
Chapter 495 The Style of One Punch

With the infusion of spiritual power, the power of the thick-soil treasure cover umbrella was even stronger. Chu Hao immediately felt great pressure while supporting the cover umbrella, as if another boulder had been placed on the balance. The weight of the umbrella has increased a lot.

Originally, with Chu Hao's current strength, it was impossible to hold on to the third-grade magic weapon. In addition, he was shrouded in black light and had to rely on spiritual power to make breakthroughs. Therefore, there was no extra space for him to cast spells when the spiritual power was running. .

And Chu Hao didn't rely on his physical body to resist. He was the same as most monks. After entering the Foundation Establishment Stage, he had never cultivated his physical body, and his physical body was only average.It's just that although spiritual power spells cannot be used, the treasures and magic weapons on him can still be used.

Chu Hao first used the Hunyuan Possession, but found that it was impossible for the Hunyuan Possession to support under the pressure of the thick soil cover umbrella, so he replaced it with a Hunyuan Strike to cover his hands, and used the Hunyuan Cauldron to cover his hands. The magical powers resisted the attack of the thick earth treasure umbrella!

Although Chen Honghong said that under the protection of Hunyuan Ding, the Thick Earth Treasure Umbrella could not crush him to death, but this was Chu Hao's last hole card, and he would definitely not use it now.After all, it was only the shadow who did it alone, and there was a late Nascent Soul cultivator watching over there. If Chu Hao didn't save any means to protect himself, the two of them might take advantage of it.

The Hunyuan cauldron bestowed on Chu Hao with the two supernatural powers. It was indeed powerful enough. Just now, the Hunyuan possession had resisted several assassinations by the shadow killing blade. This time, the Hunyuan strike was reversed by him, and it even resisted the treasure. The enormous pressure to cover the umbrella.

It's just that Chu Hao is obviously struggling now. After the Baogai umbrella was injected with the spiritual power of the shadow, he gradually couldn't bear it.He has only just reached Nascent Soul, how can he compete in spiritual power with these old guys who have reached Nascent Soul for a long time.

What's more, he can't use his spiritual power yet!

"Fight it!" Chu Hao didn't want to be suppressed by the umbrella, he gritted his teeth again, and then let out a low muffled shout, and raised his bent hands straight up again!

Although Chu Hao was still not crushed to death this time, the shadow saw Chu Hao's state, immediately smiled coldly, and said, "I see how much longer you can hold on!" As he spoke, he raised his hands and pressed them!


According to what the shadow thinks, this third-grade magic weapon is already his strongest method. His strength can already walk sideways in the endless sea area, and he can even ascend to the upper realm.

Even the five great casual cultivators could only bow their heads and gasp in front of him!


Time passed by every minute and every second, I saw that the Hunyuanbao umbrella was injected with the spiritual power of the shadow, and it was no longer as simple and unadorned as before, but a misty light bloomed, covering the umbrella surface, breath Even more vast.

But even so, Chu Hao still did not die under the umbrella!

Chu Hao has been supporting for nearly half an hour, and most of his body has sunk into the bottom of the seabed, leaving only his head and his hands still high.His arms had burst blood vessels and looked bloody, but those eyes were still bright and resolute, revealing a deep sense of unyielding!

How could it be possible to persist for so long!

Not only was everyone present shocked, but even the shadow couldn't believe it in his heart. Chu Hao is just a newborn guy. It's not easy to resist this thick soil and treasure umbrella. The key is that he can resist such Long!

"The golden light in his hand is very famous!" Shadow had already discovered that although Chu Hao's arms were very fierce, he could only last so long with the golden light on his hands. Remembering that the golden light blocked his sneak attack several times before, His heart moved: Don't crush him to death for a while, no matter if it is a magic weapon or a supernatural power formula, it must be an incredible treasure!

If I get it, my strength will definitely increase greatly, maybe I won't have to be an ascetic monk in this endless sea where spiritual power is not enough, and it is not impossible to go to the next level and enter Tao Ranju's high-level family!

"Boy, there are so many good things!" Although Chu Hao lasted for half an hour, Shadow didn't believe that he could last for half an hour, and laughed loudly: "You are almost dying now, it's only a matter of time before I kill you , if you can surrender and take out what the young suzerain needs, I can let you live!"

Guibu snorted, he naturally knew what the shadow was thinking, the shadow had already planned to kill Chu Hao even disregarding the young master's order, but now he changed his tune.Hmph, he must have fallen in love with Chu Hao's supernatural powers, and became greedy in his heart!

Although he and Shadow are both members of Tao Ranju, the interior of Tao Ranju is not monolithic. Others don't know the identity of Langya, but he knows it well, because he is a member of the Langya family in Taoranju.

Although it is only a low-level figure.

"This shadow, who hasn't even entered the threshold of the family, dares to make such crooked ideas, he really wants to die!" Guibu snorted coldly in his heart, but he didn't stop him.Now their purpose is just to obtain Master Donglin's broken pages, and when the shadow forced Chu Hao back, he saw the shadow's hole card, the thick earth treasure and the umbrella, and the rest of the matter was much easier...

