
Chapter 823

Chapter 820

This is how the summoning flag technique awakens the blood in the body. The number of blood particles in the body of each race is different. For example, human beings have hundreds of millions, but some big monsters and immortals have billions.

The Summoning Flag Technique is a method of immortals, which can temporarily increase the sleeping Qi and blood particles, and this method is awakened by detonating.When performing the summoning flag technique, a phantom like a banner will appear behind the monk, but it only appears behind the back when the qi and blood are condensed to match the name of the exercise. After Chu Hao got the summoning flag technique, he soon After my own understanding and deduction, I banned the phantom of the signature flag-calling technique.

Of course, it is impossible to transform the fairy art with Chu Hao's ability, but fortunately, the summoning flag art has been simplified and passed on to Dongfan Banner Mansion by the Giant Tree Immortal in conjunction with human physique, so after Chu Hao got it It is not difficult to modify.

I saw that Chu Hao's energy and blood surged more and more violently, and his phantom became thicker and thicker. The extremely strong masculine aura diffused in every inch of space, and Chu Hao's energy and blood almost completely enveloped the entire vicinity of the plain. !

Five thousand blood particles!

Chu Hao raised his head to the sky and let out a loud roar, and the qi and blood phantom carried the Sun Qi energy ball and made exactly the same movement. The astonishing roar resounded throughout the sky, and the qi and blood phantom took a horse step with both feet. The towers one after the other hit the ground, making a crashing sound like objects colliding.

At this moment, everyone looked over and saw that Chu Hao's qi and blood phantom had more than doubled in size!

From the awakening of just over [-] qi and blood particles, it directly crossed the realm of phantom qi and blood, and reached the realm of [-] particles of condensed qi and blood!

Huge column of qi and blood, illusory shadow of qi and blood, solidification of qi and blood.

In the past, Chu Hao had to rely on the summoning flag technique to reach the realm of qi and blood phantom, but now after ninety-nine calamities, he can automatically awaken [-] particles of qi and blood, and even more so after using the summoning flag technique. It has been raised to above the terrifying five thousand particles!

Qi and blood have no temperature, but when everyone present felt the billowing masculinity coming from Chu Hao's body, they were all sweating.This is like lava, although it is not fire, but it contains extremely strong yang energy, which scorches people, not scalds them!

Everyone has never heard of this scene before them. Although these ancestor-level cultivators retreated a long distance, they still felt that Chu Hao's qi and blood phantom seemed to be right in front of them. Under such powerful qi and blood power, The entire phantom is like a solid giant, propping up the sky and keeping its feet firmly on the ground.

The faces of the ancestors were full of horror and horror.

When such a giant appeared in front of him, it was inevitable that he would not be terrified. What's more, the power of this phantom is too strong, which has nothing to do with his cultivation. The phantom has a real fighting ability. They all have strong immunity.

Stellar qi, qi and blood, have nothing to do with one's self-improvement skills, but they are closely connected, and they are part of one's strength!Cultivation is the key. Cultivation represents the thickness of your true essence and the ability to use supernatural powers, while Gang Qi is the understanding of the way of heaven, and Qi and blood are the awakening of the potential in the body!

Chu Hao's Qi is not as good as Wu Zhichi, and his cultivation is not as good as Wu Zhichi. If he is relying on his own ability to fight, then he can only use Qi and blood to suppress it!

Wu Zhichi's confident face finally changed seriously when he saw this huge phantom of qi and blood!

"The qi and blood are solidified!" Wu Zhichi's face was extremely ugly. Chu Hao's move completely broke his plan and made him feel a great threat!The power of qi and blood is the same as the stellar qi, and it is also a skill to improve the combat ability of monks. Now that Chu Hao has awakened five thousand blood and qi particles, his strength has increased by at least two times!

This energy ball of Sunda energy can no longer do anything to Chu Hao!

"How is it possible!" Even if he saw it with his own eyes, Wu Zhichi would not believe this scene. A guy who hadn't even been out of his body could actually awaken so much energy and blood!Isn't he human?What kind of descendant of the ancient monster is he?

But even so, it's impossible!

Whether it is the ancient monster or other races, they are all mortals. Below the Nine Heavens, even the Mahayana period is not so exaggerated, and it is absolutely impossible to achieve such an exaggerated vitality!

This phantom already had a rudimentary form of condensed qi and blood, at least thirteen to forty feet high, the astonishing aura of qi and blood was like a volcanic eruption, and the heat was raging everywhere.

"It's incredible, it's incredible."

The rest of the people also watched this scene. Those ancestors were completely shocked by Chu Hao's endless means, and the eyes of Taoist Condensing Demons were even brighter. Originally, he thought that Chu Hao would be sanctioned by Wu Zhizhi, but Now that he saw such terrifying energy and blood, he was full of confidence in Chu Hao again.

Sure enough, amidst Chu Hao's muffled shout, he made exactly the same movement as Qi and Blood Phantom, squatting halfway and throwing the energy ball viciously into the sky!

The energy ball that was able to suppress Chu Hao before was thrown into the air by the phantom of Qi and blood.Immediately, a bright red column of Qi and blood shot out from the huge Qi and blood shadow's hand, and hit the Sunda Qi energy ball fiercely!


