
Chapter 813 Just fight, I'm afraid of you?

Chu Hao's words made Lin Badao furious. Lin Badao couldn't sit still anymore. He stood up and said coldly: "Chu Hao, don't think that you can be defiant because of your strength. We have so many ancestors. Here, can you still turn the world upside down?"

"I have the strength, so do I still have to bow my knees?" Chu Hao laughed, and said, "What kind of logic do you have? Could it be that the monks you are most inferior to you are all servile?"

Chu Hao had already recognized it. This guy was the guy who attacked him with the big hand of real energy just now. It turned out to be Lin Badao.

After being ridiculed by Chu Hao again, Lin Ba Dao obviously couldn't hold back his face anymore. He followed Ruan Pingzhi's words and said, "We kindly came to congratulate you, but it's fine if you don't show face, and you still talk so sarcasticly and ridicule us, could it be that you are breaking the law? Tiandao is already so powerful that he doesn’t need friends?”

Chu Hao glanced around, his eyes swept over the faces of each ancestor, and said lightly: "Of course I welcome friends, but I'm afraid that the friends who talk about it are actually daggers hidden behind their backs."

Chu Hao's words made Lin Badao's face even more ugly in an instant, only to hear Lin Badao sneer and said: "You are arrogant and domineering in Potian Island, you killed many of our outstanding juniors in the Bodhi Temple, and you are also mad Is it wrong for us to pursue this responsibility?"

Lin Badao just wanted to stir up trouble, but Chu Hao didn't like him at all. Chu Hao also responded with a sneer, and said, "According to Lin Wangba's logic..."

"It's Lin Badao!" Lin Badao paused every word, wishing he could kill Chu Hao right now.

Chu Hao was stunned, and said: "Anyway, they are all the same, there is no difference. According to your logic, since the monks participating in the Bodhi Temple are all juniors, then I, as an elder, saw that they were disobedient and wanted to educate them, but they Disobedient to discipline, and even insulted my elders. I originally wanted to see you guys and didn’t want to bother with them, but they actually said that it’s not my turn to educate them. They are the biggest in Bodhi Temple, they can do whatever they want!"

When Chu Hao said this, he was extremely emotional, but the primordial spirit at the dantian was frantically gathering. Of course he was delaying time, but these ancestors couldn't see it.Chu Hao didn't care about the ugly faces of the ancestors at all, and continued: "So of course I can't bear it anymore, just imagine that the disciples who have been cultivated so hard are not willing to obey the discipline, and even feel that what they have done has not respected the ancestors. The sect is ashamed, so disobedient to discipline, I am also the master of the sect, I was angry at that time, so I took action to teach them a lesson."

"Killing and teaching a lesson seem to be two different things." King You Xiao said coldly.

Chu Hao smiled and said, "May I ask which faction you belong to? What Taoist name?"

King You Xiao said: "Don't dare, I, King You Xiao, am the master of the blood demon you educated."

Chu Hao looked You Xiaowang up and down, this guy's hair was also curled up in strands, almost covering his face, but his cheekbones were protruding, his eyes were slightly slanted, he didn't look like a kind person , There is also a hostility in the whole body.

The guys from the Silver Wolf Monster Clan are indeed uglier than the last.

Chu Hao knew in his heart that if he hadn't happened to survive the Ninety-Nine Heavens Tribulation, and the momentum was too violent, these ancestors probably didn't have the patience to listen to his nonsense, and it would be best if they didn't kill him immediately.

Even if it was changed to Six or Nine Heavens Tribulation, they would not have the slightest scruples in their hearts.

But it was precisely because he had survived ninety-nine heavenly calamities that they were afraid in their hearts and did not dare to act rashly.Otherwise, with such a big enemy, this King You Xiao would not want to kill himself and then hurry up.

Chu Hao laughed, and said: "It turns out that it is King You Xiao. I have heard of the name of Daoist friend a long time ago. I saw you today. It is a pleasure to meet you." If you succeed in crossing the tribulation, what kind of gifts do fellow Taoists have prepared?"

It was the first time for the ancestors to see such a thick-skinned person, not only reaching out for something, but at the last moment, it seemed that King You Xiao was questioning Chu Hao, and Chu Hao seemed to be underplaying and selectively ignoring the questioning.

You Xiao Wang was so angry that there was already murderous intent in his eyes, he stared at Chu Hao coldly and said, "I still want to prepare a big gift for you?"

Chu Hao wondered: "Didn't you come to congratulate me on successfully crossing the catastrophe? The friend from Haoyang Palace just said that."

King You Xiao said angrily: "I don't have the time to congratulate you brat, if you don't give me an explanation today, then our Silver Wolf Monster Clan and you will never stop!"

"So what if you don't give up?"

Chu Hao accelerated the fusion speed, and he could feel that his true essence had risen a lot at this moment, but it was still only halfway out of his body.Because he didn't have time to comprehend yin and yang, although he has yin and yang qi, it seems that it is not so easy to get out of his body.

Maybe in the end, his crazy cultivation could only be maintained at half a step out of his body, and his realm could not be improved, but he believed that his fighting ability was definitely much higher than before.

Hearing King You Xiao's words, Chu Hao also laughed, raised his head slightly, raised his eyebrows, and said, "Am I afraid of those kittens and puppies from your silver wolf demon clan?"

"Okay, okay, okay!" King You Xiao said ferociously: "It's been too long since I, the Silver Wolf Monster Clan, have appeared in the sixth heaven, and you all have forgotten about us. In this case, I will wake up your memory and let you know Our monster race is amazing!"

