
Chapter 852 Emperor Yao

The Feisheng Pond is near the Lich Forest. It has a wide view, and it is actually a barren flat land.

Chu Hao really didn't notice, where is the Feisheng Pool near here?But soon, Chu Hao's flying carpet encountered an obstacle. There was an invisible barrier in front of him, which directly cut off his advancing route. The flying carpet trembled slightly in the air, and then lost its power, slowly. fell from the sky.

"What kind of supernatural power is this? It can change the energy law of the fairy world." Chu Hao was more wary of Emperor Yao, no wonder this person was able to take the Feisheng Pond as his own, and he was able to affect people's flight trajectory before he showed up. This ability cannot be underestimated.

Of course, Chu Hao wasn't sure if it was caused by the formation, but even if it was the formation, it was still a big deal.

The brilliance of the flying carpet was dim, and Chu Hao had already slowly landed on the ground.Immediately afterwards, a deep voice came out: "Are you the immortal friend who wants to rent Feisheng Pond? If you are, you will enter, if you are not, then get out."

The voice didn't feel anything at first, but when the last few words were uttered, the eardrums trembled, especially for a monk like Chu Hao who didn't have the power of immortality, his heart trembled violently, and he didn't suppress his breath. , just fell and rolled for a turn, and then spit out a stream of blood.

This was the second time Chu Hao vomited blood since he came to the Immortal Realm, and it was still on the same day.

So domineering.

Just hearing this voice, Chu Hao felt extremely terrifying, and a palpitation flashed in his eyes.This person hasn't shown his face yet, but Chu Hao already feels that he is much stronger than Chen Mengqing. Chen Mengqing was superior in aura before, but this person seems to have integrated the entire fairy world with him.

It was like a voice from heaven.

"Dare to ask, but Senior Emperor Yao." Chu Hao tidied up, barely stabilized his body on the flying carpet, and then shouted towards the open space with fists cupped.

"Why are seniors not seniors? I am not your senior." The voice snorted coldly, making people feel that the thunder was rolling, as if it was right next to the ear, and it was extremely uncomfortable. "I have made it very clear just now, don't Let me repeat a second time."

Chu Hao hurriedly said: "The younger generation is here to rent the Feisheng pool, I don't know how to rent it?"

"A piece of fairy stone, low-grade quality for ten days."

"Newcomers, you can only use this."

Emperor Yao's voice was cold and heartless, and then he suddenly let out a sigh, interrupted himself, and said: "So you are a 'disabled person'."

"Senior really has sharp eyes." Chu Hao scanned the storage ring with his spiritual sense. Fortunately, this Le Yi is still a second-generation ancestor and has some savings.But for the second generation ancestor of Immortal Sword City, this is a little too little.In the storage ring, there are no more than fifty fairy stones. Presumably this storage ring is not something he usually uses, otherwise it would not be so few.

Chu Hao didn't know how the fairy stone was in the fairy world, but 50 yuan fairy stone was enough for him to use it for a while.

"Come in." There was a suction force coming from the inside, and the blank space seemed to open a ripple like a lake, sucking Chu Hao and the flying carpet in directly.

After Chu Hao got used to it, he saw a tall woman with short hair appeared in front of him.

The woman looked good, but her face was frosty, and she looked at Chu Hao without any emotion at all.Chu Hao was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Senior Emperor Yao?"

"I'm not Emperor Yao, I'm the maid here." The woman said coldly: "Enter Feisheng Pond, the maid will serve you. There are five fairy stones for a month in total. Please pay now."

"I don't need this service." Chu Hao quickly waved his hand, joking, I didn't even see Feishengchi, so I'm still serving it. Besides, even if you are a fairy, we don't need to do that business.

There was no wavering in the woman's eyes, and she said: "If you don't need the service of a maid, please go out, this is the rule of Emperor Yao."

Come on, when encountering forced buying and selling, Chu Hao could only reluctantly take out the five fairy stones in the storage ring, and said, "Here, it's only five spirit stones a month, will you?" Too expensive? This is simply more expensive than the Ascension Pool."

The woman didn't care about him at all. After collecting the spirit stone, she walked straight ahead.

Chu Hao held back his breath and said loudly, "How do I go?"

"The useless can go." The woman didn't look back at all.

When Chu Hao heard this, he suddenly realized that after entering this wilderness just now, the pressure from the fairy world suddenly became much less, and he could barely stand up.Chu Hao felt a burst of excitement. Feishengchi really deserved its reputation. He has already experienced the benefits before soaking in it!

It seemed that every part and every cell of Chu Hao's body could feel the casting and washing of the aura from the fairy world, and it was extremely refreshing.But he knew that this was just the beginning.

"I want to dance, please go out, don't delay my time." The woman turned her head and said coldly: "Also, the paid fairy stones will not be returned."

What to pull.

Looking at the back of the woman, Chu Hao couldn't help but put up his middle finger. Damn it, a maid was hired by me with money, and she is still so pushy.But in other people's territory, I will bear it first.

