
Chapter 855 The Mutation of Ascension Pool

Chu Hao naturally didn't notice the situation outside at all, and naturally he didn't know that Chen Mengqing in Immortal Sword City was so decisive that he even brought his helpers to chase and kill him.If he hadn't decided to enter the Ascension Pond at that time, he might have exposed his trajectory and been caught up by several people if he flew in the direction of the Lich Forest.

However, by coincidence, these immortals were also not vegetarians. Chen Mengqing and others quickly guessed his location, and let Le Yi also enter the Ascension Pool.

In the room of the low-level Feisheng Pool, almost half of Chu Hao's body had sunk into it, but Chu Hao, who was in a deep sleep, didn't notice that the water in the Feisheng Pool was actually getting less and less.And if someone was outside, they could clearly see that the inside of Chu Hao's body was in a transparent state. For a moment, a fiery red ball spread with six different colors and began to slowly circle around.

All kinds of airflow from Chu Hao's body began to infuse and absorb crazily around the ball.And the water from the Ascension Pool that was just flowing in the pool was also absorbed into the ball through the veins.

This ball is naturally Chu Hao's primordial spirit. Originally, the primordial spirit was only the size of a fist. Although the volume did not change too much after absorbing so much water from the Feisheng pool, the breath changed bit by bit. , the energy of the five elements contained in it seems to be gradually purified.

This is like the water source that was originally full of impurities is being gradually purified at this moment, and this purifying agent is naturally the water in the Feisheng pool.

Now Chu Hao's body changes, he himself is not aware of it.

The days passed quickly, and it has been a month since Chu Hao came to Feisheng Pool.

During this month, less than one-third of the water in Feisheng Pond was left.Chu Hao opened his eyes, feeling refreshed at the moment. Although he has not experienced the baptism of the immortal calamity, Chu Hao has already felt the benefits brought by the immortal body, which is not comparable to the mortal body at all. The body already contains a few traces of the mysteries of the way of heaven.

Chu Hao didn't know if this had something to do with his own soul, after all, it was formed by the condensation of six souls, the soul that formed the five elements and the soul of the soul, maybe the body was different from other people's.

This was the first time Chu Hao woke up from his trance, and he also felt that the water in the Feisheng Pool had decreased a lot, but he didn't care, thinking that soaking in the Feisheng Pool should be like this.Standing up from the Feisheng Pond, Chu Hao moved a bit, and murmured: "My current cultivation base, why is it still in the out-of-body stage? And I don't have any real energy."

"In the fairy world, everyone absorbs the power of immortality. Even if it is a mortal in the fairyland, even if the judgment of cultivation is based on the cultivation of mortals, there is also the power of immortality in the body. The difference between spiritual energy and immortal energy is too great. , you can continue to cultivate in the fairy world." Chen Honghong's voice sounded, and said: "But you soaked the water in the Feisheng Pond as a mortal, and your starting point should be higher than that of a mortal born and bred in the fairy world, and your cultivation will not be too slow. "

"Isn't it difficult to transform a mortal into an immortal?" Chu Hao's eyes lit up.

"It's not difficult to be an immortal." Chen Honghong sneered: "You brat knows you haven't pursued it, and you don't even look at where you are. This is the fairy world, and there are immortals everywhere. Being bullied by others, the immortal is just the most basic level to mix in the immortal world."

"That's right..." Although Chu Hao has recovered his cultivation now, he still doesn't have any real energy, but his body is much stronger than before, and he has reached the golden body of nirvana!He listened to Chen Honghong's words, nodded his head, and said: "The lowest level of immortals is Earth Immortal, and that sword immortal Le Yi is a late Earth Immortal. Even if I meet him now, I will only be killed instantly."

"That's enough." Chen Honghong said: "Although your physical body has been promoted to a great extent and you have reached the Nirvana Golden Body, the highest cultivation method is only the Nirvana Golden Body. , is only considered powerful in the mortal world."

"Being able to break through the physical body so smoothly, I didn't even think of it myself." Chu Hao was quite open-minded, and said, "How is the realm of immortal cultivation in the physical body divided?"

"After Nirvana, it is naturally Hunyuan." Chen Honghong said: "After the cultivation of the physical body, the Nirvana Golden Body will be upgraded to the Hunyuan Bronze Body, and the Hunyuan body can communicate with Hunyuan. After Hunyuan, there is also the fairy body, The last is the Hongmeng Body."

"It is said that the physical body of the Twelve Ancestral Witches is the body of the Primordial Mist, but it is not known if it is true or not." Chen Honghong said: "In the Primordial Mist, there are not even starry sky creatures except for the starry sky. If the Twelve Ancestral Witches have that ability , can be regarded as the real number one species, stronger than any other race."

