
Chapter 790 Peacock King Ming! !

Jenamoth, is he dead?

There was silence all around, and everyone's eyes were full of awe and a little bit of fear when they looked at Wangxiang.The forgetfulness was only in the middle of the body, but it easily killed Yenamo who was in the late stage of the body!

From the appearance of Wangxiang, everyone has understood that there seem to be two different branches of Buddhist cultivators, and Wangxiang and Ye Namo are obviously Buddhist practitioners belonging to different sects.And Yenamo, Amarado and others belong to the same faction, that is, the people behind the scenes who control the Bodhi Cave.

The Bodhi Cave is exactly the conspiracy of Yenamo's Buddhist and Taoist faction, but it is not known what powerful existence is behind Yenamo.Now that forgetting the face has won, everyone is relieved, at least they don't have to be terrified and stubborn like "If you don't become a god or Buddha, you will go to hell".

Yenamo's death made Wu Gong and others who had defected from the major forces of the sixth heaven extremely terrified. They could almost predict their own end. While cursing Yenamo in their hearts, they also began to worry about the future stand up.

Wang Xiang is still in control of the scene now, it is inconvenient for Lin Honglei, Yao Li and others to make a move, but when Wang Xiang leaves, as betrayers, they may end up extremely miserable!

When everyone was still shocked by the scene after Wangxiang took Yenamo away, Tao Ranju and Chu Hao had already set their sights on other places.They saw something that surprised them all!

There are three fist-sized stones wrapped in the mid-air light group, which are filled with different colors at this moment, and six colors can be carefully distinguished in the continuous transformation.

This is exactly the six-color bodhi stone they have been waiting for for a long time!

Chu Hao had used three five-color bodhi stones before, and he was full of desire for the six-color bodhi stone. Unexpectedly, Ye Namo carried the six-color bodhi stone with him. After his death, this thing floated out.Chu Hao didn't even take a look at the storage ring next to the bodhi stone. At this moment, he only had six-color bodhi stones in his eyes!

But it's a pity, in Chu Hao's and Bei Tianshu's eager eyes, Wang Xiang actually put the Bodhi Stone back into his cuffs.When he was down, his eyes were on Xue Buyu and the others.

The direction of the Feng Clan Yaoxiu has won this hard-won victory, and everyone has a sense of gratitude for the rest of their lives.But when they saw Xue Buyu over there, their eyes were filled with complicated emotions.This once the pride of their Feng clan, the young patriarch of their Feng clan, betrayed them and joined the group of Buddhist practitioners!

Although Xue Buyu didn't join hands with Amarado to attack them, they didn't dare to imagine what would happen if Amarado won, and how would Xue Buyu deal with it?

This genius of the Feng clan, the only demon cultivator who inherited the inheritance of the Feng clan, has gradually drifted away from them in a short period of time, and has become extremely strange.

Even remembering that he entered the Bodhi Cave was for Buddhist practitioners, it made the monks of the Feng clan feel extremely chilling.


At this time, a monk among Xue Buyu and others stood up with a nervous face. He rubbed his hands, looked at Wangxiang a little cautiously, flew for a certain distance, and then stopped again.

"Benefactor, what's the matter?"

Wang Xiang looked at this person and asked with a smile.

"I want to learn Buddhism from the master, is the master willing to accept me as an apprentice?"

This person is busy.

And following his words, those "betrayers" immediately came to their senses, yes, there is another way!Instead of being punished or even killed by the original sect and race, it is better to take refuge in a new backer now!

The oblivion is so severe that even Yenamo was easily killed. The entire Bodhi Cave is almost his world alone. There will be any threat to life, and the forces of the sixth heaven will be cautious and dare not make a move.

With this person's example, several people floated out immediately, and Wu Gong of Fuhu Sect was naturally among them.He used to think that he became Amarado's disciple and offended the Fuhu Sect. If he went back now, not to mention Ji Dao, even Li Qingyue's admirers would kill him.He can only rely on forgetting his appearance and take refuge in the authentic Buddhism and Taoism.

Wu Gong flattered and said: "Master, we were threatened and bewitched by Amarado before, so we chose the evil way, but our heart to the Buddha is true. I hope the Buddha way can take us in, let us learn the Buddhadharma, and make the Buddhadharma great. "

Wu Gong's opening words were extremely beautiful, and Li Qingyue's eyes almost burst into flames, and she spat: "Shameless!"

Unexpectedly, Wang Xiang glanced at it, and said a word that directly caused Wu Gong to fall into the ice cellar, "You don't have the connection with Buddha, and you don't have the roots of wisdom. We don't accept disciples like you."

Wu Gong said anxiously: "Master, did you make a mistake? Take a closer look. I am very close to Buddha. When you hear me say 'Amitabha Buddha', don't you feel it?"

Wu Gong, who was like a clown, made all the monks of the Fuhu Sect despise him. If it wasn't because of forgetfulness, Ji Dao would have rushed to clean up the house and bring this shameful guy to justice.

Unmoved by Wang Xiang, Wu Gong sensed the murderous intent cast by Ji Dao and others, and hurriedly said: "Master, isn't the Buddha way to save all living beings? Could it be that I can't do it even if I want to? Then where did the Buddha come from?" Great compassion, the so-called put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately, if evil people want to be saved, don’t they even save a good person like me? Isn’t this self-contradictory?”

