
Chapter 110 Du Changyi

Three more today!

Thank you friends from Star Emperor for your support, Xiaoqi is very moved, thank you here, bow!

That emotion is indescribable.


I saw that the stall was located in a remote place, and there were no other stalls around, so it was very deserted.At the back of the booth, there was an old man with short stature who was wearing black clothes.Although he is short in stature and looks a little thin, his eyes are shining brightly, no one dares to underestimate him.There is a vague aura exuding from his body, as if he is a monk of the fourth level.

Chu Hao exuded his consciousness and went over, and was immediately surprised.

This person actually hid his cultivation, if it wasn't for the aura in his body, he wouldn't be able to detect it.This person should be one of the highest cultivated innate monks in this market.Reached the innate seventh floor!

The fifth level of Xiantian and the fourth level of Xiantian are like the difference between a brook and a river. This person with a seventh level of innateness is considered to be a master in the Qi training period. Somehow he appeared in the most common market among the three major markets.

Chu Hao looked at Xiangyang standing there talking, and when he got closer, he saw a gray cloth on the old man's table, the cloth was arched, as if it was covering something.

Xiang Yang said: "...Friend Daoist Du, don't you want to exchange six low-grade spirit stones? This matter requires the joint efforts of everyone, and it cannot be done by individuals. Although I am not as good as Daoist friends, I have collected some over the years Magical artifacts and some gadgets will definitely help."

When Chu Hao approached, the old man suddenly raised his head, ignoring the chattering Xiang Yang, a strange light flashed in his eyes, and he said slowly, "This fellow Taoist is very unfamiliar."

Chu Hao's whole body was wrapped in a black robe and bamboo hat, so the face in the old man's mouth naturally referred to Chu Hao's aura.

Xiang Yang also noticed that Chu Hao was coming over. He had seen Chu Hao's ability before, and his face suddenly revealed a look of surprise. Is it feasible to join?"

The old man paused for a moment, and his spiritual consciousness covered Chu Hao, but before he got close, his face changed, and then a look of astonishment flashed in his eyes.After a while of silence, he saluted respectfully and said, "Senior..."

He encountered Chu Hao's aura and thought it was spiritual power, so he changed drastically.

Chu Hao gave a faint grace, then looked at the thing covered by the gray cloth on the table, and did not ask Xiang Yang what he meant just now, but said: "This fellow Taoist, I don't know what is covered on the table? What?"

"Senior, you'll know it right away." The old man didn't delay at all, and with a light flick of his sleeve, the gray cloth was blown up, revealing an ancient porcelain with only half a corner.That piece of ancient porcelain was dark all over, covered with tiny and strange patterns, like the dark yellow carvings on the bodies of tigers and leopards.

After Chu Hao took a look, he didn't feel anything at first, but after observing for a while, his face was slightly moved.

This is a remnant of a treasure!

At least it is the remnants left after the sixth-grade treasure is broken!

As a grand master, Chu Hao is no stranger to things like treasures, and his sensitivity to this thing is beyond the sensitivity of ordinary people. Therefore, with just a few glances, he can distinguish the grade of this thing, and The extent of fragmentation.

It is only about one-tenth of the remnants of the sixth-grade treasure.

Isn't there such a high-end thing in this world?Apart from his Hunyuan Ding and the monk from the Nine Heavens Pagoda, how could there be a sixth-grade magic weapon! ----If there are residues, it proves that it was complete before!

Several thoughts flashed through his mind, and he asked Chen Honghong, who was also very strange.

It was not clear what Xiang Yang and the old man were doing, but Chu Hao still controlled his mind, and then pretended to be calm and said: "This little thing, is it some kind of ancient relic? It seems that fellow Taoist is so solemn."

The old man thought that Chu Hao's strength was definitely higher than his own, because he couldn't see through Chu Hao's cultivation at all, and the aura on his body was also very frightening.Hearing Chu Hao's answer, he seemed a little surprised, then secretly looked at Chu Hao from the corner of his eye, but couldn't see Chu Hao's expression, thought for a while, and said: "Senior, it's not convenient to talk here, let's leave the market , How about choosing a safe and secure place?"

Chu Hao naturally didn't know what they were up to. If there were any secrets or treasures, with the minds of these cultivators, how could it be possible not to keep them all to themselves, but to release them everywhere?

