Jagged Warlord

273. Wicker Lake

The Guandong Governor's Mansion was built on the former site of a luxury hotel in Russia, covering an area of ​​more than five acres.In terms of establishment, it belongs to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. On the surface, it is an administrative agency under the supervision of the government rather than a military agency.In fact, in addition to the administrative power of the leased land and the Manchurian railway subsidiary, the governor also enjoys military command power. The governor combines the army and the civil affairs department in one person, and implements the so-called military-political integration system.Not only that, but with the passage of time, the governor's power continued to expand.In [-], the Japanese Minister of War ordered the Governor-General of the Kanto: "When the Chinese nationals in South Manchuria need to be protected or when the rights and interests of our country are divided and must be protected, the Governor-General of the Kanto can use military force."

It seems that the power of the Kwantung Governor is extremely great, and he can intervene in anything in the entire South Manchuria region, but in fact he cannot control the Permanent Division of South Manchuria.Because in Japan's military law, the appointment and dismissal of division heads must be issued by the emperor himself, and even the military has no right to move them.

Before the September 6th Incident, the size of the Kwantung Army generally maintained a regular division and six railway garrison brigades (900 people each), with a total of about 2 people deployed in Lushun, Haicheng, Liaoyang, Shenyang, Gongzhuling, Changchun and other places.Its regular divisions usually rotate every two years. From 1907 to 1919, the following divisions took turns as the main force of the Kwantung Army.







The 16th Division from May 1919 to the present

The 16th Division is a Class A division of the Imperial Japanese Army. It was one of the 17 standing divisions of the Japanese army before the outbreak of World War II. It is well equipped and has strong combat effectiveness.In the original history, the division was one of the main Japanese troops that participated in the Nanjing Massacre.The 16th Division wantonly burned, killed, raped and looted in the Zhongshanmen area of ​​Nanjing, and rushed into the "International Safety Zone" many times, attacking refugee camps.The combat diary of Nakajima Kagego, the commander of his division, will also be used as written evidence in the International Military Tribunal for the Far East in the future to support Matsui Iwane's crimes.

In Lushun, Japan's Kanto Governor's Mansion, the head of Japan's China intelligence agency and the first generation leader of Japan's China intelligence work, the spies of the Aoki Agency founded by Aoki Nobusumi sent a document printed with top secret to Lin Quansuke, the head of the Kanto Office. In front of Tachibana Koichiro, commander of the Kwantung Army.

Hayashi Gonsuke was born in the Aizu Domain. His grandfather was the cannon captain of the Aizu Domain. His father died in battle in Fushimi and Toba. He lived with his widowed mother since childhood.Later, he was funded by the Satsuma Army Major Kodama Mifumi, who advocated the integration of public and military forces, and graduated from Tokyo Imperial University in 1887.Later entered the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.Served as a student consul at the Yantai Consulate in China. In 1898, he served as the embassy counselor and once acted as an agent of embassy affairs.During the Guangxu reform period, he took Japan as his teacher. He was the most important liaison between the governments of the two countries. In 1898, he served as the head of the Guandong Bureau, and implemented colonial rule in the Luda area of ​​Northeast China, plundered the people in the occupied areas, and adapted to Japan's aggressive war policy.

Commander Tachibana Koichiro, a native of Fukuoka Prefecture, the eldest son of the old Tachibana Shuo of the Miike clan. In February 1881, he entered the sixth period of Lu Shijiu, and in 2 he was awarded the rank of Second Lieutenant of the Army. In 6, he graduated from the fifth phase of the Army University.Served as an instructor of land soldiers, a member of the First Bureau of the General Staff Headquarters, and a staff officer of the First Army during the Sino-Japanese War of Sino-Japanese War.Went to study in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, worked as a staff officer of the Qing army stationed in the army, attached to the headquarters of the staff, served as Yuan Shikai's military adviser, and later served as the head of the Encouragement Section of the Army Provincial Personnel Bureau, as a supplementary section leader, served as the deputy chief of staff of the 1883th Army during the Russo-Japanese War, and served as the headquarter staff.Plenipotentiary Attaché to the Portsmouth Peace Conference, Military Attaché to the U.S. Embassy, ​​and Senior Adjutant to the Ministry of War.

