
Chapter 816 I Really Came to Congratulate

In Chu Hao's memory, many masters don't like to do it themselves, but just relying on their momentum can frighten countless people.This kind of momentum is not only a kind of aura, but also a kind of domineering like one man guarding the gate.

Sometimes in such a master, a look can cause the enemy's psychological collapse and tension.

Those masters describe this situation as "realm."

But Chu Hao likes to call it "pretending to be x".

Yes, Chu Hao is pretending to be x now, and he enjoys the feeling of pretending x very much.Today, he has changed into a set of clean robes, still wearing long robes, locked trousers and boots outlined with silver trim.

Sitting on the Hunyuan cauldron, Chu Hao looked indifferently at the twelve ancestors present. Almost all of these people stood at the top of the sixth heaven, but now they were silent because of his words, and dared not There is no rash action.

Within a radius of hundreds of miles below, everyone was stunned.

Chu Hao forced the old devil Zihong to retreat and frightened the twelve ancestors. This scene was so amazing and shocking that it made people feel like they were in a dream.

The ancestors of other sects who have not yet dispersed also have a layer of gloom in their eyes at this moment.Chu Hao's strength exceeded all of their expectations. The existence of such a guy could almost break the balance of Liu Chongtian. The most important thing is that this talent is only in the out-of-body stage.

"Old Devil Zihong is going well."

In the direction of the Pure Yin Palace below, the ancestor of the Pure Yin Palace looked at the sky lightly, and waved: "Let's go."

Bu Xingzi was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Won't the ancestor make a move?"

The ancestors of the Pure Yin Palace were planning to leave when Bu Xingzi and others came out. They didn't get the broken chapter this time, and they planned to close the mountain again.However, after hearing what Bu Xingzi said about Chu Hao, and the fact that Chu Hao is inextricably linked to Buddhism and Taoism, the patriarch simply waited and planned to help Chu Hao to see if he could get rid of that damned curse. remove.

But now this situation is clearly not working.Chu Hao didn't need to owe him this favor at all. This guy was too strong, unreasonably strong.The patriarch glanced at Bu Xingzi and said, "Do you think it's necessary for me to make a move now?"

Bu Xingzi sneered and said, "Then we don't need to leave in a hurry."

"Maybe Fellow Daoist Chu can help us."

The ancestor of Pure Yin Palace thought for a while, and finally decided to listen to Bu Xingzi, and said: "Then let's take a look. After this battle, even if Potian Island was not well-known before, it will definitely be a place of prosperity in the future." The pinnacle of power on earth."


The ancestors who did not participate in the battle were all discussing the scene in the sky, not to mention the other monks, and the reactions of Ji Dao and Li Qingyue of Fu Huzong were even more violent.They saw Chu Hao's Ninety-Nine Heavens Tribulation, and saw Chu Hao intimidating all the ancestors by himself, and they were all very excited.

"I just said that Fellow Daoist Chu is definitely not something in the pool." Ji Dao said excitedly, he seemed to be more excited than Chu Hao, and said: "My God, those are famous people, all of them are At the level of the ancestor, he can shock all of them by himself!"

A monk from Fuhu Sect nearby said: "I heard that the old devil Zihong has reached the second level of out-of-body existence, but he actually apologized to the island master Chu and retreated. This little prince is really too powerful!" They also witnessed Chu Hao's astonishing performance in the Bodhi Temple, and now they seem to have experienced a legendary rise in this scene, and they feel a sense of pride and pride in their hearts!The prestige of the old devil Zihong is not ordinary cruelty in the rich and prosperous place. He has killed countless people, but he is a leader in the way of magic. It is possible that he can be defeated by a single slap, but this is such a devil who can't even talk to Chu Hao He didn't have the courage to face it directly, even the magic weapon was broken, and he ran away directly!

"Yeah!" Ji Dao nodded heavily, and said: "To know someone like Chu Daoyou, I, Ji Dao, is really a blessing that I have cultivated for thousands of years. With Chu Daoyou's Potian Island, our rich land, really It's going to change..."

