
Chapter 850 He Came to the Immortal Realm

"The Nine Heavens of the Immortal World?"

Chu Hao was taken aback for a moment, then he was startled, and said, "Could it be true?"

"I have never been to the Immortal World, so I don't know." Chen Honghong said, "It's just that these information are based on Le Yi's sea of ​​knowledge and my own guesses. The probability is more than [-]%."

As soon as Chu Hao heard the news, his heart beat uncontrollably.This is not only appalling, it is equally unacceptable.But Chu Hao thought about it carefully, and felt that it was extremely possible. Otherwise, if Emperor Chi wanted to build the Immortal Realm, why would he have to divide and build the Nine Heavens independently, and completely cut off the Mortal Realm?

This is not imitating the fairy world, what is it?

While Chu Hao was still immersed in shock, Chen Honghong continued to speak: "In the fairyland, the territory is too large. The fairyland used to be controlled by two major races, that is, humans and demon races. But later, the heavens collapsed. Afterwards, various forces rose up everywhere, and within the Nine Heavens, all kinds of races and forces no longer recognized being attached to the Heavenly Court, even though the Heavenly Court was still there."

"Heaven is still there..." Chu Hao muttered to himself, "Is this Immortal Sword City one of the forces?"

"It can be considered a power, but it's just a small power."

Chu Hao said: "Then which one of the nine heavens in the fairy world is this? Is it the first heaven?"

"The Nine Heavens of the Immortal World, this should be the third heaven of the Immortal World." Chen Honghong explained: "However, the Nine Heavens of the Immortal World are not divided like the mortal world. In the Immortal World, each of the Nine Heavens can have a place to connect, because it is nine independent great thousand The world, so this is like two continents between a chasm, there is a place to cross, but the gap between these two continents is difficult to fill, and no one has the ability to fill it."

"The Great Thousand Worlds exist in the Primordial Mist, and unless it is the God of Primordial Meng, no one can blend the Great Thousand Worlds together." Chu Hao laughed.

Chen Honghong said: "That's exactly the case, so not all the nine heavens in the fairy world are independent. Some people can travel to each other through the passage in the middle, or they can fly to the outside of the starry sky, and then travel directly to other fairy worlds from the outer starry sky." Nine days."

Speaking of this, Chen Honghong said: "The world of the Nine Heavens in the Immortal Realm is much more standardized. Except for the last Nine Heavens in the Immortal Realm, which is where the Heavenly Court is located, there are only two Nine Heavens at the highest level, namely the Eighth Heaven of the Immortal Realm and the Seventh Heaven of the Immortal Realm. The level of immortals is the highest, and the others are about the same. There is no mention of ascension here, as long as there are immortals, immortals of all realms may appear. Even in the first heaven, it is possible to see the existence of immortals."

"Because the fairy aura should be equal, the following six fairylands and nine heavens are all about the same." Chu Hao nodded and said, "You have been talking for a long time, but you haven't mentioned any news about me."

"What's the rush?" Chen Honghong said: "From what I said just now, the fairyland is just as worried as your master, the giant tree, and the heavens have indeed collapsed. I bought it, and it can be said that the entire fairy world is even worse than the mortal world. And the Sword Immortal City is only a small force in the third heaven, and it can even be said to be a small force. Near the Immortal Sword City, there are still a few share the same small forces, Lich Forest is one of them."

"In the fairy world, except for the 'mortals' like the cultivators in the mortal world, the rest of the immortals are working hard for the realm. Among the immortals, the realm is divided into several grades. The lowest is the earth immortal. Above, it's Tianxian, Jinxian, Daluo Jinxian, Luotian Shangxian, and Xianzun..."

"The mother and son of Chen Mengqing before, Le Yi only cultivated in the late stage of the Earth Immortal, while Chen Mengqing has already reached the late stage of the Celestial Immortal, and is only one step away from the Golden Immortal. He is the number two figure in the entire Immortal Sword City. In the vicinity of this radius, he is already powerful. role."

Chu Hao changed his thinking, and immediately understood the relationship between the Nine Heavens of the Immortal World. This is exactly the same as those in the Mortal World. The Nine Heavens are nine different regions, and there are some forces in these nine regions. The country or princes exist, but the heaven is no longer what it used to be, so there is no need to compare.

Here is the third heaven, but it is not the same as in the mortal world. There may also be immortals in the third heaven!

"Then what is the cultivation level of the owner of Immortal Sword City?" Chu Hao asked.

"Of course it is a golden fairy." Chen Honghong said: "Although the golden fairy is unattainable to you, it is also the strongest existence in the vicinity, but it is the territory outside the third heaven, and the golden fairy is almost everywhere. The fairy sword The city is really nothing."

"That's enough, that's enough." Chu Hao was the first step to understand the entire fairy world, and said, "The key point, let's talk about the key point."

Chen Honghong said: "Well, in the fairy world, besides the native humans, there are other racial forces. For example, the Lich Forest within this area is one of them. You have also seen Lin Dong in the Lich Forest. But they are not human beings, but the survivors of the witch clan, who practice the art of body refining and specialize in the origin of the body, so there is nothing wrong with Le Yi calling them barbarians."

