
Chapter 556

The area where Chu Hao used to be located was Huaxia on Earth.

In his childhood memory, there were indeed a lot of technological things, but he was an orphan back then, with no father and no mother, and there were countless street children like him in mortal cities.He didn't have the opportunity to touch those rich people's things, but he could see the exquisite decoration and gorgeous layout of some stores through the window.There are also large LED TV screens in the bustling downtown area, and vehicles shuttling on some streets.

Those vehicles are like scourges. If they are accidentally injured, they can only blame themselves for being unlucky.

In the past, Chu Hao had personally witnessed a little friend being knocked over by a speeding off-road vehicle. The orphan's life was so worthless, and in the end the perpetrator walked away without punishment.

In the days when there were ups and downs and worries and fears, Chu Hao finally met his master in his previous life, and it was also his master who brought him into the world of comprehension, and entered the casting gate, one of the top ten sects of the five heavens. , From now on, learn to refine weapons behind closed doors.

Looking back now, the fifth heaven is indeed different from the second and third heavens he has been to. There is no one practicing there, but there are taekwondo, ancient martial arts, karate and other martial arts that are ridiculous in the eyes of practitioners.

"I don't know why they would admit that that side of the world would be a spherical thing." Jumu Xianzun said: "Later, my soul thought discovered that there was a layer of blindfolded existence around the fifth heaven. There are endless stars connected outside, including the sun, the moon, as well as galaxies and nebulae."

Jumu Immortal Venerable sighed: "But those are not true. In the primordial realm, there are countless stars that exist only outside the starry sky. Those spherical stars only exist outside the starry sky. This world is just formed inside the primordial magic weapon. It’s just the Great Thousand World, both the mortal world and the fairy world, no one has the ability to create stars.”

"Blindfolded?" Chu Hao was taken aback.

"That's right." Jumu Xianzun said: "I don't know who set it up outside the Fifth Heaven. Every other world in the Nine Heavens does not have such a blindfold, only the Fifth Heaven has it. And in the Fifth Heaven Among them, monsters and beasts are very rare, and there are not many monster races. Most of them are human races. The entire fifth heaven, the aura environment is very bad, but it seems to be more suitable for the growth of mortals. They have no natural enemies, maybe There used to be, but most of it was just human beings fighting each other."

"The fifth heaven I knew before should be regarded as the area with the richest aura in the mortal world. 15 years ago, the fairy world discovered the mortal world, and at that time there were many immortals descending to the world, and most of them were They are mortals. The area where they landed is the current map of the Fifth Heaven."

Jumu Xianzun recalled: "At that time, there were very few immortals among human immortals, but there were still a lot of Taoism left by the immortals in the fifth heaven, and they recovered many wild beasts and monsters, helping human beings to establish civilization."

"Later, because of the intervention of the demon clan, the human immortals were forced to return to the fairyland, but the orthodoxy remained." Immortal Jumu said: "As far as I know, if the human immortals left behind a hundred or so orthodoxy In terms of places, there are at least ninety places in the area of ​​the Five Heavens! That is where the immortals once concentrated in the lower realms!"

"So much?" Chu Hao was taken aback, and couldn't help but said, "Could it be that Emperor Chi is the one who set up a blindfold in the fifth heaven?"

"Who else is there besides Emperor Chi and his Jiutian Mountain?" There was no lack of sarcasm in the voice of Jumu Xianzun, and he said coldly: "Because there are too many orthodoxy in the fifth heaven, many people will yearn for Immortal world, that's why Emperor Chi sealed many Taoisms, and even set up that natural blindfold. Tell the mortals of the fifth heaven that the immortal world does not exist, and there are no immortals, and even imprisoned mortals with that absurd cosmology Thought."

"Will Emperor Chi be afraid?" Chu Hao was taken aback, and said, "Those are all mortals, and there are cultivators in the fifth heaven, but they also know the existence of the fairy world."

"Why isn't Emperor Chi afraid? Back then, Donghuang Taiyi turned against Chi Huang because he knew that after the installation of the Immortal Barrier, it would forever cut off the ascension path of Nine Heaven cultivators..." Jumu Immortal Venerable sighed: "Chi Huang's actions are outrageous. , if you can complete my test and get Donghuanghai's approval, you will know something about Donghuangtai's life before."

Jumu Xianzun continued: "The universe is a world, so where do so many planets come from, but the fifth heaven is the center of the entire Nine Heavens world. I guess the reason why the spiritual energy there is getting thinner and thinner is largely caused by Emperor Chi. It is impossible to destroy the five heavens, and it is impossible to destroy all the orthodoxy, so we can only let it develop. But if we let it develop, there will be more and more monks, and the chance of obtaining the immortal orthodoxy will also increase. So he extracted the spiritual energy, and transmitted it from the central position of the fifth heaven to the upper and lower nine heaven worlds."