Li Qingyue's beautiful eyes twinkled, she was as beautiful as ever.She stood quietly beside Ji Dao like a lotus petal. When Chu Hao showed his supernatural power, her heart was agitated. She wanted to say a few words at first, but she thought of something, and the color in her excited eyes faded instantly. Down, become gloomy...

I knew that he was very powerful. Now he even looks up to the ancestors of the sect, and we are already looking up to him. He and I are not from the same world at all, and we can't see it...

The orange flame cage trapped all twelve patriarchs. Chu Hao's eyes swept over them one by one. Seeing that no one spoke, he snorted softly and said, "Since no one speaks, then I will Let me talk about it first. In the Bodhi Temple, I killed a monk of the Bone Refining Sect, wiped out the blood demons of the Wuji Sect, the Sky Demon Mang Clan, and the Silver Wolf Demon Clan, and abolished the real black ghost of the Earth Demon Sect..."

Chu Hao spoke very slowly, and his eyes skipped over the ancestors one by one, "But these people, I never took the initiative to trouble them, they troubled me themselves, and thought that I, Po Tiandao, was a soft persimmon. Good pinch!"

Having said that, Chu Hao's voice gradually turned cold, and he said: "Yes, I admit that I am not strong in Po Tiandao, but it is not something that your younger disciples, small fish and shrimp, can handle. If they want to threaten me, I will If you want to kill me, you must be prepared to be killed and completely wiped out."

"But I'm still curious. Even if they want to seek revenge, there are not so many people." Chu Hao looked at those ancestors and said, "I want to ask, who are the others?"

In the orange fire cage, Lin Badao felt the astonishing heat from the flames, and his hair was already soaked.For out-of-body monks like him, the temperature outside could no longer affect them. What really affected them was the murderous intent in Chu Hao's plain tone.

Lin Badao snorted unwillingly, and said in a low voice: "You don't leave any room for doing things on the island of heaven, and the sky is angry and everyone complains. Does it mean that we need to get your approval to join forces?"

"No, you misunderstood me." Chu Hao smiled slightly and said, "Whether you come to express congratulations or seek revenge, it doesn't matter how many people come, and you don't need my approval. But, I To find out your sects, I will personally visit them one by one in the future."

"Even if it's that demon cultivator named Zihong Daoist, he's gone now, and I will definitely visit Earth Demon Sect in the future!"

Come and visit one by one!

Chu Hao's words shook everyone's minds. These words were extremely domineering, powerful, and unquestionable.Just imagine, a half-step out-of-body monk dared to say such threatening words in front of all the out-of-body ancestors, it's simply inconceivable!

But now Chu Hao not only has the time to speak out, but he is not even afraid of being refuted at all!

These clear words echoed in the space, and the old devil Zihong, who had already fled to a distance, also stopped, his face changed drastically.Next to him are a group of monks from the Earth Demon Sect, including Daoist Hong Mo.Daoist Hong Mo has seen Chu Hao's decisiveness and willful attitude in the Nagarjuna Temple, and he will really do what he says!

"Old Ancestor..." Looking at Chu Hao over there, and then looking back at Old Demon Zihong, Daoist Hong Mo's expression was equally bitter.

"Go down."

After Zihong's face changed several times, he finally compromised.With Chu Hao's means today, I am afraid that he will really come to the door, not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.He was originally a demon cultivator, so he could afford to lose his face.

A dignified generation of powers who had been out of the body for the second level was actually dismissed silently by Chu Hao, and was so scared by a single sentence that he ran back again!

"Big Pillar of Qi and Blood!"

But at this time, as if to prove the strength of his words, he saw Qi and blood gushing out of Chu Hao's body!Behind him, a stream of Qi and blood soared into the sky, the astonishing bright red blood of Qi and blood was nearly two feet wide, as if it was connected with the sky and the earth!The gust of wind continued, and Chu Hao's energy and blood power was swaying at this moment. Under this thick column of energy and blood, Chu Hao's figure seemed to become smaller when he saw it.

