
Chapter 60

Seeing Wu Lang bowed down, pleading to himself, and after a while of silence, Chu Hao said indifferently: "Actually, my Bi Zhuang's skills in making magic weapons cannot be passed on to the outside world. Mr. Wu Lang, you can forge a third-grade magic weapon." Weapons can be regarded as the best among craftsmen, and the elders of Lingzong can forge treasures, so they can be regarded as dragons among men. However, our Bizhuang's method of refining weapons is closely related to weapon fire, Wu Lang Sir, you are just a low-grade fire weapon, I am afraid you cannot use it."

Hearing this, Wu Lang's face darkened, and he said unwillingly: "Senior Jian, is it really not possible?"

Chu Hao shook his head, and said: "In my Bi Zhuang, the old man is just the servant of the eldest lady, so I can't say anything. If I want to teach you the skill of refining weapons, I have to agree with the owner of the village, otherwise, the old man just has ten guts , and dare not act arbitrarily.”

Wu Lang shook his head, gritted his teeth fiercely, and said: "Then what if I just invite Senior Jian to be the honorary elder of our Craftsman Sect?" This elder is only an elder in name, and he is recognized within the Blacksmith Sect, and will not let others know."

Chu Hao's eyes gradually turned cold, and he said, "Mr. Wu Lang, who do you take this old man for?"

Wu Lang was not afraid of Chu Hao's aura, and said: "Senior Jian, you Bizhuang must also know that the Ziyun Gate is a giant, not only the first gate of the Yuntian Empire, but also one of the three major gates in the entire continent. How difficult it is to shake him with your own strength. Although the strength of our Craftsman Shenzong is not as good as that of Bizhuang, there are many craftsmen in our village. I don’t know how many low-grade spirit stones have been stored in the past hundred years. Like the shameless Xiao Dust, his one hundred low-grade spirit stones are not enough to buy my fourth-grade magic weapon from Bi Zhuang! If we cooperate with Guizhuang to fight against Ziyunmen, we can increase our chances of winning a little bit!"

"Mr. Wu Lang, you think a little too highly of yourself." Chu Hao's heart moved, but he had to pretend to be indifferent: "You are just a disciple of the Craftsman Sect, what qualifications do you have to represent the Craftsman Sect? Besides, old man When did you say that I, Bi Zhuang, had a feud with Ziyun Sect?"

"I am the chief disciple of the Craftsman God Sect, who has a token and can issue orders on behalf of the Sect Master!" Wu Lang looked at Chu Hao closely, and his tone was a little dry: "As for the second question asked by Mr. Jian, As long as the senior answers that the junior really has nothing to do with the Purple Cloud Sect, then I will never pester the senior again, just turn around and leave!"

The atmosphere became dull all of a sudden, the cold breath on Chu Hao's body was like substance, the air flow was like a spider web, and Wu Lang was like a fly in the spider web, firmly fixed in place.However, Wu Lang's face showed no sign of fear, his chest stood erect, and his face was expressionless.

"Okay!" A few seconds later, Chu Hao laughed fiercely, and said coldly: "I promise you, I will be the honorary elder of your Craftsman Sect for now!"

"Thank you, senior!" At this moment, Wu Lang breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. He is not a monk, and the aura just now was just a force. He was overjoyed when he heard Chu Hao's words. He bowed to Chu Hao.

"Don't thank me too early." Chu Hao said coldly: "You have stayed in the palace for fifteen years, and you have told everything you know about Ziyunmen. If it is of no value, the old man's promise just now will not be counted. .”

Wu Lang nodded slightly, "Senior Jian, please rest assured." After sorting out his thoughts, Wu Lang sat down on the stone bench again, and after contemplating for a while, he spoke slowly.

While Wu Lang was talking, Chu Hao didn't interrupt him, and listened quietly, occasionally frowned, interrupted and asked a few words, and then continued listening.

After Wu Lang's slow statement, Chu Hao roughly understood the power of Ziyunmen in Shenglong City, and even why it helped the current emperor win the throne, what position it had in the palace, and what kind of attitude it had. attitude and so on.

In the Ziyun Sect, there is also a clear distinction, divided into two types: true disciples and outer disciples, and above that are the elders, the elders and the head of the sect.From this point of view, it is no different from the monastic sects in Chu Hao's world.In Ziyun Sect, there are a total of eight elders, three Supreme Elders, and the head of the sect whose authority is between the elders and the Supreme Elders.

Xiao Chen was one of the Supreme Elders of the Ziyun Sect, and also a first-level golden core monk.deter mainland.

In Ziyunmen, there are not many craftsmen, and magic weapons are passed down from generation to generation.Generally speaking, outer disciples are not eligible to obtain magical artifacts. Only true disciples can get magical artifacts and storage bags rewarded by the sect.Like the woman in white and the little white face that night, their strengths are all innate Qi training stage, and they should belong to the true disciples of Ziyunmen.

And a refiner like Wu Lang came to Rise Dragon City to look for Ziyunmen. Although the latter had some doubts about his purpose, because there were very few refiners, he was warmly received.Even after entering the imperial palace, he was honored as a guest of honor by the emperor, with the unique title of court craftsman.

However, even though Wu Lang came to Ascend Dragon City for [-] years and created a lot of magical weapons for Ziyun Sect, his scope has always been confined to the palace, and he has never really reached Ziyun at all. I don't even know where the mountain gate of Ziyunmen is.

It can be said that Ziyunmen not only used Wu Lang, but also guarded against Wu Lang, so that he couldn't find the target at all.

