
Chapter 79 2 years

That shady old man known as Fellow Daoist Yun had an extremely unkind expression on his face, staring at the old man in the green shirt, and sneered, "Your fellow Daoist in Qingshan didn't go to Shengyuntai to wait for the token to be issued, but came here to bully my Ziyun sect disciples." , It's so majestic!"

"It turns out that this girl is your apprentice, Fellow Daoist Yun." The old man in green shirt seemed to have never heard of the old man's unkind words, and said indifferently: "You don't need to provoke me with words, Fellow Daoist Yun, you Ziyun sect is also wrong about this matter. Here, everyone give this old man a face, and I don't care about your apprentice's disrespect to me before, even if this matter is exposed, how about it?"

"Haha, what a joke, do you, Tao Ranju, think that you are really the leader of the Sky Continent?" Old Man Yun said with a dark smile, "You Tao Ranju bullied my Ziyun sect, hurt my apprentice, and even destroyed my flying sword. It’s okay to expose it?”

The face of the old man in the green shirt also sank. He had long heard that the old man in Ziyun Sect was extremely stubborn and arrogant, and he was also extremely defensive. Today was finally an eye-opener. He also gathered a burst of spiritual power, and said lightly : "I don't know what Fellow Daoist Yun means, but how do you plan to deal with it?"

The old man Yun snorted coldly, before he could speak, he was stopped by the rich old man with his eyes, and the old man surnamed Zhou said with a smile: "Fellow Taoist Qingshan, my junior brother has a hot temper, please forgive me. Our Ziyun It’s not that the sect is unreasonable, it’s just that the actions of fellow daoists today are really shameful, and even if it spreads, bullying juniors is not good for the reputation of fellow daoists.”

"Good or bad, I am not afraid of other people's words, let alone Zhou Daoyou." Although the old man Zhou said it politely, the old man in Qingshan heard the deep meaning, smiled coldly, and said: "Today This matter, you Ziyun sect dispatched two elders, how do you want to deal with it, tell me, the old man is not deaf now, listen."

Zhou Laodao and Yun Laodao glanced at each other, they also frowned at the tough tone of the old man in blue, and Yun Laodao's face was even more ugly.

Zhou Laodao didn't continue to go around in circles with the old man in green shirt. He knew that instead of being stiff, it's better to lower his posture first. After all, Tao Ranju is not easy to mess with, so they fell out with Tao Ranju, and they and the sect are not easy to explain. .

Zhou Laodao's character is much smoother than Yun Laodao's, only to hear him say lightly: "Daoist Qingshan, our Ziyunmen and you Tao Ranju have always been in harmony with each other, as long as you hand over the person behind you to my Ziyunmen , Today’s incident, let’s pretend it never happened.” After a pause, Zhou Laodao waved his hand to signal Yun Laodao to stop talking, and then continued: “And tomorrow, our Ziyun Sect will send [-] ‘Yunling Pills’ to Guiju, I don't know how to be friendly?"

Although Old Man Yun and Old Man Zhou had just arrived, after a quick sweep of their spiritual senses, they discovered that Chu Hao's cultivation base had greatly increased.My heart was shocked at the same time.As for Old Daoist Yun, he was even more intent on killing. He knew Chu Hao's talent well. If the latter really recovered, with his aptitude, he would definitely pose a threat to Ziyunmen after decades, so it is necessary to Cut the weeds and eradicate the roots!

But at this moment, it can be said that Ziyun Sect has already given in very much to this request. From the perspective of the old man in blue, it is absolutely beneficial and harmless. According to Zhou Laodao's thinking, there is no reason for the old man in blue to refuse!

After all, "Yunling Pill" is a top-level elixir that is close to the fifth rank of the fourth rank of human rank, and it is of great benefit to the monks in the foundation establishment period!

When Chu Hao heard this, he sneered in his heart. He lowered his head, hiding his killing intent.In fact, he also began to feel uneasy. After all, Ziyunmen dispatched two foundation-building monks and made such a concession. He had never expected it before, and everything was out of plan.

Plans can never keep up with changes, this is the cycle of heaven.

And the blue-clothed old man also frowned. To be honest, he absolutely did not expect that Ziyunmen would make such a promise and concession, but after thinking about it, he understood the reason.

If the son behind him is not related to his journey of cultivation two years later, if he has Bi Zhuang behind him, there is nothing wrong with you giving Ziyunmen this favor. After all, although "Yunling Pill" is rare for him, but Not too bad.

However, compared to Taoist Xuantian's guidance two years later, and the temptation of Jindan Dao, this small profit seems to be nothing.The old man in green shirt had already intervened, so he didn't intend to stay out of it.After thinking about it, the old man in green shirt said: "Fellow Daoist Zhou, you don't need to say much. The old man's purpose remains the same. Tao Ranju has decided to intervene in this matter today. I will definitely keep this son."

Zhou Laodao's complexion also became ugly. Although he was still smiling, there was a hint of coldness in his eyes, and he said coldly: "You Tao Ranju never intervene in disputes in the monastic world, let alone this This time, our Ziyun Sect just wants a prince of the world, a mortal with a low status, wouldn’t Fellow Daoist Qingshan refuse to give this bit of face?"

The atmosphere gradually became a little strange. Tao Ranju was behind the old man in the green shirt, and he was not afraid of monks of the same level at all. His expression remained unchanged, and he said calmly: "Two friends, the old man's position is very clear. Just now, the old man said that the old man It's ridiculous to embarrass a congenital junior, so is it ridiculous for you to embarrass an acquired mortal now?"

"Fellow Daoist in Qingshan, don't force your words!" Old Daoist Na Yun was a little annoyed.

"The old man is arguing, so what?" The old man in the green shirt is also a person of status. Tao Ranju's status in the entire continent is not lower than that of Ziyunmen. There are no Taoranju in the three main gates, just because they were born.

