
Chapter 141: The Wrath of Old Daoist Yun!

The shady old man nodded, the rainbow flashed, and then he fell to the ground, and when he retracted the flying sword, the lightly robe returned to calm.He strode towards the main hall of the main hall with big strides, his face still gloomy, he glanced at the three people lying cross-legged on the ground, then waved his hand at the foundation-establishment monk called his senior brother, and said, "Fellow Li Family Daoists, get up quickly. "

The three men in black robes stood still, Old Man Yun's expression darkened again, and he repeated a sentence.

After a while, the black-robed monk in the middle raised his head slowly, opened his eyes, his eyes were full of resentment, he stared at old man Yun but didn't speak.

Old man Yun took a deep breath and said, "Everyone from the Li family, let's go in and talk about it!"

"No need!" After the man opened his mouth, the other two also opened their eyes. This man in black was also a first-level foundation-building monk, and the two beside him were monks who practiced great perfection. The entire continent is also a very important existence.

He got up slowly, and then said with a sneer: "Yun Tianhe, you are really arrogant, the three of us have been waiting for you here for six full days, you have to give us an explanation!"

When he said this, a look of grief flashed across this person's face, and then he restrained himself, his tone was extremely blunt and cold, with a cold smile, and he didn't have any fear at all just because Yun Tianhe was the elder of Ziyun sect .

"I understand your feelings." Old man Yun suppressed his anger, then waved his hands to the disciples around, and said, "Go to practice!" Immediately dispersed.Those on the four-meridian mountain peaks are all true disciples, but old man Yun has a violent reputation and no one dares to defy him.

The cultivator in the foundation building period, that is, the younger brother of Yun Laodao, also had no choice but to make fun of it, and then walked inside.

When there was no one around, old man Yun said: "Li Xiangxian, don't go too far. This is Ziyunmen, not your Li family's valley. Do you think this is the place where you used to practice?"

The black-robed middle-aged man in the middle smiled coldly and said, "Yun Tianhe, I don't want to argue with you now, I just want to know what happened after Li Beihong returned to Ziyunmen a month ago!" Suddenly, his eyes turned cold: "Also, about Li Jie, you Ziyunmen also didn't give me an explanation!"

When Old Man Yun came out of customs today, he received the news that the three members of the Li family had come to his door. In addition, he suddenly lost contact with his magic weapon, the Yin-Yang Magic Moon Mirror. This matter made him even more worried.

It is impossible for monks of the same level to take away their magical artifacts. It must be the masters of the golden core stage who have stepped forward!

Old man Yun intuitively knew that something must have happened to Li Beihong, and even nine times out of ten, it would be a disaster of life!

Therefore, after he got the sound transmission, he rushed towards the four channels without staying for a moment.Fortunately, the Li family and others did not go to Wumai to seek justice from the head of the sect, otherwise they would be caught by other elders, and they would be the target of public criticism.

But losing a proud disciple and a magic weapon that he depended on for survival, old man Yun was still furious and deeply grieved.Hearing the Li family's questioning at this moment, he took a deep breath, suppressed his anger, and said, "Let's go in and talk!"

"Hmph!" Whether it was because they saw that Old Man Yun was on the verge of getting angry, or because of other reasons, the three of the Li family also had gloomy and cold faces, and each snorted before slowly following Yun Tianhe towards the hall.

After entering the main hall, incense was wafting from the center, and the huge hall was empty, with ten golden stone pillars standing in the center, and at the back of the main hall, there was a picture engraved of a Taoist priest holding a long beard.

Taoist Qinghong.

In every hall of Ziyunmen, there is such a portrait.But there is no tribute below the portrait, which looks strange and peculiar.Because the old man Qinghong did not pass away, but went to the high level nine heavens, so the disciples in the sect continued to pay homage, with gratitude and admiration.

The three members of the Li family entered the main hall, but their complexions still did not improve.It was only when he saw the portrait of the old man Qinghong in the main hall that he showed awe. Obviously Qinghong's deeds had an unshakable position in the hearts of these cultivators.

"Sit!" There are futons placed under the stone pillars. This hall is presided over by old man Yun and his two senior brothers.Before he retreated, he went to the back mountain of the three veins where the aura is relatively abundant.

The Li family and others did not dare to be disrespectful in front of Taoist Qinghong, and sat down as promised.

"I only found out about Li Jie recently." Old man Yun didn't beat around the bush, but went straight to the point. He had a pair of narrow eagle eyes and looked gloomy.

"That's right, although Li Jie is not a true disciple, but you, as an elder, only know of his death!" Li Xiangxian sneered, his tone extremely unkind!He is the second uncle of Li Jie and Li Beihong!There were only two legitimate sons of the Li family, who worshiped under the Ziyun sect, and they all died one after another. This was a blow that the Li family had never encountered before!

