
Chapter 43 Sap

Chapter 43 Sap

Chu Hao suffered a big loss in the hands of the two little white faces, which is equivalent to suffering a big loss in the hands of the little prince Chu Dongliu.Naturally, he couldn't swallow this anger.It's just that neither Xiaobailian nor Chu Dongliu can touch him, so he can only attack Chu Dongliu's gangsters.

If this bad breath doesn't come out, Chu Hao will feel uncomfortable all over.

But being able to beat someone up and arouse the blood in Sun Haoran's bones is killing two birds with one stone.

After hearing Chu Hao's words, Sun Haoran opened his mouth wide and didn't react for a long time, but when he heard Chu Hao laughing, he suddenly raised his head and shouted: "Indifferent people, thank you for despising me and making me not bow my head. Wonderful life!"

"Brother Hao, who shall we beat?" Sun Haoran said in a daze at first, and then heard Chu Hao's singing, only felt that although the lyrics were popular, they were high-pitched and passionate. Hearing Chu Hao's humming, there seemed to be something suppressed in his heart It was completely opened and released, and then said: "What song is this?"

"Just follow Xiao Wang!" Chu Hao sang, holding Sun Haoran in his arms: "This will be our battle song from now on! No matter when in the future, don't forget this song!"

Infected, Sun Haoran also hummed a few times, and then realized the extraordinaryness of this song, and truly sang his heartfelt voice.Immediately, the emotions became even more excited, and the yelling became more joyful, especially: "Let me not bow my head, and have a more exciting job." The two sentences were almost hoarse from the throat.

"That's right!" Chu Hao laughed loudly, and the two of them hooked their shoulders together, howling wolves and crying, as they strode out of the hall.And Xiao Si had been waiting outside the door for a long time, seeing his master and Young Master Sun being so happy, he was a little confused.

But hearing Chu Hao and Sun Haoran's pitch-deficient roar, the corners of his mouth twitched a few times, and he said loudly: "The little prince and Sun Gongzi are really heavenly voices!"

Chu Hao was elated, and pretended to reprimand: "How can you be so exaggerated!"

He just greeted Xiaosi, and he and Sun Haoran walked towards the schoolyard next to the General's Mansion.

Nan Gongjie has been very depressed recently. As the grandson of the Minister of the Household Department, Nan Gongjie relies on his family's sturdy grandmother to be able to win the wind and the rain in the capital.Except for the princes and grandsons and some other noble children who couldn't be provoked, almost all of them could walk sideways.

He was in the capital where he had advanced for a year, and for some reason, he got mixed up with the little prince.Speaking of it, the Nangong family can be considered a big family, a family of merchants, plus the grandfather who has the Minister of the Household Department, the weight in the capital is still very sufficient.But when the little prince got Nangongjie back then, he did not know how much suspicion and dissatisfaction the sixth prince and the eldest prince had caused.

But at this moment, Nan Gongjie didn't have the demeanor he should have. Sitting in the sedan chair, there were words "I'm upset" hanging on his face.Ever since he lost to Chu Hao and others in Juyun Tower and made a promise to perform on stage at the Lantern Festival, he felt a little uncomfortable when facing the little prince.He didn't go to the little prince's banquet for several days in a row.

After all, they had never suffered such a big loss at the hands of the Weiyuan prince before, and this time the loss was even more inexplicable and horrible.He thought that if he really performed on stage at the Lantern Festival, he would lose face not only to himself, but also to Shang Shu. Even if his grandma would protect him, he would definitely be beaten up by his embarrassing grandpa.Maybe, his good days will end and he will be kicked out of the capital.

Thinking of this, Nangong Jie became a little upset.

But if he wanted to break the contract, Nan Gongjie didn't have the courage. After all, the little prince had already promised, and Wu Donghan was there to testify, so he couldn't run away at all.Besides, that son Chu Hao is not easy to mess with.