"Who said there are no other things in Hongmeng?" Chu Hao said with a smile: "Isn't there still a magic weapon of Hongmeng?"

"I have nothing to say to you." Chen Honghong snorted coldly.

Chu Hao said: "Okay, to be serious, how long did it take me to transform my body this time?"

"About a month." Chen Honghong said: "I don't have a plan for the specifics, but the difference is almost the same."

"It's only been a month?" Chu Hao said in surprise, "Flying Ascension Pool is really powerful, and it's only been a month?"

"I don't know what to say about your situation." Chen Honghong hesitated to speak.

Chu Hao said: "What's wrong?"

"I'm afraid of hurting you by saying this. In fact, many mortals in Feisheng Pool usually take more than a year to ascend, and the longer the time, the higher the talent, but you... have successfully transformed in a month. It's really a bit... "

"The longer the time, the higher the talent?" Chu Hao laughed, and said, "Does it mean that the power of the fairy world has been absorbed? But I feel pretty good now, at least I haven't wasted this month, I believe Compared with a month ago, I feel much stronger. If it is placed in the mortal world, I feel that with this physical body alone, I can easily defeat Wu Zhichi."

"Wu Zhichi is just out of body, what's the point of showing off by defeating him." Chen Honghong said: "The lama who was hunted down before, are you capable of defeating now?"

Chen Honghong originally just wanted to hit Chu Hao, but she didn't expect Chu Hao to ponder for a moment, then nodded and said, "I don't think so, but now that I think about it, I'm [-]% sure."

"The change is so big?" Chen Honghong would not think that Chu Hao was bragging. Seeing that Chu Hao said it seriously, he also wondered: "But you have only been transformed for a month, how could it be like this..."

Chu Hao shook his head, and said: "I don't know, but who cares, I think this place is very good, there are still more than 20 days, I can use it to try to absorb the immortal energy, maybe it can be transformed into immortal energy. "


After a little movement, Chu Hao looked at the Feisheng Pool with only one-third of the water left, and sighed: "This Emperor Yao is worthy of being a profiteer. I said fifty days, and I really gave fifty days."

As he said that, he thought for a while, and took out 20 yuan of fairy stones, threw them all at the door, and then yelled: "Add water!" No one paid attention to him for a long time, and he cursed a few words inwardly. The responsible maid was still immersed in it.

Time passed again, and two months later, in a certain room in this underground world, two people were talking at the moment.This room is very dark, but it is very large. On the far right, there is a water curtain like a water curtain. He couldn't see the face of the person behind the water curtain clearly, but could only vaguely see the figure of what seemed to be a burly man.

"Master, there seems to be something unusual about the water in the Ascension Pool recently."

In front of the water curtain, a pretty woman was half-kneeling on the ground. Judging from her attire and aura, she was the same as the two maids who had led the way for Chu Hao before.

"I feel it too." Emperor Yao's voice came out, but there was no sadness or joy in his voice, and no emotion could be heard from his voice.But this is the case, but it gives people an invisible pressure. If it is a weak cultivation base, it is almost difficult to have room to breathe and speak.

And this half-kneeling maid was obviously used to this way of speaking, and it didn't affect it. Instead, she continued: "The water in Feisheng Pond seems to have disappeared unknowingly, although not much, and it's just The part of the low-level ascension pool, but this should not be formed naturally, but man-made."

"I don't think anyone would have the guts to do such small tricks on my territory." Emperor Yao's words were full of self-confidence, and he said lightly, "Have you checked?"

"I've checked." The maid said: "It happened from the rooms around 160 and the rooms behind."

"I remember, I rented a low-level Ascension Pool for a cripple before." Emperor Yao seemed to remember it, and said, "You mean, he did it?"

"Yes." The maid said: "The water in Feisheng Pond will last for ten thousand years. Although it will dissipate a little after healing, it is only for high-level immortals. We have not rented Feisheng Pond for seriously injured immortals recently. Yes, what dissipated this time is only a small part of the primary ascension pool."

"Keep watching." Emperor Yao said: "If this person has the ability to absorb the water in the ascension pool, don't bother him in a hurry, just inform me first." After a pause, he continued: "Recently, mortals have ascended too frequently. There are more than a dozen times, and this guy, I don't seem to feel the aura after the Ascension Immortal Tribulation from him, maybe it's an anomaly."


In the room, silence fell again, and the beads of water on the water curtain slowly dripped and dissipated without a sound.

It's just unexpected, something that even Emperor Yao didn't expect happened. One month later, one-fifth of the water in the low-level Feisheng pool was absorbed, and the speed of its flow was increasing every day!

Its destination is exactly 160 three rooms.

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