
Chapter 541 Although there are thousands of people, I will go!


Before this weird scene brought everyone back to their senses, Chu Hao let out a cold snort, and then the black and white airflow wrapped around the five earth dragons began to shrink!

roar roar roar-

The body of the huge earth dragon struggled and roared under the lock of the black and white airflow, but even so, it was of no avail. Every black and white airflow was tightened at the center of their waists, and no matter how crazy the earth dragon was, it became more and more painful. Tight, tighter and tighter, and finally—a few crackling sounds!

Without exception, the five earth dragons were cut off at the waist by the black and white airflow, the dragon's head was separated from the dragon's body, and countless gravel and powder were splashed out.

"No, it's impossible!" The three-eyed elder couldn't believe it, his eyes were filled with horror, but the momentum of the black and white air currents did not weaken because of this. After cutting off the body of the earth dragon, these air currents began to converge in the air, like a yin and yang fish. Generally, a huge disc is formed, and then emits an extremely powerful suction!

Absorb the body of the broken earth dragon frantically towards the center of the disc!

"Second line!"

Chu Hao's mind moved. With his current cultivation of stellar qi, it is still difficult to melt all five earth dragons, but at this critical juncture, his yin and yang qi broke through under his overload!

The yin-yang qi was originally one of the most powerful gang qi close to the way of heaven. Now that Chu Hao broke through, he unleashed the yin-yang fish. While the disk was spinning, Chu Hao shouted, "Take them for me!"

The yin-yang fish formed by the yin-yang qi is like the melting of heaven and earth, and the broken and dilapidated earth dragon can't resist the suction it emits, and is gradually absorbed into the disc of the yin-yang fish in unwillingness!

And as they melted, the entire formation began to tremble. The mountain peak belonging to the Sixth Academy had originally turned into a dead mountain due to the aura of aura. At this moment, the earth dragon dissipated, and it seemed to collapse. Dust and smoke rose in all directions and fell towards the ground.

"Come back to me!" These earth dragons were all transformed by the three-eyed elder's stellar energy, but when he wanted to take back the stellar energy, he found that he couldn't use any of his strength, and those earth dragons had long since lost his mind. Control, no matter how hard you try, it won't help, watching the earth dragon being dissipated by the yin and yang energy.

"How is it possible, you know the energy of yin and yang, how can you know the energy of yin and yang!"

Chu Hao's method not only frightened everyone, even the face of the three-eyed elder showed fear. For the first time, timidity appeared in the eyes staring at Chu Hao!

"That's right, this is exactly the Qi of Yin and Yang!"

The whole process was not slow, but in an extremely stable environment, the earth dragon was absorbed and corroded by the yin and yang energy in full view.And over the entire Sixth Courtyard, only the black and white yin-yang fish roulette still hangs high, slowly circling, everyone can feel the two strange and contradictory auras of destruction and rebirth contained in the disk.

After all, the elder with three eyes had some insight. After a short period of absence and fear, he understood what the airflow disc was.Hearing his doubts that seemed unbelievable, Chu Hao smiled lightly and said, "You say you understand the way of heaven better, but I don't know what you are relying on. Could it be these little reptiles of the Six Paths?"

In Chu Hao's eyes, the powerful earth dragon array was likened to a little reptile!

Outside the arena, the moon-level elder who had personally seen the three-eyed elder use the earth dragon array to kill the Nascent Soul mermaid was trembling, and bit his tongue fiercely with his teeth. The severe pain made him clear his soul. , know that I am not dreaming!

However, the mighty earth dragon formation was destroyed so easily, even the three-eyed elder who was stationed in the center as the eye of the formation was destroyed without any damage!

This is breaking the formation from the inside, as if using brute force to open an extremely strong door without a key!


Chu Hao's voice was especially piercing to the ears of the three-eyed elder. He was filled with shame, resentment, and fear: "You haven't reached the Yin-Yang stage, how can you use Yin-Yang Qi? Isn't it under the Yin-Yang stage? You have no opponents!"

The Qi of Yin-Yang is the inherent supernatural power of monks in the Yin-Yang stage, but many great powers in the middle and late stages of Yin-Yang have not comprehended this supernatural power, but now, a monk who has just reached the Nascent Soul Stage can use it, and can even use Yin-Yang Fish, This made the three-eyed elder unacceptable and refused to accept it!

"Who said it must be performed in the yin and yang period?" Chu Hao said with a sarcasm on his face, "What is the way of heaven? It's a joke to dare to point fingers based on your superficial knowledge! There is life and death, if you let your earth energy generate a big formation, then I will let it die directly!"

Chu Hao's words were as domineering and arrogant as before!

But now no one dares to question it, even the elder with three eyes can't bring up the slightest fighting spirit!

As Chu Hao said, the yin and yang qi can almost be invincible among monks in the Nascent Soul stage, and the summoning simulates a yin and yang fish that coincides with the way of heaven. The understanding and realm of the way of heaven are far from his Comparable!

The three-eyed face was burning hot, thinking of what he said just now about knowing the way of heaven, it really looked like a joke at the moment, even if no one around dared to say anything, but he felt extremely ashamed in his heart.

"Okay, okay, junior, I underestimated you!" Gritting his teeth with three eyes, looking at Chu Hao's calm appearance, he looked extraordinarily embarrassed: "But you are only at the first level of Yuanying, although your Heavenly Dao Qi is yin and yang, but it should not be used without restriction, even if you want other means, you may not be able to do anything to me!"