Recalling the incident where he met Sun Haoran in Cuiyueju two days ago, he had no face to face others, and was ridiculed and returned to the house in despair, Nan Gongjie's face was burning hot, and his heart was full of anger.

However, the sky never dies in Nangong.Just when Nan Gongjie was at a loss, there was a lot of news in the capital that Tao Ranju would bid for mysterious weapons and potions for improving his cultivation and beauty at the auction two days later.

This news is simply ecstasy, God help me.After he confirmed the accuracy of the news, he was even more determined.If you can get the elixir of Zhuyan and give it to grandma, maybe grandma will think of her filial piety and won't let grandpa do it, and she will be able to avoid catastrophe at that time.And right now, Nangong Jie was driving towards a brocade shop in the capital, which was the property of their Nangong family. As the young master, of course, he was going to withdraw money to prepare for the auction.

Sitting in the sedan chair, Nangong Jie thought about it, but still felt a little uneasy.Thinking of the little prince making himself so ugly, with his character, he definitely doesn't want to stay by the little prince's side anymore.Recently, my cousin and the sixth prince have gotten very close, so I can just ask my cousin to help me talk in front of the sixth prince, and then I will make some things to send up during the auction, so as to gain the trust of the sixth prince. If you talk to the sixth prince for yourself, Grandpa should have nothing to do.

And the sixth prince's power is much greater than that of the little prince, so if he wants to follow him, he won't be so aggrieved anymore.

After thinking about it properly, the depressed expression on Nan Gongjie's face disappeared, and he secretly praised himself as a genius, no wonder the old fortune teller said that he had the appearance of assisting the emperor.

And when he was so excited, his forehead hit the front, and it hurt so much, he cursed angrily: "You bastards, how can you carry the sedan chair!"

"Grand... Gongzi..." The servant's voice came from outside, stuttering.

Nangong Jie was even more furious, "Damn, I can't even speak anymore, what kind of son..." He opened the curtain, and when he saw the scene outside, his face was stunned.

I saw nine big men standing outside.Huggy backs, all wearing vests, 'showing' their shirtless shoulders, with curvy muscles, they look like Lianjiazi.At this moment, they were staring at Nangong Jie coldly.

Nangong Jie's face froze immediately, and he scolded: "Who are you, in broad daylight, do you still want to block the road and rob you?" He paid attention to his surroundings. There is a fork in the road that leads to the main street.

Thinking of this, Nangong Jie's heart sank. This was obviously a premeditated interception, and the visitor was not kind.However, when did the law and order in the capital become so bad.Nan Gongjie thought in a flash in his heart, eliminating one enemy after another.

At the moment, there were only two guards and six servants following Nangong Jie.Although my two guards are all warriors in the bone refining period, the big guys on the opposite side are not good scum, one is not good, and I am easily injured.

Before he could build up his emotions, a big man opposite him walked towards him with a smile.The guards beside Nangong Jie immediately stopped in front of the sedan chair.The big man stood still two meters away from the sedan chair, with a contemptuous smile on the corner of his mouth: "Mr. Nangong, what a face, my Ninth Master has invited you several times, but he won't be able to invite you."


Nan Gongjie was taken aback, his expression became even uglier, could it be that he belonged to the little prince?

But thinking of this possibility, Nangong Jie was a little puzzled.After all, after being in contact for a year, the little prince is not like such a talent without a city. Could it be that he saw that he wanted to join the sixth prince and came to warn himself?

Thinking of this, Nangong Jie let out a haha, and then glared at the trembling servant, secretly saying that he had no future, and opened his mouth and said, "I don't know who this strong man is?"

"Ming people don't talk in secret." The big man didn't talk nonsense to Nangong Jie, but waved his hand, and the group of people behind rushed towards Nangong Jie.Nan Gongjie had never practiced martial arts before, he only knew how to hang a book bag, his face was shocked at this moment, and he quickly hid in the sedan chair.Shouted: "Hurry up, let me stop them."

The two guards were also a little apprehensive, none of the dozen or so big men was easy to deal with.But the young master gave the order, and rushed forward bravely. After a few blows, he was knocked down and passed out.

