
Chapter 809 Absorbing Thunder Tribulation

This first catastrophe came and went just as quickly. Chu Hao had already passed it under severe pain.

After this thunderstorm, Chu Hao's body seemed to be overwhelmed by spiritual bubbles. He could clearly feel that his cultivation base had risen to another level, but he didn't feel happy at all. This was still the first thunderstorm. If according to the six-nine thunder calamity that Yuanying advances to Yin and Yang, he still has five thunder calamities!

And if nine paths come down consecutively every time, how can he bear this intensity of thunder tribulation?

"Infant Transformation!"

Chu Hao remembered the jade slips thrown to him by the Jumu Immortal. One of them was able to travel through space, and the other was the technique of recording qi and blood and the technique of transforming babies!

The art of qi and blood is a fairy art, and the art of transforming babies is also the same!

Chu Hao clearly remembered that when Immortal Jumu gave him this jade slip, he said that when he could form six Nascent Souls one day, the Infant Transformation Technique would definitely be of great help to him. A set of immortal methods most suitable for Chu Hao!

At this moment, Chu Hao couldn't allow Chu Hao to think too much. He had only briefly seen the technique of transforming babies before, but he hadn't thought about it in detail. But now, even if it doesn't work, he still has to use it !

The "Infant Transformation Technique" is the method used when the six Nascent Souls are condensed and fused with Yin and Yang to transform the Nascent Soul into a Primordial Spirit.In fact, whether it is yin and yang, out of body or even Mahayana, as long as you cross the realm of Yuanying, you will be on the road to becoming a fairy step by step.A monk spends his whole life condensing the golden elixir to form the Nascent Soul, and in the end it will only form the Primordial Spirit. The Nascent Soul is too powerful!

However, there can only be one primordial spirit. For example, most of those who have condensed the second primordial avatar have special skills. The primordial spirits are all equal in strength, and the divided primordial spirits are naturally lower in cultivation and strength.

Now that Chu Hao gathered Yin and Yang, he wanted to overcome the catastrophe. Although the six Nascent Souls were formed, they also had to form a Nascent Soul at the last moment.Now he has comprehended the yin and yang qi in the Three Thousand Ways, so there is no difficulty in the yin and yang convergence, and the "Infant Transformation Technique" left by the Jumu Immortal was just prepared for Chu Hao to condense his soul at this moment of.

Chu Hao's spiritual sense penetrated into the jade slips, and he felt the urge to scold the Immortal Jumu immediately!

On the jade slip, there was only a row of words, which made Chu Hao almost vomit blood with anger!

"When yin and yang converge, the five elements are formed. Yuanying is the five elements, and the dantian is the universe. The five elements rule, and the streams and rivers are summarized."

What does this *** mean?Is this a practice or a formula?

Or is it a jingle?

Chu Hao was extremely aggrieved. Although the Heavenly Tribulation was temporarily dull, anyone who wasn't an idiot would know that the second Thunder Tribulation was coming soon, but now it was brewing again.

And the scene where Chu Hao physically resisted the first lightning calamity caused an uproar again at this moment.

Those ancestors couldn't even believe their eyes, what did they see?I actually saw a chain of lightning and nine chains falling from the sky!

"Did I read it right just now?" Wu Zhengyi, the patriarch in the out-of-body period, rubbed his eyes, his eyes were full of disbelief, "Is this the first thunder disaster? Already missed eight ways?"

"This is the first thunder calamity." The old devil Zihong felt heavy in his heart. Although his disciple Hong Moren had tried several times to tell him not to trouble Chu Hao, he certainly refused to let the real black ghost do it. Such a waste, coupled with his confidence in his own strength, even Amarado might not be as strong as their demon cultivators.

Therefore, he still cooperated with Lin Badao and others.

But now, since Chu Hao's appearance, the shock in his heart has not stopped for a moment, and just after he calmed down, he was thrown into another huge wave.Looking up at Chu Hao, this guy has already created many incredible things. The Nascent Soul Stage not only triggered the ninety-nine heavenly calamity, but also descended the colorful flower spirit cloud.If this is a problem with his own talent, ordinary people can still figure it out, but the next nine chains of catastrophes have to make him horrified!

what does this mean?

The first catastrophe sent down nine strands, and it was absolutely going to put Chu Hao to death!

Is this panic from Heaven?

With such a heaven-defying guy, God had to break the rules all along. The first thunder tribulation was the nine chains!

And they offended such a guy, a genius who even Tiandao regards as an opponent!

After the old devil Zihong said this, he didn't speak again. His eyes were fixed on the top, and his mind was full of thoughts, and he didn't know what he was thinking of.

And the other ancestors, Lin Badao and his ilk also had a terribly gloomy face. Feeling the power of the thunder tribulation, they felt that it was much more terrifying than the first catastrophe they had gone through. The most important thing is that this is only the first one!

"That kid actually has a Nirvana copper body." Ji Youchang said in a concentrated voice: "There are not many body refiners in the sixth level of heaven, and there are only a few who can reach the Nirvana copper body. He is only at the Nascent Soul Stage..."

Lin Badao said coldly: "The more monstrous he behaves, the more certain he will die! We don't need to think about it, the way of heaven will not allow him to survive like this! This is the first way. There are nine times in total. Do you think he can survive under such intensity?"