How can a guy like you get his hands on that supernatural power!

But even when these thoughts came to Guibu's mind, Chu Hao laughed and spoke.You know, within half an hour of Chu Hao's persistence, the shadow also taunted him several times but he didn't get an answer, but this time, Chu Hao actually responded!

Chu Hao laughed loudly and said: "Son, although you are neither human nor ghost, you really committed evil, but for the sake of my flesh and blood, I gave up for half an hour. Do you think you can trap your father with this half-baked magic weapon?" , It’s so ridiculous! When I come out, I will definitely spank your ass hard!”

Shadow could hear that Chu Hao's voice was trembling and weak, and ignored his insulting words, just sneered, and pressed down again!


Originally, I thought that Chu Hao still had some spare energy to support the outrageous words, but I didn't expect that this time the thick earth treasure umbrella didn't seem to encounter any obstacles, and it hit the bottom of the sea floor without any pressure!

The rumbling sound vibrated in the entire space, and the thick soil treasure umbrella was completely pressed on the bottom of the sea this time, stirring up layers of ripples, and the powerful aftermath spread crazily outwards, many low-level disciples even Before he could react in time, he was blown away by the waves and suffered a lot of internal injuries!

This blow was so easy, even the shadow felt a little unbelievable, but he didn't feel joy in his heart, but stared at the thick earth treasure umbrella!I saw that there was an extra figure above the thick earth treasure umbrella!

Although the Thick Earth Treasure Umbrella is extremely huge, spanning tens of feet, compared with it, human beings are really too small, as small as mosquitoes and ants.But that figure floated above, but no one would feel that he was small, because the aura exuded by his identity was impossible to ignore!

The shadow was inexplicably surprised, panic appeared in his eyes for the first time, and he pointed at Chu Hao in disbelief: "How did you break free from the restraint of the black light umbrella!"

Although the shadow of this third-grade magic weapon has not been successfully refined, the black light restriction is still unmatched. Even if it is a Nascent Soul stage monk who is comparable to himself, it may not be so easy to break free.Only by concentrating all the spiritual power to force a breakthrough can it be possible to break through in a very short time.

Chu Hao had just conceived a baby not long ago, and just now he used his spiritual power to stimulate his supernatural powers to resist the pressure of the umbrella. How could he have extra spiritual power to break through?And it only came out in half an hour!

Shadow couldn't help but feel a cool air hit his vest. Could it be that the spirit power in this kid's sea of ​​qi was more than his own? Could it be that he still hid his strength? !

Even the ghost step was extremely shocking, this thick earth treasure umbrella is definitely not an ordinary third-grade magic weapon, if it were him, it would probably take half an hour to break through while resisting the pressure.Could it be that Chu Hao really reached the spiritual power of the late Nascent Soul? How is this possible!

Both of them had several thoughts in their minds, and they had already entered into a misunderstanding.They didn't know that Chu Hao's Hunyuan Strike and Hunyuan Possession were the innate supernatural powers of the Hunyuan Cauldron, and they didn't need spiritual power to motivate them. Even if they tried their best, they couldn't get the answer.

Chu Hao got out of trouble, and did something that shocked everyone present. He snorted: "This thing made me miserable, I want to charge some interest!" The fist is blasted downward!

Hit the thick soil treasure umbrella!

The strength of the sky!

Seeing this scene, Ghost Step and Shadow restrained their minds, and couldn't help laughing: This is a third-grade magic weapon. Although your fist strength can spin out nearly a hundred spiral energy, it is only harmful to some little guys at the Jindan stage. As a result, it is really whimsical to break through the magic weapon!

The momentum of Chu Hao's punch was astonishing. In addition, he was covered in golden light and had a demeanor-like demeanor, which created a vacuum in the sea water!

Shadow was extremely determined, and sneered in his heart, watching Chu Hao make a fool of himself.

With a bang, Chu Hao's fist hit the thick-earth canopy, splashing a layer of golden brilliance, covering the entire canopy in an instant.And this dazzling brilliance is so strong that everyone present couldn't open their eyes, even shadows and ghost steps are no exception!

For some reason, a trace of uneasiness suddenly rose in Shadow's heart, and then he quickly released a burst of consciousness, and then his face changed from flat to shocked, and then from shocked to angry!

It turned out that after Chu Hao punched down, there was only a big empty pit on the ground, and the huge thick earth treasure cover strangely disappeared without a trace!

Shadow hadn't completely refined the Thick Earth Treasure Cover Umbrella, and the moment the Thick Earth Treasure Cover Umbrella disappeared, the feeling of the magic weapon in his heart was like a silk thread, and it was suddenly broken!

The brilliance gradually dissipated, and everyone opened their eyes, full of horror, looking at the extremely wide deep pit!

That huge hole was pressed out by the thick earth treasure cover umbrella at the last time, but now the huge hole is still there, but the magic weapon is gone!

Thick Earth Treasure Umbrella, disappeared!

Under Chu Hao's punch, he disappeared!

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