Jagged Warlord

75. Land reform is necessary

Since it cannot be used externally for the time being, Li Mohan can only focus all his energy on internal construction.

Without developed agriculture, there can be no developed industry.It is said that a great man once said, "What is the biggest problem in the world? The biggest problem is food." There have been many famines in Chinese history, and no dynasty in history has any good solution to the "natural disaster" of famine.Therefore, as a country with a large population, the problem of food is indeed a big problem for China.

Now, as a warlord, Li Mohan also needs to face such a problem.In Li Mohan's land reform plan, the [-]% rent reduction, the use of industrial stocks to buy land and then distribute it to landless and landless farmers are only the first part of the land reform.If this step is successful, a small-scale peasant economy dominated by owner-peasants will emerge.

This kind of small-scale peasant economy is still not what Li Mohan wants. The self-sufficient natural economic production mode of the small-scale peasant economy has weakened farmers’ demand for product purchases, narrowed the market, and slowed down the circulation of funds and the growth of capital; Therefore, the demand of industry slows down the development of industrial technology; due to the importance of land in the natural economic form, even if there is a large amount of capital, farmers use it to expand land instead of technological innovation and development.

The successful agricultural models of later generations include the large farm model represented by the United States and Australia. The farmer himself does not hire a small number of fixed workers to manage large-scale farms, and implements large-scale mechanized and automated operations. Large investment, large returns, and large production are the main features of this model. Advanced technology and a complete supporting service system are the basis for farms in this model to maintain their advantages.

In the United States, a farmer can control thousands of acres of land, which is conducive to the development of intensive agriculture, with centralized input and output, fully mechanized production, and more convenient management.In China, each family has a few mu of fertile land, some have better conditions, use better seeds and management methods, and the output may be higher than that of neighbors. However, it can only stay at a certain level and cannot achieve economies of scale.But more growers are still in the stage of not having good seeds and good management techniques.Under such circumstances, the United States can achieve economies of scale through intensive agriculture and maximize the benefits of agricultural products, while our country cannot enjoy these advantages due to institutional and population problems, and the benefits are much worse.This should be one of the reasons why the small-scale peasant economy was backward in modern China.

A farm worker may just drive a tractor to sow seeds, but before that, a professional organization has tested the soil in this field, including moisture and fertility, and many other items. The farmer who uses the information as a reference will decide what kind of crops to plant. At this time, the specialized seed company and fertilizer company will distribute the seeds and fertilizer according to the characteristics of the field and the requirements of the farmer.Subsequent field management, harvesting, warehousing and sales are all served by professional organizations. We all say how many people an American farmer supports, but don’t forget how many people are standing behind the American farmer to serve him.

This model has high requirements for both state organizations and individual farmers, which is obviously impossible in China at the moment.If a country wants to modernize in an all-round way, it cannot do without the modernization of agriculture. The Republic of China did not realize the modernization of agriculture, which caused the country's overall modernization level to lag far behind the big powers. This is also why modern China did not realize true capitalism. Another big reason.

In addition to the American model, there is another example of relatively successful intensive large-scale agricultural management in later generations, that is, the various farms under the jurisdiction of the Production and Construction Corps. The employees did not work alone, but under the unified organization of farms at all levels, they have various professional agricultural machinery operation teams. In addition to being the contractor of a certain field, each employee is also an employee or shareholder of a certain machinery operation team, or As shareholders and employees, the operation team earns profits based on charging operations in the field, and the contractor of the field earns the harvested crops and pays contract fees, seeds, fertilizers, and other service fees for mechanical operations. Spread profit.Moreover, the farms are also used to provide professional and comprehensive services such as market analysis and forecasting of fine varieties, which makes these farms one of the few planting industries in China that can almost synchronize with the world's advanced agricultural production.

The second stage of Li Mohan's land reform is to build a large-scale agricultural syndicate. The agricultural syndicate is to establish an agricultural production organization in the nature of a production and construction corps. The members form a company with 100-200 workers, and a company is a farm. On the farm, a single civilian army owns a certain area of ​​land and is responsible for the daily management of the field. The farming, planting, irrigation, harvesting, and prevention and control of sudden disasters are performed by the farm in a unified manner. The farm is drafted according to the plan of the superior and the conditions of the farm, and then reported to the superior for approval and implementation.In the mechanism of the farm, a single member is both the owner of the land he manages and the worker of the farm; in the unified collective work of the farm, on his plot, he is the employer, hires other people on the farm to work for him, and The prescribed price is paid, and the seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, and irrigation water must be paid. Although the production on one's own land cannot be sold at one's own disposal, it can be discounted according to the market price or contract price to offset the previous expenses and rent taxes paid. What you get afterwards is your own income.In this way, the income of the members is directly linked to the operation and management of their own plots, which ensures the unity of responsibilities and rights, and can mobilize the enthusiasm for production and labor of the militia, while the technical support and market information guidance of representatives of the farm in planting planned seeds, chemical fertilizers and pesticides are also important. On the one hand, it guarantees that this kind of agriculture is a large-scale production in modern times. The land is allocated and rented out by the Office of the Guardian, and the structure of the farm also guarantees the government's leading position in agricultural reform.

In addition, the members of the farm will also receive military training, and select young and healthy people to form the farm militia. The company level of the farm is equivalent to the township administrative organization in the original village, and the battalion level is equivalent to the township level. The administrative agency, combined with the recruitment of a large number of key farmers and the resettlement of farm militias, completely destroyed the ruling foundation of the original gentry landlords and clan forces in the countryside and smashed their control of rural power.This will enable the smooth implementation of the decrees of the higher-level government in the future, and avoid the occurrence of good scriptures being misrepresented by monks.

Of course, these agricultural syndicates were naturally not called the XX Production and Construction Corps like later generations, but appeared in the name of XX Reclamation Company, which was a more fashionable name at the time.

However, wishes are beautiful, but reality is cruel. Li Mohan encountered resistance at the first step of his land reform plan.The land reform in eastern Henan is still going on, but resistance still exists.In order to keep the black hat on their heads, some public officials in the government honestly cooperated with the work of clearing the land. The rich land they handed over was exchanged for more or less a stack of stocks and bonds in Shangqiu Industrial Park. The resistance sentiment is very common, and the farther the area is from Shangqiu, the more serious the situation is. Some landlords even colluded with bandits to resist the land reform by force.What's more, attacks on land reform working groups occurred in some areas.

As a result, some radicals within the SS proposed to suppress these local tyrants and evil gentry by force, and use guns to promote the implementation of the [-] rent reduction plan.

From the bottom of his heart, Li Mohan is actually unwilling to follow the way of later generations to reform the land. That method is too destructive, but land reform is a necessary process.Taking Henan as an example, almost [-]% of the province's land is in the hands of local tyrants and landlords.But the landlord class is not useless. All their children have received a good education, and many of them have studied abroad. If they are beaten too hard, these people will inevitably become full of hatred for the new regime.Conquering the world can rely on mud legs, but building the world still requires educated intellectuals.The reason why I chose the [-]-year rent reduction instead of other land reform methods is to reduce bloodshed and accumulation of hatred.

However, the accumulation of traditional thinking for thousands of years has made it difficult for some people to turn around.Land reform, liberating productive forces, and promoting industrialization are necessary and must be carried out.Anyone who wants to be a roadblock can only be smashed to pieces.

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