"It's not forgotten, it's because I haven't heard of it at all." Chu Hao smiled and said, "If I hadn't met that blind guy of the Gorefiend, I wouldn't have known that the Sky Demon Mountain Range and the Silver Wolf Demon Clan existed. You don't have to wake me up." memories, I know you now."

King You Xiao had already automatically ignored Chu Hao's voice, and roared angrily, only to see the hair on the top of his head fluffed up, and the hair that was originally fluffy on the top of his head began to flutter around, and the astonishing momentum began to rise rapidly at this moment.

"Do you want to do it?" Chu Hao laughed, unexpectedly without the slightest fear, he looked around and said, "Everyone, who are my friends, you can stand up now and stop him. I recognize you!"

No one paid any attention to Chu Hao at all, King You Xiao's strength was much higher than Lin Ba Dao's, and it was more in line with what everyone thought in his mind to test him again.Chu Hao shook his head and sighed, "These so-called 'friends' really can't be trusted."

Ruan Pingzhi said: "Friend Daoist is too arrogant and arrogant."

"You guys came here together, and you said you were giving gifts, and you were talking about being friends. Now you finally showed your tail?" Chu Hao looked at the ancestors with a sneer, his face also sank at this moment, and his momentum was the same It began to rise, slowly stood up from the Hunyuan tripod, and then floated in mid-air.

"However, I still want to thank you all for giving me the opportunity to nourish my soul, otherwise I would not be able to fight you in my state just now." After speaking, Chu Hao cupped his hands and said, "Thank you very much."

Only then did the ancestors realize that Chu Hao really couldn't move just now, and they didn't grasp the weak period after the catastrophe, so they were fooled by Chu Hao!

I felt extremely remorseful, but when I thought of Chu Hao playing them like monkeys, I was even more angry. Wu Zhengyi said: "We originally wanted to talk to fellow daoists, but since fellow daoists sincerely want to tear their faces apart, we want to Started a war against all the sects we present?"

"I want to fight, I'm afraid of you?" Chu Hao laughed, and said, "It's just right, let me try my new realm with you!"

Chu Hao's indifference, and if you want to use them to try tricks, how can you proud ancestors bear it? Seeing Chu Hao stand up now, Lin Badao knew that he couldn't delay any longer, turned his head and said: " Senior Zihong, if we don't do it yet, this kid doesn't know what kind of schemes and tricks he will use. He is cunning and cunning like a fox, we can't let him delay any longer!"

"kill him!"

The old devil Zihong had already planned this. Originally, he wanted to inquire, but seeing the fate of the Haoyang Palace and the Silver Wolf Monster Clan, I am afraid that even if he is one cultivation level higher than the ancestors present, he would not be able to do so. Hao can't take advantage here, so instead of being humiliated in vain, it's better to kill him now!

Even if Chu Hao had the ability to defy the sky, he still didn't believe that this guy who had just survived the catastrophe for less than a quarter of an hour could recover so quickly!Although they missed the best time to ambush because of their caution, they are all in number, and there is absolutely no possibility of failure!

"go to hell!"

King You Xiao let out an angry roar, he had been brewing for a long time, and he was the first to fight back!

This is already different from Lin Badao's probing move of the big hand with real essence before. He let out a wolf howl, and the high-pitched sound wave shook away the gravel on the ground, and then countless paw prints appeared in the air!

Sirius Claw!

Sirius Howl and Sirius Claws appeared at the same time. This came from the powerful energy and true energy fluctuations during the out-of-body period. It was by no means compared with the blood demons and red teeth and other demon cultivators. The fluctuations caused by this were even hundreds of thousands of miles away. The monks fighting inside and outside all felt pain in their eardrums, and their blood was surging.

And Chu Hao, who was the closest to King You Xiao, felt this feeling even more strongly. The paw prints tore through the sky, and the substantial paw prints did not give Chu Hao a chance to escape at all!

All right!

At this moment, Chu Hao's primordial spirit finally condensed successfully!There was a throbbing in his dantian, and the meridians quickly poured into the cool true essence. The strong sense of power made him want to roar up to the sky! ,

"Good come!"

Chu Hao's eyes were piercing. Since he wanted to use Zihong Laomo and others to try his tricks, there was no reason for him to avoid it!


"Support the sky with one hand!"

I saw a golden light and shadow protruding from Chu Hao's hand. If you look carefully, you can see that the golden light and shadow are filled with countless soil particles.And this khaki beam of light circled in the air, like a huge palm formed of concrete blocking the front of Sirius' claws.The lines on the palm were visible, it was extremely huge, and there was a thick aura exuding from the soil mixture. The yellow palm slapped the Sirius' claws apart in an instant, it was the metal magic power known for defense!

The Sirius Claw had no way to break through the giant palm's defense at all. After the claw marks were stopped by the giant palm in mid-air, only three scratches were left on the palm!

"Metallic skills?"

All the patriarchs were shocked. They did not expect Chu Hao to have such a pure spiritual root of the five elements. "Supporting the sky with one hand" is not an ordinary metal skill, and it requires a monk with a golden spiritual root to practice hard.Just like the sea of ​​fire of the fire spirit root, the sea of ​​fire cast by low-level monks and the sea of ​​fire cast by high-level monks are completely different concepts.

But now the perverted Chu Hao's "supporting the sky with one hand" defense is equally astonishing. After directly blocking King You Xiao's Sirius claws, there was no damage at all!

"Is he a monk of Jinlingen?"

A thought arose in the hearts of the ancestors, but then, something that shocked them again happened. They saw Chu Hao floating in the air, condensing water into ice, "It's snowing for nine days!"

"Frozen for three thousand miles!"

As soon as he made a move, it turned out to be two extremely powerful and ferocious ice attribute supernatural powers!

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