Looking at Xiang Yang's excited and nervous face, he peeked at himself frequently, knowing that his decision seemed to be related to some kind of agreement between him and the old man.

When Chu Hao heard the six low-grade spirit stones just now, he couldn't help being slightly surprised.Sure enough, this Xiangyang, as Chen Honghong said, possessed more than one spirit stone, and even more than six.

You know, he exchanged a lot of things just now, and only now has seven pieces of Lingshi's property, and it's really not easy for Xiang Yang to be able to take out six pieces directly.

Thinking of this, Chu Hao said: "Is there any good thing, can fellow Taoists still think of the poor?"

"Senior is the honorary elder of the Craftsman God Sect. How dare we casual cultivators offend you in any way?" Xiang Yang thought that Chu Hao was suspicious, so he immediately opened his mouth to solve Chu Hao's doubts and to remind the old man, saying: "Senior, I forgot to introduce you, this fellow Taoist is Du Changyi, a casual cultivator, from the Mayan Empire."

"So it's Fellow Daoist Du." Chu Hao responded, and continued, "I saw what the two of you were discussing just now. Could it be related to this ancient object?"

Na Xiangyang nodded, and said: "Senior, your eyes are like torches. Just now, Fellow Daoist Du and I were discussing this matter."

Although the old man Du Changyi was surprised by Chu Hao's identity, seeing him still indifferent, he had no choice but to extend the invitation again, "Senior, this matter is of great importance. There are countless people in the market. Let's choose a place to discuss." How?" If Chu Hao didn't go, he would have nothing to do, after all, this matter was too secretive for him to talk about it here.

He waved his sleeve robe again, and saw that the gray cloth wrapped in the remnants of treasures flew lightly into his cuffs. He seemed indifferent when he saw Chu Hao, and he gritted his teeth and said, "This junior is here to trade. It has been more than half a year to look for partners at this location, if seniors are willing to join, then our success rate will increase a lot."

Hearing what he said, Chu Hao looked at Xiang Yang's eager face, and said indifferently: "Oh? I just heard from fellow Taoist, could it be that joining you and becoming some kind of fellow traveler requires you to pay spirit stones?"

"Senior's magic power is boundless, so naturally I don't need it!" Du Changyi said: "Fellow Xiangyang's cultivation is not enough, so there is this threshold."

Chu Hao nodded, Guan Xiangxiangyang noticed that the latter had no embarrassment on his face, he knew that this person was definitely not someone in the pool, and he was unwilling to miss any opportunity.Chu Hao didn't say any more, and said, "Then I'll go with the two fellow Taoists, and let's hear what it is."

A gleam of joy appeared on Du Changyi's face, and he said, "Senior, please move."

The three of them didn't look any further in the market, they just walked towards the door, walked out of the formation, and came out of the gap between the mountain peaks.

Du Changyi recited the mantra, and a flying sword shot out from the storage bag. He stepped on it, and Xiang Yang did the same. Both of them focused their eyes on Chu Hao.Both of these two are good players in the innate qi training stage. In theory, five levels of innate qi should be trained to control the sword, but for some people with outstanding talents or who have secret magic adventures, this is not a hindrance.This Xiangyang, although he practiced Qi at the third level, Yujian's flight is no longer a problem,

Sensing the gazes of the two, Chu Hao smiled lightly, and then he didn't see any movement, his body just floated up, and he said, "Fellow Daoist Du, let's go, you lead the way."

Du Changyi's face was full of horror, he couldn't feel any fluctuations in the wind force of the five elements of the talisman, only the huge and vast aura!

Those who can fly in the air like this can only do it if they have cultivated the golden core and use the power of the golden core to drive the wind energy!Although Du Changyi was shocked by the scene in front of him, he quickly closed his groggy face and said respectfully, "Senior, please come with me." Xiang Yang, who was at the side, couldn't hide his shock, but he was Seeing the scene of Chu Hao Yukong, so he reacted faster than Du Changyi, and he recovered in a while.

But in his expression, apart from respect, there was also a hint of envy.

After Du Changyi finished speaking, he drove the flying sword, then swished it, cut through the void, and flew towards the distant mountain.Knowing that Chu Hao was stronger than him, Xiang Yang rose up with the sword and followed closely behind.

Chu Hao was thoughtful, controlled by Chen Honghong, and slowly followed behind the two of them.

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