Old man Yun said coldly: "Li Xiangxian, don't think that you can be so rude to me because you were my senior brother before. Even in terms of seniority, I am your senior brother!" He said: "Although Li Jie is not my Apprentice, but he is also my disciple of Ziyunmen. The reason why I know about his death is because Li Jie made a mistake first. My Ziyunmen issued a ban not to trouble that person, but he strictly Jie still provoked the other party, this matter can only be handled by your Li family, we Ziyunmen can't help you."

"You!" Li Xiangxian roared angrily, and continued: "At any rate, Li Jie also happened to go to experience missions, and you Ziyun Sect didn't care about it! I didn't go to the head of the sect because of our friendship, Yun Tianhe , don't think I can't do it!"

"Of course you can do it!" Old Man Yun said coldly: "I don't know who you are, Li Xiangxian?" After speaking, Old Man Yun swept away the three members of Li's family, and then snorted coldly: "Li Beihong is my proud disciple , this matter is very important, I just left the customs, I have to ask again to find out!"

"What are you asking!" Li Xiangxian said coldly: "Who are you showing your face to, our Li family will never give up this time!"

"First, Li Beihong is my disciple. Second, Li Beihong borrowed my Yin-Yang Magic Moon Mirror a month ago!" Yun Tianhe turned his head, his eyes gleaming with cold light, and hissed: "My Fa Qi, what do you think that is? Eh? Your Li family only has a yellow scarf that can hold souls, which is comparable to my Yin-Yang Magic Moon Mirror, why do you think I can keep a good face?"

The three of Li Xiangxian were all shocked when they heard the words, they didn't expect that Old Taoist Yun would lend Li Beihong all the Yin-Yang Magical Moon Mirrors!And Li Beihong found that kind of thing, so he should avenge Li Jie!

Naturally, the Li family couldn't bear all of this, and Li Beihong's soul still hadn't returned to the family's yellow scarf for collecting souls.Either died, or the soul was taken away by a stronger person.

But now hearing what old man Yun said, they were more inclined to the second possibility.

The possibility of despair!

After all, there is only one Li Beihong left in the Li family, and if anything happens, they will have no successors!

It was precisely because they couldn't find the murderer that they came to Ziyunmen to seek justice. The old man Yun had just left the customs, and he calculated that he would have a catastrophe.

"Fellow daoists, let me wait for a disciple to come over." Old man Yun lay cross-legged on the ground, then lit up a sound transmission talisman, chanting words in his mouth, lingering in the air.

The hall was dull, not long after, a young man in a black gown stood outside, taking one step at a time.

"Come here!" Seeing this person, old man Yun's face became unhappy, but his tone was still cold and stiff. With a wave of his hand, the young man was blown by a gust of wind and moved to the middle of several people.

This person is another disciple of Yun Tianhe, Qin Bo, the true disciple of Ziyun Sect!

"Fellow daoists, forgive me!" Old man Yun glanced at the Li family and the others again, and then patted the ground of the main hall, only to see a mass of purple mist visible to the naked eye rising around his and Qin Bo's bodies!

Seeing this scene, Li Xiangxian's face turned cold and became ugly: "Sound insulation barrier!"

Naturally, he couldn't hear the barrier created by the third-level foundation-building monks, let alone the two innate Dzogchen monks next to him.Therefore, even though he was dissatisfied, he could only suppress it!

I saw old man Yun and the young man saying a few words, and with the in-depth communication, old man Yun's face became more and more serious, and finally he smiled coldly and scolded Qin Bo loudly, while Qin Bo kept his voice down. With a look of guilt on his face, but looking at the situation, it seems that old man Yun is blaming the latter for not telling him in time.

"Is this person called Qin Bo?" After the sound insulation barrier dissipated and old man Yun waved Qin Bo down, Li Xiangxian asked coldly while looking at the person's back.

"I only have these few apprentices, so what if you guessed it?" Old Man Yun said: "Before Li Beihong and him were matters between the younger generation, don't you still want to intervene!"

Li Xiangxian smiled sadly: "The old man wants to intervene now, but he can't do it."

With a murderous look on his face, Old Man Yun said, "I've made it clear, let's go, follow me to Shenglong City!"

"Where are you going?" The three members of the Li family now extremely distrust Ziyunmen.

Old Man Yun snorted coldly: "Of course it's Tao Ranju!"

After all, he first rose up from the sky, and then the huge flying sword circled under his feet, and flew out of the hall with a whoosh.The three members of the Li family looked at each other, and they saw that old man Yun had become furious, and quickly followed.

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