In 1909, he was promoted to Major General, Commander of the 22nd Infantry Brigade, Commander of the 30th Infantry Brigade, Chief of the 1st Guards Infantry Brigade, Chief of Staff of the Korean Garrison, Commander of the Korean Garrison Gendarmerie and Chief of Police of the North Korean Governor-General's Office. 19th division head, 4th division head.

Tachibana Koichiro was very upset when he saw this information that was part of a battle plan.The 16th Division has a strong combat effectiveness, but it is only used for feigning and containment combat missions. For Tachibana Koichiro, who has just taken up the post of commander of the Kwantung Army, he feels that his talent has been deeply buried.

Lin Quanzhu was a civil affairs official, and he kicked the ball directly to Tachibana Koichiro, "Anyway, our civil affairs department will fully cooperate with what the army does. But~~ I think I need to remind you that this Li Mohan is not easy to deal with."

Tachibana Koichiro didn't answer, but took out a pair of maps from a pile of maps, spread them out on the table, and said, "Our Kwantung Army has a division and six railway garrison brigades, and they are scattered around the South Manchuria Railway. Station. In this way, our forces are very scattered. Although the quality of the Chinese army is low, according to intelligence, they have three divisions in the garrison in Fengtian alone, close to 5 people. Baga~~The red deer in the navy, It will really cause trouble~~~”

On the same night, at the edge of Liutiaohu Village on the outskirts of Fengtian

The South Manchurian Railway draws an arc at Liutiao Lake in the north of Fengtian City.Under the silent night, the heart of Sheng Shicai, the captain and staff officer of Guo Songlin, the No.20 Second Division of the National Defense Force stationed in Fengtian, was as gloomy and depressed as the crescent moon in the sky.His eyes were fixed on Beidaying, which was 800 meters away, and he didn't dare to take a breath.

Sheng Shicai, courtesy name Jinyong, formerly known as Zhenjia, was born in Kaiyuan City, Liaoning Province, and belonged to the Manchu Han Army Banner.Born in poverty, he studied in Xifeng County Junior Primary School, Shenyang Fifth Senior Primary School, and Liaoning Provincial Agriculture and Forestry Middle School. In 1915, he graduated from the Department of Political Economy of Shanghai Wusong China Public School. In 1917, he went to Japan to study at Meiji University in Tokyo.After returning to China, he entered the Shaoguan Lecture Hall hosted by Guangdong Li Yuanyuan to study.After graduation, he was introduced by Li Gengen and went back to Northeast China to work in the Eighth Brigade of the Fengjun Guo Songling as a platoon, company commander, and captain staff officer. He won Guo Songling's trust and was introduced by Guo.

"It's a veteran after all, no matter what time it is, he always keeps calm!" A young platoon leader beside Sheng Shicai looked at Sheng Shicai with admiration.

The solemn Sheng Shicai did not notice the adoring gazes of his subordinates.He carefully looked at the pocket watch in his hand, the time was ten nineteen in the evening. "Will the Japanese army respond quickly?"

Sheng Shicai thought about this question repeatedly, "After all, there is a complete Japanese railway garrison here! And I only have a dozen or so men." Thinking of this, he felt extremely depressed: "Master, take this heavy burden Put it on me, the lieutenant officer~~ Can I take on such a heavy responsibility?"

"Staff Sheng! Can we start now?" the platoon leader reminded him.

"Wait a little longer!" Sheng Shicai said in a low voice, turning his head to look at the dozen or so Wehrmacht soldiers and several corpses in Japanese military uniforms hidden in the sorghum field.

"The Japanese didn't behave abnormally, did they?" Sheng Shicai asked blankly.

"No! They have just paid their military pay, and they are still completely immersed in women and fine wine." A soldier replied

"Okay!" Sheng Shicai nodded slightly, his slightly trembling hands exhausted all his strength, and pressed the detonator...


A section of railroad track less than one meter in the east section of the Liutiaohu Lake on the South-Manchuria Railway was twisted into a ball with gravel and sleeper debris in the loud noise

Xiaobing immediately stepped forward to check, frowning slightly, the effect was not ideal, how could such a little bit be blown up.However, he still nodded towards Sheng Shicai who was in the distance.

