
Chapter 525 Dongfan Banner Lord

Notifying Kong Yueluo was nothing else, it was the convening order among the elders of the Yue level!

It was summoned by the Zongmen Banner Master of Dongfan Banner Mansion!

Outside of Dongfan Banner Mansion, all star-rated elders are called Banner Chiefs, and they are also the group of elders who travel the most in Dongfan Banner Mansion.And when he reaches the elder level of the moon, he is no longer the head of the banner, and he can be regarded as one of the best figures in the sect.

In the Dongfan Banner Mansion, the ranks and statuses are clearly distinguished, and the elders are powerful, but there is only one person who can check and balance the decisions of the elders of the Japanese ranks.That is the host of Dongfan Banner Mansion, the banner owner!

The position of Banner Master is equivalent to the suzerain of other sects, but unlike some sects, the Banner Master of Dongfan Banner Mansion is not made by low-level monks, but is also the same as the Japanese-level elders. Monks do it!

Even the cultivation base of this banner owner is not inferior to the elders of the Japanese level at all, and his power is even greater!

The banner owner is the spokesperson of Dongfan Banner Mansion in the entire endless sea area. Although there are as many as five Yuanying Stages in Dongfan Banner Mansion, many people do not know who the other four are except for the banner owner!

They are all old guys who have been retreating all the year round, old monsters. ,

Originally, Kong Yueluo thought that this communication was just some phone calls between the elders of the moon level, and no matter how important it was, it was nothing more than some people's cultivation and breakthrough of supernatural powers.But to his surprise, what came out of the communication jade slip was actually a summoning order.

Moreover, it was the summoning order issued by the Banner Master to all the moon-level elders.

As long as you can go to the Central Hall of Mother Island, go immediately!

Although the banner owner didn't explain the reason in the jade slips, Kong Yueluo also sensed something unusual. He didn't dare to neglect, and immediately went back to the lecture hall to explain a few words, then left in a hurry.

Seeing Kong Yueluo leave in the lecture hall, Lu Ruhua also got up and walked towards the door. Although Kong Yueluo did not finish the lecture, the disciples did not dare to raise any objections.

Seeing Lu Ruhua leave, Shi Chenfeng led Lin Zixuan and Liu Yang behind him like a follower.

After Kong Yue fell out of the lecture hall, she immediately flew up with the Light Body Art, and then Jindan Yufeng flew towards the central hall on the highest mountain.This central hall has been located on Mother Island for thousands of years. The two sides are like silver waterfalls hanging from the nine heavens. It is majestic and majestic.

After entering the main hall, Kong Yueluo didn't need to be notified by the disciples at the door.

After this entry, Kong Yueluo was taken aback again, only to see that in the entire hall, except for those moon-level elders who had retreated or left Dongfan Banner Mansion, almost everyone had arrived.

At this moment, with the addition of Kong Yueluo, there are more than 20 moon-level elders who are Golden Core Dzogchen standing in the hall.

There were still some whispered discussions in the hall. It seemed that the banner owner hadn't arrived yet, but the moon-level elders present had already begun to speculate about the reason for this convening.

"Elder Kong." As soon as Kong Yueluo came in, other elders immediately greeted him with a smile. Although Kong Yueluo was just an elder who had just been promoted to the moon level, he was old enough to have stayed in Dongfan Banner Mansion for more than 200 years. up.And with his personality, he rarely offends others, so naturally he knows quite a few elders.

"Elder Fang, Elder He, Elder Qin..." Kong Yueluo also smiled and greeted the familiar elders, "You are here too, hehe, I was still lecturing to inner disciples just now. "

An elder smiled and said, "Elder Kong really cares about the cultivation of the inner disciples, but the old man was still concocting alchemy just now. Fortunately, the batch of elixir has already matured, otherwise I don't know what to do with the sound transmission this time."

"That's right, I just broke through the bottleneck in my previous practice. Hey, the banner master sent a jade letter to send a message. Hey, I missed another opportunity to improve. This kind of insight is not much."

Regardless of whether the words of these elders were true or false, whether they were complaints or doubts, they all secretly inquired about the news from the people around them, to see if any elders who knew the inside story could explain it first.

But it seemed very regrettable that the more than twenty elders present all rushed over after receiving the summons, and none of them knew the reason.

