
Chapter 235 The Crisis of Purple Cloud Gate

Sleepy Dragon Formation...

Zhou Bo stopped in his tracks, the aura on his body contracted and expanded, his pupils flickered, as if they were coated with a layer of golden light, and the pupils contained an indescribable meaning. (_Bubble&)

After Wu Lang spoke, all the elders present fell silent.Elder Xie is an impatient person, he couldn't hold back his anger at first, and said coldly: "The Sleepy Dragon Formation, explain to me clearly, what is the Sleepy Dragon Formation!" He was extremely confused by Wu Lang's mocking tone Huo Guang took a step forward and continued: "Wu Lang, speak..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he stopped talking abruptly, as if he remembered something, his face instantly became ugly!

"The Sleepy Dragon Formation..." One of the five elders over there murmured, squinting his eyes, and said, "Could it be the large formation described in the Golden Book Domain Records?..."

The Golden Book of Domain Records is a tome of cultivation held by all major cultivation sects in the Sky Continent.It records the classification of various monsters in the Sky Continent, some secrets, and it can be a supreme treasure book that must be learned when entering and leaving the cultivation world.

Although it is not a secret book of exercises, the things recorded are all from the experience and experience of the ancestors and pioneers, and are extremely precious. The Ruins of Liutian was added later, and it is also recorded in the treasure book.

This book "Golden Book Domain Record" is divided into several chapters, among which there is the article on formations. Basically all the elders present have read this book, and Elder Xie is no exception. Hearing the words of the five great elders, he remembered! ——The sleepy dragon formation is exactly the powerful formation recorded in the "Golden Book of Domains"!

"According to the records in the "Golden Book of Domain Records", the trapped dragon formation once appeared, and it is famous for its dragon soul enshrining the gods. In the thousands of years of history in the entire continent, there is only one cultivation family, no, to be precise, there should be only one formation family The arrangement method with this formation is the Luo family."

Another one of the five great elders also spoke slowly. After a silence, every word he said made the faces of the elders look ugly: ""Golden Book Yulu" is the only classic for reference and cultivation of cultivation. The art of getting started, it records the eight meridians of the human body and various secrets of the mainland. Everyone believes in the standard, and it is impossible to make mistakes..." After a pause, he said hurriedly: "But the sleepy dragon formation has been lost not long ago. It has been many years, how could it appear again!"

Their gazes were fixed on Sanmai in unison, the vision of an oolong, with four claws under its belly, shining brightly, like a dragon soaring through the nine heavens, swallowing mountains and rivers with awe, covering the world.

"The head is trapped in the universe, the tail is wrapped around the earth, the dragon is like a gun, and the illusory light is true..."

The elders looked at the invisible three veins, the image of the giant dragon was so domineering and fierce, even though they didn't want to believe that it was the lost formation recorded in the classics, but the picture was exactly the same as the "Trapped Dragon Formation" recorded in the classics exactly the same!

Wu Lang couldn't understand what they were saying. Even though there was "Golden Book Domain Record" in the Craftsman God Sect, it was only for checking the material. Wu Lang didn't understand the true meaning of the trapped dragon formation.However, seeing the astonishment and shock of these Ziyun sect veterans, he felt extremely happy in his heart, and said haha: "That's right, it's the Dragon Formation, and today is the day you guys will die!"

"Damn things!"

Although he was extremely shocked in his heart, Elder Xie was not an easy-going character. When he heard that Wu Lang dared to sneer, he was furious. The spiral airflow directly kicked Wu Lang to the ground!

The spiritual force rope on his body was shrunk tightly by this burst of force. Under the double pressure, Wu Lang couldn't help screaming, and the dilapidated robe on his body was even more broken into pieces.Clothes are everywhere.

"Xie Fan, the sect master is here, don't you want to be disrespectful to the sect master!" One of the five elders roared angrily when he saw this scene.This Xie Fan is too disgraceful, even though Wu Lang should be hacked into pieces, but the head of the sect has already spoken, he still wants to act so shamelessly and lawlessly!

