
Chapter 793 Wuzun Cave

Huang Qing's pupils shrank, and he looked at Chu Hao in disbelief, never expecting that Chu Hao would let him go so easily.But he didn't dare to move at the moment, because he didn't know whether Chu Hao was telling the truth or not.

Of course, Chu Hao could see Huang Qing's fear, and the dull feeling was even stronger. When he first arrived in Longshu Cave, this Huang Qing coveted his Hunyuan Ding, and the Nirvana Bronze Body made him feel desperate.

But now, the despair he brought to him is even stronger. This can be seen from the fact that Huang Qing dare not take any provocative actions at all.

"I said, you go." Chu Hao smiled and said, "What, you want me to do it?"

"no, I'm fine!"

Huang Qing's expression was extremely complicated, he took a deep look at Chu Hao, and finally left.

Chu Hao watched Huang Qing flee from here quickly, until the figure of the other party disappeared from sight, Chu Hao turned his head.Not to mention that Chu Hao can completely defeat Huang Qing now, even if Huang Qing has lost the will to fight against him, even if Chu Hao wants to take revenge, he is not interested in it, and has lost that interest.

Chu Hao didn't have any demons in Huang Qing's place, and he didn't need to prove anything to Huang Qing. Let him go, it's just because of Chu Hao's character, he didn't pursue the kind of villain who triumphantly stepped on his former enemies. The feeling under the feet may sometimes be stepped on, but not everyone is like this.

Like Huang Qing, Chu Hao had fought against him once, but Chu Hao had benefited a lot from the Bone Refining Sect, so naturally he wouldn't argue with Huang Qing who couldn't threaten him at all.Since Huang Qing was able to escape from there, it meant that his life was not worth dying for.

Withdrawing his gaze, Chu Hao flew towards the Black Mountains again without any psychological burden.

When Chu Hao came back, it took nearly a day to go back and forth, and the battle here was about to end at this moment. As a result, it didn't take Chu Hao much to think that the forces of the sixth heaven must have won a complete victory.

Chu Hao flew to the "Yutian Fierce Demon Sail", and he also learned another news from Beitianshu, that is, Amarado was not dead before, and rushed out of the water after forgetting to leave.But later it was solved by the forces of the sixth heaven. Amarado was seriously injured by Chu Hao, and his strength was less than [-]%. It was because of the battle with Amarado that time was delayed, otherwise Those traitors have been dealt with long ago.

There are no corpses around, but there is a strong smell of blood in the air, which spreads in every inch of the space, and it can be seen how tragic the previous war was.Bu Xingzi and the others had already cleaned up the portal and reinstalled and integrated the sect. Among the surviving monks, there were still more than 100 monks. When they saw Chu Hao flying over, they all gathered together.

Bu Xingzi first said: "My lord, thanks to you this time, if it wasn't for you, we might be dead now."

Gu Qingyou also said: "Little prince, thank you very much."

Even Daoist Hong Mo of Earth Demon Sect bowed his hands.

All major forces and sects thanked Chu Hao one after another, but Haoyang Palace did not, and only Ji Wuhen nodded slightly to Chu Hao.Chu Hao didn't care about these things, he smiled back at everyone, and then said, "What are your plans now?"

"I have no plans." Bu Xingzi sighed, "We estimate that the time for the Bodhi Cave is coming to an end. If you don't leave by then, you will probably enter the space of those tantric Buddhist practitioners, and you won't be able to leave at that time." .”

"So you are planning to leave?"

Chu Hao looked at the crowd and said, "Is everyone like this?"

"Of course it would be best if we can not leave." Yao Li said with a hearty smile, "But I don't know if there are any remnants of Tantric Buddhism. Our current group of people can't bear the buddhist cultivators who are out of their bodies."

Everyone laughed, but there is no doubt that the battles outside the Black Mountain Group in the past few days are enough to make them proud. They fought out of their bodies and won. Their forces from the sixth heaven worked together to win a huge victory!

Gu Qingyou clasped his fists and said, "My lord, your formation pattern has benefited me a lot. This trip to the Bodhi Cave is worthwhile. I will ask my lord for advice if I have a chance in the future."

"Hehe, I can't afford it. Your ancestors of Bi Lanzong will not kill me, but will kidnap you to me." Chu Hao laughed, and he also responded to Gu Qingyou's sincerity. A good joke.

The cultivators of Haoyang Palace wrote to Chu Hao one after another, and then led by Gu Qingyou, they returned to the way they came from.

Chu Hao wondered: "Gu Daoyou and the others know how to get out?"

Bu Xingzi said with a smile: "Before Lama Amaradona was not dead, the way out we found from his mouth, in fact, as long as we don't enter the Nagarjuna Temple and reach the other end of the Nagarjuna Cave, it is the exit."

Chu Hao nodded and said, "It turns out that Dragon Tree Cave is the last place for ordinary monks to enter Bodhi Cave."

