
Chapter 859 Chaos Immortal Realm

Facing these immortals just now, Chu Hao was extremely nervous. If he hadn't been strong-willed, he might really show his timidity in front of those people, and if he found a psychological breakthrough, he would be doomed.

"Why do they insist on coming in to check, and there are still so many immortals?"

Chu Hao leaned back against the stone gate, his mood calmed down a little, and only a trace of doubt surged in his heart.

At first he thought it was just finding fault, after all, among those immortals, he saw a familiar figure, that is the sword fairy Le Yi.But later he overturned this idea. Even if Le Yi came to Feishengchi to find him, these immortals may not be at his disposal. The owner of Sword Immortal City is only a golden immortal, but among those people just now , at least five of them are golden immortals, so many golden immortals?Does Le Yi have the ability to please him?

Don't think about it, there must be a reason he doesn't know about it.

But what is the reason, Chu Hao really racked his brains and couldn't figure it out. He had not been in the Immortal Realm not long ago, and the only people he offended were Chen Mengqing's mother and son. As for the Feisheng Pond, he didn't even show his face, so what People would be so bored to target him?

Emperor Yao?That was simply impossible, and Chu Hao also felt that he thought highly of himself too much.

check the room...

After Chu Hao leaned against the Shimen and calmed down for a while, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he suddenly caught some key problems. Yes, what they said was to check the room, because something happened to the water source of the underground Feisheng Pool.

Chu Hao walked to the edge of the pool, stretched out his hand to caress the edge of the pool, and suddenly a ridiculous thought arose in his heart, could it be that the water in the Ascension Pool is only for soaking, not for absorption?

Otherwise, the room is empty, so what is there to check?

Chu Hao suddenly felt that he had caught the problem and found the key point.But when he thought about it this way, his hair stood on end again. He had been meditating inside without moving. Could it be that the water would disappear by itself?

Vaguely, Chu Hao seemed to be aware that he did feel the fluctuation of the water flow when he improved his physique, but how exactly this fluctuation was absorbed, he couldn't tell at all.

"It's really inexplicable." Chu Hao thought to himself.

But at this time, Chen Honghong's voice sounded, and said: "Stinky boy, don't you feel that the primordial spirit in your body has changed a lot?"

"Primordial Spirit?" Chu Hao was taken aback for a moment, then he came to his senses and quickly checked the condition of his Primordial Spirit.And the next moment, Chu Hao's face was full of astonishment, because he clearly felt that his primordial spirit had actually grown a little during this period of time, and this growth was not just about volume, but quality and purity!

The primordial spirit, which contains the energy of the five elements, is now more pure, compared to when it came up from the mortal world, it is a world of difference!

"Could it be that my primordial spirit has absorbed the water in the Ascension Pool?" Chu Hao murmured to himself.

"It should be for this reason." Chen Honghong said: "Although the water in the Feisheng Pool can be provided by the water source of the fairy world, it cannot be absorbed by anyone, and you should not only absorb the water from the Feisheng Pool in this room, but even implicated It has reached the water source in other rooms or the entire center, that’s why other immortals are dissatisfied, their Ascension Pool has been affected by you, of course they have to come and check.”

"So that's the case, then why didn't Emperor Yao come to find me?" Chu Hao finally understood a little bit, but he still couldn't figure it out a little bit. Since the Feisheng Pool belonged to Emperor Yao, if something went wrong, why was it that group of people? The fairy came to trouble him.

Chen Honghong pondered for a while, and said: "It's also possible that Emperor Yao has other things that can't be separated. In short, you must hurry up, and before those immortals react, there is still time for you to sneak away."

"I still have a few days." Chu Hao said dissatisfiedly, "I have consumed fairy stones."

"Damn money fan, is life more important than the fairy stone?" Chen Honghong said: "You have adapted to the environment of the fairy world now, even if you go out, you can control the Hunyuan cauldron, and then fly to a place where no one is around to hide for a while, or leave This area is safer than staying in this place."

"I really think this place is safer." Chu Hao nodded seriously, and said, "You didn't notice that there was a familiar face among those immortals just now."