Wu Lang was lying on the ground, but his laughter never stopped. He laughed loudly, spat out a mouthful of blood, coughed and laughed, his voice was like an old duck, hoarse and unpleasant.

Zhou Bo took a deep breath, his eyes flashed like lightning, he glanced at Xie Fan coldly, and hummed: "Elder Xie, this is where the statue of Taoist Qinghong is. What you do is not only disrespectful to the head of the sect, but also It's disrespect to the founder of the mountain, didn't you hear what the head said just now?!"

"Everything this elder did was just for Ziyun Sect. The other party can use the trapped dragon array, and also has Wu Lang, a bastard pawn, so he must play a big game. We are mothers-in-law and mothers. We don't make much preparation here. Does the head of the sect really want Ziyunmen to follow in the footsteps of the Li family!" Xie Fan said not to be outdone, "I respect the patriarch, but I don't want the millennium foundation to be destroyed!"

"How can my Ziyun Sect be destroyed in one fell swoop? Could it be that this mere trapped dragon formation scares you into such a state!" Another of the five elders spoke out, his face full of anger, "Out of proportion, Xie Fan, I It seems that you are not thinking about Ziyunmen, but because you are afraid of losing your foundation and ruining your cultivation!"

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Xie Fan's face darkened, and he was naturally extremely annoyed when someone saw through what he was thinking.But he couldn't get angry at the five elders, so he could only vent his anger on Wu Lang who was kneeling on the ground, and shouted angrily: "You bastard, tell me or not!"

Wu Lang sneered and said: "Dog bites dog, this old man has learned a lot today, Ziyun Sect is facing a catastrophe, no one can hide from it, it's better to fly each other, there are still some ways out!"

"Scaremongering!" Zhou Bo's face turned cold. He was in a high position and was the head of a sect of teachers. Zhou Bo's aura was naturally not comparable to that of any Dzogchen monk in the Foundation Establishment period. After he said these words, accompanied by a powerful spirit The energy flow, in the purple light, was as if the morning glow spewed out, and it was gorgeous. He bathed in it, and he felt like a fairy, and he was alive like a fairy!

Wu Lang was dumbfounded, he seemed to have only cultivated Qi at the first or second level, and he hadn't made much progress in so many years. After all, he focused on refining weapons and didn't have much time to practice.But now when the phantom came out, Zhou Bo stood in front of him like those great powers who have become immortals in the holy land of the immortal family, glowing in the purple air, with a kind smile on his face, as if overlooking all living beings.

"You turned out to be a disciple of the Craftsman Sect, right?"

Zhou Bo spoke slowly, his voice was still like a sponge, extremely soft, and he felt very comfortable listening to it.

Nirvana weather!

All the elders fell silent when they saw that the sect master began to use the highest supernatural power in "Purple Qi from the East".This supernatural power is famous for its fantasy, consumes a lot of spiritual power, and requires a foundation-building stage monk to practice.Similar to Lu Ruhua's white silk and satin talisman that filled the space, it was created by relying on this magical power.

"Yes." The light in Wu Lang's eyes dissipated little by little. He suffered from Xie Fan's kick, and he was a little panting in his chest, but after hearing Zhou Bo's words, he replied immediately without coughing.

"Very well, you entered our Purple Cloud Gate, and you are willing to help refine weapons without asking for anything in return. As a master craftsman, you also have a purpose." Zhou Bo smiled slightly and continued to ask.

"Yes." Wu Lang nodded in a daze.He is already old, and he seems to be stupid at the moment.

"Then what is your real purpose of entering Ziyunmen?" Zhou Bo asked.

After a moment of silence, Wu Lang struggled a bit, but finally he spoke in a calm voice without fluctuation: "Avenge my master, kill Xiao Chen, and destroy the foundation of Ziyun Sect if necessary."

Chapter 2 was delivered around eleven o'clock.

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