"This is, the Giant Pillar of Qi and Blood?"

When Chu Hao's giant pillar of qi and blood rose, all the ancestors were shocked again!The shocks that Chu Hao brought to them were one after another, and this giant pillar of energy and blood was no longer a pillar of energy and blood at all, but a phantom of energy and blood!

In the scarlet qi and blood, Chu Hao's appearance could be vaguely seen, as if he was gradually taking shape through the qi and blood, as if he had begun to have a substantial body.

In the past, Chu Hao could never reach the realm of phantom qi and blood before using the "flag summoning technique", but now that he has survived the catastrophe and condensed into a primordial spirit, he can actually awaken more qi and blood in his body. Qi and blood particles!

These qi and blood particles are awakened by the primordial spirit in the body, and directly break out of the body!

"These qi and blood can reach at least two thousand and five!"

Looking at the twisting and twisting column of energy and blood behind it, slowly changing its shape, the facial muscles of the ancestors seemed to have stiffened.The qi and blood of two thousand and five have reached the level of phantom qi and blood, and not even one of them can reach such a state!

The corner of Chu Hao's mouth curled up. He had stunned everyone before he even used the "Summon the Flag Technique", let alone used it.He himself preliminarily estimated that if he really used the summoning flag technique, he would definitely be able to approach the realm of "coagulation of Qi and blood", which is equivalent to awakening nearly [-] particles of Qi and blood!

This is also impossible to do in the Mahayana period, which means that he can double his energy and blood ability by relying on the "flag summoning technique"!

The art of qi and blood is originally a supernatural power passed down by the immortals. It belongs to the fairy art. It is said that in the fairy world, all the particles of qi and blood are used to improve one's own realm. Chu Hao can have such an ability of qi and blood. It can be said that none of the ancestors present It's the opponent!

With this alone, Chu Hao can completely ignore the cooperation of all the out-of-body ancestors present!

At this moment, Ji Youchang's heart was finally full of remorse, he didn't even dare to attack the Orange Fire Cage, and he didn't dare to offend Chu Hao.The corner of his mouth was extremely bitter, staring at the mighty Chu Hao in the sky, his heart was full of mixed feelings.

"Report your sect."

Chu Hao had already firmly controlled the scene at this moment, and looked down lightly. Under the shadow of qi and blood, he looked like a god, and the background was blood-red.

"Anyone who doesn't belong to my above-mentioned sects, please explain the reason."

Chu Hao said lightly: "Otherwise, don't blame me for being cruel!"

"I don't have to worry about the forest under the flying snow."

The ancestor of Feixuechi looked bleak and pale. He was already a bit collapsed by Chu Hao's aura. Every time Chu Hao glanced, he seemed to be staring at himself.He knew that there were also the ancestors of the Great Demon Sect and the Demon Toad Clan present, but he felt that Chu Hao was staring at him alone.

He was already intimidated by Chu Hao, and he was so suppressed that he didn't even have the slightest intention of confrontation, "We Feixuechi are here to congratulate fellow daoists!"

"Congratulations?" Chu Hao sneered, and said, "What congratulations?"

"Of course I congratulate Fellow Daoist Chu, no, Senior Chu successfully crossed the catastrophe and achieved yin and yang!"

It can be said that it is incomparably ridiculous for a powerful person in the out-of-body period to congratulate a monk who has just passed the catastrophe and achieved yin and yang, and still uses the honorific "senior".But none of the monks present dared to laugh, and even those demon cultivators all had tense faces, which were extremely ugly.Regarding Lin Buchou's defection, they did not express any stance.

"What about sincerity?"

Chu Hao said lightly.

Being suppressed by Chu Hao's momentum again, Lin Buchou almost cried, "I really came to congratulate you, senior."

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