Jagged Warlord

276. Attack on Lushun

No one knows better than him how the neighbors rose up in the early twentieth century. When the huge surprise of the Sino-Japanese War ended 13 years later, it was a war that cost 10 young lives and 20 billion national dollars without receiving any compensation. After the disastrous ending, Japan has actually reached the edge of the cliff. Perhaps no one believes that ordinary industrial workers in Japan in 1913 were far less paid than workers in Shanghai and Southwest China at the moment. The heavy debt crisis can even weigh down the gold standard era The currency keeps devaluing.

However, the outbreak of the First World War brought about another huge turning point in Japan's fate. Since the Qingdao and Jiaoji railways were successively occupied, together with Lushun and Nanman, Japan had actually strangled the Bohai Strait and made the most prosperous in the north. Taking advantage of the sharp contraction of European powers such as the United Kingdom and the United States, the Japanese power spread across North China and Northeast China. After the continuous resources of the two places were exchanged for cheap loans and weapons, they were replaced by The high price several times or even dozens of times was sold to Europe, which was in urgent need of replenishment. This alone earned at least 5 million U.S. dollars in four years in Japan. Clearing up foreign debts, it also jumped from a capital importer to a capital exporter, especially the coal and iron resources in the Northeast, which helped it complete the steel revolution before 1917.

That's a full $5 million, and you don't even need that much. As long as you get half of it, you can build 5 million-ton steel plants, or 10 national-level enterprises that are larger than the Hubei Industrial Corporation.

So it must not be repeated.

"At first you may succeed, you will succeed in capturing their ships, destroying their military and commercial installations, but you will also make them understand their power, they will think, they will build ships, equip themselves with artillery, they will Will bring gunners from France, America, even London, build a fleet, and beat you,"

Li Mohan repeated the main points of this passage, and said: "We are doing such things now. We obtain technology from Western powers to arm ourselves. The advanced technology of any country is the object of our study. Of course, in addition to learning to imitate others, we must also strive to innovate. One day, we will use our own cannons and fleets to destroy those who discriminate against us. The foreign devil beat me up hard, "

The people who listened to the lecture were very serious and their expressions were very serious.

Li Mohan signaled Cai E and Jiang Fangzhen to stay, and the others can disband. Li Mohan said to Cai E: "Songpo, Shandong is temporarily handed over to you, Baili, I hope you will go to Fengtian, Lushun Fortress is a tough nut to crack , we can't force it,"

Jiang Fangzhen smiled and said: "Chairman is wise, but I learned something in the Battle of Qingdao, which should be applicable to Lushun."

"Oh, what?" Li Mohan asked with a smile

Jiang Fangzhen replied: "No matter how hard the bone is, as long as the fire is over, it can still be crispy. If you fight Lushun, I am going to attack with fire."

……Dividing line……

In the Fengtian University Hall in Fengtian Province, two groups of students are arguing with each other. One group thinks that we should immediately declare war on Japan and take back Lushun, while the other group of students think that China should rest and recuperate. Anyway, Lushun is there, and the Japanese can’t Move it back to Japan.

The two groups of people were arguing fiercely, and even the teacher couldn't persuade him, but at this time, a classmate from outside rushed in waving a newspaper, "Students, what are you still arguing about? The Japanese devils burned down Wafangdian yesterday." It's a waste of land, beat them bastards, "

The contradictions among the people were instantly suppressed by the contradictions between the enemy and the foreign countries. The students in the classroom gathered around to read the news earlier, but there were too many people, and the three floors inside and outside were crowded. Can't see clearly either.

The students holding the newspaper simply jumped onto the podium and read aloud: "Yesterday at [-] o'clock in the afternoon, more than [-] Japanese people were burned and killed for nearly an hour. The Wafangdian store was destroyed by the Japanese arson~~~~ "

"Kill all the Japanese,"

"The Japanese are all going to die,"

"what is this,"

The two groups of students who had been fighting with each other immediately stood in the same trench, "Let's go ~ let's go to the Governor's Mansion to petition ~"

"Go together ~ go together,"

The full name of the Luda area should be the Lushun Dalian area. This area was forcibly leased by the Tsarist government as the base of the main force of the Russian Pacific Fleet according to the agreement with China (1898).

Lushun Port is embraced by mountains, with Golden Mountain in the east and Huhuwei Peninsula in the west. The terrain is dangerous. Tsarist Russia occupied this ice-free port in 1898. In order to maintain this window of Tsarist Russia in Asia, Tsarist Russia went through two years of geographical exploration and design. , decided to spend 2 million rubles to build Lushun into an impenetrable fortress.



