Jagged Warlord

268. Desperate fight

At this time, the submarines numbered 006 and 010 also rushed to the sea near Jiaozhou Bay one after another. Seeing a large number of Japanese ships gathered, they were also itchy.A series of torpedoes, like a continuous cannonball, interweaves a strip-shaped torpedo array on the sea surface.The movement was so loud that the Japanese finally discovered the underwater submarine.

Rear Admiral Yasuzo Torizaki is worthy of being an old navy who participated in the Sino-Japanese War of Sino-Japanese War and the Russo-Japanese Naval War.He remained calm in the face of danger, and while quickly commanding the warships to maneuver, he ordered the ships to use their naval guns to aim at the position where the torpedo was fired and conduct cover bombardment.

boom boom boom

The large-caliber naval guns roared together, and the shells containing Shigase gunpowder stirred up high waves on the sea surface and burned violently on the sea surface.

"Dive! Dive quickly!" The German consultant on the No. 008 submarine hurriedly shouted

Quickly retract the periscope and order a rapid descent.Compressed air and sea water hissed along the pipeline, the number on the depth dial increased little by little, and although the explosion sound above the head gradually became muddy, those shells still made everyone very scared. Although it was very difficult for the shells to hit the underwater submarine , but can cause tension and stress.The explosions became more and more intensive, and every heart in the submarine hung up to the throat, and the excitement and excitement of hitting the enemy were temporarily forgotten.The impact of the shock wave generated by the shell explosion caused the entire submarine to shake violently.

"Submarine? Submarine! It's really a submarine!" Major General Yasuzo Torizaki shouted in surprise and anger.But.Which country's submarine is this?Germany?Austria-Hungary?If it is said that it is China, Major General Torizaki Yasuzo will never believe it even if he is killed.Because I have never heard that the Chinese Navy has submarines. Even if there are, it is impossible to have such a number and so many powerful submarine sailors.

The Shuo continued to sink, and the Iwami's hull tilted severely and began to sink.

Submarine No. 008, which dived urgently, cannot see the sea surface for the time being, but one can imagine the chaos there.Flames, explosions, sirens and lifeboats scrambling to be lowered.

The Iwami, whose hull was severely damaged, tilted too fast, causing the shells in the ammunition compartment to collide with each other. The extremely sensitive gunpowder could not withstand this chain of impacts, and finally a big explosion occurred! °

A series of huge explosions spread from the sea to all directions. In the flames, the 300-ton double-mounted 5mm naval guns and turrets of the battleship's bow were blown up to a height of more than ten meters. Flames and debris shot out from the ammunition bay at the bottom, It was as terrifying as a volcano erupting.How could the Iwami, which was already seriously injured and had huge flaws in its design, be able to withstand this kind of damage? The stern of the ship lost its balance and sank suddenly. The whole battleship stood up like a sharp sword inserted into the sea. Disappeared quickly in 80 meters of sea water.

The momentary strong pressure also caused water seepage in several sealed pipes of the No. 008 submarine, but it was quickly resolved by the crew's emergency repairs.

"Report to the captain, I saw a lot of debris falling into the sea." The observer reported, "This looks like the main turret of a warship~!"

The big explosion of the Iwami can be seen even on land. The SS and Wehrmacht soldiers crawled out of the trenches and attacked the Japanese positions after being tortured by the Japanese naval guns.

In an instant, the sound of charges resounded throughout Qingdao, and tens of thousands of soldiers rushed out of the bunkers to their respective targets.The densely packed bullets replaced explosions and intertwined into fire and shuttled back and forth. The Japanese army, who had finally survived the shells, also realized that there was no way out, and began to fire wildly in an attempt to block the attack of the squadron.

