
Chapter 276

There are no Jiazi in the mountains, and two years have passed by in a flash.

A remote valley in Xianle Province.In the eyes of outsiders, there is nothing unusual about this valley. Behind it are small hills and mountains of different heights. Beyond that, there is a peaceful scene, with blue sky and white clouds, leisurely and comfortable.

There are quite a few secular hunters out here to hunt.After all, there is a forest on the outskirts of the entire valley, and jungle beasts, skins, bones, and meat can all be sold for a good price.As winter was approaching, the Orion's coming and going became more frequent.

Yang Daobao is one of these hunters, an ordinary hunter in the nearby Taoyuan Village.

As soon as winter comes, the hunters start to get busy.Hibernating snakes are a bit taboo. In order to keep warm in winter, snake gallbladder and snake blood are indispensable, and they can also be sold to those rich people for some money.

Yang Dao Scar is an expert at catching snakes, as long as the snake he spots is usually difficult to escape.Fast, accurate and ruthless.It was Yang Dao Scar's secret to catching snakes.This move is only mastered by martial arts professionals, but it was used by him, a hunter, to perfection.

The nickname of Dao Scar is also because Yang Dao Scar lost his hand while catching a snake and was bitten by a poisonous snake in the chest. Life.

Later, there was an extra scar on his chest. Everyone around the village knew that this was Scar's heroic deed. Gradually, he even forgot his real name, and called him Scar Yang.

Yang Dao Scar's body is excellent, even in this cold season that is about to enter winter, he is still shirtless and corseted.This day, he was carrying a basket on his back and carrying a wide back knife. Under the watchful eyes of his wife and children, he went up the mountain.

In addition to hunting and catching snakes this time, we also need to find some wood to prevent the winter.The winter in Xianle Province is no warmer than that in the capital, and it is also shiveringly cold.

The entire Linzishan group is already familiar to Yang Daobao. It has been nearly 16 years since he started going up the mountain at the age of [-]. His unique skill of catching snakes can be regarded as a rich man in the village. The Orion is gone.

After going up the mountain, he met many familiar hunters on the road who greeted him. On the surface, Yang Dao Scar nodded kindly, but secretly he was extremely disdainful towards those people.Yang Daobao has seen these guys too much, and always wants to follow behind him to learn secretly, to see his own skills and places to catch snakes.

This is his own job, how could Yang Dao Scar take his job out, for so many years, he has hidden it very well.

After avoiding the hunters in other villages, Yang Dao Scar began to search for his memory and walked forward, looking up at the mountains in the distance, Yang Dao Scar showed a smile.

There is a valley there, about seven years ago, he discovered that something was wrong there.It seems to be a fertile Fengshui land, where there are always many snakes, insects and beasts living outside.The thick fog in the valley was too thick, Yang Dao Scar was cautious and never dared to go in, but just looking for some wild beasts and snakes on the outskirts was enough for him to enjoy.

He has been coming to this place often for seven years.However, as a hunter, he also knows the truth that the beast will die without meat, so he will not hunt too many prey every time, and keep a line for the next time.And in these years, he has discovered that the beasts here seem to be killing all of them. It stands to reason that most of the beasts are smarter. Since they know that there are hunters here, they will not come to live here. But the surroundings of this valley are different. , Even in winter, you can see many beasts frolicking around.

A grassroots like Yang Daoba naturally believed in the gods, and he was the only one who discovered this place so far, so he felt that it was God's blessing, which made him proud of Fengshui.

But today Yang Daobao came along the same way, and he always felt that something was wrong, because today the woods had no birds chirping.You must know that at such a time in normal times, the chirping of birds can be heard endlessly, and sometimes even cranes can be seen.

Yang Dao's scar became careful, and he circled around the whole area, but found no trace of the snake or beast, not even any footprints left on the muddy ground.Yang Dao Scar was very strange, looking at the valley surrounded by thick fog, the sky was hazy, like another world that couldn't be melted away.

His heartbeat accelerated unconsciously. He had never entered the valley before, and he didn't know where to enter it.But today's situation is too abnormal. From the time he was on the mountain to the present two hours, he has not even gained anything. It is impossible to just chop firewood and go down the mountain to fuel the fire, right?He is the famous Yang Dao Scar, his wife and children are waiting for him.

He felt that all these anomalies were related to this valley.He didn't dare to enter before, one reason was because he was timid and afraid that there would be a real shock from the gods inside, and the second reason was that he had seen with his own eyes that the thick fog parted and some rainbow lights flew into the sky.

So in his memory, this is the restricted area, and some ferocious beasts on the periphery are enough for him to digest and make a fortune, so there is no need to take the risk to enter.

But today is different, he can't go back empty-handed.

By accident, Yang Dao Scar couldn't help but take a step forward and walked forward, as if he wanted to step into the thick fog to see clearly what was going on inside.

Will there be treasures and more valuable things?

Just when Yang Dao Scar made up his mind to enter the valley and walked less than [-] steps, the thick fog in front of him suddenly changed, like a cloud layer, it was scattered and gradually condensed into a human form.