The Xun Qi energy ball exploded instantly in the sky, and circles of energy ripples spread towards the surroundings. In less than half a breath, a strong wind suddenly blew up. Although the destructive energy in the energy ball exploded at high altitude, But the same spread to the bottom, even the monks of the ancestor level had to use the real essence barrier to resist.And those sect juniors in the distance turned their backs on their backs, countless chaotic air currents were crazy and manic, and even the Jieyun group was washed away a lot!

Chu Hao waved his hands, and the qi and blood phantom also waved his hands, "It's so dangerous, it's just that close."

Looking at Wu Zhizhi's ugly face with a smile, Chu Hao shrugged and said, "I'm sorry to disappoint you again. It seems that you are the one who is going to die." Then, Chu Hao continued: " But I still want to thank you for your contribution to my cultivator of Breaking Heaven Island, and when my disciple succeeds in crossing the tribulation, I will not forget your kindness."


Wu Zhichi yelled angrily. At this moment, he could no longer keep calm. Chu Hao's power was beyond his expectation. He stretched out his hand and sucked it, only to see the Dingfeng Bead, whose brilliance had become dim, returned to his body. On the hand, "You think that if you destroy the old man with an attack, you can defeat the old man. It's really ridiculous."

"I don't know who said it just now, I will definitely die."

Chu Hao's eyes also turned cold, and he said, "It's just a pity, but you are the one who is going to die now!"

"The old man has worked hard for decades, do you think I just raised the Gang Qi to the sixth line?"

Chu Hao said: "I didn't know you before, the ghost knows how long you have been in retreat and what you have been doing. Maybe you are mentally retarded, and the retreat is entirely because your brain is not working well."

Wu Zhizhi basically filtered out Chu Hao's sarcastic remarks, and then said with a sneer: "I will let you see what the results of my research are! Originally, I decided not to use it in the sixth heaven, but this time I must not let it The old man changed his mind, and you are honored enough to die under my move."

As he said that, he saw Wu Zhichi hold the Dingfeng Orb tightly in his hand, and within a moment, under the infusion of true energy, the Dingfeng Orb shone brightly, and the astonishing cyan brilliance covered his body. The entire arm seemed to be transparent.

Dingfengzhu was originally a magic weapon equivalent to the peak of the seventh rank, but it lost contact with Wu Zhichi after it was destroyed by Chu Hao just now, and now after Wu Zhichi injected true energy again, Dingfengzhu released its due color.

The wind-fixing bead is definitely not as simple as releasing the wind attribute. Seeing Wu Zhichi hold the wind-fixing bead in his hand, and with his bold words before, Chu Hao was already on guard in his heart.

Just after Wu Zhichi finished speaking, he saw a hurricane rushing out of him suddenly, and then the gust of wind became stronger and stronger, with Wu Zhichi as the center, the wind speed became stronger and stronger, and the fixed wind beads also slowly floated out out of his palm.

Wu Zhichi's skills are not ordinary, and he can easily use the wind attribute. The hurricane turned into a storm, and the storm turned into a tornado. One after another, a total of seven winds surrounded Wu Zhichi.In the circling of the tornado, the fixed wind bead was blown higher and higher, and it had already floated above Wu Zhichi's head.

This scene reminded Chu Hao of the Supreme Elder of the Ziyun Sect that he faced back then in the second heaven. The Xiao Chen back then also came wrapped in countless tornadoes, like a dragon-riding warrior, wrapped in an invincible The momentum is overwhelming.

And now, although Wu Zhichi didn't have such a shocking picture, both the strength and power of the wind attribute had thrown Xiao Chen's by several heavens. Although this tornado was small, its power was extremely powerful.

After the Dingfengzhu was blown high into the sky, Wu Zhichi smiled slightly, and opened his mouth under the eyes of everyone, exuding a huge suction force, and directly sucked the Dingfengzhu into his own mouth!


Set Fengzhu down!

Wu Zhichi actually swallowed the Dingfeng Pearl!

This scene shocked everyone, even Lin Badao and Ji Youchang were equally dumbfounded, and it seemed that they didn't understand the significance of Wu Zhichi's action.

However, less than three breaths after Wu Zhichi swallowed the fixed wind bead, a strong wind rose into the sky, and the previous tornadoes all gathered together. When he made an astonishing attack, he once again surprised everyone, only to see Wu Zhichi waved his hand, and all the tornadoes disappeared without a trace!

The entire space suddenly fell silent, and there seemed to be no wind flowing in the air.

But Chu Hao didn't relax at all. Wu Zhichi would definitely not be such an idiot that he would do nothing after swallowing the Fixed Wind Bead. After the tornado dissipated, there must be a more terrifying spell brewing!

Chu Hao guessed right, but also guessed wrong.

Because Wu Zhichi is not brewing spells, but qi!

Sunda Qi!

Wu Zhizhi's hair stood up suddenly, and his robes also swayed without wind. Immediately, an astonishing aura, like a wave, quickly covered Chu Hao amidst the howling wind!

In the blink of an eye, Chu Hao felt as if he had fallen into a special environment, as if he was surrounded by walls invisible to the naked eye, blocking him instantly!

Chu Hao's face changed, he naturally knew what it felt like!



Thank you for your red tickets, thank you.In order to thank everyone, there is one more.

Thank you Feihuapiaowu and Yi Tiaolu for your vote for Pixian, bow again!

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