
Chapter 52 Liu Li

Chapter 52 Liu Li

Elder Liu still had a cold look. When he saw Chu Hao coming out, he said in a low voice, "My lord, I brought you the person you wanted."

"It's hard work, Liu is getting old." Chu Hao smiled slightly.

"The decision of His Royal Highness, the old slave will naturally abide by it." Liu Lao bowed his body and said, and then said: "Little prince, if you have time later, you should go and talk to the prince. It is not convenient for the old slave."

Chu Hao naturally knew what he meant, and said kindly, "I understand, I will go to my father and explain it to the king someday."

Old Liu sighed, then turned around and glanced at the nine people, shook his head, and said, "The old slave has stepped back."

"Little Four, send Old Liu out."

After Liu Lao left, Chen Honghong's voice sounded in Chu Hao's mind: "Weird, extremely weird."

"What's weird?" When Chu Hao saw Elder Liu, he asked Chen Honghong to observe the latter. Hearing this, he immediately asked.

"The technique that Liu Lao cultivated is a bit evil." Chen Honghong said lightly: "But I'm not sure, wait for you to restore part of the Hunyuanding, and I'll restore some strength and see."

Chu Hao nodded, but didn't answer, and only looked at the nine soldiers after sending Xiao Sizhi to other courtyards.

The faces of these nine people were somewhat dissatisfied, and their faces were very ugly. It seemed that they were resentful about what happened to them.

Chu Hao shook his head. If these nine people knew that life and death were in their own hands during the day, they would not show their faces like this.

There was a condensed aura all over this group of people, just standing there quietly, there was still a chilly killing aura blowing towards them.Everyone was expressionless, and their pupils seemed unable to move.Chu Hao hadn't noticed it a few days ago, but now he felt the difference between these people, and was slightly amazed in his heart.

"We met again." Xiaosi sent Mr. Liu back to the yard, Chu Hao moved another chair over, sat in the middle of the yard, and waved to them with a smile on his face.

"His Royal Highness." The nine men said in unison, but there was no more words.

Chu Hao didn't mind, he crossed his legs and said, "Do you know why you came to the palace?"

"I don't know!" The voice was louder this time.

Chu Hao frowned, then pointed at the big man with the highest cultivation level, and said, "Come out." The big man seemed to be doing it on purpose, and walked forward a few steps, causing the ground to vibrate slightly, and the soil also splashed a little.

Seeing this scene, Chu Hao frowned even more, and said, "Are you acting like this to prove that you have backbone!"

"The villain dare not!" The big man said neither humble nor overbearing: "The prince has an order, if we want us to follow His Highness, we have to!"

"Oh?" Chu Hao tapped the armrest of the chair with his fingers, making a rhythmic crackling sound: "You mean, you were forced to come here, and it wasn't your intention?"

"The villain dare not!" The big man straightened his chest, his eyes were expressionless, his face was expressionless, like a statue.

"Okay, let's not talk about this for now." Chu Hao only felt the stubbornness of these so-called soldiers at this time, and he felt a little headache.He waved his hands, then stood up from the chair, looked at the dark sky, and glanced at the faces of the nine people one by one: "You are all soldiers of the Longxiang Army! But you know why you joined the army Was sent down to the capital? Why are you being picked back when you are about to make contributions? Why do you practice every day in the school, but don't get the chance to go to the battlefield?"

Chu Hao's face was stern, he pointed at the big man in front of him, and said, "You speak first!"

The big man looked solemn and said: "Because the grassroots refused to accept the arbitrariness of the superiors, they contradicted the chief's lawsuit in a meeting, were deprived of their military posts, and were sent to the capital's academy!"

Chu Hao nodded and said, "What was your previous position?"

"Former deputy infantry lieutenant of Longxiang Army, full-time centurion!" The big man shouted every single word!

Chu Hao nodded, then pointed to another big man, and said, "Go ahead!"

"Because the villain beat an officer in the army and violated his military registration, he was sent to the capital's academy!" The big man named by Chu Hao shouted!

Chu Hao frowned slightly. He didn't like this kind of troublemaker, and said, "Why did you do it?"

"Because the chief sued Brother Liu Li and deprived him of his military post!" The big man said confidently, "So I don't accept it!"

Hearing this, Chu Hao was slightly moved, then looked at the big man before, and said, "Your name is Liu Li?"


Chu Hao understood, "Did he do it for you?"

"Yes, I'm sorry for these brothers!" Liu Li stood up straight, with a stern aura exuding from his body, and said, "I, Liu Li, have no father or mother. I can't feel sorry for the group of brothers who left after me, so I continued to stay in the school, waiting for the day when I will go to the battlefield again!"