Yang Dao's heart skipped a beat, his eyes widened, and he saw a very bright light suddenly flying out of the space, Yang Dao's knees quickly fell to the ground in shock, his head touched the ground, and said in a low voice: " Bless the gods, bless the gods, the villain did not intentionally offend the forbidden area of ​​the gods, bless the gods..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly felt the temperature around him rise, pressing against the heart that was about to jump out of his throat, he carefully wanted to raise his head, but at this moment, his eyes suddenly went dark!

"***, if anyone says there is no god in the future, I, Yang Daoba, will be the first to chop him!" This was the only thought left in his mind before he lost consciousness...

Chu Hao frowned, looking at Orion who was knocked unconscious by him.Then took him into the sky, his body turned into a rainbow light, and flew out of the forest and mountains.Then at the entrance, Yang Dao Scar was placed on the ground.

He took a deep breath, flew up again, and looked around.

Two years have passed so fast!

Now he has reached the Great Consummation of Foundation Establishment, I believe it will not be difficult to go to the Liutian Ruins and upgrade to Jindan!

And during this period of time, "Xiao Luo Heyue Kung Fu" and Sun Meixiang's double cultivation, as Chen Honghong said, his advancement speed is astonishingly fast. The floor has been upgraded to the second floor of the foundation building!

Two years, just two years!

If this speed is placed on the mainland, no one will believe it!

However, all this is thanks to Chu Hao who went to Tao Ranju to ask for five foundation building pills. In order to ensure the success of the foundation building without fail, Chu Hao even consumed a lot of Baopuzi essence and Hunyuan cauldron's golden liquid .

"Xiao Luo Heyue Kung Fu" is indeed the secret of the magic skill. During the time of double cultivation, and Chu Hao has plenty of low-grade spirit stones and spirit-intense pills, basically the speed of spiritual power cultivation is more than ten times that of ordinary people.But even so, after reaching the second level of Foundation Establishment, it started to slow down.After all, any thing will have a kind of "immunity" after a long time.

This kind of dual-cultivation method that supports each other is not a one-sided method of collecting yin to supplement yang or collecting yang to supplement yin. It will easily cause fatigue in the practice, and the effect of the dual cultivation will decrease, and in the end it will be negligible.

This is the same as taking a pill for a long time.Yunling Pill is useless to Chu Hao today.

Although she basically spent the past two years cultivating without doing anything else, for Chu Hao, Sun Meixiang's cultivation was still too weak.Unlike herself, she has helpers like Hunyuanding Chen Honghong, and she doesn't have spirit insects and such a good opportunity. Except that her cultivation has reached the second-level foundation-building stage, she doesn't know anything at all.

I'm afraid there will be a real fight, and even the stronger Foundation Establishment Level [-] will not be able to deal with it.

In the cruel world of self-cultivation, there are too many insidious and cunning monks with ulterior motives. Although Sun Meixiang is smart enough, but her cultivation level is not enough, it is impossible for him to keep her at any time. Thinking of this makes Chu Hao feel dizzy.

"Chen Honghong, is there really no suitable method for her cultivation?"

Flying in the sky, Chu Hao couldn't help but speak again.

"You have asked me this question hundreds of times. You think I am a god, and I can get you any kind of exercises?" Chen Honghong snorted and said, "What are you afraid of? Once you form a golden core and cultivate out Gang Qi, when you go to the Third Heaven, you can easily get Xin Jue exercises, and now that you are in the Second Heaven, it is impossible for Sun Yatou to have trouble."

Chu Hao sighed, and flew straight towards the Atlanta Sea in the direction of the Mayan Empire.

A few days ago, Lorraine completely repaired the teleportation array. While Chu Hao was overjoyed, he didn't want Sun Meixiang to know too much.After all, the lives of hundreds of people are related. Chu Hao loves Sun Meixiang, so he is unwilling to expose his cruel and bloody self too much, so he takes the teleportation array and flies out of the valley. Go to the Ruins of Liutian.

Calculated, the time is not more than half a month before and after, even if the Liutian ruins reappeared.

When he came to the waters of Atlanta, Chu Hao summoned the Hunyuan Ding, stood on the reef, arranged the teleportation array according to Professor Lorraine's intention, and solemnly put a low-grade spirit stone on it .


Chu Hao shook his head. Lorraine said that the damage was serious. Even if the restoration is completed, it can only be used three times, and the consumption of spirit stones may also be higher than before.

Putting in a spirit stone again, there was still no response, but after putting in the sixth spirit stone, the entire teleportation array finally lit up.Chu Hao breathed a sigh of relief, and then released the spiritual power barrier to wrap up the surrounding area.

He believed that with his current strength, no one in the entire continent, except Tao Ranju's second suzerain, should be able to break through.

After setting out the sound transmission talisman, Chu Hao poured his spiritual power into it, and then said through the sound transmission: "I've been waiting for a long time. Two days later, in the waters of Atlanta, the ruins of the Liutian will appear soon." After finishing all this, Chu Hao stepped into the teleportation array among.of

The teleportation array began to tremble, and cracks appeared on the rune stone below. After that, a beam of light rushed out, wrapping his body again, and disappeared after a few breaths.

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