
Chapter 566 The soul is scattered...

It was as if there was an extra map of the Eastern Emperor Sea in Chu Hao's mind, and he could easily feel it in every position of the Eastern Emperor Sea.This feeling is very strange, Chu Hao looked at the gradually dissipating sun imprint on the back of his hand, and couldn't help but say, "Could it be that this key has already integrated with me?"

Jumu Xianzun said: "At the beginning, Donghuang Taiyi refined the entire Donghuanghai, and set up a large area of ​​​​restrictions in the waters of the Donghuanghai. You must know that the Donghuanghai is the stronghold of the monster clan. My lord, all the monster cultivators of the Eastern Emperor Sea came out in full force, and the Eastern Emperor Sea would not have ended up like this."

"Is the East Emperor Sea refined?" Chu Hao asked in surprise, "Could it be that the East Emperor Sea is also a magic weapon?"

"You can understand it this way, but in fact, under the leadership of Donghuang Taiyi, the entire Eastern Emperor Sea was restricted everywhere, unless it was the monster clan of the Eastern Emperor Sea, even if other monster monks wanted to come in, it was impossible. Once the East Emperor Sea is affected, it will affect the monster monks of the entire mortal world. In my opinion, this East Emperor Sea should be regarded as a magic weapon, independent, otherwise with the power of my soul, it is impossible to cut it and let it go into the painting."

"Eastern Emperor Taiyi is really a fantastic idea. He actually refined the Eastern Emperor Sea into such a shape." The Eastern Emperor Sea, which was originally restricted by mist, now appeared in Chu Hao's mind in its original appearance. When fully opened, none of the corners fell off.Chu Hao couldn't help being excited at the words of Immortal Jumu, even with Chu Hao's heart.

"Okay, I have completed my mission. And you have successfully become the master of the Eastern Emperor Sea. In a certain restriction of the Eastern Emperor Sea, if there is the Eastern Emperor Bell, you should look for it."

Chu Hao was taken aback when he heard the words, and then said with a smile: "Senior Xianzun, I didn't expect you to be an empty-handed white wolf. It turns out that the Eastern Emperor Bell you promised to me is not on your body at all."

Jumu Xianzun said: "This is not an empty-handed white wolf. Donghuang Taiyi left the Donghuang Bell in the East Emperor Sea, hiding it in a forbidden corner of this sea area. Only by becoming the master of the East Emperor Sea can he break through it." Only the prohibition can be obtained. There is not a single sentence of what I said that is false."

"Forget it, forget it, I'll go and find it myself." Chu Hao didn't bother with the Jumu Immortal anymore, thinking that the Jumu Immortal was about to dissipate, he felt very dissatisfied with this immortal who had only known him for a day or so. Abandon.

"The two jade slips, please put them away." Immediately afterwards, a mist appeared on the barrier around Chu Hao, and two jade slips, one green and one red, shimmered in the barrier set up by the Jumu Immortal.

The jade slip floated in front of Chu Hao, only to hear the Jumu Immortal say: "Red is a jade talisman that can go to the fairy world, and blue is a jade slip that can be teleported three times for nine days. You need to be careful when using it, especially the red jade slip. Unless you’re desperate, it’s best not to use it if you don’t have perfect strength.”

Chu Hao grabbed two jade slips, and there was warmth in his hands while holding the corners. Although it seemed ordinary, the level of spiritual power was beyond imagination.No, it should not be said to be spiritual power, it contains immortal power, and there is also the power of space.

The red jade slip can directly ascend to the fairy world!

The cyan jade slip can travel through three different nine-day worlds!

Both things are priceless treasures in the mortal world, and there may be only one of them!

"Immortal Venerable, I will never forget your kindness to me." Chu Hao's face was unpredictable, and he finally gritted his teeth while holding the jade slip, then suddenly knelt down on the ground and kowtowed towards the sky: "Disciple Chu Hao, I would like to worship the immortal as my teacher, and no matter what happens in this life, I will respect my master and ask my master to accept my disciples!"

Jumu Xianzun laughed loudly, seemed to be in a happy mood, and sighed: "I really can't see through you, and I didn't even 'see' that you would worship me as a teacher. Unexpectedly, after 10,000+ years, I finally It is really a great blessing and comfort to have a group of disciples in the mortal world and to find such a disciple!"

"Please accept my apprentice's obeisance!"

Chu Hao kowtowed again, with a pious heart and a solemn expression. He put his hands on the ground, and there was a "dong" sound from his forehead and the ground.

This is the end of the ceremony of apprenticeship.Chu Hao also officially has another master besides the head of the Foundry Sect who was kind to him in saving his life and nurturing him back then.

And this master is still a fairy, a fairy!

"Good student, get up." A buoyant force came from the bottom of his feet, and Chu Hao was lifted up unconsciously in the barrier.Just listen to Jumu Xianzun said: "Although you and I have never met, you are very close to me. If it is not because of breaking the sky island, if it is not because you need to break the barrier of immortality, I really want to be friends with you. rather than mentoring."

Chu Hao stood up, and said with a smile: "We can also be mentors and apprentices who are both teachers and friends. Throughout the ages, such examples are not uncommon, why not?"

