Jagged Warlord

49. Dangerous Road


A cannon shot out of the chamber, and the artillery detective hid in a concealed place to observe the shooting effect with a telescope.Through this high-power telescope made in Germany, you can see the shells hitting the hillside in the distance. The soil on the hillside is still smoking, and some soldiers are carrying the wounded down nearby.

The artillery reconnaissance reported the situation to Hu Chengxun. Hu Chengxun was very happy and urged: "Load the shells and continue."

The second shell was fired quickly, and this time Hu Chengxun adjusted his shooting and fired deep into the opponent.


boom boom boom

After a cannonball hit, it immediately caused a loud noise and a series of explosions.I saw that the opposite position was engulfed in a sea of ​​flames, and many soldiers ran around like headless chickens amidst the flames.

Fang Daniu and the others were dumbfounded, "My mother, why are these shells so powerful?"

Hu Chengxun smiled and said, "How can the high-explosive bombs be so powerful? I think it probably hit their shells or explosives, which caused a chain reaction."

Fang Daniu was very excited and asked, "Then shall we continue?"

Hu Chengxun said with a smile: "The leader didn't say stop, so let's continue."

"Okay!" Fang Daniu happily went to carry the shells with several soldiers.

After a few more shots, the artillery detective found that there was no one on the opposite hill.After a while, a message came from the headquarters telling them to stop the shelling.

Hu Chengxun led Fang Daniu and his team down the mountain with still unsatisfied enthusiasm, and went all the way to the headquarters.When they got to the door, the guard saw him and said, "The leader is looking for you."

"Come on." Hu Chengxun wiped his sweat with his sleeve, straightened his collar, and strode into the headquarters.

There are already four people in the headquarters, Li Mohan, Liu Musheng and two soldiers in blue uniforms. Hu Chengxun guessed that they should be the Zhensong Army on the opposite hill.

"Salute." Hu Chengxun raised his right arm in salute

"Honor." Li Mohan raised his right arm in return

The two Songjun soldiers from Lanyi Town on the side only felt that they were baffled. They were the Songjun soldiers from Zhensong. Territory, this Bai Lang came back from the west of our Henan province, and you should all be credited with the credit."

The Zhensong Army is a local armed force composed of swordsmen from western Henan. Yuan Shikai appointed Liu Zhenhua as the commander of the Zhensong Army, the observation envoy of Western Henan, and the commander-in-chief of the Western Henan Bandit Suppression. The strength of the brigade: Chai Yunsheng in the first division, Zhang Zhigong in the second division, Han Yukun in the third division, and Wu Yanzhou, commander of the artillery battalion.

The one who came to negotiate this time was Hao Mang, a battalion officer under Chai Yunsheng who was equivalent to the battalion commander.

Li Mohan completely ignored his words, and just said to Hu Chengxun: "Company Commander Hu, I'm busy, you are in charge of receiving me." Then Li Mohan called Guo Side again, and said, "Side, you stay with Company Commander Hu."

After all, Li Mohan ignored the people of Zhensong Army and walked away in a big way.

"Seventh grandson~ You've got face, right?" Seeing Li Mohan's arrogance, Hao Mang stood up and said, "Our Zhensong army is strong and powerful. If you're a bitch, there's no way to deal with you. Don't make friends, Lao Tzu." I will keep you from passing through the west of Henan."

"Hmph." Li Mohan snorted coldly, "How many people are there in your Zhensong army? I want to see if it's because you have more people, or because I have more bullets."

Li Mohan still kept his hands behind his back and ignored him, Hu Chengxun said unceremoniously: "Then I won't send it off."

Hao Mang also sneered a few times, and said, "It's not speculative, let's read the libretto on a donkey, we'll see."

After sending away the Zhensong army, Li Mohan immediately called everyone to discuss countermeasures.When everyone heard that the Zhensong army was so blatantly taking credit, they were filled with righteous indignation.

"Grandma, we caught Bai Lang, why?"

Everyone was furious, and bad news came from the front, saying that a group of people came from Futu Township to the north of Zijingguan Town, and they were Yijun under the banner.

"As expected, blessings and misfortunes never come singly." Liu Musheng opened the fan with a clatter, "The visitor is not kind."

Li Mohan gave a long hum, tapping his fingers rhythmically on the table.If Yi Jun also came to grab the credit, would he have the ability to deal with the two enemies of Yi Jun and Zhensong Army at the same time?