"The Banner Master hasn't summoned everyone for several years, it must have been 20 years." The elders all sighed, "This time, except for the four who are not in the door, the monthly elders are basically here. "

Elder Fang said in a concentrated voice: "I guess there must be something big happening, otherwise the banner owner wouldn't be so solemn."

"Could it be that some treasure was unearthed? Or some ancient remains have been found?"

"I can't rule out these possibilities. Hehe, I think I've been stuck in the golden core stage for so long. If I don't break through, I will reach my longevity. If the Banner Lord really has a way this time, that's really good news."


After Kong Yueluo greeted a familiar elder, he stood quietly aside. Although he was also curious about the reason for the summoning of the banner owners this time, he did not participate in the discussion.

And at this time, all the elders who were talking or recuperating stopped, and looked at the door of the main hall in unison.

"Meet the banner owner!"

A group of moon-level elders shouted loudly and stood on both sides of the hall.

The scene became extremely quiet for a moment, and dripping needles could be heard.

I saw a person walking slowly from the direction of the main entrance of the main hall. This person was wearing a red fur skirt and a white shawl. It was random and unintentional, but the footsteps seemed to step on their hearts every step, making them tremble.

This is a beautiful woman. Although there are no maids or old women around her, her aura is like coming alone in a stormy sea. People can't help but ignore her appearance and are impressed by her temperament.

There is a natural arrogance between the woman's brows, but upon closer inspection, it feels gentle. The two contradictory temperaments are mixed in this woman, adding a bit of mysterious charm.

This is the banner owner of Dongfan Banner Mansion!

Female banner owner!

Although the banner owner of Dongfan Banner Mansion is a woman, the male elders present showed no disrespect or disrespect, and looked humble, waiting for the banner owner to slowly step up the high steps of the hall.

"Everyone, it's been a long wait."

Banner Master's voice came slowly, and it was extremely clear and pleasant to hear. All the elders lost their minds for a while when they heard this, and then raised their heads after a long while, and said in unison: "Congratulations, Banner Master, for improving your cultivation."

The banner owner has a womanly demeanor, she smiled lightly, and said: "You don't need to flatter me, this time I summoned everyone, I think many people are very strange, and even affected your cultivation. Here, I would like to say goodbye to everyone. An apology."

"The flag owner is serious."

"That's right, if the banner owner is there, the banner owner will summon us, and we will come even if there is something big."

Everyone obviously highly respects this banner owner. It is no coincidence that Dongfan Banner Mansion, the largest force in the mighty endless sea area, can get so many people's support even if a woman is the head of the household.

The banner owner smiled slightly and said: "Okay, you don't have to guess randomly, I will clear up your doubts." Then, her voice became serious, and she said slowly: "Just now I received the news that it was Gong The elder received a sound transmission for help from Lin Zihao, the elder of the guest house of the Lin family. Elder Gong and the Lin family have a very close relationship, but at the moment they are retreating to attack the fourth line of qi, and they cannot leave the customs for a while, so the owner of this banner summoned everyone to discuss together .”

The elders were puzzled for a while. Elder Gong and the others naturally knew that he was also one of the moon-level elders, but he didn't seem to have the ability to invite the banner master to summon everyone, right?

help?What help?

Seeing the puzzled look on everyone's faces, the flag hostess took a look at Kong Yueluo, "Everyone, Elder Keqing Lin Zihao sent a distress signal to Elder Gong, saying that the mermaids are calling, and they are waiting for us. The sea area of ​​Dongfan Banner Mansion is less than ten thousand miles away, and my sect's moon-level elders and a dozen star-level elders are fighting hard."

Are the sharks coming? !

Hit outside Dongfan Banner Mansion?

All the elders were shocked by this news, but after only a shock, some people came back to their senses.They are all old guys who have lived for hundreds of years. As soon as they thought about it, some elders stood up and shook their heads: "Impossible, Lord Banner, this Lin Zihao is not spreading false news, right? Our Dongfan Banner Although the mansion is not in harmony with the Yuren tribe, they are just checking each other. Besides, the Yuren tribe is in a state of disunity, how could they dare to enter my free sea area with great fanfare, our disciples are all over the sea area, it is impossible to wait until now for news to come."

The elder questioned it, and the other elders echoed it one after another, saying it was impossible for a while.

Kong Yueluo was very surprised at the look the banner owner gave him just now, but he was shocked by the news without thinking about it, but his intuition also told him that it was impossible.

At this time, the female banner owner continued to speak: "Not only the elders find this news absurd, but I also find it impossible."

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