After finishing speaking, Lin Badao laughed and said, "How can he survive even if the laws of heaven are not allowed!"

The other ancestors suppressed the fear in their hearts, and laughed twice in agreement with Lin Badao, but the laughter sounded extremely dry.

Chu Hao was in the air, and at this moment he silently recited the passage on the jade slip. After all, the Jumu Immortal is also his master in name, so it is simply too insane to deceive his apprentice like this.But this time after Chu Hao read this sentence, an inexplicable realization suddenly flashed in his heart, as if he had caught something, but he didn't grasp it fast, and it passed away quickly.

"Boom boom boom..." Chu Hao just caught a little inspiration, and before he had time to think about it, the second thunder disaster came down.

The second lightning calamity is also nine flashes of lightning, the same as the thickness of the baby's arms. The difference from the first thunder calamity is that there are three lightning bolts coming down the first time. Before Chu Hao can fully digest the three lightning arcs, Three more thunder arcs fell.When the nine arcs of lightning fell completely, Chu Hao couldn't hold back his blood pressure in one breath, and a stream of blood spurted out from his churning abdomen.

This time, the injury that had just recovered a little was worse again.

The exercises of "Wei Feng's Body Training Cheats" are indeed far beyond the sixth heaven. Although Chu Hao felt the power of this body training Cheats when he was training his body before, his feeling is even clearer now!While the exercises were running, Chu Hao's heart began to calm down. He felt that his cultivation base had risen again. The damage caused by this lightning arc was too terrifying. If he didn't have the Nirvana Bronze Body, he would basically be in this first place now. Seriously injured under the second lightning arc!

"Two ways, this is only two ways!"

Chu Hao raised his head, and there was blood in his eyes. He didn't know at all that this was the Ninety-Nine Heavenly Tribulation. In his imagination, it was just a terrifying six-nine-day calamity.

There are still four roads to pass, and you will be safe!

Yuanying is the five elements, and Dantian is the universe.

Chu Hao silently read this sentence in his heart, always felt that this sentence was extraordinary, as if it really had special power and Dao Yun, which made him think deeply.He already had six Nascent Souls. Although none of the new Nascent Souls had been warmed and stabilized by him, except for the natal Nascent Soul that was condensed based on his heavenly spirit root, the other five Nascent Souls were indeed Represents the five elements!

The five elements, metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, are the foundation of the universe and even the universe...

And each of Chu Hao's Nascent Soul attributes corresponds to the five top-grade spiritual roots, the pure five-element spiritual roots.

At this time, the third thunder tribulation came again!

The arc of lightning tore through the sky, and it was still the same arc of lightning. Nine paths descended together and landed on Chu Hao's body steadily!

But this time, when he was facing the thunder calamity, a thought suddenly flashed in Chu Hao's mind, and the words "Infant Transformation Technique" on the jade slip appeared in his mind very clearly again!

Since the five elements are the main attribute and the foundation of the world, other attributes can also be simulated by the five elements!Chu Hao's aptitude and comprehension ability are absolutely outstanding. Maybe his luck is against the sky, but there is no denying the two points in front of him, otherwise even Jumu Immortal and Buddha would look at him differently.

So, after Chu Hao had a flash of inspiration, the structure of the lightning arc suddenly became very strange to his eyes!

Lightning arc is the attribute of thunder!Among the spiritual roots, there is also the thunder root. If the five elements are the basis, then the thunder root is also derived from the five elements, and the attributes are mutually generated!

Although I don't know which attributes of the five elements gave birth to the thunder attribute, but Chu Hao can deduce it!Now that he has created his own exercises, his deduction ability can be said to be unmatched by anyone in the out-of-body period. How can a monk who can create such a six-yuan infant exercise have mediocre deduction ability?

After Chu Hao deduced it like this, he immediately caught the key point of the "Infant Transformation Technique", which only has one sentence!

The five elements dominate, streams and rivers are summarized!

The space is dominated by the five elements, and then the attribute of thunder is deduced!To put it simply, after Chu Hao deduces the thunder attribute from the outside world, the Five Elements Yuanying absorbs it into the dantian space, and then absorbs the thunder calamity!

Finally, survive the catastrophe and gather all the Nascent Souls into the Nascent Soul!

Chu Hao couldn't help but get excited when he thought of this!

The attribute of thunder is to be deduced. Although now every time a thunder disaster passes, he will feel that his cultivation base has improved, but it is far from being proportional to the thunder disaster he has endured!And if it can absorb the thunder attribute in the real thunder calamity, it belongs to the attribute of heaven, and it is the purest power. After transformation, it is definitely much stronger than the power given by itself!

After all, no matter what, Chu Hao is just a mortal now, not to mention mortals, even immortals can't compare with the sky!

The catastrophe is the sky leading down!

Chu Hao began to deduce crazily, and the fourth catastrophe also fell at the same moment!

The three came first, the third followed, and there were three more at the end, still a total of nine lightning arcs!

In the last three times, under the tempering of the lightning arc, Chu Hao's body seemed to be hollowed out, but at this moment, Chu Hao's body began to bounce back with a huge suction force, and the originally lifeless silence The six Nascent Souls in the dantian became active, and among them, a purple air mass was forming, absorbing the thunder-attribute power from the thunder tribulation in a blink of an eye!

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