Bu Xingzi said: "Maybe there is still some time left, and I can find some benefits in Longshu Cave. It is not too late, I should go too." After a pause, Bu Xingzi finally said: "Our Pure Yin Palace owes the little prince A favor, Bu Xingzi will keep this matter in mind!" After that, without allowing Chu Hao to say a few polite words, all the monks from the Pure Yin Palace also left one after another.

Gradually, some people dispersed, but few people were nostalgic for the surrounding space of the hall. They must have been exhausted, and their future was unknown. If they could still connect to the base camp of Tantric Buddhism in the depths of the Bodhi Cave, they would have no choice but to go out. .

When Haoyang Palace was leaving, Lin Honglei took a deep look at Chu Hao, then put it on Dong Lin, and finally chose to leave.When everyone was leaving, they all greeted Chu Hao with a clasped fist. After all, without Chu Hao stepping forward, they would never have managed to survive before forgetting to rush over.

"Little prince, I owe you a favor, if you need anything in the future, I will never refuse!"

When the three-eyed tiger clan left, Yao Li said so.

The same is true for the Feng Clan. Although they lost a young patriarch, apart from the depression in their hearts, their faces were still calm, and their emotions didn't have much impact.They didn't say anything, but after clasping fists at Chu Hao, they left with the three-eyed tiger clan.

But Chu Hao knew that the Feng clan also owed him a huge favor.

"Little prince, you have become everyone's great benefactor now. When you go out to the sixth heaven, you don't need anyone to publicize it for you. You will become famous when you break through Tiandao."

On the Yutian Fierce Demon Sail, watching a group of monks leave, Bei Tianshu chuckled and said to Chu Hao.

Chu Hao shook his head and sighed: "It's a pity, I didn't get the favor from Mr. Tianshu, and you easily returned it."

Bei Tianshu coughed dryly. Tao Ranju sneaked up on Amarado before, and to be honest, he took advantage of it. However, he also knew Chu Hao's character. If he really owed the other party a favor, it would definitely kill him.So Bei Tianshu would rather not lose face, and pretended not to hear.

Yu Jianglin said at this time: "My lord, you guys are going to Potian Island, are you going to leave now?"

Chu Hao looked around. At this moment, everyone had almost left. The large forces of the sixth heaven left one after another, leaving only a small force like the Cheetah Clan, etc. who were reluctant to leave in twos and threes.Thinking about it, they are not as well-established as the large forces. They have gone through a lot of hardships to come here. They just risked their lives and fought with the tantric lamas, but they didn't get any benefits. How could they be willing.

"Everyone is gone."

Chu Hao said to the monks: "It's useless for you to stay longer. There may be Buddhist practitioners of Tantric Buddhism around the Black Mountain Group. Everyone, go away. Maybe something will happen if you leave later."

"What about you, my lord?"

Under Chu Hao's persuasion, some people were worried and hurriedly left, but there were also some cunning people who saw that Chu Hao hadn't left yet, and asked.

Chu Hao stared, and said: "Of course I didn't leave to serve you as a queen. Don't you see my good intentions, and want to let my hard work go to waste?"

After the battle with Amarado, Chu Hao already had full deterrent power in front of everyone. Although he hadn't exuded his aura at the moment, it already made the monks of those small sects and small forces feel terrified. fear.

After hearing what Chu Hao said, these cultivators also heard the unkindness in Chu Hao's tone, and quickly flew away from the Black Mountains without looking back.When everyone was almost gone, Bei Tianshu said with a smile: "The little prince has a really bad temper."

"Of course I am friendly to my friends, but to my enemies or those who plot evil, I have always maintained an iron fist policy."

Bei Tianshu smiled, and of course understood the meaning of Chu Hao's words, and looked around the empty surroundings. After the previous tragic battle, this place seemed extraordinarily quiet and desolate.

"My lord, what are your plans now?"

Chu Hao stared into the distance, and said, "Of course I have fulfilled my promise with Mr. Tianshu."

"Promise?" Bei Tianshu was taken aback for a moment, but then quickly reacted and said, "You mean, cooperation?"

"That's right." Chu Hao flew up, and said, "Could it be that Mr. Tianshu thinks that there will really be fires of karma coming out of this Black Mountain group, or there are remnants of Buddhist practitioners?"

Bei Tianshu didn't speak, the two looked at each other and smiled.

"Let's go!" At this moment, Chu Hao's Potian Island and Tao Ranju were left in the entire space, and Yutian Fierce Demon Fan rushed directly towards the depths of the Black Mountains under the control of Beitianshu.

Chu Hao didn't expect that the Black Mountain Group was still very long, and it took about half an hour to pass through it at the speed of Yutian Guimofan.When he reached the opposite bank, Chu Hao thought there would be an island or a continent, but he just saw a cave at the edge of the entire space. There was no shelter at the entrance of the cave, and it was wide open, and there was the sound of wind.

It says "No Zun Cave."

At this moment, both Beitianshu and Chu Hao stopped, Beitianshu said: "This is the fourth floor?"

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