
Chapter 484

After another half a year, after nearly a year of entering the starry sky, Chen Honghong finally woke up again.

"Have you gained anything recently?" Chen Honghong's voice sounded normal now, and said, "Did you gain any insight from the cultivation during this period of time?"

"Are you awake?" Chu Hao woke up from his trance and smiled slightly.

"Well, the one-year training has healed the damage, but it may be difficult to use any great supernatural powers."

After advancing to the magic weapon, I haven't seen Chen Honghong use supernatural powers yet, but Chu Hao was not disappointed when he heard this. Xuan'er replied to Chen Honghong's words just now: "My mood has calmed down, but I don't have much peace of mind in the first place. , not to mention much insight.”

"Is there any problem breaking through the Nascent Soul Stage now?" Chen Honghong asked.

Chu Hao was surprised, and said, "Is it possible to conceive a baby here?"

It's not to blame for Chu Hao's doubts, after all, this place is different from the Nine Heavens World, and the birth of a baby is a test of the Heavenly Dao, which is the Heavenly Tribulation.Even if the infant formation is successful, the test of heaven still needs to be carried out. If the catastrophe is not successful, the cultivation base will stay at the Nascent Soul stage.Although Chu Hao is also more eager for the Nascent Soul Stage, he is still not at ease if he is going through a catastrophe in a dangerous place.

"Of course." Chen Honghong said calmly: "However, you can't pass the catastrophe here, and you can't go outside the starry sky. Your breakthrough to the Nascent Soul stage is just to increase your self-protection ability outside the starry sky. After you succeed, you still have to go through robbery."

"You mean, after leaving the starry sky and returning to the third heaven, we started to cross the tribulation?"


Chu Hao breathed a sigh of relief immediately, and said with a smile, "That's fine. If you cross the tribulation here, there will be too much noise. If some star beast is drawn out, then I have a hundred lives and it's not enough."

You kid still knows how much you weigh.Chen Honghong snorted coldly, and said: "Since the mind has calmed down, let's conceive a baby, increase the ability to protect yourself, so that you won't be unable to run away when you encounter stronger wild beasts."

I have no confidence in Lao Tzu.Chu Hao cursed secretly, but didn't say much.He has already prepared for the birth of the baby, even if the baby starts to retreat at this moment, he will not be afraid of failure.Chu Hao has a deep background now, and other monks would be nervous if they want to conceive a baby, but he looks very confident.

When he came to Master Donglin, Master Donglin opened his eyes before Chu Hao had time to pat him on the shoulder, "Fellow Daoist, what's the matter?" fleeting.

Chu Hao was startled. The old guy's state of mind seemed to have improved a lot this year. Although there was no change in his cultivation and spiritual power, not only spiritual power was needed to break through to a higher level, but also Dao Heart and the Dao of Heaven. perception.

And Master Dong Lin's shortfall was exactly this.

"Congratulations, Fellow Daoist." Chu Hao smiled slightly, just as a fiery meteor flew over his head, mixed with the sound of breaking wind, the two of them remained motionless under the meteor.

Master Donglin also had a smile on his face, and said: "It's still far away, but compared to when I was in the sea palace, I really want to understand something."

There is hatred in his heart to whip him all the time, and it is indeed much better to comprehend the way of heaven outside the starry sky than in the endless sea, and Master Donglin does not need to manage the sea palace, his heart is only for the Tao, and it is inevitable to gain something.

Chu Hao was a little surprised that he had gained something in just one year, and it could be seen that Master Donglin had indeed been stuck at this stage for too long.

"No matter what, there is hope at last." Chu Hao said with a smile: "The birth of a baby is just around the corner."

"Just follow the auspicious words of Fellow Daoist." Master Donglin laughed, but there was no false taste in the laughter. It seemed that a year had brought his self-confidence back.

The relationship between the two is now complicated and complicated. After all, Master Donglin is Chu Hao's prisoner, but it is also very simple. The two came from the third heaven. In this vast starry sky, there are dangers everywhere, and they must rely on each other for support.

Therefore, Chu Hao didn't intend to hide from Master Donglin, and said, "I'm going to retreat."

Master Donglin gave Chu Hao a strange look, and thought to himself, haven't we been in retreat for a while?But he still asked: "Why are you planning to go into seclusion?"

"Bringing a baby." Chu Hao said bluntly, "So, I also ask fellow Taoists to guard the customs and protect the law for me."

"What!" Master Donglin was taken aback, and couldn't help but blurted out: "You want to conceive a baby?" He thought that Chu Hao just wanted to enlighten the Tao or learn some exercises, but he didn't expect to conceive a baby!

What does it mean to have a baby? It means to cross from the Golden Core Stage to the Nascent Soul Stage, one of the most difficult hurdles for monks to cross the border!

This human being who has practiced for less than a hundred years has already reached the perfection of the Golden Core just like himself. Originally aimed at this point, Master Donglin, who is not counting the treasures on Chu Hao, thinks he is a genius from heaven.But now, Chu Hao actually said that he was going to conceive a baby!

Reaching the Nascent Soul stage in a hundred years? !

how can that be!

Master Donglin thought that he heard it wrong, even thought that Chu Hao was joking, but the expression he looked at Chu Hao didn't look like he was joking.The latter had a confident smile on his face, his eyes were sharp, and his breath was calm. It seemed that what he said was indeed true!

At this moment, Master Donglin had mixed emotions in his heart. He had reached the Nascent Soul stage after a hundred years of practice. I am afraid that even in the highest nine heavens, there are not many people like this!