"Yeah, it's just that I don't have much time, and I may not be able to say a few more words with you." Jumu Xianzun said in a calm tone, "I didn't expect you to learn from me, but not only I can't teach you anything, but I also want to teach you something on your shoulders." It is a shame to take on such a heavy responsibility.”

Chu Hao's face darkened, thinking that the master he had just worshiped was about to dissipate. Although he couldn't stop it with his ability, he couldn't help but said: "Master, is there any way to keep your soul from dissipating?"

"Good student, it's impossible, my soul can escape from the formation, it's not my own body that can do it alone, it's only through the joint efforts of several suppressed immortals in other fairy worlds that I can leave and search. "The Immortal Jumu said sadly: "My soul has wandered in the mortal world for thousands of years. If I hadn't waited for the person I wanted to find and couldn't fulfill everyone's entrustment, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to hold on for so long."

"It's just that now, this responsibility is going to fall on you." Jumu Immortal Venerable sighed: "You and I are master and apprentice, and the jade slip I gave you at the end is the jade slip I just mentioned. When my life is in danger, I can use it, and the jade slip condensed by my soul can survive for more than a quarter of an hour, and a mortal monk at the Mahayana stage can't do anything to you!"

"No, no need!" Chu Hao quickly interrupted the Jumu Immortal, and said excitedly: "Master, is it possible that you can live longer if you don't turn into a jade slip? I don't need any Mahayana soul thoughts , then you will lose your sanity, what use is it for me to have a jade slip?"

"Silly boy, didn't you keep saying before that you wanted a thought after apprenticeship? Now that my soul has turned into a jade slip, you can also relieve the occasional pain of missing by staying by your side."

The half-joking words of Jumu Immortal Venerable did not make Chu Hao feel relaxed, but instead, there was a suppressed gloom in his heart, which made him extremely uncomfortable.Chu Hao shook his head and said, "Master, I don't want that jade slip anymore. You just accepted your disciple, don't you want to talk to him more? Also, the thousand years of friendship between you and Fellow Daoist Baiyun, Moreover, he recognized that the disciple and grandson are the descendants of the master, so could the master just have the heart to leave immediately?"

"Ethics in the world are the way they are, and separation is inevitable even if you are hypocritical. Why bother?" Jumu Xianzun said seriously: "Okay, apprentice, you have become the master of the Eastern Emperor Sea. Although the cultivators of Potian Island Not enough to be able to fight against Jiutian Mountain, but I think under your leadership, that day should not be far away. Let us master and apprentice farewell!"

"No,..." Chu Hao's heart tightened, and he lost his voice.

"Don't talk too much!" Immortal Jumu snorted, and saw that the barriers around Chu Hao's body began to dissipate slowly, and then, some messages flooded into Chu Hao's mind.

In addition to the supernatural formula of "Summoning the Flag Technique", there are also some incomplete memories from the Giant Tree Immortal Venerable, but for monks, they are all treasure-like experience and knowledge.

Chu Hao's mind was in chaos, and a large amount of information poured in, making him speechless and unable to move his hands.

He was extremely anxious, and wanted to call on Immortal Jumu not to leave, but he was helpless. He could only "watch" Immortal Jumu burning the last essence of his life, and gave everything to himself...

When Chu Hao became conscious again, there was an extra white jade slip in his hand.The fluorescence on the top is much better than the previous two jade slips, even a little transparent.

Chu Hao's hand holding the jade slip was trembling, but he didn't even look at it. He knelt down suddenly, looked up to the sky and cried bitterly, and shouted loudly: "Master..."

His shouts were hoarse and hysterical, echoing throughout the cave.

But this time, the voice that seemed to never stop did not answer him again.In the empty cave, there was only Chu Hao's crying and screaming, which did not subside for a long time...

The soul of the Jumu Immortal has been transformed into a guardian jade slip, and his remaining soul is sealed in this white jade slip, which can be compared to a monk in the Mahayana period.But his soul thought no longer had any consciousness. After turning into the jade slip, he lost all sanity. He knew that Chu Hao would stop him, but when Chu Hao didn't respond at all, he turned himself into the jade slip.

Holding the white jade slip, Chu Hao felt heavier than any of the previous jade slips.

He couldn't remember the last time he cried, but this time he knelt on the ground, and the tears couldn't be stopped no matter what.Even Chu Hao had never even seen this Jumu Immortal Venerable who had just met today and had just become a teacher, and just listened to his voice.

However, now that the Jumu Immortal had just disappeared in front of him, even though he was just a soul, Chu Hao was in a state of confusion and felt extremely uncomfortable.Chu Hao clearly knew that the meaning of the existence of Jumu Immortal Venerable was just to wait for one person.

But now that he has waited for himself, it can be said that he has no regrets and is full of satisfaction.

But Chu Hao hated himself for being helpless, and he couldn't even stop it in the end. When the giant tree fairy turned into a jade slip, he didn't come back to his senses.

"I...why do I need this jade slip..." Chu Hao stared at the jade slip in his hand. This white jade slip can only be used once. Chu Hao really wanted to use it now to see the appearance of the Jumu Immortal, but he remembered the Jumu Immortal. After confessing, he stopped such strong thoughts.He regretted the exorbitant asking price before, if it wasn't for this, maybe the soul of Jumu Immortal Venerable would have survived a little longer.

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