"You mean the Earth Immortal in Sword Immortal City?"

Chu Hao nodded, and said: "Yes, he has appeared here, so Chen Mengqing must have been waiting outside even if he wasn't in the Ascension Pond. He must have recognized me just now, I don't believe in such a coincidence , He just thought of coming to Feisheng Pond to practice."

"That's right." Chen Honghong thought for a while, feeling a little helpless: "Then what should we do now? We are in a dilemma."

"It's fate..." Chu Hao raised his head and sighed: "When I was in the mortal world, I wanted to be powerful, and I didn't want to be controlled by others everywhere, but in the fairy world, the result is still the same. Here I am even smaller. Immortals are not counted, it is so easy for others to control my destiny..."

Yes, even though Chu Hao has passed the baptism of Feisheng Pond, he has only escaped from the mortal womb and is not considered a fairy.However, Yuanshen had absorbed so much water from the Ascension Pool, although there had been a change, but this change did not affect Chu Hao at all, nor did it improve his strength.

It can be said that Chu Hao is at his wit's end right now, it's really not good to leave, and there is nothing he can do if he doesn't leave.

Just when Chu Hao sat down in the Feisheng Pool again, a voice suddenly echoed in the room: "Do you feel very helpless now?"

"Who?" Chu Hao was startled, but soon realized that this voice was exactly the same as the one he made when he entered the wilderness outside, Emperor Yao!

Emperor Yao actually talked to himself?

Chu Hao resisted the shock in his heart, calmed down, and said, "Is it Senior Yao?"

"Do you feel helpless now?" Emperor Yao did not answer Chu Hao's words, but continued to ask.

If it wasn't for the huge disparity in strength, Chu Hao really wanted to scold this guy, damn it, isn't this just looking for excitement, so I want to hear Lao Tzu say helpless?But he still said honestly: "Yes. Senior Emperor Yao saw it."

"Of course." Emperor Yao said indifferently: "There are three little guys guarding outside now. If there is no accident, they should be here for you."

"Yes." Chu Hao was shocked when he heard the three. Chen Mengqing's mother and son really wanted to put him to death, and even called two helpers. But hearing that there was no Golden Immortal inside, he must be the lord of Sword Immortal City Should not have come.

"I'm very curious about you." Emperor Yao said, "And since you entered the Feisheng Pool, I have been watching you for a long time."

"Observe me?" Chu Hao wasn't surprised either. With Emperor Yao's ability and Feishengchi belonged to him, wouldn't it be easy for him to monitor someone.It's just that Chu Hao couldn't figure out what there was in him that deserved Emperor Yao's attention.

"You should be a mortal cultivator who ascended from the lower realm. There is nothing wrong with that." Emperor Yao didn't give Chu Hao too many opportunities to ask, but kept asking himself.

Chu Hao nodded, although he didn't know whether Emperor Yao could see it or not.

Emperor Yao continued: "You have absorbed the water source of my Feisheng Pool here. Although it is only the water source of the low-level Feisheng Pool, it has also indirectly affected the middle-level Feisheng Pool. I can see all of this."

"Then, senior, you won't ask me to compensate you, I don't have so many fairy stones."

"I don't need your compensation, and you really can't afford it." Emperor Yao said calmly, "It's just that I have seen many mortal monks, but I have never seen one as weird as you. But the primordial spirit in the body is the most powerful among the monks I have ever seen, after becoming a fairy body, I am afraid it will be even more terrifying, after being a fairy, your starting point will be very high."

Chu Hao didn't understand what Emperor Yao meant, so he could only say cautiously: "Thank you Emperor Yao for your praise."

"How did you come up?" Emperor Yao said, "You soaked in the Feisheng Pond and absorbed the water directly, so it didn't take a long time to assimilate and awaken your potential like other monks, but that's exactly what happened. Your body doesn't have the slightest smell of the Immortal Tribulation, and you seem out of place with the entire Immortal Tribulation."

"It's a smuggled immigration." Chu Hao said: "But the specifics, I'm sorry to tell you."

