Wu Peifu's name is Ziyu. It is said that on the day Wu Peifu was born, his father Wu Ruotian dreamed that Qi Jiguang had come to his home, and the plum blossoms were shining, and he was very excited.Since Qi Jiguang's name was Peiyu, he took Pei as his name and Yu as his character, and named his newborn son Peifu, whose character was Ziyu.Wu Peifu worshiped Qi Jiguang all his life.When he was young, he determined to follow his father's dreams and teachings, and be a person who served the motherland like Qi Jiguang.

Sun Chuanfang, whose name is Xinyuan, was born in Tai'an, Shandong. He lost his father when he was young, and his family was poor. When he was 4 years old, he was abused by his aunt and fled to Licheng with his mother to make a living.The eldest sister married the surname of Cheng in Shanghe County, and the second sister married the surname of Lu in Licheng County.Then he went to Shanghe with his mother, and ate at Cheng's house, when Chuanfang was 10 years old. In 1899, Yuan Shikai became the governor of Shandong. His third sister married Wang Yingkai, a member of Yuan Shikai's Wuwei Youjun Law Enforcement Department, and lived in the Wang family, which changed the face of poverty. In 1908, Sun Chuanfang graduated from the Japanese Army Non-commissioned Officer Academy. When the 1911 Revolution broke out in 1912, the second town was changed to the second division, and Sun Chuanfang was transferred to be the commander of the second battalion of the second division. In 1913, Sun Chuanfang followed Wang Zhanyuan to participate in the campaign of "pursuing and suppressing" the Bailang Peasant Uprising Army in Gushi, Henan Province. In 1915, Wang Zhanyuan promoted Sun Chuanfang as the head of the Sixth Infantry Regiment of the division. In 1916, when Wang Zhanyuan became the general of Hubei, He Peilu was the chief of staff. Because of why he was stationed in Beijing to communicate, Wang Zhanyuan sent Sun Chuanfang to act on his behalf. In 20, Wang Zhanyuan served as the governor of Hubei, and transferred Sun Chuanfang as the commander of the third brigade. Soon, he was promoted to the commander of the No.1917 No. [-] mixed brigade; in [-], he was promoted to the commander of the first temporary division of Hubei. Adaptation of the Wehrmacht.

At this time, Wu Peifu and Sun Chuanfang were sleeping at home, and they were called to the Prime Minister's Office by the General Staff.

"You guys are here." Li Mohan asked the small kitchen to prepare a simple supper, "Ziyu, Xinyuan, I won't say much. The Japanese warships have already entered the Bohai Sea, all the way to Lianyungang, all the way to Dagu Here comes the mouth. I personally ordered your generals, and I hope you will not disappoint me."

Both Wu Peifu and Sun Chuanfang were excited for a while, because in the current army, the oldest is the SS Department, followed by the rising star, the National Defense Army Department trained by Jiang Fangzhen, and the two of them belong to the Adaptation Department. It's been a while.Wu Peifu also worked hard when he played against Qingdao, and this time Sun Chuanfang finally got his chance.

"Ziyu, I heard that your name is related to Qi Jiguang?" Li Mohan asked

Wu Peifu replied: "That's right, Qi Shaobao is one of the heroes that Wu Peifu admires the most."

"Well, Qi Jiguang is a great hero against Japanese pirates, and now Japanese pirates are coming to invade our frontier again. I hope you, Wu Ziyu, can be the new generation of Qi Jiguang." Li Mohan patted Wu Peifu on the shoulder.

"The lowly position must live up to the high expectations of the Prime Minister." Wu Peifu raised his right arm to salute Li Mohan

Sun Chuanfang did not show weakness, he said: "I am a graduate of the Japanese Non-commissioned Officer Academy, and I know what the Japanese do. I, Sun Chuanfang, will definitely live up to the Prime Minister's expectations and show the prestige of our Chinese."

