
Chapter 50 Auction

Sun Lei participated in Tao Ranju's auction this time with only two guards.The guard at the gate of Tao Ranju was from the capital, and seeing General Sun Lei naturally did not dare to stop him, the guard took out his token and waved it, then respectfully welcomed him in.

"General Sun!" Wang Lingbo laughed loudly, and walked in with four soldiers from behind. Looking at Sun Lei, he laughed, "Long time no see, the general's style is still the same."

Wang Lingbo is an old man in his fifties. He and Sun Lei are both members of the Weiyuan Prince's family. Seeing Wang Lingbo at this moment, Sun Lei's eyes lit up, and then he walked into the lobby, walked through the corridor, and walked towards the auction hall.

"Brother Wang, why are you free to participate in the auction today?" Sun Lei sat on the east chair at the back, ignoring the warriors and officials around him, beckoned Wang Lingbo to sit down, and asked.

"Hey, I heard that today's auction has a top-quality magic weapon. I haven't seen it in my life, so I'm here to join in the fun." Wang Lingbo laughed and spoke ambiguously, then turned his head and asked Sun Lei, saying: General Sun, there is no war now, and you are free to visit the auction house?"

Sun Lei shook his head, sighed, and said, "Brother Wang, you don't know something. My son's mother's martial arts skills are too sloppy. If I don't ask him for some pills to strengthen his Cultivation, one year to go to the army to experience, with his body, how can he stand in the army."

"I see." Wang Lingbo nodded, and said, "Don't worry, General Sun, I've met that kid Haoran a few times, and he's pretty good, not quite like you."

Sun Lei stared, dissatisfied: "What do you mean by that?"

Wang Lingbo shook his head, and said: "Look, with your temper, I haven't finished talking. What I mean is, that child Haoran is talented and intelligent, and he will definitely be a wise and brave general in the future. He can help you father and son get rid of it." Lose the indecent title of 'General Butcher' that the Sun family has always had."

Sun Lei laughed, embraced Wang Lingbo affectionately and said, "Brother Wang, this sounds good. I have been in the army for so many years, and there are always a group of idiots in the court who call me a 'butcher' and say that I have never read a book. Damn, they don’t even think about it, it’s useless to read those things, don’t they also only talk on paper, and their legs may shake faster than I can swing a knife on the battlefield!”

"You, you are just a joker. This is a public place. If other officials hear it, I will refer to you again." Wang Lingbo shook his head, thinking that the butcher's name is indeed true. After so many years, From Sun Gu to Sun Lei, nothing has changed.

"General Sun, don't there be pills in the army, why bother to come to Taoranjuli to bid?" Wang Lingbo whispered: "The prince was in charge of the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Officials, but now the foundation of the Ministry of Officials in the court has been destroyed. Seven seven eight eight, extremely unstable, if you set up some enemies for the prince at this time, our life will be difficult."

"I know this, so I'll just buy a elixir, who dares to call me?" Sun Lei was a little surprised when he heard the words, and said carelessly: "I didn't buy it to give to the prince. Cut off their official hats as well." After a pause, Sun Lei said: "Besides, I am a general. Although there are pills in the army, they are also given by the emperor. The grade and quality vary. How can I get them? My son takes it."

"You..." Wang Lingbo knew his old friend's temper well, and sighed, he couldn't think of going with him, so he had to give up.Many of the officials and other rich businessmen who entered the venue wanted to sit here, but when they saw that it was Sun Lei and Wang Lingbo, they both stopped involuntarily. Sitting next to him, he was stared at by Sun Lei, and immediately moved two or three positions quickly.

"Tsk tsk, there are three masters in the Qi training period, all of whom are warriors on the first and second floors." The auction will start in five minutes. At this moment, Sun Lei swept across the entire large auction hall, and it was almost full of people.There was a sound of tsk-tsk, and he was surprised and sighed: "It's a pity that these warriors don't become soldiers to defend their homes and the country."

Wang Lingbo laughed when he heard the words: "Those people are all pursuing the ultimate in martial arts and seeking 'truth'. If you want them to fight like you, only you can figure it out."

Sun Lei didn't care, and said: "A man should kill, kill without mercy, and pursue a fart way!"

Wang Lingbo shook his head and sighed: "Fortunately Haoran doesn't look like you."

"Hey. Don't tell me, that stinky boy, I will let him go to the army to fight and fight in the next year. He will suffer a little bit. Maybe he will be more violent than me. I know what I am, so I don't have to worry about it. " Sun Lei said, looking at the stage, the curtain is closed at this moment, and no auctioneer has come out to preside over it.He propped himself up, made his sitting position a little more comfortable, then shook his head, and said: "After the Lantern Festival, I'm afraid I won't be able to come back to Yuntian for the Chinese New Year. The Maya group of people, there is news that they plan to take advantage of the entrance. After the winter, a big sum will come."

"This old man has heard about it." Wang Lingbo nodded, and said slowly: "I am not easy to do as a minister. Now many people want to pull this old man off the horse. They only hope that you, Brother Sun, will win the battle and come back to help in the spring." Brother."

"My father and the prince are both in the capital. As long as Brother Wang doesn't make any big mistakes, there will be no problem." Sun Lei snorted, with a cold light in his eyes, and said, "The prince has been too quiet recently. Brother, because of Mei Xiang's matter, the prince and I have had some unpleasant quarrels, if there is a chance, please persuade the prince, as long as the prince gives an order, we still have a chance!"

"Shut up!" Wang Lingbo's face changed, he looked around, and then smiled bitterly: "What should I say about you, Brother Sun, this is not in your barracks, you can say anything, the walls have ears, if it reaches you In the ears of caring people, it doesn't matter if the two of us lose our heads, but we can't harm the prince during this sensitive period!"

"Don't worry, am I such an idiot?" Sun Lei said dissatisfied: "I have long been a martial artist in the Qi training period, and this place has been restricted by me. , this group of officials, what can they hear?"

"Tao Ranju is a huge monster. You haven't been here before, brother, but you've heard rumors. It's better to be careful. Well, I think the auction is over, and we meet at the old place. You have a high cultivation level, so don't leave your tail." Wang Lingbo He stroked his beard and sighed, "Let's not talk about this topic for now."

Sun Lei didn't seem to take it seriously, but seeing Wang Lingbo's solemn face, he nodded and kept silent.

After a while, seeing that the auction was about to start, Wang Lingbo remembered something, and said, "By the way, how is that girl Mei Xiang in the army now? Three years have passed before I knew it."

"Hey, it's hard to say. That girl is still thinking about the prince, so I just said, she can marry if she wants to! But the prince still doesn't agree! If this matter didn't make me angry, I wouldn't have to be so unfamiliar with the prince. "Sun Lei shook his head, and he was very upset when he mentioned this matter.

"You're just a reckless man about the younger generation, what's the point of getting involved." Wang Lingbo scolded, "Didn't you disapprove of this marriage when my son's personality changed drastically back then? Why have you changed your mind now?"

"Hey, it's mainly my girl. She stayed in the army for a day when the prince didn't agree to marry her. You said that she is a daughter, and she hangs out with a bunch of soldiers and ruffians all day long. What is she like?" Sun Lei couldn't help whispering. After cursing, he said: "Damn it, the prince is too disrespectful to me."

"Forget it, the son is a hidden dragon, General Sun, you can rest assured, the son will never disappear like this..." Wang Lingbo didn't know why, thinking of what happened the night before yesterday, his heart moved, and he left a half sentence.

Sun Lei wanted to say something else, but at this moment, the auction started.

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