"You'd better tell me." Emperor Yao said lightly: "You should know that if I want to learn something from you, I can completely control your spiritual consciousness to understand it. I say that, do you understand?"

"Understood, but everyone has their own bottom line. If Senior Yao wants to understand through this method, that's totally fine, but I will still resist, even though it is futile." Chu Hao also said frankly.

After being silent for a while, Emperor Yao said: "Do you know that the fairyland is not such a peaceful place. Many mortal monks squeezed their scalps and wanted to come up, but found that the situation after coming up was not even as good as the mortal world. In this fairyland, A guy like you, who has never even reached Earth Immortal, may be decapitated at any time."

"Appreciate further details."

"There used to be a heaven in the fairyland, but 2 years ago, the heaven was overthrown overnight. The nine heavens in the fairyland were independent. No one obeyed the orders of the heavens. Countless forces rose up, and the whole fairyland was like a chaotic world." Emperor Yao was silent for a while, and said slowly: "It turns out that the people in the heavenly court are also scattered in various fairylands and nine heavens, but it is precisely because of the destruction of the heavenly court that the descendants of the witch clan and countless races in hidden corners that were originally under the threat of the two races of the heavenly court and monsters It is also beginning to emerge, and the fairy world is extremely chaotic."

Chu Hao was extremely shocked. He suddenly felt that it was impossible for Emperor Yao to say so much to himself for no reason. A thought flashed in his mind and said, "Senior Emperor Yao, could it be that you were an immortal in the heaven?"

Emperor Yao was silent for a while, and said slowly: "My greatest wish in life is to reshape the heavenly court. I am struggling to find someone who can help me in the third heaven, and now, I seem to have found it."

Chaotic Immortal World, this is really Chaotic Immortal World, and everyone is crazy. Emperor Yao, who wants to reshape the Heavenly Court, must be a complete lunatic.

Chu Hao hurriedly said: "Then congratulations, senior." Then he asked curiously: "Who is that person?"

After the celestial world was shattered, there was such a big mess, and Emperor Yao actually wanted to reshape the heaven, what an ambition it was.After Chu Hao asked this sentence, he also felt a little abrupt, this Emperor Yao would not be bored alone, talk to himself, and then kill people to silence him.

"No need to congratulate." Emperor Yao interrupted Chu Hao's obsession, and said: "The fairy world is chaotic, even the third heaven in this mere area is also in chaos. Just having the power of the immortal master has reached six, this It's just the third heaven, and the heavenly court of the ninth heaven was created by the four previous kings. Those are all immortals at the level of proving the Tao. Some, it is even more difficult to reshape."

This Emperor Yao spoke incoherently, anticlimactic, Chu Hao was really afraid that he would accidentally tell the secret to himself and then destroy himself.

Emperor Yao changed his tone, and continued: "You should know your situation now. Even if I forgive you for absorbing the water source of Feisheng Pond, those immortals who have been affected will not forgive you. And I am only the master here , but as long as I don't do anything here, I won't care about the conflicts and grievances between the guests. Besides, if you don't have fairy stones, I can't let you practice for free here. After you go out, you won't be the three angels opponent."

Chu Hao was furious, he was still intimidated by the teasing of Emperor Yao's mother, he said, "Then what should I do?"

"It's very simple. I can let you practice for one more year, but there is a prerequisite. You have to break through the fault of the Five Elements Formation in my underground world and let me see your potential."


The book is over.It should be said that the first part is completely over.

The editor must ask for a deadline this month. I really don't want to post the outline anymore. After all, I only wrote two-thirds of it. I really want to finish it. How can I finish it!

But there is no way, I have to support my family, if I continue to write, I will not have any royalties, and I will even be abandoned.

I know I'm sorry to everyone, really, I will post a single chapter in a few days to apologize to everyone, I don't expect to be forgiven, but I have written for so long, intermittently in the middle, I have injected the most emotion, And the book with the most words written.

But now, it's just so anticlimactic, yes, it's over.

I'm sorry everyone!

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