"Okay. You have been studying in the military academy for a while, and I look forward to your performance. In this way, Xinyuan, you go to Lianyungang, Ziyu, you go to Dagukou." Li Mohan pointed to the supper on the table, "Have a supper Tonight, you go immediately."

……Dividing line……

In fact, the Japanese attack was divided into three groups. In addition to the two groups of the navy, the Japanese military also planned to mobilize the Japanese troops stationed in North Korea to enter China from the northeast along the old route of the Sino-Japanese War.However, at this time, with the secret support of China, the North Korean restoration activities led by Kim Heng-gil were very frequent. They even destroyed the Andong Railway, which made the Japanese garrison in North Korea exhausted and embarrassed.

As the main liaison officer, Lu Ming of the Military Intelligence Department and later liaison officers kept instilling the following ideas into Kim Heng Gil and the officers and soldiers of North Korea’s restoration: First, the friendship between China and North Korea is everlasting, and China has always been and will always be North Korea Protector, Big Brother.Even if the two countries have had disagreements in history, it is a trivial matter, and teeth and tongues still bump into each other.The relationship between the people of the two countries is always the teacher and the student, the elder brother and the younger brother;

Second, the relationship between Japan and North Korea is life and death. Since the Wanli year, Japan has been the consistent invader of North Korea.The blood feud between Japan and North Korea is irreconcilable. On the land of North Korea, there is no other way for the two sides to coexist except a life-and-death battle.Before the Japanese pirates are driven out of the three thousand miles, anyone who compromises with the Japanese is a traitor, and any compromise is a traitor. This kind of person must be cleaned up. The best way is to go to Japan wipe out;

Third, Kim Heng Gil is the great leader of the Korean people. Only he can get the support and help from the Chinese side. Only he can lead the Korean people to achieve the goal of expelling Japanese pirates and restoring their homeland.Therefore, if North Koreans want to restore their country, they must support him unconditionally;

Fourth, the fight against Japanese pirates must be done by any means, regardless of sacrifice, and no woman's benevolence.It should not be because the opponent is a Japanese civilian rather than a soldier that he can't do it.The ruthlessness of the Japanese in oppressing Korea must be defeated by the ruthlessness of the Koreans in resisting oppression.

Under the guidance of this kind of thinking, the North Korean restoration forces led by Kim Heng Gil did everything they could. They attacked police posts and snatched guns by stealth.They pretended to be bandits and attacked the mansion of pro-Japanese gangsters, ransacked the gangster’s house, and killed all men, women and children in the gangster’s home; or set fire to granaries, destroyed railway tracks, mines, power plants, etc. "Inspired by the Japanese, they detonated human bombs in places where Japanese people gathered; at night, Japanese people who were alone were often attacked and lost their lives.So much so that in some places where North Korea's restoration activities were carried out, the Japanese closed the windows tightly at night to prevent people from falling to the ground.But this may not be useful. The revenge will take the lives and property of the Japanese by poisoning the water and breaking into the door.

The Japanese army stationed in North Korea is the No.20 Division. In the first Battle of Qingdao, because it was far away from the submarine force of the Chinese Army, it escaped by chance.They had been holding back a wave of resentment for this, and this time they just vented in the name of "suppressing bandits" in northern North Korea.Moreover, the division commander of the division is the former chief of staff of the Qingdao garrison Jingfa Temple Goro.

It is said that there is a village near Uiju on the border between China and North Korea called Tianmingbao, which is the ultimate route for Jin Hengji's troops to and from the secret camp, so the North Korean villagers here benefit the most from Jin Hengji.Therefore, the first target of Jingfa Temple Goro's attack was Tianming Castle.So, before dawn this morning, the advance team of the Japanese army, with a total of more than 500 people, brought four small cannons and more than a dozen machine guns to Tianming Fort.At dawn, the encirclement and deployment of Tianming Fort was completed.

