
Chapter 48

Chapter [-] Subduing

Everyone present, everyone gasped heavily, looking at Chu Hao in disbelief!

Although Chu Hao has regained his momentum now, the feeling he created at that moment just now was like a boulder falling into a calm lake with ripples already rising. How could it be that simple to calm down?

Liu Li, a resolute man, could no longer maintain his composure at this moment. He stared at Chu Hao with a sneer for a long time before stammering: "Your Highness, you..."

Chu Hao didn't speak, then turned around, walked to the chair just now, and sat down.

He knew that keeping silent at this time would be more effective than speaking and explaining!

Liu Li opened his mouth for a long while, but couldn't utter a complete sentence.After all, the scene just now shocked him too much, not only him, but also those men behind him also had a huge wave of shock in their hearts.

The son in front of him, the representative of the dandy in the capital whose cultivation has plummeted and his personality has changed drastically, actually possesses such a powerful aura!Could it be that the rumors are rumors after all, that this son's cultivation base did not fall at all, but improved by leaps and bounds, and it was only because of some factors that he hid himself? !

These thoughts flashed through Liu Li's mind one by one.

They thought of Chu Hao's identity, Prince Weiyuan, and the incident of seizing the heirloom twenty years ago.Could it be that Prince Weiyuan was unwilling to be lonely, and in order to protect his son, he created such rumors, turning the "little overlord" who was originally in the limelight into a slutty dandy that everyone hates? !

Once this idea arises, they can't stop, and the more they think about it, the more likely they are to go further!

After all, as a king, Prince Weiyuan's scheming city is bottomless, and the rumored despicable little prince in front of him may have hidden his true side under the arrangement of the prince for three years!

Thinking secretly about the matter that the prince asked him to wait for others to beat up the sons of the officials in the capital, now that he recalls it, I am afraid that it is not like the conflict of emotions on the surface.Although Liu Li was a soldier, he was not as good as Chu Hao in terms of scheming in the city, but his head was not too stupid, and after thinking about it, he could straighten out many things in an instant.

If the son in front of him was not the reborn Chu Hao, his theory would definitely make sense, but this son is no longer the son of the other, so what Chu Hao wants now is their thinking!

And after thinking through all this, Liu Li's eyes were suddenly filled with frenzy when he recalled Chu Hao's sudden aura just now, that terrifying aura that shook people's hearts!

You know, Chu Hao, the "Little Overlord" back then, was a well-deserved genius among true warriors!At the age of fifteen, he reached the fifth level of the leather refining stage. If calculated in this way, if the little prince's cultivation has not regressed, the person standing in front of him is a real master of the innate qi refining stage!

A very young innate master with a bright future!

Everyone looked at each other and found the shock, surprise and enthusiasm in their eyes!

Seeing that the atmosphere was getting better, Chu Hao looked at the side of the chair with his fingers, then raised his legs, and said indifferently: "Liu Li, do you know what kind of elixir the elixir Xiao Wang gave you a few days ago? "

Liu Li lowered his head and became respectful: "The villain doesn't know."

"That's a human-grade second-grade elixir, a solid elixir!" Chu Hao said flatly, "I think you should know the second-grade human-grade elixir."

Liu Li is the centurion commander in Long Xiang's army, so he has a relatively wide range of contacts. When he heard Chu Hao's words, he was shocked and said in surprise: "Is that a high-grade pill?" He knew that ordinary pills , can only help warriors to dredge the acquired qi, that is, internal force, and the elixir that can really improve the cultivation level or achieve the healing effect that ordinary doctors can't achieve, can be worthy of the rank!

Among the pills he knew, he had only seen first-rank human pills, and that kind of thing was pitifully rare in the entire Longxiang Army. They were all for boosting morale and completing specific tasks to kill the enemy and charge. Can be distributed as rewards!

But they didn't expect that the elixir they got casually that day was a second-rank human elixir!

If Chu Hao had said this sentence at the very beginning, Liu Li would definitely laugh at him inwardly, even though he would not show anything on the surface.But at this moment, I believed a lot!

Because of the person in front of him, the strength and identity of this person, there is no need to deceive himself!

