
Chapter 17 Artifact Spirit

Chapter 17 Artifact Spirit (this chapter is free)

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Chu Hao couldn't understand it, and scolded: "I grew up in the Casting Gate, but you are not allowed to insult my founder. The ancestor is a master of Taoism. How can there be someone around me?" A vulgar person like you!"

"Bullshit!" The voice was very angry: "That old man Che Xuanyuan is even more vulgar than Lao Tzu! The Tao of Zhuqimen is an ordinary way of heart, doing nothing and following one's desires, who is your master, didn't you tell you! "

"It has nothing to do with you!" Although Chu Hao is cynical, he still respects and respects his master, the head of the Forge Sect who has the grace of nurturing, and he will not be slandered by others, raising his eyebrows: "Who are you? !"

"I saved your life. Not only did you not thank me, but you also treated me so fiercely. You are a villain!" The voice was extremely dissatisfied, feeling that Chu Hao's tone was not very good, and quickly said lazily: "I I will give you a formula, and if you read it silently, you will know whether what I said is true!"

"How do I know if you will harm me!" Chu Hao said cautiously.

"If I had harmed you, you would have died a long time ago!" The voice said coldly: "It's up to you whether you listen or not, you are only on the second level of bone refinement, like an ant, no one cares about harming you."

Chu Hao thinks about it too. If this person is really a senior, it would be a piece of cake to kill him.After thinking about it, he gritted his teeth and said, "Speak."

Immediately, a mantra formula appeared in his mind, as if engraved in gold, it was extremely clear.

Chu Hao closed his eyes, curled up on the bed, and began to recite silently according to the formula.Just after reading the last word, his mind was clear, as if something had been opened, and there were several dazzling and brilliant brilliance!

Even with your eyes closed, it seems to be extremely clear!

How is this going?I haven't cultivated to the stage of Qi training, and I haven't opened the gate of heaven in the back of my head, so how could there be a sea of ​​consciousness? !

I saw a ray of light slowly floating out of the void, full of auspicious energy and colorful lights.Under this layer of mysterious splendor, a wine jug shining brightly all over appeared in his mind.

This flagon has a unique shape, with weird runes all over its body, exuding a holy aura.

Chu Hao suddenly remembered, as if he had seen this flagon before the crossing, even at the moment of his death!At that time, he found this thing in a utility room in the inner door of the foundry gate. At that time, he thought it was a bit strange. Later, when he was about to die, he gave Liu Meier another name.

...However, why did it appear here again? !

"This is the treasure of the foundry gate, Hunyuan Ding!" The voice rang out triumphantly.

"What, this is a tripod!" Chu Hao laughed and said, "It's obviously a flagon!"

"Ignorant child!" The man said angrily, "I am the caretaker of this Hunyuan cauldron. The supreme auxiliary material of the utensil! How dare you underestimate this thing, you yellow-mouthed child! Also, if it wasn’t for the Hunyuan Ding, you would have died a long time ago!”

"So powerful?" Chu Hao thought to himself, the name Hunyuan Ding is a bit scary, but I don't know if this guy said it is so earth-shattering, even a fifth-level Yin-Yang master would covet it.

Chu Hao said: "Just listen to you blowing the sky by yourself. Since you are so powerful, then you can make it bigger and make me a fifth-grade treasure!"

"Not now, the Primordial Cauldron has been damaged, and now it doesn't have much aura, and it can't exert one-thousandth of its original effect. If you want to refine it, you still have to do it yourself!"

Chu Hao laughed and said, "I can't keep blowing!"

The voice scolded angrily: "I am the weapon spirit of this thing, do you think I know, you ignorant child, you are really pissing me off!"

"Qi Ling?" Chu Hao's mind moved, and then he exclaimed: "I believe it!"

The voice calmed down, and with a bit of ridicule, he said, "Why, do you trust me?"

How can Chu Hao not believe it!As a craftsman, he naturally knows what a weapon spirit means!

There are three levels of refining masters, human, earth, and heaven.In the same way, Magical Artifacts and Magical Treasures are also divided into three levels.

They are treasures, magic weapons, and psychic magic weapons!

Treasures can be refined by a human-level refiner, and treasures below the fifth rank are called practice tools!

It means that it is not yet a baby!And the treasures above the fifth rank can be regarded as the title of treasures!

Above that, it is a magic weapon!

It is extremely difficult to refine the magic weapon. In addition to the weapon fire itself, it also needs the flames in the world!Such as the Nine Heavens Xuanhuo, the Earth King Veinshuo, and the Danhuo of the Jindan stage, and even the true fire of Samadhi.Combined with the essence of heaven and earth, the sun, the moon, the universe and other opportunities, plus countless materials, it can be refined!

The refining of magic weapons is a cumbersome and huge project. At least Chu Hao, as a rookie among the refining masters, has seen only a handful of magic weapons!At least they are all owned by those old monsters in the yin and yang period.

And as for the psychic magic weapon, it is even more incredible!This kind of treasure is the birth of a weapon spirit, that is, a magic weapon with spiritual wisdom. All of them have great supernatural powers, but it is rare to find one in a thousand years, something that can never be found!

Since the voice said that it was the weapon spirit of the Hunyuan Ding, Chu Hao certainly had reasons to believe that the Hunyuan Ding was a psychic magic weapon!Countless cultivators have never seen this kind of thing, so there is no reason to question it!

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