The Japanese army began to fire artillery into the village. Countless pieces of steel exploded in the air, piercing screams were cut everywhere in the air, continuous crisp bangs, and billowing thick smoke filled people's hearts. Signal of death.The hit house, like paper, collapsed in an instant.

Soon, a gap was blown in the wall of the village, and before the gap could be closed, the Japanese army rushed up.A North Korean butcher with a butcher's knife in his hand, shirtless, hid by the edge of the gap.As soon as the devil showed his head, he slashed with a knife, three times in a row, only heard the sound of "crack, cluck", the bones and bones were broken, blood spurted into the air, and the blade was cut off.Finally, more than a dozen devils swarmed in.Seven or eight bayonets pierced his stomach, and then several more devils rushed over and stabbed him more than a dozen times.The butcher was tied into a gourd of blood, his eyes were wide open, and he fell on his back unwillingly.

A woman held up a rolling pin, yelled and smashed a devil's head, and the devil dodged.When the woman raised the rolling pin again, the devil hit her in the face with the butt of a gun. Before she could react, the devil's bayonet pierced her stomach.Then there was another pick, and the intestines flowed out.

A large group of devils rushed in, and every household in the village resisted desperately.The old people, women, and dolls in the house picked up shovels, rolling pins, kitchen knives, and scissors, and used whatever they could.The Japanese army had already been blinded by killing people. They rushed into a family and killed them all. The whole village was flooded by fireworks.

At this time, there was a burst of intense gunfire outside the village.It turned out that Jin Hengji rushed from the secret camp after receiving the news.Forty or so members of the vanguard team of the North Korean Rebel Army saw the burning village, and before they had time to wait for the troops behind them, they rushed towards the Japanese army outside the village like crazy without stopping.More than 1 people fell on the way of charging, and the other dozen or so people rushed up to fight with bayonets, and all died in less than a minute.

The Japanese look at it well, but the Koreans dare to resist?Therefore, the Japanese military commander gave an order that all North Koreans were beheaded regardless of whether they were dead or alive, and the hundreds of heads they saw were piled up into a hill.Then, the Japanese army dispersed in small groups, waiting for Jin Hengji to lead the large troops into the ambush circle.

For some reason, the Japanese army waited for a whole day and did not see Jin Hengji's large troops coming, so they could only return in dismay.Later Korean history books recorded that the great leader Kim Heng-gil wisely discovered the Japanese conspiracy and withdrew the secret camp in time. The leader was extremely wise.However, the actual reason has no way of research, only Jin Hengji himself knows.In short, the massacre of the [-]th Division in Tianmingbao strengthened the determination of some Koreans to restore their country, and a large number of North Korean patriots began to cross the border and came to China to participate in the Korean restoration.

……Dividing line……

In the conference room of the flagship Mikasa of Japan’s First Fleet, Admiral Kamio Mitsuomi, who was once again appointed as the commander-in-chief of the China Expeditionary Force Qingdao Siege, opened a military map, tapped his fingers on the location of the Northeast of Shandong, and pointed at No. General Yamaya, the commander of the First Fleet, said: "Shanwu Army, our destination this time is not Tianjin and Dagukou, but here - Qingshan Bay.

The reason why he chose Qingshan Bay was out of his understanding of Shandong. In 1882, Mitsuomi Kamio was sent to China by the Japanese Army General Staff Headquarters, under the pseudonym Zheng Yongchang, and it took him two months to set off from Yantai.Toured the Shandong Peninsula, Liaodong Peninsula and the west coast of the Korean Peninsula.

"The area from Wanggezhuang Bay in the north to Laoshan Bay in the south is an excellent bay. This area is surrounded by mountains on three sides and faces the sea on one side. The flat sea in the bay is an excellent landing site. Due to its location with a large tidal drop, we can Take advantage of the difference in tide and evening to speed up the construction of landing trestles to facilitate the landing of materials." Kamio Mitsuomi said confidently.

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