"Emperor Chi should have started this matter around ten thousand years ago. Although the spiritual energy of the fifth heaven has been drawn out a lot, it is still much stronger than the third heaven. But the longer the time passes, the more the fifth heaven will become Withering, the mortals there will gradually not know how to practice and ask questions." Immortal Jumu said: "I am afraid that with the ascent to the nine heavens, the number of cultivators in the fifth heaven will gradually decrease."

"The fifth heaven in the middle?" Chu Hao asked in surprise, "Is the fifth heaven the center of the Nine Heavens World?"

"That's right, besides the first layer of heaven at the bottom that supports the operation of the entire world, Emperor Chi presumably also regards the fifth layer of heaven as the center of the Nine Heavens World, which is like the pillars of a building and is indispensable. It is also the fifth layer of heaven Only by the existence of the Nine Heavens can the spiritual energy be transmitted to the upper and lower Nine Heavens World." Jumu Xianzun said: "Chi Huang has isolated the immortals, and there are more and more casual cultivators in the high-level Nine Heavens World, and more and more casual cultivators need to absorb immortals. Qi, this action of Emperor Chi can relieve the pressure temporarily. If he doesn't do this, I'm afraid many people will turn against Chi Huang because they have no hope of ascension."

"But even so, as far as I know, there is already an organization in the Nine Heavens World to fight against Emperor Chi."

Chu Hao was even more shocked when he heard this. Originally, he had no confidence in fighting against Emperor Chi, but after hearing so much from Immortal Jumu that mortals would never have the possibility of entering the fairy world, he still got angry.Because no matter what reason Chi Huang did, it was irresponsible to all the monks. Although Chu Hao was not a righteous, honest and kind person, but the matter was related to himself, he could not sit idly by.

As Jumu Xianzun said, this is indeed a disaster for the common people in the world.

Chu Hao said: "There is already an organization fighting against Emperor Chi, what kind of organization is it?"

Jumu Xianzun sighed: "I'm just a soul, with limited abilities. Although I have been wandering in the Nine Heavens World for many years, I dare not enter above the Seventh Heaven, for fear of being discovered by Emperor Chi's minions. But below the Seventh Heaven, I They all discovered an organization, they fought against the Nine Heavens Tower, and they fought against Emperor Chi in the dark."

"Thinking about it, they should have realized that there is no hope of ascension and no hope of entering the fairy world, so they started to resist." Jumu Xianzun said: "However, their strength is weak compared to Jiutian Mountain, although they have a very powerful force below the Seventh Heaven. , but if they are not in the dark, Emperor Chi may easily be able to deal with them."

"My little friend should have heard of the name of that organization, because it also exists in the world of the Three Heavens. It is called Tao Ranju."

"Tao Ranju, is it Tao Ranju?" Chu Hao was shocked. He never imagined that the one who could challenge Chi Huang was actually Tao Ranju from the auction house!One must know that Tao Ranju's Spike and himself have an irresolvable enmity!

And the purpose of this organization is actually the same as that of Jumu Xianzun's Donghuanghai!

Immortal Master Jumu didn't know what Chu Hao was thinking, and said, "I can teach you the simplified version of the Summoning Flag Technique, and when you can form more than four Nascent Souls, you can also learn the full version of the Summoning Flag Technique. "

After Immortal Jumu finished speaking, Chu Hao suddenly had a lot of words in his mind, which seemed to be deeply imprinted and could not be erased.Chu Hao knew those words, and they were about [-] words in length, which was a simplified version of the Calling the Flag technique.In addition to the simplified version, there is also a full version that is sealed in the depths of his mind. As Jumu Xianzun said, if he does not reach more than four Nascent Souls, he will not let himself get it.

"Why did you give me the summoning flag technique?" Chu Hao thought to himself that he hadn't agreed yet. Until now, he was still a little unbelievable and hesitant, and he didn't want to be short-handed.

"There's no reason, it's a little gift from you, a down-and-out fairy, after listening to me for so long." Immortal Jumu said, "Little friend, I know you haven't made a decision yet, but I'm not in a hurry. You can think back to what I told you, and if you agree or disagree, please give me an answer after three days."

Donghuang Bell, if you don't agree, then the thing will be gone.

Chu Hao closed his eyes and recited the Summoning Flag Technique silently in his mind. He felt the power of this fairy technique. Although it had a catalytic effect, the simplified version did not do much harm to him, a monk in the Nascent Soul stage.After all, immortals have at least awakened more than one hundred thousand particles, and he is simply the difference between cloud and mud.

Or, let's pretend to agree first, and let's talk after getting the Donghuang Bell?Chu Hao thought shamelessly in his heart.

"Although your aptitude is very good, what I value is your determination and your belief. I believe that once you agree to me, you will definitely do it. Although thousands of people will go to you, I think it was like this at the beginning. If I think about it, I will go to the bottom of the world."

"Seeing you, little friend, I know that I am not alone!"

The words of Jumu Immortal Venerable came again, making someone in Chu blush, and hurriedly said: "Senior Immortal Venerable, please wait, the boy will still be undecided for a while, and needs to think carefully."

"Well, there is no hurry. Little friend, are you interested in entering the Eastern Emperor Sea?"

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