Chu Hao's heart moved, he looked at the other soldiers, and said, "Are you all sent to the school for the same reason?"

"Yes!" The group of men said in unison.

Only then did Chu Hao take a closer look at this dark-faced, ordinary-looking man who looked like he was only in his 30s.But it is such an ordinary soldier and centurion, but he has an awe-inspiring and holy spirit all over his body.

Because these latter people left the Longxiang Army that countless soldiers in the empire yearned for because of him.

"Why are you contradicting your chief lawsuit?" Chu Hao looked at Liu Li. Although there was a change in his heart, his face still maintained the indifference just now.

"The chief judge didn't care about the life and death of the soldiers, and used the worst method to send the brothers to die!" Liu Liweng said in a low voice: "I can't watch the brothers die, that's why I had a quarrel with him, but it ended up being sent to death." He disobeyed orders and was dismissed from the military."

Chu Hao nodded, probably knowing the reason.

"Tell me separately, what are your military positions?" What Chu Hao asked just now was to let them know that he was abandoned by the army and a soldier who was not needed by the army. Suppress and recover them.

But the unexpected result made him face up to this group of men again.

"The villain is the commander of ten husbands!"

"The villain is an ordinary soldier..."

"The villain is an ordinary soldier..."

"The villain was originally the corps leader..."

The eight people spoke separately, and when they mentioned their previous military positions, they all blushed and spoke loudly.

After the last big man finished his report, Chu Hao looked at Liu Li and snorted coldly: "Since they are your brothers who have been through life and death, how can you let him follow me to beat people? Willing to be my dude's thugs!"

"Because of your elixir, Your Highness!" Liu Li was not afraid of Chu Hao's gaze, and said loudly, "Because of the nine elixir that His Highness gave you, which can improve your strength and cultivation!"

Chu Hao sneered and said, "So, you are also a profit-seeking soldier!"

"No, I'm just for my brothers!" Liu Li said: "My brothers can't just leave the battlefield like this! They are still at a good age, they should go to make meritorious deeds, gallop the battlefield, and kill the enemy! They can still Re-entering the Longxiang Army instead of staying in the school and following my useless big brother!"

"Big brother!"

"Brother Liu Li!"

The remaining eight people immediately shouted, their faces became extremely ugly, one of them stood up without Chu Hao's consent, and said to Liu Li: "Brother, brothers don't like to hear what you say, We were willing to leave the army with you at the beginning because you are a person who is worthy of entrustment by brothers, worthy of 'inserting' knives for you, and respected by brothers!"

Liu Li didn't look back, but said coldly, "Huang Hongjin, shut up!"

The man named Huang Hongjin refused to accept it and said: "Brother, I'm talking about words. In the army, if you didn't take care of me, our brothers couldn't enter the Longxiang Army at all, and we would have died in the vanguard of the scuffle. , how can we still stand here and talk. We are all daring towards big brother, and we will never forget the kindness of big brother!"

Another man was also affected by the atmosphere, stood up, and said: "Yes, even if we spend our whole life in the school and cannot go to the battlefield, we will have no complaints or regrets!"

"Men should defend their home and country, kill people on the battlefield, what are you talking about!" Liu Li finally turned his head and yelled, but there was a faint gleam of luster in the corners of his eyes.Liu Li turned his head without leaving a trace, then looked at Chu Hao, bowed his head and said: "Your Highness, the prince wants us to follow His Highness and obey His Highness's orders. We dare not disobey, but I hope His Highness will not embarrass my brothers. Forgive their recklessness!"

Chu Hao didn't speak. He looked at the nine people in front of him, and his heart was filled with admiration.This former centurion named Liu Li, and his group of brothers, may really be some very good talents!

"You mean to say that you took my solid pill just to improve the strength of your brothers so that they can return to the battlefield?" Chu Hao sat down on the chair again, fingers on the armrest again Playing, at this moment his face is very dignified.

"Yes!" Liu Li said frankly: "Only the stronger the strength of the brothers, can they be re-incorporated by the general. All the soldiers in our school are striving for this goal!"

Liu Li was a centurion before he was dismissed. Chu Hao saw that his cultivation was at the first level of refining skin, so it was indeed very possible.The remaining eight people are all five or six levels of bone refinement, and the highest one has reached the ninth level of bone refinement. They are all big men in their 20s.

This group of people has a lot of love and righteousness for Liu Li, and I just don't have such people in my hands, and I'm going to Duorui City after the lantern festival. If I can make good use of it, when I'm dealing with that mysterious power, I will definitely be the same. Great help.

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