The maid swayed and walked to a place in front of her to stand still. Before Chu Hao could ask, she stretched out her hand and clapped twice. After two high-fives, a huge pit with the width of three people appeared in the ground. There are steps.

"Go in."

The maid was still cold and looked down on Chu Hao at all. She left two words and walked straight down the stairs.

Chu Hao cursed a few more words in his heart, and then walked on.Anyway, now that he has handed in the fairy stone, if this is a den of thieves, he will have to admit it.However, Emperor Yao's identity was not afraid of all the forces in the surrounding fairy world, and he obviously had no interest in Huajin Dan. Although he saw that Chu Hao was a useless person, he accepted it.

The underground world is not completely dark. Chu Hao saw that it looked like a large cave, with many rooms and buildings inside. After he descended the stairs, he came to a very simple looking hall. .

There is nothing in the hall, only a huge stone table, a huge round platform like an altar, other than that, there is nothing else. "This is an underground world." Chu Hao finally realized it suddenly. Before that, he was curious. He had never seen the Feisheng Pool in the wilderness. It turned out that it was moved underground.

This Emperor Yao should be able to build a small thousand world to pretend, but doing so also shows his courage, and he is not afraid of others to grab the ownership of Feisheng Pool.

"Senior Emperor Yao, junior Chu Hao, here to rent Feisheng Pond." Chu Hao didn't want to walk with this maid who looked down on others, so he clasped his fists.

There was no one around, but Chu Hao knew that Emperor Yao was in this underground world.

"Low-level Ascension Pool, one fairy stone per day, intermediate Feisheng Pool, five fairy stones per day, high-level Feisheng Pool, ten fairy stones per day." Emperor Yao's deep voice came.

Chu Hao asked, "Senior, what's the difference?"

After waiting for a while, Emperor Yao didn't answer his intentions, but the maid next to him looked even more contemptuous. Chu Hao was upset, so he threw out ten fairy stones and said, "I ask for another maid, and then rent a low-level fairy stone for five days. Lingshi."

"Okay." After getting the fairy stones, Emperor Yao finally spoke again. The maid was very surprised that Chu Hao casually threw ten fairy stones and asked to replace her, but she still didn't express anything, but hummed softly. He thought Chu Hao was just an upstart.

The white light of the cold woman flashed, and the person disappeared, and then, a woman in a green skirt reappeared.This woman also looks good, but her aura is much better than that of the previous one. At least on the surface, she didn't show any disdain for Chu Hao.

"I am your new maid, in charge of telling you about the arrangement of Feisheng Pool." The maid said.

Chu Hao nodded, then looked around again, and said, "Excuse me, can you return the five spirit stones to me?"

There was still no sound, it seemed that Emperor Yao didn't want to talk to Chu Hao anymore.Chu Hao cursed secretly in his heart, it's really a black shop, and he wouldn't even refund the money if he changed the maid.

There are a total of 40 yuan of fairy stones, so 15 yuan was used up. Although he doesn't know the value of fairy stones, Chu Hao still feels a bit heartbroken with this little stock in stock.

"Please come with me." The underground world seemed to be separated from one room to another, with countless passages between them. Under the leadership of the maid, Chu Hao followed her to the depths of the ground.

Even if Chu Hao passed by the doors of those rooms made of unknown materials, he could feel the powerful aura coming from inside.This made him secretly startled, it seems that he is not the only one in the Feisheng pool, there are other people who also rented the Feisheng pool from Emperor Yao.

I just don't know how Emperor Yao differentiates the quality of Feisheng Pool, and it can be rented at different prices. What a profiteer.

"This sister, what is the cultivation level of Senior Emperor Yao?"

Chu Hao followed behind, and the silence all the way was meaningless, so he took the time to ask.

"In this place, what should be asked, what should not be asked, what should be said, what should not be said." Instead of answering Chu Hao directly, the maid glanced at Chu Hao and said indifferently.

Chu Hao persisted, and said, "Let me tell you, is this place absolutely safe?"

The maid's eyes revealed a look of complacency, "Let me tell you this, in this place, even the immortal Luo Tian of the Third Heaven of the Immortal Realm would not dare to disrespect my master."

"So powerful, is it possible that Emperor Yao is an immortal?" Chu Hao's heart was shocked, and he wondered: "Why did the immortal come to rent out such a place? What's the use of earning some fairy stones here?"

"There are some things you shouldn't ask." The maid replied coldly: "Okay, your room is here."

Chu Hao raised his head, and he had already walked to the innermost part of the underground world. On the top of this stone gate was written "160 Three."

160 three rooms?How big is this flying pool?

Chu Hao was stunned, and saw that the maid used some means, a few brilliance flashed on her hand, and then her index finger was printed on the door.The stone door made a heavy sound, like a rusty stopwatch, a gap was opened in the middle, and it slowly opened to both sides.

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