"Fellow Daoist Qingshan, I don't know how you want to agree?" The refusal of the old man in Qingshan and his toughness once made the good-tempered old man Zhou restrain his smile.

"Two years..." The blue-clothed old man pondered for a while, remembering that it was almost time to issue the tokens, so being so stiff would not do him any good.And those who should help Bizhuang have almost helped.After thinking about it, he lightly compared two fingers, and said: "Two years, this son, for two years, you Ziyunmen can't touch him!"

"What!" Old Taoist Yun was furious when he heard the words, this old man in green shirt would really climb up the pole, did he really think that Ziyun Sect was afraid of Tao Ran? !

His temper was very hot, and he was about to explode, but Zhou Laodao's eyes flashed a look of surprise. He didn't know what he thought of, but his face was unpredictable, and he stopped Laodao Yun.

"What do you two fellow Taoists think?" The old man in green shirt said lightly, "This son is just an acquired mortal. On behalf of Tao Ranju, the old man only guarantees him for two years. Once two years pass, he and I will break up with Tao Ranju. Nothing to do with it. Could it be that such a big sect as Ziyunmen can't afford to wait for two years? Or are you afraid that in these two years, this boy will be able to cultivate the Golden Core Dao?"

After being silent for a while, the old man Zhou kept his gaze fixed on Chu Hao who was on the ground, and it seemed that two cold blades scraped hard on his face.Chu Hao turned a blind eye to this. With his face, he was invulnerable, not to mention his eyes.He lowered his head, pretending not to see it.

"Okay!" Zhou Laodao shouted suddenly, shifted his gaze to the old man in the green shirt, stared at the latter firmly, and said: "My Ziyunmen will follow what fellow Taoist said, and within two years, we will not touch the old man." This son! But after two years, this son will be at our disposal, when that time comes, you, Tao Ranju, must not go back on your word and intervene forcibly!"

"Senior Brother..." Old Daoist Yun looked stunned, and then said angrily, "How could you agree to such a condition!"

"Junior Brother, you don't need to say much!" Zhou Laodao shook his head, and said, "We are one of the three great gates of Ziyun Sect. Are we still afraid that a mortal will fail? Since Tao Ranju's fellow Taoist wants to intervene in this matter, we will Selling Tao Ranju's face, after two years, I'll see if this Chu Hao can turn into a giant dragon!" At the end, his voice was gloomy, obviously a little angry, but he kept suppressing it all the time.

"Fellow daoist, I'm worrying too much. I just kept him for two years, and I don't intend to have any trouble with Ziyunmen." Hearing this, a smile appeared on the face of the old man in blue. He knew that Chu Hao was temporarily It's safe. He has fulfilled Bizhuang's promise. In two years, it depends on how far Miss Bizhuang's fiancé can grow.

However, even if he reached innate ability, he would not be able to compete with Ziyunmen, but behind him was Bi Zhuang, that behemoth under layers of mysterious aura!

At that time, Bi Zhuang's treasure must have been born.

Thinking of this festival, the old man in green shirt was refreshed, and he was full of anticipation for his journey of cultivation in two years' time!

"The two fellow Taoists can make such a promise, and I thank you on behalf of Tao Ran." The old man in the green shirt flicked the wine gourd on his waist, and continued: "So, the boy under Taoist Xuantian is coming soon. Fellow Daoist, why don't we go to Sheng Yuntai together."

"Hahaha... Fellow Daoist Qingshan is a noble person, how dare we go with him, dare not dare!" A cold light flashed in Zhou Laodao's eyes, and then a smile appeared on his face, and then Huaji said : "The two-year agreement, fellow Taoist, please remember well, we will take a step first!" As he said, he glared at Old Daoist Yun who was still about to talk, and slapped his waist, and a silver light flashed suddenly , a flying sword appeared in mid-air, and then Zhou Laodao stepped on the flying sword without looking back, and stopped talking to the old man in blue.As soon as he stretched out his sleeves, the entire formation space burst suddenly, and the sword flew towards the outside of the city.

And Laodao Yun with a look of resentment on his face, pulled Lu Ruhua, who also looked ugly, and summoned the flying sword, without even doing the ceremony, stepped on the flying sword, and just a gleam of brilliance passed, and followed directly.

"Fellow daoists, let's go!" The old man in green shirt joked, and after watching the two leave, he turned to look at Chu Hao and shook his head.

After the formation space was broken, it returned to the appearance of an alley without any change. However, the streets and alleys outside were still buzzing with people because of the lantern festival. Everything that was brightly lit formed a sharp contrast with the dark alley Compared.

The old man in green shirt stood there for a long time before sighing lightly, "I really don't know if today is wrong or right, that's all." After thinking about it, he squatted down, looked into Chu Hao's vigilant eyes, and said with a smile: "Little Friends, don’t be afraid, the old man will heal your wounds and set your bones.”

At this moment, Chu Hao's limbs were weak, and he was still lying on the ground weakly.Hearing this, he nodded.

Although he had just taken two "Bone Healing Pills", they were only second-rank human pills after all.Moreover, he was injured too badly, and the effect was even less. It is naturally the best to have a foundation-building monk heal for free at this moment.

The old man in green shirt put his hand on Chu Hao's wrist, and the spiritual power slowly soaked into Chu Hao's body from his big hand.With the restoration of the spiritual power of the monks in the foundation building period, Chu Hao's internal injuries that were damaged just now healed up to seven or eighty-eight.And the spiritual power flowing in the meridians, this feeling is really amazing, he couldn't help but groan comfortably.


Today is not too hard, there are not many red tickets, the little prince said, reading books will not give red tickets to collection, all of them a hundred times a hundred times...

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