
Chapter 58 It's True

"Do you want to continue, old swordsman?" Wu Lang smiled slightly, his body straightened, and he was sure of winning.

Chu Hao also responded with a cold laugh: "Why don't you continue? The old man has already gained the upper hand!"

Anger flashed slightly on Wu Lang's face, and he said coldly: "It turns out that Mr. Jian already has an advantage, so he is dull." As he spoke, he ignored Chu Hao and buried his head in watching the chess move.

In terms of the territory occupied by both black and white, it is indeed Chu Haoduo. He won the robbery first, and he has made a lot of profit, but the white dragon in the middle has already stretched sixty to seventy pieces.Still haven't seen a way out.Chess is one foot long, live without eyes.That is to say, it is very difficult to kill the big dragon. Although Chu Hao's white dragon is like walking on a single-plank bridge, there is an abyss under the bridge.Even if there is a mistake, it will be lost forever, but for Wu Lang, he is also very nervous, and he can't make any mistakes. Once Chu Hao makes a living white dragon, then he has no choice but to admit defeat.The two fought against each other for a long time, and the outcome was almost decided.

Wu Lang had developed an arrogance long ago in the palace, and he was good at chess. He also saw that Chu Hao's chess skills were not as good as his own. There was no reason to lose. The faster the attack, the stronger the white dragon that killed Chu Hao!While Chu Hao's white dragon was fighting and walking in the siege of black chess, it really seemed that Chang Banpo killed Zhao Zilong who was seven in and seven out, brave and good at fighting, full of courage.Although in front of him were Wu Lang's soldiers who had killed layer after layer of black helmets and black armor, Chu Hao still stood firm. "Senior Jian is really courageous. In this situation, you don't want to be a living white dragon, but you still have to attack. I admire you!" Wu Lang seemed to see the dawn of victory, and said with a smile. Slowly said: "Unexpectedly, the old sword masters in Bizhuang are superb forging skills, but their chess skills are not good."

"Chess is a forged product. Is it too early for fellow Taoist Wu Lang to say that?" Chu Hao understood Wu Lang's thoughts in his heart, and at this moment he also felt Wu Lang's temper clearly. This person should be the kind of person who would rather bend than bend. Conceited person, if Chu Hao doesn't win at this moment and he pokes his spirit, then there will be nothing to talk about next.

But at this time, after listening to Wu Lang's harsh words, Chu Hao finally understood why the old man in green shirt followed him.Originally, Chu Hao only estimated that the latter might come, but after this confrontation, he knew that Wu Lang had a high self-esteem, and Tao Ranju was also afraid that he would anger him, and then be killed by him in a fit of anger.

Chu Hao let out a series of hey laughs, and then a cold aura emanated from his body, covering Wu Lang bit by bit, and said coldly: "Fellow Daoist Wu Lang, you are so relentless, you know that this old man has murderous intentions. ?”

"Senior Jian also said just now that since the chess piece is forged, is this what Bi Zhuang can do?" Wu Lang's face turned slightly pale, but his expression was extremely calm, with disdain in his eyes, and then he played another chess game.

"I don't need to tell you how capable Bizhuang is, but I know that you will lose immediately!" Chu Hao lightly made a move, and the entire chessboard formation suddenly became clear, but it was a foolish move!

Wu Lang wanted to retort, but when he saw this step, his face froze.

He didn't expect this chess move to be ugly in terms of its shape, and the stupid ones are usually common hands, but Wu Lang looked at it carefully with a serious face, and the blood on his face faded instantly.The white dragon is alive, its two eyes are working, no matter how black plays, it can't break its eye!Wu Lang uttered wild words just now, his face turned red and then pale, then turned red again, and finally turned livid.He knew that he had lost, and he lost because of the big dragon who shouldn't be arrogant, shouldn't launch an offensive, and kill Chu Hao by force.This game, out of adversity, was Chu Hao's comeback and won!Looking back at this game instantly in his mind, starting from taking over the white piece, the battle spreading from the upper left spread to the whole situation. In the turbulent waves, Bai Fan rushed forward with all his strength, and finally broke out of the encirclement at the last moment!

Wu Lang's face was unpredictable, and then he finally said dejectedly: "I lost!"

Chu Hao stood up and said calmly: "My chess skills are not as good as yours, but you lost. Why?"

Wu Lang shook his head, now that he knew that meeting Chu Hao, he would be at a disadvantage in the end, disheartened, and sighed: "Go is a literary way, not a martial way, after the game, the style of playing chess will fall into the martial way, and all kinds of disadvantages will arise immediately. "

Chu Hao clapped his hands, appreciating Wu Lang's free and easy way. It's really not easy to be so sober after losing.Chu Hao narrowly defeated Wu Lang, and he was not aggressive. He came this time, after all, to beg for the black crystal ore.

