
Chapter 825

"Are you surprised?" Chu Hao controlled his qi and blood, his whole body was blood red, his whole body seemed to be bathed in blood, and his powerful masculinity and sundae rushed to collide first, "Your field is not qualified at all, not so much Pseudo-field, it is better to say it is Liuyao field, half-step field."

"And such a field cannot reach one-tenth of the real seven-line field!"

"You don't understand the way of heaven enough, and you don't use it enough naturally. Forcibly improving the cultivation of stellar energy will only expose you to greater flaws!"

As Chu Hao paused every word, Wu Zhichi's face became more and more gloomy. He stared at Chu Hao firmly, and said, "Even if I am in the half-step domain, there is nothing you can do about it!"

"Since I know the flaws, how can I be helpless?" Chu Hao said indifferently: "I have to say, your decades of research have been in vain, and you are completely living in a dream."


Wu Zhichi cast Sunda Qi again, and the power of Gang Qi came. Chu Hao sneered, and the shadow of Qi and Blood threw a punch, and then another punch, and directly threw four punches in the blink of an eye!Every punch is an attack that breaks through the Sunda air flow, spreading out a huge vacuum space.

In other people's domains, Chu Hao not only destroyed the domain, but also showed his due strength. This scene made all the ancestors unbelievable.Recalling what Chu Hao said before, they suddenly realized that this should be true. This is really not the Qiyao domain, but a half-step domain created by Wu Zhichi. The real power is not as good as the tenth domain of the domain. One in one!

And Chu Hao's qi and blood have not only reached the solid state, but can also return to the phantom state!His method of destroying Wu Zhizhi's field is very simple, that is, through the reorganization of Qi and blood particles, the Qi and blood shadow will grow again!

Since this half-step field is not a complete field, Wu Zhichi's storage of stellar energy is limited. This is like the relationship between the cage and the prey. If the cage is not strong enough, when the body of the prey grows to a certain level, it will naturally It will collapse and burst, and be ruthlessly propped open!

In terms of qi and blood attainments, none of the patriarchs present could compare with Chu Hao, and they didn't even understand what Chu Hao was doing.They just felt that the shadow of Chu Hao's qi and blood had faded a little now, as if his body was still growing, but other than that, they couldn't see any way.

But Wu Zhichi felt great pressure.Although he also has a low level of energy and cultivation, this domain was developed by him, and being supported by Chu Hao with all his energy, blood and strength, his body and mind couldn't help being shaken.

As Chu Hao said, the stellar energy he stored was not particularly large. If he hadn't relied on the fixed wind bead to provide him with the wind attribute, he would not have been able to display the half-step domain!But now feeling Chu Hao's qi and blood shadow gradually growing, Wu Zhichi seemed to be a strong man who was full, his stomach was bloated, and at the same time he felt extremely uncomfortable and felt nausea and heart-rending pain.

"This kid wants to break my domain with blood."

Wu Zhichi has already thought of Chu Hao's deeds. How could he be willing to let Chu Hao destroy his own domain? What Hao said was so embarrassing!

Moreover, how could Chu Hao negate the achievements he had made after decades of research, this is impossible!

"The old man's stellar energy doesn't work for you, then you try this!" Wu Zhichi's eyes showed a hint of cruelty, and he stretched out his hand directly, and a green light rose from his hand, as if it was some spell ripple, covering Wu Zhichi's entire body.

Accompanied by Wu Zhichi's fury, a green mist covering people's eyes spread in the field. In the green mist that filled the sky, a thick and long vortex swirled in it. The green mist has condensed and turned into a translucent moss!

"This is Yimu moss grass!"

The old devil Zihong was shocked and couldn't help crying out.

King You Xiao also frowned, and said: "Unexpectedly, Wu Zhichi would still keep this hand. Last time we explored the outer space of the starry sky together, we found this Yimu moss at the same time, but we didn't see it afterwards. It turned out that it was taken He got it!"

"This Wu Zhichi hides it very deeply."

Yang Bodao also said in a deep voice: "That expedition was already 300 years ago. A dozen of our patriarchs went in without gaining anything, but he got this Yimu Qingmosao and has been holding back all this time. .”

The eyes of the ancestor of Pure Yin Palace flickered, and when he heard the words outside the starry sky, a strange color flashed in his eyes, and he didn't know what he was thinking.But there is no doubt that this green plant seems harmless, but it can be shocked by the ancestors at the same time. It is obviously not an ordinary plant, and Wu Zhizhi's domain has no effect on Chu Hao, so he didn't use this thing until the end Come out, obviously also have great confidence!

Chu Hao didn't know what it was, but Chen Honghong did: "Stinky boy, you have to be careful, this is Yimu moss grass, which belongs to the algae outside the starry sky, the starry sky algae."

"What quality is it, and what is the danger?" After Chu Hao dispersed the blood and blood particles in the shadow of blood and blood, he focused on two purposes.He could hear the seriousness in Chen Honghong's words, so he didn't dare to underestimate it, and asked hastily.

