanese army.

"If you don't come sooner or later, why not come at this time," Cheng Biguang was annoyed, and he immediately ordered the fleet to carry out the original battle plan.

The large force of warships coming from the east is the main force of the Japanese Second Fleet. They rushed over immediately after receiving the telegram from the Akitsusu, and they happened to see the Chinese navy besieging the Akitsusu. Major Admiral Yasuzo Torizaki was about to He ordered the battle, but found that the Chinese fleet had dispersed, and a dozen warships, large and small, fled in all directions.

"Ridiculous Chinese people," Major General Toizaki Yasuzo said disdainfully, "I don't even have the courage to fight. China has a vast land and rich resources. It's a waste of money for these inferior Chinese people to enjoy such a rich land."

"Forget those small sampans for now," Prince Fushimi said, pointing to the Qingdao Fortress that was engulfed in flames, "We'd better provide some artillery support to Qingdao's army first, and ensure that the transport ships transport both divisions to Let’s talk on land.”

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