Sitting on the stone bench, Wu Lang stared at the chessboard for a few moments, finally shook his head, and then said slowly: "This time, I asked Senior Jian to tell a story, which represents my craftsman Shenzong."

"Oh?" This Chu Hao didn't expect it, and said calmly: "Listen, old man."

Wu Lang said: "Senior must also know that our Artisan Sect is a sect that only emerged a hundred years ago. In the Sky Continent, no matter which country or sect it is in, there is no direct refining system. Our Artisan Sect The birth of Shenzong naturally attracted the covetousness and ambition of many monastic sects."

Chu Hao nodded.In fact, it was true. Back then, in the Artifact Refining Sect, if he didn't have a strong Nascent Soul Stage or even a Yin-Yang Stage expert, he wouldn't have been able to keep so many talented Artifact Refiners at all!In this cutting-edge profession, except for those alchemy masters who are really powerful and will be courted by powerful monks, others will probably only be reduced to the support of the major forces. scenery.

"Senior should know that for a cultivator like us who is dedicated to refining weapons, his strength is not strong, and his lifespan is even shorter. The only way to maintain his lifespan is the pill he bought." Wu Lang's voice was a little low when he said this, Feeling resentful, he said: "Senior Jian has heard that fifty years ago, our Craftsman God Sect had a treasure that caused a sensation in the mainland."

"The fifth-grade treasure, the 'Linglong Bell', I have heard of it before." Chu Hao said lightly.

"It was made by a stunning elder of our Craftsman Sect, but unfortunately, it was snatched away by the shameless elder Xiao Chen of Ziyun Sect." Wu Lang said angrily: "Ziyun Sect Relying on being one of the three major gates of the Sky Continent, he did not make a fair deal with our Craftsman Shenzong at all, and only spent a hundred low-grade spirit stones to take the treasure away!"

Chu Hao didn't expect that there was such a reason for this, but he knew that Wu Lang would not say this for no reason, so he didn't interrupt him, twisted a chess piece in his hand, and stroked it carefully with his fingertips.

After glancing at Chu Hao, Wu Lang continued: "It's a pity that the master craftsman of my sect was robbed of his life's efforts by others, and finally died in depression, and he can't die with peace in his eyes!"

Chu Hao put the chess pieces on the stone table, and there was a very crisp sound of "snap", "I am deeply sorry for the misfortune of that master in Wulang Daoist Friendship Sect. If there is anything, you don't have to beat around the bush. Say it."

"Senior Jian, the old man in green shirt mentioned the flying sword of Bi Zhuang before the auction. The flying sword, whether it is the formation method of carving, the skill of forging, or even the strength of aura I don't know how much better it is. Although the flying sword is the most common magic weapon, if you refine a second-grade flying sword, it will definitely not achieve the effect like Bi Zhuang." Wu Lang said.

"Fellow Daoist Wu Liao praised it, that flying sword is exactly what this old man did in his spare time." Chu Hao said lightly.

"Senior Jian, I dare to ask you a question." From the previous chess game, Wu Lang already knew that Chu Hao was an extremely difficult person to deal with, and his actions were calm and decisive. He was definitely not a person to be trifled with.He hesitated for a moment, but still said: "According to senior's cultivation and Bi Zhuang's status, there should be no need to send out auction items."

"Our village is short of refining materials and lacks of silver to buy, so it's not okay?" Chu Hao said coldly, but he knew in his heart that Wu Lang was developing in the direction he expected, but there were subtle differences in the middle. .

"Senior Jian was just joking." Wu Lang shook his head, and said, "Is it possible that such an expert as Bi Zhuang has a lack of low-grade spirit stones? I'm afraid you can't buy any high-quality spirit stones with the money in the secular world." materials."

"Of course there are, such as black crystal ore..." Chu Hao smiled slightly, meaning something.

Wu Lang stared at Chu Hao's cloak in a daze. At such a close distance, he couldn't see Chu Hao's face clearly, nor did he know what he was thinking.Getting up from the stone bench, Wu Lang walked a few steps, touched the jade pendant on his waist, and said slowly: "Bizhuang chose to come to Yuntian Capital for auction this time, and here is the Ziyun Sect's site..."

"Mr. Wu Lang came to the Imperial Palace in the capital, which is also the territory of Ziyunmen." Chu Hao said with a heartbeat.

"I think, our purpose is the same." Wu Lang looked at Chu Hao, and then showed a relieved smile: "Senior Jian, are you right?"

"Why is Fellow Daoist Wu so determined?" Chu Hao nodded slightly, his tone slightly calm.

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