As soon as Sheng Shicai waved his hand, the soldiers in the sorghum field rushed up and threw the corpses of several Japanese soldiers near the railway tracks.

Sheng Shicai immediately connected to the North Camp with a field phone, "Hello, is this Chief of Staff Wei? I'm Sheng Shicai, and I'm reporting an urgent military situation to you. A few Japanese soldiers just blew up the railway at Liutiaohu Lake."

………………Dividing line………………

The night was late, the crescent moon hung high in the sky, and the night wind from the northeast was still very hard and cold, blowing on the body like a knife.Outside the Japanese railway garrison, two Japanese sentries in cotton-padded overcoats were shaking their bodies in the sentry box to keep warm.

A 7.62mm bullet shattered the windshield of the sentry box and hit the sentry in the neck

"Where to shoot outside?" the captain of the defense team, Kosaburo Ishii, shouted while putting on his clothes.

The guard outside the door opened the door with a bang, "Report, I don't know yet. Maybe someone's gun went off~"

"Nani! Check it out!" Kosaburo Ishii wrapped his military coat around him, grabbed the pistol on the table, and walked out


another bang

Kosaburo Ishii yelled, "Quickly call the police!"

Since it was already late at night, the soldiers in the railway garrison had already taken off their clothes and were fast asleep. When they suddenly heard the explosion outside, they thought it was someone who didn't open their eyes and the gun went off, and they didn't take it seriously.They didn't wake up until they heard the sound of gunfire, and then the siren sounded loudly, and they began to put on clothes and pants in a hurry.Since the railway garrison belongs to the second-line force, the quality of its soldiers cannot be compared with that of regular divisions.In addition, they are used to domineering, so they never thought that something would happen.

"Pants, you are wearing my pants~"

"Ba Ga, what you are holding is my belt!"

"Where's the gun? Where's the gun?"

The railway garrison made a random picture, many people hadn't figured out the situation, and they were stabbed by bayonets in the dark when they went out with their pants up.

Only then did the soldiers of the railway garrison see clearly that the vicious Chinese soldiers were standing opposite them.

"The Chinese are coming"

The ghosts and wolves howling in the railway garrison, the lights are dark at midnight, and the fear permeates like a shadow under the moon

Kosaburo Ishii rushed out of the barracks. Seeing the chaos, he grabbed a small captain and slapped him twice. Then he cursed angrily: "Baga, don't panic, organize a counterattack immediately, your guns are full of brooms?"

The squad leader only knew to say "Hi" with a mournful face, but he had nothing to do with the chaotic defense team members.

The Japanese barracks was on fire, gunshots sounded like popping beans, soldiers from the railway garrison were running around like headless flies, and their cries were so loud that no one could tell how many Japanese troops had broken into the Japanese army camp. battalion, only to know that wherever the Chinese army went, they set fire everywhere.This is actually a helpless move. Sheng Shicai was not very courageous in the first place. Although Guo Songlin had prepared for him and arranged more than 200 people for him as a commando, Sheng Shicai was still very cautious. He set off a few fires to embolden himself. The second is to make the railway garrison confused about how many troops they have.

On the other hand, in the Fengtian Governor's Mansion, Guo Songlin was wearing the iconic woolen military overcoat, holding a rifle in one hand and fist in the other, raising his arms and shouting loudly, facing the soldiers of the National Defense Forces in the yard of the Garrison Command : "Brothers, the Japanese devils destroyed a section of the railway in Liutiao Lake by themselves, and accused us of doing the damage, and even killed a few of our brothers to plant the blame. Using this as an excuse, they attacked the brothers in Beidaying. You Say, are these beasts man-made?"

"No~~ son of a bitch!" The courtyard was full of officers above the company commander of the National Defense Forces

Guo Songling waved his arm, clenched a fist in the air, and shouted loudly: "The Prime Minister has ordered us to counterattack Little Japan in an all-round way. How hard are you guys, how hard are you to beat the little devil to death? .I, Guo Songling, am here to salute you on behalf of the brothers who were killed by the little devil."

Guo Songling snapped a military salute, and then shouted loudly: "The man came out of Guanshan with a sword, and vowed not to return the Japanese pirates. There is no need to bury the bones. There are green hills everywhere in the world. Brothers~~~Kill!"


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