
Chapter 221 His name is Chu Hao

"Have you ever had it?" Lu Ruhua seemed a little surprised, but she didn't ask further, and fell silent again just like that.

Chu Hao noticed the meaning in her words - "also".

That is also a word, it contains too many things.

Her voice was desolate and helpless, even slightly sad. Chu Hao was startled when he heard the words. Could it be that this unkind woman who pretends to be a monk all day long also has a soft spot in her heart?There is also a past that makes people dream?

There is no sound around, only the sound of water and wind, echoing in the space for a long time.

It was really hard for Chu Hao to imagine that one day he would lie quietly on the grass with Lu Ruhua, sleep on his back by the lake, look at the stars, and let the light and shadow cover his whole body.

He never thought that Lu Ruhua would talk to him about such a topic.Such a woman who grew up in a privileged family who didn't understand love and only knew about cultivation, would ask such a question.

Chu Hao smiled faintly, and said, "Why do you use 'also'? Senior Sister speaks very strangely."

"Is it strange?" Lu Ruhua seemed to move her body again. It was the first time in her life that she was lying on the prickly grass. She turned around in several positions, but none of them were particularly comfortable.A self-deprecating look flashed in her eyes, and she said: "In your eyes, it may be difficult for someone like me to say such a thing."

"No, everyone has the right to be full of warmth and lust." Chu Hao smiled unscrupulously.

"You!" Lu Ruhua was furious, and within a few words with this kid, he was exhausted to the extreme, and whatever he said would change his taste.Taking a few deep breaths, Lu Ruhua calmed down, and then said lightly: "I used to have someone I liked."

Chu Hao also became serious. Hearing Lu Ruhua's tone, he was no longer in the mood to joke anymore. He turned his head and stared at Lu Ruhua's face. His fair skin was covered by starlight and seemed to be slightly glowing.

"That man, I treated him very badly, and later, he died."

Lu Ruhua's tone was very flat, but more of resentment and self-pity. Like Chu Hao, she tore a sedge from the grass, and gently pinched it with her fingertips, "He I wasn't by his side when he died."

"Listen, when did that happen?" Chu Hao didn't know what to say, at this moment, he finally knew what Lu Ruhua was suppressing in front of him all this time.For a stranger, she has too little right to confide, but she is unwilling to confide in someone she is familiar with.Such words spread to this moment, and she finally said it.

It was like the first time we met on the Four Meridians, the woman suppressed hidden emotions in her heart, and finally echoed on the lake with her flat voice and trembling heartbeat.

"I used to hate him very much, because he was a scoundrel, and he didn't even pay attention to me." Lu Ruhua also turned his head sideways at the same time, looking at each other. A slight emotional change: "Just as rascal as you."

Chu Hao touched his nose, and said awkwardly, "This is not a compliment."

Lu Ruhua turned her head again, and said, "That was more than ten years ago. At that time, I was even more arrogant and conceited than now. The concept that my family cultivated is that strength will always be First, those who are not as good as yourself are ants." She didn't have a bitter smile on her face, but she was full of bitterness: "He is just a person in the secular world, the day after tomorrow, although in the secular world, he has an extraordinary position and a prominent status, But in my eyes at that time, it was like an ant, I could pinch him to death with just one finger, and turn him into ashes."

Chu Hao was stunned for a moment. He always felt that this sentence meant something and was a little familiar, but hearing Lu Ruhua's self-mockery, the sourness of dejection made him swallow the sarcasm, and he said in relief: "This is just something cultivated by the family. Thinking differently, it is not just your personal reasons that cause such a personality. You don’t have to blame yourself.”

"At that time, I disdained him very much. When I saw him for the first time, I didn't even take it seriously, because the flying sword in my hand could end his life at any time." Lu Ruhua was silent for a while, and continued He said: "However, he faced me, an invincible enemy, but he didn't have the slightest fear. He took advantage of his rascal, his shamelessness, but easily took me lightly..." Having said that, A bright red flashed across Lu Ruhua's cheeks, and that ray of sunshine seemed to take down the entire night sky: "I was so angry at that time."

Light... thin? !

Chu Hao opened his mouth wide, raised his body and stared blankly at Lu Ruhua. Could it be that the woman in front of him is no longer a virgin? !Chu Hao was a little unbelievable. An ice cube like her, although extremely beautiful, but really...

"Nie Yun, believe it or not, I'll kill you!" Lu Ruhua couldn't guess what Chu Hao meant from his eyes, her chest heaved, and she stood up from the ground angrily, without patting the weeds on her body, Meimou looked at Chu Hao coldly.It's just that the blushing on her face overshadowed the flushing of anger, and she didn't look like she was killing someone in anger.

"Senior sister calm down, calm down." Chu Hao quickly put on a smile, and said solemnly: "Junior brother has absolutely no other intentions, just a little surprised that senior sister was defeated by mortals, that's why he stood up, Senior sister, I am such a pure person, as pure as you, can't you trust me?"

Lu Ruhua was trapped by him, and couldn't utter a few decent curse words, so he could only hum: "You and he are really carved out of the same mold, just as rascals!"

Chu Hao quickly flattered him and said, "That's right, that's right, Senior Sister has won the award."

Lu Ruhua shook his head, took a few breaths to calm down, then looked at the stars on the lake, reflecting the light, and said slowly: "He... just touched my... mine..." Lu Ruhua The painting stopped, obviously she couldn't bear to continue talking, so she had to shift and said: "After returning to Ziyun, I really hated him. If it wasn't for the order from the teacher at that time, I would have killed him long ago."

Shaking his head, Lu Ruhua said: "But fate is so strange. We met again. After that time, I fell in love with him. His domineering, his principles, and everything about him made me feel different. It’s definitely not like those modest gentlemen in the sect, who have disgusting hypocrisy.” A sad look flashed in her eyes, and she said: “Later, we fell in love, but the master and the family did not allow me to be with him , he is just a mortal, his prominent position in the mundane world is worthless in the cultivation world. We have different life spans and different beliefs. In the end, he chose to leave..."

The more Chu Hao listened, the more confused he became, and the more he listened, the more familiar he became. He couldn't help but ask, "Who is that person, who can actually make a fairy-like senior sister fall in love with him?"

"To be honest, you are somewhat similar to him, otherwise I wouldn't have lied to you." Lu Ruhua looked at the lake, and finally showed some tenderness in his eyes, just like the green grass in the lake. Lingering, fascinated: "You came to Ziyunmen more than ten years ago, you should have heard of the famous genius son of Yuntian Empire, and finally died in the chaos of the Sanxie Pass on the border of Yuntian..."

"His name is Chu Hao."

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