"Damn it, I've raised you for nothing, at least I've got one of you down!" Seeing that the people around him were all messed up and passed out on the ground, Nan Gongjie, who was sitting in the sedan chair, was even more flustered.Seeing that the car curtain was opened, the big man showed his face with a smile, and the laughter made Nangong Jie's hair stand on end.

"I am Nangongjie, the grandson of Shangshu Hubu. If you dare to touch me, I will never let you go." Nangongjie was stern, but he knew in his heart that if the little prince really sent someone, I have no way at all.

The big man didn't do anything, but directly lifted Nangong Jie out of the sedan chair like a chicken, then put him outside, patted his lapel, and said: "Young Master Nangong misunderstood, how dare we do anything to you .Because we are also afraid of Mr. Nangong's revenge." As soon as the man spoke, the big men behind him laughed in unison.

Nangong Jie's face was red and purple, and being laughed at by a group of reckless men really made him extremely ashamed and angry, and he shouted: "I want to see Lord Jiu, let me go to see Master Jiu. I want justice!"

"No hurry, no hurry, you want to find Master Jiu, you can go there tomorrow morning, let's settle today's matter first." The big man's words made Nan Gongjie's heart skip a beat, and his fat body trembled, nana said: "This is the capital, At the feet of the Son of Heaven, don't mess around, I have a reputation, I have a reputation..."

"The one who beats is the one who has fame! Come on!" Halfway through the sentence, I saw a few big men standing in front of me staring at him, and walked towards him with a sinister smile. It was covered tightly by the sack.

Knowing that something was wrong, Nan Gongjie was terrified and struggled quickly.But he was no match for those big guys, his mouth was soon blocked by the folds of the sack, and he could only make a "woo woo" sound.

At the corner of Santong Street, two figures flashed out immediately, and Sun Haoran was the first to bear the brunt.At this moment, his face was full of excitement, and he kicked the sack with one kick. After kicking Nangong Jie over, his fists rained down on Nangong Jie's body.

At first Nangong Jie was quite stubborn, he hummed a few times and then remained silent.But as Sun Haoran's strikes became more and more serious, and Chu Hao also slapped him a few times from time to time, he finally began to cry, his voice was full of crying, and he could vaguely hear "stop beating, stop beating."

Sun Haoran didn't dare to make a sound, but he was more cheerful when he started. It wasn't until Fatty Nangong made no sound that Chu Hao grabbed him and lifted the sack.Fatty Nangong was lying on the ground with a bruised nose and swollen face, his breathing became short of breath a few times, but he passed out.

Chu Hao kicked him a few more times and felt that he had really passed out before cursing, "It's really useless."

And after this hard beating, Sun Haoran only felt refreshed all over his body, all the distracting thoughts blocked in the meridians and nerves were dissipated one by one, and the thoughts became clear in an instant.

Among the people around the little prince, this Nangong Jie was the most hateful, basically he came up with all the bad ideas, and the dudes on Chu Hao's side naturally hated him so much.However, the capital also has the rules of the capital. Although the military children on their side have repeatedly suffered at the hands of the little prince, they will not be promoted to the role of fighting.After all, Zhengfeng's jealousy belongs to Zhengfeng's jealousy. When things get serious, there are also the procuratorate and the old men of various families.

So after feeling refreshed with his fists, feet and body, Sun Haoran became a little worried again. Seeing Fatty Nangong lying half dead on the ground, he whispered: "Brother Hao, we won't have any problems like this, right?"

Chu Hao rolled his eyes: "Look at you, where is the ambition just now? Why didn't you think of this when you beat someone?"

Sun Haoran laughed a few times, "I'm not worried about Brother Hao."

"Don't worry." Chu Hao patted Sun Haoran on the shoulder, he laughed, and a gleam flashed in his eyes: "When the beauty of the truth is still putting on her shoes slowly, the bitch of the rumor has already run all over the city."

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