"Witch Clan?" Chu Hao was taken aback, and said, "Didn't Master Jumu say that when the Heavenly Court was established, he defeated the Twelve Ancestral Witches, started a war with the Witch Clan, and then sealed the Twelve Ancestral Witches in Wuliang Mountain?" Is it? The reason why Emperor Chi is powerful is because the souls of a few twelve ancestor witches escaped and went to the mortal world."

"The failure of the Twelve Ancestral Witches does not mean that the entire witch clan has been wiped out. Not to mention the clan, even descendants exist." Chen Honghong said: "I think this heavenly court has collapsed, and they used to hide in every corner It is not difficult for the Wu Clan to come out again, and the Wu Clan has a unique advantage in the fairy world."

Chu Hao nodded. He heard Jumu Immortal Venerable mention this point. The Wu Clan hardly needs to practice, and the blood can be awakened automatically. The older the Wu Clan immortal, the stronger it is.In fact, the witch clan is the oldest master in the fairy world, the ancient immortals, and the later human race and monster race are all doves occupying the magpie's nest.

"Then what does this have to do with me?" Chu Hao said, "Could it be that Le Yi's mother and son thought I was a barbarian and a witch, so they wanted to plot against me?"

"What do you have to plan?" Chen Honghong sneered, "For more than [-] years, there have been no ascended monks in the fairy world, and these ascended monks have established their own forces in the fifth heaven."

"Really?" Chu Hao was shocked, it was the first time he heard such a situation.

"The heavenly court collapsed, and the way of heaven in the mortal world was also rewritten by Emperor Chi. We have received too little information from the mortal world." Chen Honghong said: "The ascension monks, no matter whether they are monsters or humans, all gathered together. The Nine Heavens Immortal Pool is located in the fifth heaven of the Immortal Realm."

"Before the Heavenly Court was destroyed, the Immortal World War did not start. At that time, mortals ascended to the Immortal Realm, and the situation was actually the same as yours. They did not have the slightest immortal energy, and could not adapt to the pressure here. They were completely useless people. '." Chen Honghong said: "However, at that time, every Immortal World Nine Heavens, every place has set up a key thing, and that is the Ascension Pool for mortals to soak after ascension."

"The water in the Ascension Pond allows people to soak in and wake up their potential in the fairy world. Not only will their vitality increase geometrically, but the longer they stay in the Ascension Pond, the better the effect will be. But everyone In Feisheng Pond, there is only one chance, if there is no effect, you have to come out, and the second soak will also have no effect." Chen Honghong said: "It's just that now, Heavenly Court is no longer in charge of Feisheng Pond, and the Immortal Barrier is blocked. After Emperor Chi was established, very few people could ascend to the ascension."

Chu Hao murmured: "Feishengchi, so I did this because of this. If I find Feishengchi, does it mean that I can quickly adapt to the fairy world?" After a pause, Chu Hao raised his head and said, "Yes Now, since you have the Immortal Barrier, what is the Nine Heavens Immortal Pond of the Fifth Heaven in the Immortal Realm you just mentioned?"

"There is a force established by many ascension monks. It belongs to a large force. In their headquarters, they occupy the largest ascension pool in the fifth heaven. It is said that it is specially for the ascension people to cleanse and transform."

Chu Hao was dejected, and said: "I don't even know how to get to the fifth heaven, and now I don't even think about it with my body. It's not easy to find Feisheng pool."

"Do you know why Le Yi's mother and son look at you differently?" Chen Honghong snorted, and said: "The people who ascended are different from the people who are born and raised in the fairy world. They are useless when they come up, so after Chen Mengqing checked your body , Your identity will be confirmed soon."

"So what?"

"A long time ago, there was a force in the fairy world, or several forces issued a regulation together to target the monks who ascended from the mortal world." Chen Honghong said slowly: "A 'cripple' can be exchanged for a grain of gold." Dan."

"Gold Transformation Pill?"

"That's right, the role of the golden elixir is very simple. Break through the shackles of the celestial beings, and you can reach the golden celestial in one fell swoop!" Chen Honghong said: "Chen Mengqing, this is the late stage of the celestial beings. She wants to use you to exchange for the golden elixir."

"What kind of power is so generous?" Chu Hao was speechless secretly, and said, "If there is any enmity with Nine Heavens Immortal Pond, then it would be fine to go to war directly, and also hurt an innocent person like me."

"How do I know this, maybe the Nine Heavens Immortal Pond is not ordinary." Chen Honghong said: "The information I got is probably the same, so you must not let Chen Mengqing catch you now, otherwise death will be the best end gone."


In Chu Hao's heart, he really felt the crisis, the feeling that the road ahead was dangerous.

"By the way, how do you know so clearly? Even Le Yi, it is impossible to know so many things about the Nine Heavens Immortal Pond. After all, this is the third heaven of the Immortal World."

Chen Honghong was silent for a while, and then slowly said: "Do you remember that old man Che Xuanyuan?"

"I am the first founder of the Foundry Gate?" Chu Hao said: "Your former master, of course I remember. But then he left the Foundry Gate, and I don't know where he went."

"That's right." Chen Honghong took a deep breath: "It's not that he disappeared, but he also came to the fairy world. I even suspect that he might be in the Nine Heavens Immortal Pond."

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