There are only a handful of peerless geniuses in the entire continent who have reached the congenital stage before the age of twenty. This kind of strong man who doesn't know how much his achievements will reach in the future, would bother to make such a joke with ordinary soldiers like himself?

In an instant, Liu Li's vest was covered with cold sweat. He half-kneeled on the ground in a hurry, and then said: "His Royal Highness's great kindness, the villain can never repay!" Huang Hongjin was shocked when he was waiting, and exclaimed: "Brother, What are you doing!"

Liu Li turned his head and said loudly: "You kneel down too! The elixir that His Highness gave us before is a real top-grade elixir, which can at least withstand our half-year to one-year penance! You say such kindness, Is it worth your worship!"

"Ah!" The faces of Huang Hongjin and the others changed drastically. Seeing Liu Li's resolute face, they also took a step forward and knelt on one knee on the ground as a soldier.Huang Hongjin dared not show any disrespect to Chu Hao now. Chu Hao had already proved his strength just now, and a few days ago, he even took out the elixir that convinced his elder brother!

A year of penance, how will this pay off!

Their qualifications are not high, but they are not too bad. After all, they are young people. Being able to enter the Longxiang Army is already the envy of the three armies. However, they are training in the army and must be vigilant on the battlefield at any time. In the crisis of life and death, it is said that improving your cultivation is the fastest, but in this kind of life, who can guarantee that you will be able to survive every time?Can you survive life and death and get a breakthrough every time?

So this year of penance does not only mean an ordinary year, but also means that they will have a few more chances to survive!

As soldiers, although they were sent to the school, the boldness and honesty in their hearts did not change at all. The eight people behind Liu Li all bowed their heads and knelt down, shouting: "Thank you, Your Highness, for your kindness, There is no return for a villain!"

Seeing them like this, Chu Hao didn't seem to have tasted the beauty brought by the solid pill. He frowned slightly and said, "Haven't you all eaten the solid pill?"

Liu Li looked embarrassed, half-kneeling on the ground and said: "Your Highness, brothers are reluctant to eat, and always want to give it to my useless big brother. The villain is just a useless person who has been fired from the military. Brothers are different, They still have a bright future, so the villain is determined not to accept the pills from the brothers, this is the only thing they can rely on to return to the army. Therefore, we did not take the solid pills that His Highness gave you a few days ago."

"So that's how it is." Hearing this, Chu Hao's eyes became slightly more gentle. The feelings of these nine people were really incomprehensible to outsiders, but they touched people's hearts so much.

"You don't have to worry." Chu Hao looked at Huang Hongjin and the others, and said calmly, "You can take those pills, because there are many such pills in Xiao Wang's hands."

Liu Li and the others were shocked all over, and then raised their heads one after another, trying to figure out the meaning of Chu Hao's words.

"You should know that if you go back to the school and are tracked down, you will die." Chu Hao paused before saying slowly, "However, if you want to follow Xiao Wang and the entire palace, No one knows that what happened yesterday was done by you, even if it is investigated, it will naturally be done by Xiao Wang alone, and you will never be involved!"

Chu Hao stood up, and without waiting for Liu Li and others to speak, he continued: "Perhaps, you think Xiao Wang is a rascal, and it is Xiao Wang who asked you to beat people, and it should be reasonable for Xiao Wang to save you again!" Chu Hao He said coldly: "However, if you want to think like this, then you will disappoint me too much! Have you ever thought about why you are an ordinary soldier? Because of what? Because you have no strength! Why are you being attacked by Xiao Wang? After being instructed, you have to settle the bill for Xiao Wang, because you don’t have Xiao Wang’s backing!” At the end of the speech, Chu Hao’s voice became louder, and he said sharply: “In a word, you are nothing! Dismissed from the military, that's why he was taken advantage of!"

When everyone heard the words, they were ashamed in their hearts, but after carefully chewing on Chu Hao's words, they touched their hearts deeply.

"However, from now on, everything will be different, because Xiao Wang can give you all the strength you need, the background you need!" Chu Hao smiled coldly, watching Liu Li and the others for a while My heart trembled, "It's the ultimate medicine that you can't even imagine in your dreams. Xiao Wang can provide it to you every day!"