In fact, the military strength is not dominant, and the firepower is even less dominant. Nogi Noki can only play a human bomb attack, trying to fill up the fortress with the flesh and blood of the Japanese army. Then Japan suffered a terrible loss in Lushun, and Japan suffered 6 casualties. , Nearly 4 people were killed in battle. After Japan occupied Lushun, it desperately built the Lushun Fortress, and the Japanese army also had experience in land-sea integrated defense warfare in the Battle of Lushun, so Japan itself declared that Lushun is an unbreakable fortress.

Since the Japanese army began to shrink its troops to Lushun, Guo Songling of Fengtian organized the evacuation of the people from the Luda area. At first, these evacuated Chinese people were stopped by the Japanese army, but they were soon released.

It is said that when Tachibana Koichiro heard that the officer who ordered to prevent the Chinese from evacuating said that the Chinese people were left behind in order to make the Chinese army have scruples when attacking, he simply slapped the officer twice.

"Baga~ You are afraid of the Chinese people. Do the dignified soldiers of the Imperial Japanese Empire need Chinese people as human shields? You coward~ You are not worthy of being a soldier of the empire. You should go to seppuku."

"Hi~," the scolded Japanese officer kept his head down

As a result, the civilian evacuation plan was carried out smoothly. Now there are basically no Chinese in the Luda area, and wars can be carried out wantonly. The reconnaissance planes of the National Defense Forces fly over the Luda area almost every day for investigation. The intelligence collection work is extremely effective. The war has long been on paper. Dozens of meetings were held on the ground, and the troops established similar terrain and conducted many actual combat drills.

However, the arrival of Jiang Fangzhen brought them a new way of attacking.

"Fire Attack, Chief of Staff Jiang, this is not the Battle of Chibi, how to use Fire Attack?" Guo Songling was a little puzzled

"Use a rocket~" Jiang Fangzhen said, "It's a new product~" Jiang Fangzhen snapped his fingers, and several soldiers walked in from the door carrying a few metal barrels.

Jiang Fangzhen handed an instruction manual to Guo Songling and said, "This is a 107mm rocket launcher, and its official name is Type 19 107mm infantry rocket launcher."


Jiang Fangzhen said: "There are many bright and dark forts around Lushun. When the Japanese army attacked Lushun, they destroyed many Russian forts with heavy artillery, but the low bunkers built by the Russian army could continue to fight. Therefore, this time I feel that using fire to attack , These rockets launch coagulated incendiary bombs and white phosphorus bombs, and the flames caused by them can reach as high as a thousand degrees. Even if you hide in a bunker, the high temperature can roast you, "

Just when Fengtian was sharpening his sword, the Japanese ronin created a bloody conflict in Fujian, known as the Taijiang incident in history.

甲午战争后,日本侵占台湾,并把福建作为它的势力范围,加紧侵略扩张,1919年五四运动爆发,福建人民亦愤起反日,日帝为破坏中国人民的反帝斗争,蓄意制造事端,11月12日,日驻闽领事馆捏造:日商货物被截,日人受到威胁,16日, 日本领事馆组成了六70人的“敢死队”,由领事馆警察署长江口善海亲自率领,携带武器及棍棒等,分二路寻衅闹事,袭击并殴打过往的中国平民,中国巡警前去劝阻也惨遭毒手,沿街砸抢中国商店、餐馆等,造成学生黄玉苍、巡警史孝亮等十余人重伤,轻伤数十人,财产损失三千余元。

Facing the brutal acts of the Japanese thugs, the Chinese policemen rose up against the enemy, arrested Yoshikai Eguchi and other criminals on the spot, and seized weapons such as knives and guns. Japan dispatched warships and threatened them with force. The Chinese people were outraged by the banditry of the Japanese imperialists, and 10 people from all walks of life in Shanghai and Beijing held rallies and parades to denounce the crimes committed by the Japanese invaders.

The Japanese's repeated provocations finally brought the nationalist sentiment that had long been on fire to a climax. On November 1919, 11, the Japanese rocket artillery group slowly set up its muzzles at several launch sites that had been prepared long ago. In terms of accuracy, large-caliber heavy artillery is undoubtedly much better than rocket launchers. However, in terms of caliber, destructive power, and rate of fire, rocket launchers are the first choice for covering shooting. Lushun Fortress has strong facilities, a tight layout, and concentrated defensive forces. In other places, the rocket launcher has a much better killing effect, and more importantly, the rocket launcher is cheap and easy to manufacture.

Following Guo Songling's order, hundreds of fire dragons dragged their long red-orange tails, flying towards Lushun Fortress like meteor showers.

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