"Why, are you afraid?" Chu Hao broke the earth dragon formation with one hand, and his yin and yang energy was also improved. It was the moment when his confidence was slowly becoming like a rainbow. Hearing Sanyan's words, he smiled faintly: "Who said I Why can't I help you?"

"Don't be crazy!" The three-eyed elder has been famous for hundreds of years, and he is also one of the best figures in the endless sea. Originally, he was afraid of seeing Chu Hao's yin and yang, and wanted to give up this battle for the time being, but Chu Hao's The cynicism made him angry, "I'm doing it for your own good. If I let go now, it's still too late. Don't think that my earth dragon array is my greatest supernatural power!"

"If you want to fight, you can fight. If you want to say that you don't want to fight, you don't fight." Chu Hao sneered, "What do you think I am? A partner? You can give up if you want to. Go kneel in front of my friend Dong Lin and beg him Forgive me, if he is willing to forgive you for instigating and instigating, then you can save your life!"

"Zhuzi bullied me too much!" Sanyan was furious, "Don't push me into a hurry!"

"Otherwise, what do you think? If it's a magic weapon or something, don't show it to anyone. You're even greedy for Donglin's 'Broken Star Falling'. It looks like you don't have anything good." Chu Hao didn't like it at all. To save face with three eyes, he said loudly: "I, Chu Hao, have been patient and climbing since the second heaven, but I have never given up my belief."

As he said that, Chu Hao sneered and said, "It doesn't matter if you think I bully others or think I'm too much, that's just how I am. If I have revenge and complain, I will repay you tenfold! I have been doing this for nearly a hundred years. Now that I understand, if I have scruples about everything, then why would I practice Taoism? It’s better to be an ordinary person! Ants know how to resist, if there is no faith and determination, even a tiger will be ridden on the head after all! "

"I regard Dong Lin as a friend, and his hatred is my hatred. Since I promised him, I will offend your entire Dongfan Banner Mansion today, and I will fulfill my promise!"

What Chu Hao said made all the disciples and elders of Dongfan Banner Mansion present stunned, but when they calmed down, they felt that it made sense. Staring at this seemingly arrogant young man, their eyes were a little strange.

If you have grudges, revenge and complaints, otherwise you will be worse than animals!

Some fledgling disciples of Dongfan Banner Mansion even changed their views on Chu Hao. Although Dongfan Banner Mansion is powerful, Chu Hao dared to single-handedly provoke him!

This is still a belief, a promise!

What is the purpose of a man living as a monk for thousands of years?longevity?eternal?Heaven?

No, neither!

Chu Hao told them with his actions and firm words that he was full of passion and determination. Even though there are many obstacles ahead, there are thousands of people, but I will go!

All we need is this boldness!

These words stirred up countless blood and excitement in the hearts of all the disciples!

Only next to Donglin, in the cut-off No. 160 cave, the woman in white clothes like frost flowers trembled when she heard the word "ant", and infinite emotions surged in her mind.

The three-eyed face was ferocious, and he said coldly: "Junior, since you insist on fighting with me to the death, then don't blame me for being ruthless. Although this move has been strictly advised not to be used lightly, for the sake of You, I will do whatever it takes!"

The three-eyed elder has no way out now, and Chu Hao has already driven him to a dead end!

Maybe there is a way to survive, but it is impossible for him to kneel down and beg for mercy from Dong Lin as the Supreme Elder of Dongfan Banner Mansion. It is even more difficult than killing him!

"What tricks do you have, I'll follow them!" Chu Hao said in a haughty voice.

Three eyes know that even if he sacrifices a magic weapon now, he can't be Chu Hao's opponent by fighting alone. In terms of supernatural powers, Chu Hao has a yin and yang aura, and even formed a yin and yang fish. He can melt any supernatural power , can be invincible!

And the cultivation bases are all in the early stage of Jindan. With the gap between the second level and the first level, it is completely useless for Chu Hao, a freak!

"Although you have yin and yang qi, you are just a baby after all. Your qi and blood are your weakness!" The voice with three eyes gradually calmed down, "And this seat has cultivated qi and blood for decades, Nearly a hundred body particles have been awakened, if I use another supernatural power, I can awaken nearly a thousand energy particles, and then I can become a 'Dao' myself, and your yin and yang qi can't do anything to me!"

Chu Hao's mind moved, and he suddenly thought of Qi Yongheng, "Could it be the 'calling flag technique'!"

"Unexpectedly, you also know the flag-calling technique!" The elder with three eyes did not deny it, but was slightly surprised, and sneered: "Since you know, then you can die and rest in peace!"

As he said that, the three-eyed elder's robe bulged, and the skin folds on his face seemed to be blown by an invisible wind. His handprints were formed quickly, and a terrifying energy was formed with every wave of him!

Behind him, a huge black banner, like a phantom, but also like a real thing, slowly formed!

That banner seemed to contain the power to destroy the world, and it was more than 01:30 points stronger than when Qi Yongheng used it!Even Chu Hao felt a sense of threat and pressure!

"Three-eyed elder, no!"

At this moment, a scolding sound came from a distance, and I saw Murong Qiushuang flying over with a few monks!

Including her, there are four people in total, all of them are in the Nascent Soul stage!

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