The headquarters was very quiet. Everyone was either looking at Li Mohan, or bowing their heads in thought. Li Mohan was also making various speculations and thoughts in his mind.

After a long while, Liu Musheng broke the silence, he closed his folding fan with a clatter, and said, "I have a plan."

Li Mohan hurriedly asked: "What plan?"

Liu Musheng opened the folding fan again with a clatter, and said, "The area around Futu Township is the ancient battlefield where Seng Gelinqin fought against the Taiping Army. From our departure to Futu Township, there are two remote paths. One is called Huanglonggou, and the other is called The yellow mud ridges are all extremely steep mountain trails. But you can bypass the main road wherever you go, and you will be unprepared for attack."

Ma Qian'an shook his head and said, "We just had a stalemate with the Zhensong army, are we still making enemies with the Yi army?"

Liu Musheng shook his head and said, "No, no. These two mountain trails are extremely steep and remote, if not the local people, how would they know about them? We came all the way from northern Henan, so how could we know about these two dangerous roads?" What about Dao? Unless~~" Liu Musheng made a fool of himself on purpose.

"Unless it's the old Yuxi army like the Zhensong Army." Li Mohan suddenly realized, and then he smiled: "Ma Qian'an, you immediately find fifty elite soldiers who are good at mountain climbing to stand by at any time, and the accent with the Western Henan accent is the best."

At this time, Ma Qian'an also came to his senses. He squeezed his throat to imitate Ximen Qing's tone in "Water Margin" and said to Liu Musheng: "Master, although this plan will not make it to Lingyan Pavilion, it is still a good plan."

Liu Musheng cupped his hands with a smile, and said, "Praise, praise, praise."

Everyone laughed.

It is said that when Zhao Ti heard that the SS Li Mohan had captured Bai Lang alive in Zijing Pass, he was both surprised and surprised, so he marched overnight with his men and horses, and arrived at Futu Town in the north of Zijing Pass.

Veteran Wu Zhao Ti plans to meet this little-known young junior.Zhao Ti wrote a letter, found a local villager, gave him five oceans, and asked him to send the letter to Zijingguan overnight.

Before the messenger went out, he heard gunshots outside, followed by two loud bangs, as if a bomb had exploded.

"What's going on?" Zhao Ti pulled out his gun and rushed out of the barracks.

Outside the door, soldiers rushed to report, "Report to Chief Yi, someone is taking advantage of the night to touch the camp."

"Bai Lang?" Zhao Ti's first thought was Bai Lang, no, Bai Lang was captured alive by Li Mohan.Could it be Bai Lang Yubu?Then there is nothing to be afraid of.

Zhao Ti didn't panic, and said to the soldiers: "Give the order, all the troops stay where they are, and shoot immediately when they see running around."


Not long after, I heard the soldiers of Yi Jun shouting outside: "We are Yi Jun, which department are you from?"

"It doesn't matter what kind of army you have, it's you who fights."

Immediately thereafter, gunshots came and went, and it seemed that they were getting closer.Zhao Ti panicked. He grabbed the documents on the table and stuffed them into a leather bag.

At this time, Zhao Ti's adjutant barged in, "General, there are gunshots everywhere. I don't know how many enemy soldiers have come. You should go to a safe place with your humble post."

"Yeah!" Zhao Ti put his purse in his hand, and hurried out following the adjutant.

This chaotic situation lasted until the second half of the night, and the gunshots gradually faded away.Zhao Ti didn't close his eyes all night, his eyes turned red.

Early the next morning, Zhao Ti washed his face with water indiscriminately, and came out of the heavily guarded barracks accompanied by his adjutant.At this time, several officers surrounded him.

"General, according to the brothers who fought against the enemy soldiers in the front, they came up from the two trails at the back of the mountain."

"I've asked the villagers. These two mountain roads are dangerous and remote, and only the old people know about them."

"Those who came to sneak attack all spoke with a Henan accent, which seems to be a western Henan accent."

Zhao Ti just listened to the reports of his subordinates, secretly connecting these clues together in his heart.All the clues point to one person, that is Liu Zhenhua, the commander of Zhensong Army.

But why did Liu Zhenhua send someone to sneak attack?Zhao Ti couldn't figure it out.

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