But these few words echoed in their hearts like ringing a bell!

There is a top-grade pill every day, what kind of concept is this!

How many years less struggle is needed!

The gazes of Liu Li and Huang Hongjin were suddenly filled with enthusiasm!

Longxiang Army is a place that worships power and the strong.Chu Hao's display of strength has completely wiped away the arrogance in their hearts, and turned them into infinite awe and admiration. Hearing his last few words at this moment, they couldn't help but get excited, straightened up, and their eyes were burning. He looked at Chu Hao.One by one extremely excited.Liu Li was still calm, resisting the turmoil in his heart, raised his head to look at Chu Hao, and said, "I don't know what the little prince wants us to do?"

"You don't need to do anything, you just need to obey my orders, and from now on, you only need to obey my orders alone!" Chu Hao said coldly: "Xiao Wang only asks this sentence once, if you don't agree, I will let you know immediately." Someone will send you back to the campus!"

With Chu Hao's display of such strength, Liu Li and the others already knew that the son in front of them was not the rumored dandy, but the "little overlord" who was famous in the capital three years ago!

With this question, although he knew that Chu Hao was playing hard to get, none of them could resist the temptation!Liu Li and the others knew that as long as everyone had a slight objection, this hard-to-get game would immediately become a reality that made them leave.Now that they have come to the palace, it is conceivable that they have been dismissed from the army long ago, and this stern son in front of him will definitely send them all back to the school without hesitation, and then he can't help himself!

After seeing Chu Hao's methods, Liu Li knew that he was definitely a decisive person. On this point, Liu Li, like the other eight brothers, did not doubt this guess at all.Standing up, Liu Li took a step forward, with a serious expression on his face, knelt down on both knees, clasped his fists and said, "Liu Li is willing to do his best to be used by His Royal Highness, and pledge his allegiance to His Royal Highness for the rest of his life. Please grant your permission." After kowtowing his head, he couldn't get up again.The other eight people also stood up at the same time, and then all knelt down: "I am willing to be driven by His Highness, and swear allegiance to His Highness to the death. Please take me in." "Okay!" Chu Hao shouted, but there was no expression on his face. With a little bit of joy, he stood up from the chair and said, "From today onwards, you are no longer soldiers of the Longxiang Army, but my exclusive guards of Chu Hao. Your lives cannot be left to yourselves, but It is controlled by me, Chu Hao. Also, you must obey my orders, and you must obey them unconditionally! Do you have any objections to this point!"

"Just listen to the arrangement of the prince!" Liu Li and others said in unison.

Chu Hao nodded, then pointed out two fingers, and said calmly: "You have twenty days, and within twenty days, each of you must be promoted by at least three levels, otherwise, you will also leave! "

A look of surprise flashed across Liu Li's dark face, and he said, "Your Highness, does this include your subordinates?" You know, he is at the first level of the leather refining stage, and it is even more difficult to raise a level. I don't know how long it will take. What's more, it is still necessary to upgrade to at least three ranks within [-] days!

Isn't that going to reach the fourth level of leather refining!

"Don't you understand? I'm talking about everyone!" Chu Hao's voice was cold, then he glanced at everyone, waved his hand, and said, "I'm going to give you the first task now, to take the previous solid pill Get off, and then stand outside Lingyue Garden for a whole night, Xiao Wang gets up tomorrow, if you find someone lazy, don't blame Xiao Wang for being cruel!"

"Please rest assured, Your Highness!" After Liu Li and the others finished speaking, Qi Qi stood up, took out the solid pill from his bosom, fell silent for a while, swallowed it without any hesitation!

Immediately afterwards, Liu Li roared, and took the rest of Huang Hongjin and others to walk out of the courtyard in neat steps!

The night engulfed bit by bit, in the room, Chu Hao looked through the window at a few blurred figures standing far outside the garden, finally nodded with satisfaction, fell down on the bed, and fell asleep soundly.


Today, there are two more seven thousand words, rushing to the front page, and there will be explosions.

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