"This thing is very strong." Chen Honghong said: "It doesn't belong to any kind of heaven and earth treasures in the mortal world. It has intelligence, that is to say, it is a species of life with wisdom!"

"Living algae?" Chu Hao was startled, and said, "Then it has become a demon cultivator?"

"No, it's not a demon cultivator. Although it has intelligence, its intelligence is not very high, unless it is the Yimu Qingmosao that has truly become a spirit. However, it takes at least ten thousand years for Yimu Qingmosao to become a spirit, just like you The body of the giant tree fairy is ordinary, without tens of thousands of years of nourishment, it is impossible to become a spirit, and it has the wisdom similar to humans and demon cultivators." Chen Honghong said: "However, although it is not a demon cultivator, it is equally terrifying. Yi Muqing Moss is an algae produced in the starry sky, which can grow in the harsh environment of the starry sky. It does not rely on absorbing the energy of the starry sky, but by sucking the corpses of those star beasts and the wind in the starry sky to grow, and even Some powerful Yimu moss will also capture the essence of star beasts and some small stars."

Plants can actually do these things?Isn't that equivalent to a cannibal flower in the mortal world?Those wonderful and brightly colored flowers that can open their petals to devour mortals.

Doesn't this Yimu moss grass have the same approach but the same effect?

Chu Hao's mind was shocked, he was already shocked by the origin of this Yimu moss grass, Wu Zhichi actually left such a killer move, the starry sky plant that can catch star beasts is definitely an extremely dangerous existence.

"But you don't have to worry. Although the Yimu moss is scary, it's just that the older Yimu moss is stronger. In the starry sky, the Yimu moss is an algae floating in the wind, and it is also Food for many powerful star beasts and plants in the wind."

"The starry sky is so cruel." Chu Hao was terrified, the algae and plants were so fearful, remembering how lucky he was to enter the outer space of the starry sky with Donglin back then, and only stayed in the second-level astral wind zone.If you encounter these seemingly harmless plants, you will die without knowing how.

"Nonsense, otherwise, why do you think the starry sky makes so many monks and even immortals feel terrible, and many immortals dare not enter the mortal world through the starry sky." Chen Honghong said: "The starry sky is full of dangers, and the rocks and torrents are just rare. "

"Then how about this Yimu Moss Grass?" What Chu Hao had to face was the immediate danger.Although he can use qi and blood in Wu Zhizhi's domain, other cultivation bases and supernatural powers will be suppressed. Even if this space is a half-step domain, it is still considered a domain. Chu Hao can only use qi and blood to suppress it. burst.

If Yimu Moss Grass is too perverted, he might as well use Hunyuan Ding directly to avoid the limelight.

"This old Taoist's Yimu moss is not too strong, maybe only 5000 years old, but it's a miracle that he, a guy in the out-of-body period, can get such a thing."

Chu Hao said angrily: "I didn't want you to sigh, what is Yimu Qingmosao's attack method, can I deal with it now?"

"This old Taoist priest can't give full play to the full effect of the Yimu moss grass. The Yimu moss grass that is more than 5000 years old is not weak even in the third-level wind zone. The old Taoist priest is lucky to get it. As long as you pay attention not to be affected by Yimu Qingmosao, you will not be swallowed by it."

"So, it is a divine sense attack?"

"Most of the plants and algae in the starry sky are like this." Chen Honghong said: "This Yimu moss grass was obviously sealed by the old Taoist priest, otherwise the old Taoist priest would not be able to control it, and it would be backfired."

"Spiritual consciousness attack?" Chu Hao frowned, and said, "Although I have practiced the spiritual consciousness technique, if the attack is too strong, even if I have the realm of 'spiritual consciousness condensing knife', it is impossible to resist."

"I can protect your spiritual consciousness." Chen Honghong looked like he was teaching his little brother, "Don't worry, I also have a share in your sea of ​​knowledge. If your sea of ​​knowledge explodes, where will I go?"

"Damn it, good words become so ugly when you put them in your mouth."

The communication between Chu Hao and Chen Honghong lasted only a few seconds, but Yimu Qingmosao had already absorbed the sunda energy in the domain, and the green light on its body was extremely bright, and it became full of aura.There is no root system under this Yimu moss grass, and it floats quietly in the air.

"go with!"

Wu Zhichi made a few handprints, and a seal-like color flickered on Yimu Qingmosao. Immediately, the object flickered in the air, and turned into a green light, which instantly rushed to the top of Chu Hao's head and shot towards Chu Hao. He strikes head on!

Chu Hao made a handprint in a hurry, but basically he couldn't break through the defense of Yimu Moss Grass. The body of this algae was harder than King Kong. Not only could it not be broken, Chu Hao was also shocked back a few steps!

In the field, Chu Hao's strength has been greatly weakened except for his qi and blood. Now, after being shaken back, the Yimu Qingmosao raised its tail and took advantage of the gap, and the pointed tail came from the top of Chu Hao's head. Drilled in.

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