This was an attack involving twelve infantry battalions, nine of which were used to divert the attack and attract the firepower and attention of the defenders. The three infantry battalions of Feng Yuxiang's division were the main attack, and more than 200 light and heavy aircraft were covering them. Machine guns, each spewing tongues of flame frantically.With piercing yells, the soldiers staggered forward after the officer.I forgot all the formations I trained before, and I just ran forward with my head buried.

The reaction of the Japanese army was also very fast. In a blink of an eye, the firepower of field artillery and fortress artillery exploded in the charge queue, but this kind of firepower could not stop such a huge momentum and momentum at all.The soldiers crashed headlong into the Tongbo River, and the river was only up to their knees, and the bottom was full of pebbles.Taking advantage of the slowing down of the troops while wading across the river, the firepower points in the Xiaozhanshan infantry fortress were also in full swing. More than a dozen Dazheng and heavy machine guns formed a crossfire, coupled with the precise strikes of the [-]-type rifles, the crowded people in the river were blown away. The SS and Wehrmacht crowds fell in rows!

Countless Wehrmacht and SS soldiers struggled to rush towards the other side of the river, but this small river more than 30 meters wide seemed to be a natural moat.The range of shooting here is wide, making it easier for the opponent to unleash their firepower. This burst of impact has turned into a massacre!The lower-ranking officers who led the team rushed to the forefront, and they were also at the forefront with casualties. Many people waved their flags and fell down suddenly.

"Machine gun bunker~~"

"I come."

As soon as the Japanese machine gun bunker appeared in front, two Wehrmacht soldiers carrying cluster grenades rushed up with red eyes.After the bullet penetrated their bodies, the grenade was still detonated with inertia. While the explosion tore the body and the machine gun positions apart, the comrades behind were already crying and continued to rush forward.

There are traces of shell explosions everywhere.There were corpses all over the floor, broken limbs, tattered clothes, and various damaged weapons.The crater was filled with blood, and even the heavy rain couldn't wash it away.Strangling was happening everywhere in the position, and even the dead and the living could not be distinguished clearly.

At this moment, whether it is the attacking Chinese or Japanese soldiers, only kill! kill! kill kill kill!!

The supporting machine gunners behind were all red-eyed, desperately shooting in the direction of the flames fired by the machine guns on the opposite side, and the copper shells of the bullets spread a layer on the ground in a blink of an eye.Mortarists even jumped into the trenches, set up 80mm mortars on the battlefield where shrapnel was flying, and fired one after another at the machine gun fortifications.But these reinforced concrete structures that have survived heavy artillery fire cannot be destroyed by this 80mm mortar.

"Brothers~Come on~!" A soldier of the National Defense Forces opened the safety of a bundle of grenades, and then rushed towards the firing port of the machine gun bunker with the grenades in his arms.


The air waves of the explosion shook the Japanese army in the bunker, and this brave soldier of the National Defense Forces was also turned into fragments flying all over the sky.

Jiang Fangzhen, who was watching the battle from a distance, was short of breath and tears were about to come down. These soldiers were shot out with one hand and one foot. Now watching them go down like this, Jiang Fangzhen, who is a man of temperament, really can't Unmoved.

He gently wiped the corners of his eyes, turned his head to look at Cai E with a calm face, moved his mouth but never said anything. "Brother Baili, I know what you want to say, but I just want to say that if you want to awaken the last dream of a great country hidden in the hearts of those citizens who have been enslaved for hundreds of years, you can't do it with your mouth! Only blood, hatred and Victory! The chairman is right, no major power rises quietly, and must go through the baptism of blood and fire."

Jingle Bell

The phone rang, and the phone soldier grabbed the receiver, "Hey, where are you? Ah? Oh! I see." The phone soldier quickly stood up and said to Jiang Fangzhen and Cai E: "Two generals, Jinan's phone, say The Prime Minister has arrived in Jinan, and now he is adding trains to the front line."

"The chairman is here?" Jiang Fangzhen and Cai E were both startled, and suddenly felt that the pressure was a lot greater. This is to supervise the battle.

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