"The poor monk has not yet reached the realm of great compassion." Wangxiang sighed and looked up to the sky and said, "Although I have practiced Buddhism for a long time, I am still far from the realm of living Buddha. I am afraid that I will miss the realm of great compassion..."

After a pause, he said forgetfully: "Also, everything has its own way. Our Buddhist way is not superior to all other ways. You are not suitable for Buddhism. If you want to practice Buddhism, you can only do it if you don't have a pious heart. Delay the future."

Although Wang Xiang didn't say it clearly, everyone understood the meaning of his words, that is, Wu Gong was not accepted at all.

Wu Gong went crazy, forgetting his face undoubtedly announced his death sentence, and one sentence has already left him with no way out!He began to roar: "Smelly monk, you keep saying that you are merciful, but now you don't even want to take in a lost person. What nonsense is Buddhism. It is said in the Buddhist scriptures that saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. All goodness!"

Wang Xiang said "Amitabha", and did not argue with Wu Gong, but looked at other people and said: "You and my Buddha are also not destined, benefactors, sorry."

Everyone's hearts were ashamed, they left the forces of the Sixth Heaven of their own accord, and now that Yenamo was defeated, they could be said to be complete "traitors", and their end would not be easier than death!At this moment, Wang Xiang looked at Xue Buyu, and Xue Buyu felt Wang Xiang's gaze, and also looked over.

"Feng Clan?"

"Not bad." Xue Buyu's expression was very calm, but from his eyes, he seemed to be able to see the waves in his heart.From Amarado to Yenamo, and then to the appearance of forgetfulness, it was beyond his understanding of Buddhism and Taoism.He was the first to surrender to the Tantra. It can be said that when the monks left the original power and sect, although some of them were related to their lives, there were also some reasons caused by Xue Buyu.

If it hadn't been for Xue Buyu to leave for the first time before Amarado was not threatened, at least in terms of numbers, even the number of Yaozu wouldn't be so many!

You must know that before Xue Buyu was No. 1 in the Yin-Yang period.

Of course, this title does not belong to him now, Chu Hao's sudden appearance and strength, the two of them can already decide the winner without fighting.

"Inheriting your calling is my authentic Buddhism and Taoism."

Wang Xiang suddenly said something inexplicable, but Xue Buyu's expression became relieved, and Xue Buyu flew to Wang Xiang's side, then bowed his head and said: "Master, if you hadn't appeared, Buyu would have almost walked away." I have gone astray, please take it in, master, so as not to point out the maze!"

Wang Xiang nodded, stretched out his hand, and lightly pointed at Xue Buyu's head.I saw a circle of golden light glowing on Xue Buyu's head, spreading out towards the surroundings, the light was dazzling, like the rising sun, making people's eyes hard to open.


As the golden light spread, a high-pitched bird song came half a moment later, and a phoenix shadow appeared in the golden light.No, it's not like Fengying to be precise. There is a feather crest on his chicken head-like skull, the neck feathers are green, shining with metallic luster, and the tail feathers are extended into a huge tail screen, with five-color gold and emerald coin patterns on it. It looks more like another kind of bird!

This bird is extremely huge, with its wings spread ten feet wide, and after a bird song, it neighed several more times!The sound is deafening!

This is the body of the Yaozu!

Xue Buyu's body!

In the direction of the demon clan, those demon cultivators were all stunned, and Yao Li also narrowed his eyes.And not only them, even the demon cultivators of the Feng Clan stared at Xue Buyu's body with wide eyes!

It was also the first time for them to see Xue Buyu revealing his real body!

And the appearance of this main body is very similar to them, but it is not the real Phoenix clan, and many details and subtleties are not the real Phoenix clan!

"This is a peacock..."

Next to Chu Hao, Dong Lin's voice came. Chu Hao turned his head and looked at Dong Lin, who was also shocked.Then Chu Hao looked at Xue Buyu again. Indeed, this is not a phoenix, but a peacock!

If you have to say it, it should be said that it is the combination of the phoenix and the peacock!

Possesses the characteristics of two races!

"Is this the original appearance of Xue Buyu?" Chu Hao muttered to himself, thinking of Xue Buyu's various performances along the way and Wangxiang's so-called "summoning", he suddenly had a glimmer of understanding in his heart.

"Peacock, according to Buddhist scriptures, yin and yang are peacocks!"

In Kasyapa's era, there was a very famous demon cultivator who was known as the Peacock Ming King. Like Kassapa and Nagarjuna, he was also known as a living Buddha!Buddha's understanding is exactly the same as that of immortals!


Xue Buyu's bird head was still pointing at Wangxiang's direction, Wangxiang's fingers had already been put down, he smiled gratifiedly, and said: "The Feng clan is a branch of the Peacock clan. When you get the complete inheritance, you will Received the call from my Buddha. And now is the time for you to become my Buddha Daoming King."

Having said that, Wang Xiang clasped his hands together, bowed his head and said, "King Peacock Ming, congratulations on returning to my authentic Buddhism!"

In an instant, in the entire Bodhi Cave, countless petals of various colors fluttered, as colorful and gorgeous as the feathers of a peacock.

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