In the past fifteen years, the one who had the most contact with Wu Lang was an elder named Ling Yun. Later, it was the disciple of Elder Ling Yun who came into contact with Wu Lang.During this period, he was also chatting with him, and learned more or less about the situation.For example, in the seizure of the world twenty years ago, Ziyunmen intervened because the current emperor promised Ziyunmen that after he ascended the throne, he would provide Ziyunmen with materials and money every year, even They will also collect some low-grade spirit stones scattered among the people and donate them to Ziyunmen, and Ziyunmen will reward the third prince Chu Peng. Besides letting him ascend the throne of the emperor, they can also accept one of the princes as an apprentice.

Of course, this is only one of them. As for the other transactions, Wu Lang is not clear to him.

And in Chu Hao's questioning, he knew that Ziyun Sect generally would not interfere in the political affairs of Yuntian Empire, and in the incident of seizing the throne at that time, four elders in Ziyun Sect expressed their disapproval, and even once expressed their disapproval. It was very unpleasant in the sect.

After digesting these things, Chu Hao knew a general idea in his heart. Looking at Wu Lang with a few traces of Qi Yi's gaze, Chu Hao said indifferently: "The information you provided is somewhat useful, but the old man is a little curious, you just want to You are just a craftsman, not a monk, even if you sneak into Ziyunmen, what effect can you have?"

"I don't know..." Wu Lang shook his head and sighed: "At the beginning, I only wanted to get revenge, and I didn't think much about other things. I have been a free craftsman of Yunmen for fifteen years, now that I think about it, I feel extremely ashamed."

Chu Hao felt a little funny in his heart. This Wu Lang, who was in his fifties [-] years ago, dared to come to a big faction like Ziyunmen to seek revenge without any plan. Commendable.However, Chu Hao didn't agree with his actions. Not to mention being taken advantage of by others for fifteen years for free, in the end, one real thing was not done.

Shaking his head, Chu Hao sighed, "Mr. Wu Lang is admirable."

Wu Lang couldn't tell whether Chu Hao's words were praise or derogation, so he smiled kindly and said, "Senior Jian is now the honorary elder of our Craftsman Sect." When the token came, he handed it to Chu Hao, and said, "This is the elder's token of our Shenzong of Craftsman. Although our Shenzong of Craftsmanship has been established for a hundred years, the disciples of our sect are all over the entire continent, and there are all countries. This can represent the identity of the senior."

Chu Hao took the token. It was made of brass and could be held in one hand. It was slightly smaller than Tao Ranju's token. On it was a steaming cauldron. Write the three characters of Shenzong.

"I accept this token." Chu Hao was not polite. Almost all the refiners in this world should gather in this sect. If there are free coolies that can be used in the future, why not do it.Besides, the Craftsman God Sect may not be as good as a Daoist sect like Ziyunmen, but as long as there are powerful Sanxian willing to protect them, the identity of the craftsman will definitely be completely different.

Chu Hao was originally a craftsman. Seeing how backward the world was, he felt instinctively that he should do something.

"Thank you, senior!" Wu Lang was overjoyed, he had already put away his arrogance.And seeing this scene, he already knew that this powerful monk in front of him was willing to be the honorary elder of the Craftsman God Sect. With Bi Zhuang as his great backer, he believed that it would not be too late to take revenge!

"Don't be in a hurry to thank the old man. Regarding the union with the Craftsman Shenzong, the old man has to go back and ask the owner of the village before he can give you an answer." Chu Hao said empty words and cast a net for fishing. This is the real wisher's fishing.

Wu Lang was not dissatisfied at all, he suddenly remembered what Chu Hao had said with some deep meaning before, and continued: "Is there any need for the black crystal ore, senior? I got it at an auction last time. If senior needs it, I can pass it on to senior."

Chu Hao was overjoyed, "Damn it, I'm just waiting for this sentence from you old boy!"

Coughing sanctimoniously, Chu Hao said, "How dare you do that?" He neither said no, nor did he say yes, and even planned to let others force it to him, it was extremely thick-skinned.

Wu Lang knew what Chu Hao was thinking, and hurriedly said: "Where, Senior Jian is now the honorary elder of my Bi Zhuang, and I am also a junior of Senior. It is also appropriate to give something to Senior." After a pause, Continued: "Besides, the juniors don't know how to use the black crystal ore. With the junior's refining skills, they can't use one or two of them. The so-called sword matches the hero, and the black crystal ore can only be used by the seniors." Only in your hands can it really play its role."

Chu Hao is very satisfied with this "junior". Everything went very smoothly today. He nodded and said, "Since the kindness is hard to refuse, if the old man refuses, it will seem unreasonable, so I will ask you to accept it. However, I am not an example. , let’s not take this as an example.”

"Yes, yes!" Wu Lang was overjoyed. He knew that by taking his token and black crystal ore, Chu Hao admitted in a disguised form that he was the elder of the Craftsman Sect. up.

Of course, if Wu Lang knew that Chu Hao, a fake foundation cultivator, had already set a trick in his heart to trick him, he wondered if he would still be able to laugh.

Wu Lang didn't bring the black crystal ore with him, and Chu Hao didn't mind. He took advantage of others, so it's impossible to just pat his ass and leave.Knowing kindness and repaying it is the traditional virtue of the Foundry Sect, so he carefully became a "senior" and gave Wu Lang a little guidance on the skill of refining weapons.

These skills are the skills in my original world, which symbolizes the highest holy place of refining equipment, in the Forge Gate. Even if it is a little superficial, it is very remarkable in this world.After listening to it for a few minutes, Wu Lang was astonished, completely convinced by Chu Hao's true heart, and threw himself into the ground.


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