"Is your understanding of the Dao of Heaven enough?" Facing such a person, even Master Donglin couldn't feel any jealousy or envy, only dejection.He took a deep breath to calm himself down, still worried and authentic.

"Well, what I practice is "Baopuzi Health Cultivation Technique"." Chu Hao said lightly.

Master Donglin was shocked again. He had also heard of this exercise before. The exercise is divided into two chapters. It is exactly the recorded technique of the golden elixir. With Chu Hao's talent, it seems logical that after the golden elixir is completed, he will understand the way of heaven. up.

However, it is impossible for this technique to exist in the low-level Nine Heavens World, and it was actually acquired by the person in front of him.

No wonder there is such an achievement!

Thinking of this, Master Donglin felt relieved, shook his head, and said, "I'm really old, I've just spied a few parts of the Nascent Soul Heavenly Dao, and I didn't expect Fellow Daoists to start conceiving babies." Pause , then said: "This time, friend Daoist, I will definitely protect the Dharma with all my strength. I just don't know how sure you are?"

"Then I would like to thank fellow Taoist Dong Lin." Chu Hao smiled slightly, and then said after a moment of contemplation: "The probability is more than [-]%."

"Ninety percent, it's enough for a fight." A cultivator is [-]% sure that he will go all out, let alone [-]%.Master Donglin breathed a sigh of relief, and said slowly: "Fellow Daoist, feel free to conceive a baby."

Chu Hao nodded, and then stopped talking, just walked to the other side and began to cross his knees with his eyes closed.

Venerable Donglin watched Chu Hao release the Heavenly Gate and breathe out the heaven and earth, his eyes were extremely complicated.He spread his consciousness and surrounded the death star.If a shooting star happened to fall, he was sure enough to move it away. ——Of course, the premise is that the shooting star should not be too big.

But in a year, there was no meteor collision with the death star. If there is no accident, external factors should not change anything, it depends on Chu Hao's own good luck.

"With such a baby, the old man will become a junior." Since ancient times, the cultivation world regards strength as the elder, Master Donglin couldn't help laughing at himself.Since he agreed to Chu Hao, he would not use any despicable means.The stronger Chu Hao is, the more chances they will survive outside the starry sky.

It's just that hundreds of years of practice are not as good as a hundred years, and he feels infinitely sad...


Those who conceive a baby either enter the golden elixir Dzogchen realm, or enter the false infant realm.

Like Master Donglin, although he claims to be the peak of Jindan Dzogchen, he has actually reached the realm of a fake baby, because his spiritual power has surpassed Jindan Dzogchen, only inferior to Nascent Soul, except that he has no Nascent Soul stage. In addition to supernatural powers, there are too many monks who are stronger than ordinary golden elixir Dzogchen monks.And because of this, Langya and several other golden elixir Dzogchen monks couldn't do anything to him.

That's enough to call a fake baby.

As for Chu Hao, naturally he has not yet reached the realm of a fake baby. It took him only a short time to break through to Dzogchen, and he is actually in the realm of Jindan Dzogchen.

In Chu Hao's dantian, there is now a cloud of sunlight shining, which seems to contain wind, rain and thunder.

I don't know how long it took, Xiaguang and Jindan were desperately repelling each other, but the two seemed to be fighting almost the same, and neither could do anything to the other.

This Xiaguang is exactly the spiritual power that Chu Hao separated out, and Jin Dan extremely rejected this spiritual power and refused to merge it.

This situation has been maintained until the appearance of a huge ball of light broke this balance.Inside the ball of light was shining, crystal clear, and it was still spinning from time to time.This ball of light is exactly the principle of heaven that Chu Hao has comprehended. If these three different energies gather together, they can form a Nascent Soul!

More and more auras emerged on the ball of light, and gradually condensed into one piece, and also produced a huge suction force, sucking the golden elixir and Xiaguang towards him between the two.

The whole process requires a very long time and great perseverance, if you are not careful, all previous efforts will be wasted.

Time passed, one day, two days, three days...

Master Donglin looked at Chu Hao who was enveloped by spiritual power, and sighed in his heart. It's been 20 days, and even though he's outside the starry sky, Chu Hao's body doesn't seem to have changed at all.

Master Dong Lin had never seen a human conceive a baby, and this was the first time he had seen a human conceived a baby at such a close distance.It's just that he was slightly disappointed in his heart. When forming a golden core, there were visions of heaven and earth, clouds and dragons singing, but this infant formation seemed a little too ordinary.

It's just that Master Donglin doesn't know that although this outer space of the starry sky belongs to the Great Thousand World like the Nine Heavens, it is still very different after all.

He kept staring at Chu Hao's body until after a month, he finally found something unusual!

On this day, Chu Hao was sweating on the top of his head, and there was still green smoke floating up. Master Donglin had been paying attention to Chu Hao, and he discovered this abnormal phenomenon in an instant.Immediately, in Master Donglin's nervous eyes, a powerful aura suddenly burst out from Chu Hao's body!Like a huge wave hitting, Master Dong Lin's body was turned around by surprise, and then he got up again!

And at such a stall, a golden figure suddenly appeared at Chu Hao's Tianling Gai!

It was a miniature baby about an inch tall, as if crawling out from the top of Chu Hao's head, and then crawled up the topknot to the top of Chu Hao's head surrounded by golden light and green air, and closed his eyes!

This baby is white and tender, with a blue light covering the body, and his appearance is the same as Chu Hao's, but his face is full of calm and indifferent, which is quite different from Chu Hao's usual laughing and rascal appearance.

Chu Hao's body under the baby had a ruddy complexion and a peaceful expression, as if he was in a deep sleep!

Venerable Donglin opened his mouth wide,—this, the baby has been born?

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